Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 13, 2008


Crestwood 5

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

The next morning I was with the crew cleaning up the area around Emily Carlisle's house. Jon wanted to have as few reminders of the tragedy as possible. That made sense to me. That sort of thing wasn't supposed to happen in a place like Crestwood.

Emily didn't have children. A cousin in the Midwest the the closest relative. Jon contacted the cousin. She deeply distressed, but was going though chemotherapy for breast cancer and was in no condition to deal with the death. Her husband was a retired Naval officer, and had met the Admiral on a visit. After a flurry of phone calls and faxes, Admiral Green was appointed co-executor and he was put in charge of the funeral arrangements and cleaning out the house.

Green told Jon he appreciate it if he could get some help with the clean up and heavy work. He asked for me. Jon agreed. I'd been in Richmond for years so I had funeral connections. Emily had been Episcopalian and Green was Presbyterian. I got in touch with Wally, an organist in the most up scale Episcopalian church in town. He knew everyone and knew exactly who to call. I knew funeral director and he took care of everything. The body was at the medical examiner's lab, but once it was released everything was on automatic pilot. That made it easier for the Admiral and Emily's friends.

Admiral Green wanted to get to the bank statements as soon as possible. The banks weren't too willing to do that, but Fire Marshall DeSoto took care of that. The Admiral and the Fire Marshall overpowered the branch manager. I got my accountant to help. Frank was a forensic accountant who had a nose for financial irregularity.

When the investigators were done, we got into the house. Cleaning up is good way to go over everything in detail. I started in the living room. The admiral worked on the library-den. He was looking for records. Vince called me on my cell phone. "We didn't find a purse, wallet or checkbook," he said. "If you find them let me know."

I told the Admiral about the call. "Curious, isn't it?" he said. I nodded. There was no way a seventy year old lady would be without a purse. As yet,we didn't have any of the lab reports on Emily or Liz, the guard, but the potential for an accidental fire was diminishing at a breakneck pace.

As I cleaned up the living room I found no trace of the Homer. I did find the well framed hunting print sitting behind an arm chair. I guessed it preceded the Homer on the wall behind the sofa. There was no trace of the suspect painting.

"I found last years records," The Admiral called from the next room, "in the secretary. Old check records are here too." I went to the library and looked at the checks. Emily had neat and orderly handwriting and each check was carefully recorded. If there was a checkbook in her purse it would tell a tale. We didn't find it. I wondered if a woman might be involved. A woman would be more likely to remember the purse.

At this point most of the investigative work was going on in the Sate labs and in Richmond. I had people working on investigating Henry Paulus and the Miller galleries, as well as looking into Mrs. Carlisle's finances. The Admiral and I were much engaged in funeral arrangements .The funeral was at 10:30 on Friday and there was a reception afterwards at Crestwood. Mrs Carlisle and her husband weren't Virginia natives, so most of the people at the service were from Crestwood. It was nicely handled, and it seemed to release the tension at the home. Funerals provide closure.

It wasn't closed for me or the Admiral. He was a driven man. There was no way he would be happy until the murderer was in jail. We agree on that. I didn't go to the funeral since I didn't know the woman and I wanted to remain in the background. I worked at the house, getting rid of any evidence of a fire on the outside.

A local nursery provided new plants to replace those damaged by the firemen. We got a few loads of turf to fix the lawn. It was a long day for me, but it looked great at five. I went by the Admiral's to see how the funeral had gone. He said all had been perfect and thanked me for my advice. "I'm sort of a bull in the china shop when it comes to these things," he said. "My wife use to do that sort of thing. Your pals got it just right."

"Well, I said, "You had the best gay organist, caterer and florist in Richmond. If they can't get it right they get kicked out of the gay union. Sensitivity is the name of the game."

He laughed. "I guess you're right about that. I'm bushed."

"Me too. It's been a long week," I said.

There was a long silence. "I have something odd to ask you, " he said. "If you get offended, just forget I said anything."

"To tell you the truth, it takes a lot for me to get offended," I said. "Shoot."

"I'm going to visit a few friends on the Eastern Shore this weekend. They're all retired military and we all share the same interests," he said. "I mentioned to Karl, the host, that I had met a really horse hung man. He asked if I could bring you along. I guess you could say it's a sex party. We're all older men."

"Am I the door prize?"

"You are offended!" the Admiral exclaimed. He was worried.

"If there is a lot of sex, I'm usually game. I do like to top. Did you mention that?" I asked.

He smiled. "That's not going to be a problem. Karl wanted to know if you were a top." I agreed to go with him.

I went home with Glenn and Larry. They were relieved the funeral was over. They were on call that weekend and were hoping the residents would calm down. The next morning the Admiral picked me up at nine and we drove to the eastern shore.

Virginia's Eastern Shore always struck me as an accident and a failure of the mapmakers' art. It is completely detached from the mass of Virginia by the Chesapeake bay. It sits all by itself connected to the rest of the state by the bridge tunnel. We got to Karl's place just before lunchtime. Karl lived in a handsome house in the middle of a large farm of several hundred acres. I would guess the house was built around 1800 and it was in beautiful condition. Most of the property had grown up, so it was completely secluded from the road. It was a private as a house could be.

Karl was a retired Captain in the Navy. The only other guest was Col. Bull O'Brien, a Marine. Bull was mad. He had been forced to retire because of his sexual tenancies. That was an excuse to cover the real reason they got rid of him. He was a Middle Eastern expert and was unhappy with the Pentagon's policy for the war in Iraq. As he watched the war turn into a disaster, he just got madder.

He was a body builder and exercise fanatic, and looked at me askance. I wasn't his type at all. Karl was a courteous man who had served as a protocol officer in the Pentagon. He made sure visiting dignitaries were greeted and treated appropriately for their rank and station. He had been an attaché in several embassies, including Moscow and Beijing. I assumed he was in military intelligence.

Two men arrived shorty after we got there. Tommy was a former Master Sergeant, and Calvin was Chief Petty officer in the Navy. Calvin had the most spectacular Alabama accent I had ever heard. He blew his nose with an accent. Tommy was an Italian from the Bronx. They were friends, but you would have thought they needed a translator.

We had sandwiches for lunch and then went to the back yard. It overlooked a narrow inlet of the bay. An overgrown boxwood hedge defined one side of the yard. Karl led us through a gap in the bushes and we came to a circular pool. A fountain sprayed water across the pool. Karl stripped naked and jumped in. The rest of us followed shortly. The water was warm, but very clear and refreshing. We played around a bit, then I got out and dried off in the sun.

When O'Brien got out, he did a double take when he saw my cock. I love size queens and Bull was showing twelve of the ten danger signs of being a size queen. He had started to take a space on the other side of the pool, but decided to relocate next to me. Karl had been next to him on the other side. "Nice, isn't it?" Karl said as he glanced toward my cock.

"I've got first dibs!" Bull replied as he relocated next to me. I don't think he knew how well sound carries across water. I'm not the shyest man in the world and not shy about my body at all. It would have been hard to hide my cock even if we were wearing trunks any way.

Bull had a great body. He was massive and powerful, he had clipped his body hair that formed an even mat on his chest. His bush hadn't been clipped and his cock and balls were compact and almost hidden in the hair.

Karl was physically the opposite. He was tall and lean with a runner's physique. He was shaved hairless with a neat cube of hair at his pubes. A long white snake hung from the cube. His low hanging ball sack held the jewels. They were the size of ripe plums. He was cut and his cock head was the size of the balls.

The Admiral, Calvin and Tommy joined us. Tommy was hairy and slightly built. Calvin was massive and smooth. We chatted for a while, but no one wanted to make the first move. When Karl was standing next to me, I took the opportunity to suck him. It was as if someone had shot off a starting gun.

Our sextet turned to three pairs of sucking men. After a few minutes we broke apart, relieved that the sex had started.

"You sure are a friendly group off guys," I said. "Nice and welcoming,"

"You've got a lot to welcome," Bull said.

"I'm not a very refined guy," I added, "While I like to suck, I really like to top. Is that a problem?"

Karl, Bull and Tommy said, "This is your lucky day!" in unison. We all burst out laughing. Karl's dog started to bark so he went off to see what it was. I decided to see what Bull wanted. Actually, I knew what he wanted, but I didn't know what he could take.

Bull turned his attention to me, or, more correctly, to my cock. I may not have been his type, but my cock made up for my physical shortcomings. I must admit, Bull was neither shy nor inexperienced, but before we could get down to serious business, Karl returned with two more guests. One was a younger man in his thirties and the other was a man I remembered seeing on the television as a Pentagon consultant.

Everyone slowed down to greet the newcomers and to let them catch up. I will say they did that quickly. The young man was Rich, he had been an Arabic translator for he Army. The older man was simply called Hank. Both were new to the group. Rich was now living in Richmond, and while he was an Army man, he exemplified the Marine Gung-Ho attitude. He was a sexual spark plug and he got things going.

Rich was perhaps the most average man in the world. He was average in weight and hight, average looking and had standard issue equipment too. You would never pick him out in a crowd. He loved sex and he wasn't at all shy about getting it.

Hank was distinguished looking but reserved, some what like Admiral Green. Once he got going he was a sensual man. I think he may have been nearly 70 years old, but he had no problem maintaining an erection. He was uncut and hung. Hank wouldn't go looking for sex, but if it passed his way, he would take it. Once he had the ball, he would run with it.

As we talked I heard thunder in the distance. It was hot and muggy, so we left the pool and went inside. I've been to my share of sex parties and usually sex is in a play room. Here we split up and went to individual bedrooms. I ended up in a room with Bull and Rich. I could tell Rich was turned on by Bull and excited by my cock.

Rather oddly, Rich seemed to instinctively know Bull wanted to get fucked and he set about getting Bull ready for the penetration. He offed to do a lubricating to open Bull's ass.

"What in hell is a lubricating fuck?" Bull asked.

"Well, I coat mt cock and your ass with as much lube as possible then shove it in deep." Rich explained. "If you're planning to take that monster cock your bed mate sports, deep lubrication is what you need. If you're open minded, I can shoot some of the homemade lubricant really deep."

"You shoot a big load?" Bull asked as he stroked Rich's meat. Rich was playing with Bull's ass.

"When I turned on it can hit the ceiling," Rich said. "I'm just about as turned on as I've ever been in my life.

"Give me the full treatment," Bull said. I could tell Rich amused him. Rich coated his cock and eased it into Bull's ass. Bull was excited and took it easily. Rich's shaft was on the thin side, but the knob was big. That suited Bull just fine. Rich puled out, squirted some lube into Bull ass, then used is cock to shove it deep.

Rich did this twice then made a dozen deep strokes in quick succession and shot off. He shook and shivered with each ejaculation. Bull loved that. When Rich pulled out he was still drooling cum. I nosed mt cock head into the quivering hole. Bull was on his back and I took his legs and spread them wide and pushed them open. I wanted Bull to be defenseless. I played with his hole, pushing the head in part way but just stretching the sphincter, not popping it.

Bull had buns of steel, so he wasn't entirely defenseless. I knew he wanted my cock, but some times your body isn't so sure about a large object lodging itself in your ass. I also didn't know if Bull wanted my cock just because it was big, or because he like to get fucked. Some guys are more into the achievement than the sensation.

I bounced and pressed my cock until Bull opened for me. I didn't pop through it, he wanted it so bad that he opened up. Usually I stop once I'm in to the let a guy get his bearings. This time I pushed in deep until my curly pubes tickled his ass. I didn't shove it in, I just pushed in a single slow movement. Bull's eyes crossed and he sighed. A second or two later, his sphincter tightened, trying to grab my cock and keep it in his ass.

Once I was in he wanted it in. I jiggled my cock to see how we would react. It was all that I could wish for. He could hardly breathe when I moved. I would pump a little and he would try to grab my cock with his violated sphincter. We had a nice, friendly battle until he unconditionally surrendered. By then my cock was freely traveling into the depths of his ass and he was either moaning, begging me to stop or begging me to fuck him harder.

The other guys visited the room to watch. Some were amused, all were turned on. Karl leaned over to whisper encouragement into Bull's ear. Hank popped his cock into Karl's ass effortlessly. On the other side of the Room, Calvin was bent over with the Admiral slow fucking him. Rich fucked Tommy, the hairy Italian.

I was having a great time until I went too far and shot everything I could into Bull's ass. I bellowed," I'm shooting!" as I climaxed. This seemed to precipitate a general round of orgasms. When I pulled out, I got on the bed, straddled Bull's cock and sat on it. I don't think more that half of his organ was in my ass before he popped. His whole body shivered and bucked as he popped. I wasn't big enough to hold him down, so I had to ride the bucking bronco. He got really deep. When he calmed down, I played with his tits and he stoked the hair on my chest.

He was still having after shocks, and I remained turned on. He was still hard and I did a little hula dance on his pole. His knob made the perfect connection with my prostate and I lobbed a couple of volleys over his chest. Bull opened his mouth the catch the last shot. As he swallowed it, I felt his cock twitch.

The room was quiet with everyone recovering. There must have been a general exchange of cum. I had a friend who said the orgasm wasn't over until the last drops drooled from the slit. I got off Bull's cock and was next to him. "I've never tasted another man's cum before," he said.

"Are you okay with it?" I asked.

"I think I could get use to it," he replied.

"There are drinks in the other room," Kurt announced. There had been a small thunderstorm as we played in the bedroom, but the sun was shining again. The room remained hot, but the humidity had abated, We left the bed room and walked naked back to the pool. The men were relaxed now and any initial shyness or reserve was gone.

The change was most noticeable in the Admiral and Hank. Their trips up Karl and Calvin's backsides had broken through their natural reserve. The Admiral came over to me, "was that as good as it looked?" he asked. I said yes.

"I had no idea Bull was available," he added, "I thought he was a pure top."

"He may be, all top. Sometimes guys get inspired some times to try out new things," I said, "But I know he ain't pure no more!" I fondled then Admoral's cock. He was still dripping a little, so I tasted it.

He watched me do this and simply said, "Damn!" I left me and walked over to Bull who was lying on a towel next to the pool. A little later the Admiral was fingering Bull's ass. He had relaxed.

I sat next to Rich and Tommy. "I had figured you for a bottom," I said to Rich.

"You figured right," he said, smiling. "but you could have figured me as bottom, a sideways, or a middle. Some guys are ambidextrous, I'm ambi-sexual. If you can do it with a cock, I like it."

"And boy, does he like it," Tommy said. We talked for a while as we recharged our balls. Investigation is usually 90% hard work and 10% good luck. I was lucky today. Rick had an apartment above a art gallery in Richmond, none other than the Miller Galleries of Americana. He knew the manager of the Gallery, R. Winston Jones, and he did part time work for them translating letters and bills from Asian suppliers.

Rick was an expert in oriental languages, Hindi and Chinese as well as Arabic. Actually, Hindi and Chinese were his strong suit. His step father had been a Jordanian Engineer, and he had picked that up from him. I've never understood how a person could pick up a language, but that was what Rick could do.

"The funny thing is that the Americana in the Miller Galleries of Americana is mostly Chinese," Rick said. "There's a studio somewhere in Shanghai had produces wild west pictures for them."

"That's America for you," Tommy said. "I'll bet there's a made in China mark on the inside of the Liberty Bell."

"The paintings cost a lot, most are a $1,000.00 to $1,500.00 at the current exchange rate," Rick explained. "Good old R. Winston has some art students who antique them and they even have a oven sort of thing that makes them look older."

"What do the sell them for?" I asked.

"That's funny," Rich said. "Nothing had a price tag on it. Everything is sold, "By Appointment only." The gallery is never open to the public. I don't know anything about art, other that I almost bought a sofa sized painting form the back of a truck in a K-Mart parking lot once. R. Winston told me they never advertise. People know them by word of mouth only."

"R. Winston must be quite a character," I said.

"That he is," Rich said. "He has an English accent he got from going to the movies. I think Hugh Grant is his model. As far as I can tell, he's from Michigan. That's the accent under the accent."

"Is he good in bed?" I asked.

"I never kiss and tell," Rich said. I looked at him with disbelief. He burst out laughing. "To tell you the truth I'm way too old for him. He has a pal, a guy named Henry, who seem to import Asian boys for their mutual enjoyment. I've met a few of them. Henry and R. Winston think they are getting genuine teen age chicken. Most of the guys are in their 20s, but one or two were 30. They looked young."

"I'm not into teenage sex," Tommy said.

"Nor am I, Rich said. "I like my beef aged. I talked with several of the "boys". Life is rough begin gay in China. Pretending to be a 14-year-old and getting fucked by two American Queens seemed like a good deal to them. Once and a while they get poked by some of R. Winston's clients, but the guys seemed to like that.

Next: Chapter 101: Catfish Moves to Crestwood Acres 6

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