Millennium Construction Company

Published on Dec 8, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 10

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

I understood why Julio and Steve were investigators in the week between Christmas and New Years. Once they had a lead they were relentless in their pursuit. A lot of offices were closed and people out of town during that period, but they were able to flesh out the theory. Steve went to Baltimore and exchanged notes with the investigators there. Vince was out of the hospital and was contributing his knowledge.

The Baltimore investigators had missed the shady real estate agent aspect because the firm operated under two names. Since the m.o. was so similar in both Baltimore and Richmond, Steve suggested there might be a common link, other than the torch himself. That idea intrigued an Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agent working in Baltimore on the project.

Back in Richmond, Vince dropped by my house. He was on crutches and in pain from cracked and brused ribs, but the excitement of the chase got him out. He was on the trail too. Vince asked me to assemble some of my historical friends and try to identify the potential sites for the next fires. The Bureau of Fire wasn't as good in historic preservation as it should be. We needed to be discrete, since we didn't want word of our line of inquiries to get out.

I decided to have an open house inviting some of my preservation friends. Karl offered to cater it and suggested that some of his real estate clients might be able to help. Bob was back and they arranged everything. We had it the weekend after New Years.

Much to my surprise John Adams showed up with Liz Maxwell, the rising star in his firm. Adams was the patriarch of Richmond real estate and was semi-retired. Walter Dobson, the Director of the Preservation Trust for Virginia, Art Millwood, the Director of the Richmond Art Alliance came with Max MacAfee, the architect. Skeeter and Larry played waiter and Vince, Julio and Steve represented the Fire Department. Ram, the psychiatrist from the state prison and Billy, the counselor also came since they had ideas about the torch. An A.T. F. agent, Tiffany Tunbridge rounded out the group.

Vince presented the problem in a beautifully crafted statement. We had an arsonist, who was burning buildings to clear properties for redevelopment. There also appeared to be a drug connection as there were the burned bodies of drug dealers associated with many of the fires. We wanted to anticipate the next fire and were looking for advice as to possible sites.

"I assume everything in the room will remain private information, except as it relates to the arson and murder investigation." Adams said. "The major developments planned, or underway in town are . . . ." Adams proceeded to give an impressive and quick summary of developments, most of which were unannounced and secret. I was shocked at the number of projects.

"Are there anymore you don't know about?" Steve asked.

"I seriously doubt it." Liz said, answering for her employer. "Keeping a project secret is a polite fiction for the most part. We are a large and well connected firm and we get wind of almost everything. It is understood we don't act on confidential information, that would betray professional courtesy, but we know."

"Which projects are associated with historic properties?" Vince asked. Max, Art and Walter possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of Richmond's historic buildings. It was nice to be in a group of people who really knew their stuff. Within an hour, we had focused on two projects. One was a hotel addition, next to an empty Classical church. The other was a Tudor style school located on the site of a proposed shopping center.

Continental Reality was associated with both. Adams thought the church was the most likely victim. It was near downtown, but slightly off the main drag. Liz also knew another important fact. The deadline for the options on the project were to expire in February. The developer claimed the church site was needed to provide additional parking space.

"That is within sight of our offices!" Art said. "We can watch it!"

"This isn't amateur hour here." Ram said. He had been quiet for all of the real estate and historical conversation. "Ever since I first spoke to Steve about this case, it gets stranger and stranger. Most arsonists do it to see the fire. The flames excite them, but the bodies inside suggest a sadist. I will bet there is a psychotic involved. A dangerous one. I think we need cops with guns on this case."

"Ram is right. The deadline may be just the information we need, though." Vince said. " The Commissioner of Public Safety wouldn't put a building under surveillance if we have six months, or a year to watch, but two months is a possibility."

"All the fires were set after dark. If we put the building under surveillance we don't need to do it for 24 hours a day." Julio added.

"Well, you have the use of my offices for the watch. The view from the third floor is spectacular." Art added.

"The view of the school from the attic, upstairs is good too." Skeeter said. He had been listening in.

"It can't be." Vince said. "It twenty blocks away."

"Well it is. Its in clear view from the bathroom window. You have to stand in the tub to see it, but it's clear as can be. When they demolished the houses near it and built the expressway they must have opened the view up." Skeeter insisted. Julio and the A.T. F. Agent went to look at it. The rear side of the school was in full view. With a pair of high powered night vision binoculars you would have no problem watching it at all. The work part of the open house was done now. The police and fire department would decide what to do with the information.

Karl provided the food and it was spectacular. I guessed that having John Adams and the historical people there was an inspiration for him. It was light, beautiful to look at and tasted better than it looked. I saw Art talking to Karl and I assumed he was planning to use Karl for one of the many social events sponsored by his historical organization. Liz commented that the food was so interesting and different. I knew Karl had catered for Adams & Bergdoff before and he must have decided to show them the old dog knew some new recipes.

Adams knew everyone in Richmond associated with development and said he doubted the individual developers knew about the scheme. "The developer of the shopping center by the school is in way over his head." he said. "Young MBA type with no experience and not as much sense as he needs. The real estate agent, Smith, is scum. Fast talking, with lots of money. I haven't been able to find exactly where the money came from."

"Mafia?" Julio asked.

"You are from up North!" Liz said with a laugh. "Two years ago, I would have said you were crazy to think that could happen in Richmond. I'm not so sure now. Smith's projects are very expensive and the pro forma's are marginal. I have wondered if the projects are a money laundering scheme."

"That is my suspicion." Adams added. "I may be old fashioned, but I am uncomfortable with a developer who is unconcerned with cost. Smith talks that way and it just doesn't seem right. Anyone who says cost is no object is doing something he shouldn't be doing." The party broke up by four and every one went their way.

Vince stayed for dinner, since his family had returned home and he wasn't cooking for himself yet. Steve and Julio went to the fire headquarters. Bob and Karl were cleaning up and Skeeter had gone to Bubba's apartment to watch football. Billy and Ram had gone off to Billy's house. I wondered if Ram's monster cock would fit in Billy's diminutive body. Larry remained. He was always near Vince.

Vince was moving slowly. He had sore ribs, and a sprain or two but was in good spirits.

"How was your daughter's visit?" I asked.

"They were actually helpful after I got back from the hospital." Vince said. "Quite frankly, being helpful isn't her strong suit. I was pleased she did as well as she did. Glad she's gone though."

"Too much confusion?" Larry asked. Vince laughed.

"That and not enough sex!" Vince replied. "I hate to sound like a horny old bastard, but being laid up for two weeks with no way to drain your cock is an ordeal! My daughter was so attentive that every time I even thought about jerking off she would appear to look in on me."

"You could build up a lot of cum in two weeks." Larry said. I knew exactly who planned to drain Vince's cock. Poor Larry was almost drooling.

"You know, I don't even know if it's fresh anymore." Vince said. He looked at Larry in a way that clearly indicated he knew who wanted his load.

"I'm pretty sure it keeps." Larry said. "Do you think the hot tub at my house would help you loosen up? It always helps me when I am stiff."

"It just might." Vince said. "I don't know if I can get into it. I am that stiff."

Bob looked in from the kitchen. "This is your lucky day. I was a physical therapist. Banking is my second career. I can get you into the water with no trouble." We all trooped over to Larry's house and went to the tub. Bob took charge and maneuvered Vince into the water effortlessly.

Bob and Karl were friends of mine, but we hadn't played together. This was the first time I had seen them naked. Bob was as neat and orderly naked as he was dressed. He had a full body tan and muscles courtesy of an expensive health club. The hair on his chest almost matched his tan, and was absolutely even. It looked pruned. His cock was nice, with a mushroom head on a comparatively thin shaft. The cock head hung just above his low hangers. His balls were beautiful.

Karl was almost hairless except for the mane of hair on his head and a thick pubic bush. He had a fire hose cock. It was a long cylinder of flesh, with a head the same size as the shaft. I had no idea what it would look like hard. Skeeter liked Karl's cock. Then I remembered that Bob didn't appreciate Karl's weekend with Skeeter. Karl said he had told Bob about his experience with Skeeter and things had been very quiet ever since.

I sat between Karl and Bob and Larry sat with Vince. The bubbling water hid the activity below the water, but there was no question as to what Vince and Larry were thinking about doing. Much to my surprise Karl was feeling me out. Bob was doing the same. Their hands met at my cock.

"It's time for you guys to shake and make up." I said. They both burst into laughter. They stroked my cock and kissed.

"Karl says sometimes you need to get your hair mussed, if you want really good sex." Bob said. He looked at my bald head and laughed again. "I guess that's not a problem for you?"

"Different strokes for different folks." I said. "I never think about my hair during sex. Then again, I never think about hair anyway. It doesn't play much of a role in my life." Bob stroked the hair on my chest. "I am a big hairy guy." I continued, thinking out loud, "My wife thought the hair was gross, but it always seemed masculine to me. My daughter thought it was gross too, but she married a Greek-Armenian stock broker. Some characteristics come to be a part of you. Neatness isn't an affectation, it's was part of your personality and character."

"Like being a slut is a part of mine." Karl said.

"Well a little less neatness and less sluttyness probably wouldn't hurt anybody." Bob said. "Or maybe if I get a little slutty and you turn neat it will be fine!"

"As long as I don't need to be neat, that will be fine!" Karl said. They were both laughing by now. They had made up.

"Okay lovebirds! You need some help from the professionals!" Bob said to Larry and Vince. "You may find it hard to believe but I used to help people make love after an injury. I was a specialist in intercourse without hurting yourself."

"Shit, I'd be happy with a blow job." Vince said.

"Well if you are happy with that, it's easy." Bob said. "Genuine, heavy duty fucking was my specialty."

"Was this a course of study at school?" Larry asked.

"If it wasn't it should have been. My specialty was quality of life." Bob explained. "Sex is a part of life. It was great when you could take a badly injured man and get him screwing again. He feels like he a man again. He sees there is a normal life in his future. It's the same for women. You can be whole again."

"You sound like a Clara Barton for a new age!" I said, laughing.

"Bob is really good at it."Karl said, with some admiration in his voice. "He counsels and helps people. You wouldn't believe the presents he gets when it works out. Talk about grateful people!"

"What brings this up is the hot tub." Bob said. "Water makes everything easy. You get relaxed, you can move easily and you can balance without applying pressure. It's the ideal therapeutic sex machine."

"I'm game!" Vince said as he slowly raised himself out of the water. He was fully erect. Karl and Bob looked stunned. They had never seen Vince naked and hard.

"Who in hell is going to sit on that mother fucker!" Bob said, incredulously. "Damn it's big!"

"Been there before, can't wait to get there again." Larry said. Once the amazement wore off, Bob got down to business. He eased Vince back in the water and stroked the monster cock.

"Normally the water is enough to lube the cock, but we need a little help here." Bob said as he got some oil out and slicked it on Vince's cock. Larry put his feet on each side of Vince on the seat of the pool. He straddled the monster meat and slowly lowered himself. Karl and I supported Larry, so none of his weight would be on Vince. I guided the cock into Larry's ass.

The last time Vince and Larry coupled, Vince forced his cock into Larry's ass. Larry was willing enough, but it was a lot of cock to fit in any ass, even a willing one. This time everything depended on Larry. I worked some lubricant into his hole and Larry sat back a second time. I held Vince's cock at the opening.

"Open it up Larry." Bob said. "Open up and let that cock in. You've got to do all the work. Open that hole and let Vince in. Once you let the mushroom in, it's clear sailing." I had my hand on Vince's ass, making sure he didn't move.

"Vince. You don't need to do anything except stay hard and shoot when you feel like it." Karl said. "Larry's doing the fucking, he's doing the work. You get the gravy." Larry was lowering himself onto the cock. It was difficult to try to take the cock while being careful about Vinces. "Just pretend you are taking a shit." Karl whispered in Larry's ear. "Don't worry about balance. We'll keep you steady. Larry was sweating like a pig.

I was holding Vince's cock steady when the head popped into Larry's ass. A second later, Larry was ten inches deeper in the water and had a look of unbelievable satisfaction on his face. The only physical contact between Vince and Larry was the cock. Larry wasn't sitting on it, he was floating on the monster meat.

I had visualized Larry's ass fucking Vince's cock, but the actual situation was different. Karl and I supported Larry's weight. We had to raise and lower him, so Karl and I were the active partners inthe fucking. Poor Larry was in an ecstatic trance. He couldn't think. He could only react. Vince was close to being in the same state. We let their moans be our guide. When Vince hit a good place and Larry moaned in pleasure, Karl and I lifted him to find the same place. We didn't find it every time, but we found the spots enough to keep everyone happy.

I don't know how long we did this. It seemed like several hours, but may have been closer to five minutes in normal time. Vince begin to shoot and Larry followed. I had the fantasy that every drop of seed Vince shot into Larry's ass, Larry shot out of his cock. Larry sprayed his cum six feet in the air and it made a graceful arch then splattered on the floor outside of the tub.

We slowly lifted Larry off the cock and he sat in the tub, beside Vince. They were two happy men. I looked at Karl and Bob. We all were hard as a rock and turned on. When we got out of the tub Karl began sucking my cock. I was afraid this would bother Bob, but he joined. Karl and he double sucked me. Karl moved and got on his hands and knees. This must have been a signal to Bob. Bob left me and began fucking Karl. Bob was so prim and proper, I expected him to ease into Karl's ass.

Bob was an animal. Pure unadulterated fuck machine. I reminded myself not to make quick judgments.

Next: Chapter 11

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