Mill Street House

By moc.liamtoh@efil4reeuq

Published on Jul 11, 2013


The following is a work of fiction

Fiction: An artwork of fantasy tinted with the brushstrokes of reality

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Mill Street House 1

Brian walked around the corner onto Mill Street, a nice residential area three miles from downtown, and easily accessed by bus from his apartment. Lucky it was sunny and not raining for a change, so maybe they could go into the back yard and use the hot tub for games today. The big gray split level home sat at the back of the cul de sac on a triple lot, so no houses were nearer than eighty feet on either side, and behind the back yard was a mile deep green belt of raw forest. Brian went around to the side door to the right of the two car garage and knocked. A camera above the door scanned him and a minute later the lock clicked and the door opened slightly. He pushed it open and closed it, making sure it locked securely.

The garage had been turned into a large and comfortable locker room, with showers, deep cushioned sofas, and lockers to secure your clothes and valuables. Two boys stood by a locker talking, one of them completely naked and one just in tight white jockey shorts. The boy in shorts had a nice round bubble butt and wide hips, long blond hair, and he was eleven years old.

"Hi Jerry," Brian said to the boy.

"Hey Brian," Jerry said. "I'm glad you're here today, you're one hot guy for an older man."

Brian was hot for thirty-five. He worked out every day and the muscles on his body stood out because he had a minimum of body fat. He was six feet tall and wore his curly brown hair long over his ears.

"Who's your cute friend?" Brian said.

"This is Mike," Jerry said, "and he's just turned ten. "Doesn't he have a nice big cock for an ten year old?"

Brian came closer and looked at Mike's cock. He stood with his feet spread slightly apart and his hands on his hips. His ass wasn't as pretty as Jerry's, but he really had a nice cut cock, and it would have looked just right on a 12 year old. He was totally hairless except for the shock of red hair on his head, and his smooth white skin bore small freckles on his shoulders. He had a pretty round ball sack. When Brian finished inspecting his body he looked up at his face. If his ears were a little more pointed he could have been an elf, and he had large round green eyes, a bow mouth, and a few freckles on his nose. Brian's cock went up to nearly full bone as he looked back down the boy's body from his hair to his feet.

"I can see you like me," Mike said, reached out and gave Brian's cock a gentle squeeze. His little cock jumped up to full boner and waved at Brian.

"I've eaten lots of dried prune and oatmeal the last twelve hours," Brian said, "and I drank a liter of water on the bus on the way over. I've got lots of love for you saved up so you'd better hurry and get out to the game room."

Jerry stripped off his underwear and stood looking at Brian walk away. He dropped his hand to his cock and jacked it a few times. He had just begun to grow a little patch of blond hair above his cock that you could see if the light was right, otherwise he was tan all over and smooth and hot. Jerry put on a tight white set of long johns, complete with a drop seat in the back. Mike wore tight biker shorts and a tank top. They walked through a door out of the garage and it swung silently closed.

Brian had to shit and piss real bad, but he held it tight while he stripped out of his clothes and put them away in a locker. The door clicked open and a man in his forties came in.

"Hi Jess, how's business?" Brian said.

"Good, very good," Jess said. "We're going to open another store next month."

Brian looked at Jess as he stripped at his locker. He wore a three piece suit with a tie so it took awhile. Jess was at least twenty pounds overweight, most of it around his belly, and his man boobs had begun to sag a bit. He had hair the same color as his head hair on his chest and back, salt and pepper gray. When he got naked Brian looked at his hooded cock, six inches soft and Brian knew it would go almost ten inches hard. Brian's was only seven, but thick and he was cut.

"Come on let's go," Jess said. "The others must already be here."

They walked through the door into a foyer at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the main house. Jess went up first to the landing half way up, turned right and went to the top. He was puffing a little when they got there. Brian followed and the living room had privacy curtains drawn so the only natural light came from the three large skylights overhead. A circular sectional couch filled the center of the room, with a break on one side to enter and sit, and the two men went in and sat down. Five other men from twenty five to sixty sat there and waited. They were all naked and most of them had hard cocks. Some of them were slowly jacking themselves. In the center were ten boys from about 10 to thirteen. One ten year old had blond hair to his shoulders, and if he didn't have a little cock you wouldn't know he was a boy. He smiled at Brian when he looked at him, licked his lips and squeezed his little cock through the snow white thong he wore. Maybe Brian would have this boy today. Or if he won the two-fer and got to pick two he would take Mike the new boy and this one. Brian checked out the other boys. Besides Jerry and Mike and the cute ten year old, there was the oldest, a lanky boy named Aaron, long legs, narrow hips, a man sized cock on a boy about five feet four tall, and short black hair; Jack, another redhead but not so white skin, ten years old and full of himself, always making jokes and laughing. He was so perfect, so smooth, no blemishes of any kind, the only word to describe him was stunning. Lance and a lance between his legs, so he was aptly named. 12 years old, nice low balls, a skinny shaft that Brian had never seen go limp. He loved to have his ass cheeks spread apart and a cock head pressed to the opening and piss streams shot inside him. Piss enema. He had short hair and round dark eyes that pierced you when he stared at you. The other three boys were eleven years old and triplets, but not identical at all. Bob, Bill and Bart, one circumcised, two not, all with brown hair but different lengths, perfectly proportional all and sexy as hell. Bob liked things in his mouth, Bill in his ass, and Bart didn't care where as long as you did it a lot and often. They sat in the middle of the others and played with each other's cocks and balls.

"Okay gents," Rinaldo said, "it's time for the drawing. Seven gents and ten boys, three of you get a two-fer, so let's get to it and you know the deal. The gold star gets the win."

He held a bowler hat above his head and as he approached each man he stood and reached into the hat and took out a folded piece of paper. They all waited until the hat was empty and Rinaldo had stepped outside the sofa ring.

"Okay," Rinaldo said, "open them, and look for the number at the bottom right of the winning papers."

The men opened the papers as one, and some groaned and others cheered. Brian cheered, he had a star, and the number one at the bottom right on his paper. Now the rules were you started out with the boys you chose, but later you could trade off, and the hot tub was a free zone where anything goes with anyone you want. They had twelve hours.

"Okay, gold stars choose first," Rinaldo said.

"I've got number one," Brian said. "I want Mike and the cute little boy who won't stop smiling and licking his lips."

"Dan," the little boy said.

Dan and Mike came to Brian, he stood and took one each my a hand and led them to the back of the house. There were four bedrooms back here and three downstairs. Each had a bathroom and shower. Brian let them go when they got inside the room, closed the door and locked it. The boys went to the bed and stood beside it. God they were both so damn hot and cute. Dan in his thong and Mike in the bike shorts and tank top. Dan's little cock pushed out his thong, and Brian could see the shape of Mike's cock inside the tight shorts. Brian's cock pulsed up and down as he looked at them.

"Do either of you have to go?" he said.

"I do," said Dan. "Maybe not so much poop but I got to pee."

"I got to poop," Mike said, "but I can hold it if you want. I can pee a bunch too. I drank some sports drink."

"Both of you lie on your backs on the bed, and hold hands. Close your eyes and spread your legs open a little."

The boys did it, they were lying side by side holding hands with their eyes closed. Brian knelt by their heads and put his hands on their chests, slowly moved them downward and all around their stomachs and hips.

"Pee a little, both of you," he said.

The front of Dan's thong got wet right away as he peed with a little boy's delight and speed. Mike's didn't show as quickly in the bike shorts, but in a minute the front got wet. Brian ran his hands up and down over their crotches feeling their hard little cocks and rubbing them in the wet piss. He bore down and began to piss a stream that he directed over first Mike's chest and crotch, then on Dan's. Both boy's laughed while he peed on them, and Dan used his free hand to rub some piss onto his face and lick his fingers.

"You like the taste of me?" Brian said.

"Oh yes, piss in my mouth," little Dan said in his tiny boy's voice.

"Me too, do me too," Mike said.

Brian peed some more, pissing into first Dan's mouth then Mike's, and the boys gulped it down like it was lemonade. Brian stopped, slid down to the boy's feet and pulled Dan's thong off, then slid Mike's bike shorts off. He moved up so he could stand up with his feet on either side of them, lowered himself a bit, and peed on the stomach and crotch of each boy before he bore down hard and shit a hot soft load onto their cocks.

"Oh wow, it's so hot," Dan said.

Brian rolled to one side and onto his knees.

"Rub it onto each other," he said. "Lay with your face by the other's cock and rub the shit into his cock and balls, through his legs, and up his ass. Piss on his face while you do it."

The boys switched ends and began to rub the shit around, massaging their balls and cocks, sliding their hands between their legs and putting shit into their ass cracks. Mike peed into Dan's face and the boy opened his mouth and caught some. Dan peed into Mike's mouth. They both giggled.

"Put your fingers in his mouth," he said to Dan.

Dan put his shitty fingers into Mike's mouth and he licked them clean and swallowed. Then Mike put his into Dan's and the little boy licked and sucked on them, leaving a brown ring around his lips.

"Mike, get up and sit on Dan's cock and put it into your asshole if you can."

Mike got up and squatted over Dan, sunk down and got the tip of his little cock into his asshole.

"Piss on him Dan."

Dan pissed all over Mike's asshole, the piss running down onto his belly and down between his legs. Brian knelt behind him and licked the piss off his balls, working up to Mike's crack. Dan spread his legs and Brian worked his tongue in his ass crack.

"Shit Mike," Brian said.

Mike bore down hard, some piss started to flow out his cock and onto Dan's belly and chest, then his face, and he shit a small soft load out onto Dan's cock and balls, down between his legs and right into Brian's mouth. Brian licked up some shit and swallowed. It was sweet and tasted like boy shit, and there was nothing else like boy shit. Brian picked Mike up and turned him upside down. He was light as a feather for the strong man. He held him over Dan's cock.

"Suck him off," Brian said and Mike began to suck Dan's shitting cock.

Brian stuck his face into Mike's ass and began to lick it clean of all the shit.

"Shit some more Mike," Brian said.

The boy pushed hard and shit the same amount as before. Brain let him go so he lay with his cock on Brian's cock, his mouth working on Dan's cock, and Brian put his hands into Mike's shit and rubbed it around on his ass cheeks and hips.

Mike groaned while he enjoyed Brian's hands massaging the shit on him.

"More piss, we need more piss," Brian said. "Come on, I'll lay on my back, Mike you sit on my stomach and face my cock, and Dan you sit on my legs and face my cock, and we'll all piss."

They shifted around, and when Mike was situated on Brian's stomach, his shitty ass close enough to Brian's face so he could smell it, and Dan sat on his legs rubbing his hands with the shit Brian had done on him.

"Okay, let's piss," Brian said.

Dan started first, peeing up in the air and it landed on Brian's cock and balls, then he directed it to pee on Mike's stomach. Mike peed up onto himself, and down on Brian's cock and balls, holding his cock with one hand and jacking Brian with the other. Brian started to piss and when Mike jacked it flew all around. Brian rubbed Mike's back, slid his hands under his ass and rubbed his shit around.

"Okay, stop. I'm going to lay here and you boys get on your knees and piss on me, and when I tell you lie on top of me."

The boys got on their knees, Mike between Brian's legs and Dan on his right side. They peed on him, all over his body, from his hair down to his cock and balls, getting him totally wet with their hot urine. Brian lapped it up when they pissed on his mouth.

"Okay now," Brian said and the boys lie on top of him, still pissing.

Brian began to piss too, and rolled over with the boys underneath him, but not his weight on them, and he forced all his shit out at once, a huge pile of hot steaming soft shit that rolled out of his asshole and down between his legs onto the boys under him. While they pissed the shit moved around all slippery between them, and they all moved around so it got all over them, squishing and slipping, wet and shitty, they put their hands on each other and rubbed in it. Mike rubbed the handfuls of shit onto Brian's cock and balls, jacking him off with the slippery shit and piss. Dan got his hands full and started at Mike's face and worked down, smearing shit and piss on him. Brian rubbed both boys, between their legs, up their asses, backs, all over the front, rubbing their cocks in shit and piss and jacking them off.

Mike went, "Oh," and dry cum with a shudder. "Wow," he said.

A few minutes later Dan shook a spasm of dry cum. Brian began to lick the boys, starting at Mike's cock and licking his balls, then his cock, eating the shit and sucking Mike's big boy cock. Dan licked Brian's cock, eating the shit like a candy bar, licking his lips. He had shit smeared all over his face and hair. He sucked Brian's cock, working on the head and feeling his balls and ass crack, rubbing the shit inside it. Mike got Dan spun around so he could suck his boy cock and balls and eat the shit off them while he got off. Nobody had any piss or shit left in them. They enjoyed the feeling of the slippery shit and piss all over them and the bed. The boys crawled all over Brian, sliding on him and making his cock twitch. And then Dan grabbed Brian's cock and jacked it while Mike sucked the head. Brian pushed his hips up, pumped them up and down, and fired his load into Mike's perfect mouth.

Brain groaned as his balls emptied. He always had a tremendous orgasm here. When he'd finished and his cock had twitched for the last time, he brought both boys up to each side, rolled them into him so he could put his arms around then and hold them to his chest.

"Now let's take a little nap and then we'll get cleaned up and got to the hot tub and see what we can do there."

The boy's snuggled up to him and it was like they purred as they all went to sleep.

They woke at the same time and went into the huge shower stall with water jets coming out on three sides and began to wash off their sexy afternoon. Each scrubbed the other, then they switched and did it again. The soap was some kind of musk scent and lathered to great mounds of suds. Brian worked around Mike's crotch, rubbing soap around his ball sack and over his cock, which was hard again. Dan stood behind Brian and worked suds into his ass crack and hole, and put four fingers inside him and fucked him for awhile. When they were done and rinsed off they went to the bedroom to put on some scented oils. The staff had come in and changed the bed and set out a silver tray of cut glass cruets of oils.

"Lie on your backs and let me do you first," Brian said.

He knelt on the bed with one knee between Mike's legs and one between Dan's and began to pour oil on their bellies. Dan giggled and Mike just sighed and closed his eyes as Brian softly rubbed the oil in everywhere on them. He began to suck Dan's balls and cock while he put on the oil, and licked him deep between his legs by his ass crack. Then he worked on Mike's cock and balls while he rubbed oil on Dan's and worked one finger into his asshole and fucked him. He threw his legs back over his head so Brian could fuck him better. Mike leaned over and put his mouth on Dan's and they kissed for a long time. Brian tongue fucked Mike in the asshole. When he finished oiling them they smelled like whores in a fancy house.

"Now you," Mike said.

They got on either side of him while he lie on his back and began at his neck, working the oil in like professional masseuse. They worked on his shoulders, chest, and stomach, hips and legs, and Mike began to suck his cock while Dan massaged oil into his balls and his ass crack. Brian rolled over and they put oil on his back, his ass cheeks, and each in turn fucked his ass with their fingers covered in oil. Brian was hot again, his cock hard and ready. He rolled back onto his back and pulled Mike down on his chest and kissed him on the mouth, putting his tongue inside and playing tag with Mike's tongue. They were both breathing hard. Dan pushed Mike's ass cheeks apart and tongued him, getting him real wet, then he got on top and put his cock inside him while he kissed Brian.

"Look Brian, I'm fucking Mike," he said and giggled.

"Yeah, fuck him good and hard Dan," I said.

"I like it, it feels good," Mike said. "Put it in as far as you can and go fast."

Mike ground his cock into Brian's belly while the kissed some more. He slid his hands down and found Brian's hard cock and began to jack him. Mike shuddered and had an orgasm. A few minutes later Dan grunted and wiggled around and laughed when he got off too. Now it was Brian's turn. Dan got off Mike, he looked like an angel with his shiny long blond hair. He knelt between Brian's legs and began to suck him off, working on the head and making it feel ever so good. He jacked himself off while he did it. Brian pulled Mike upward and put his mouth over the boys cock and balls and worked on them with lots of spit. He pulled him further forward and the boy sat on his face while Brian put his tongue into his hole and licked and sucked. Mike had a little surprise for him, he grunted and pushed and a slim soft turd slipped out and into Brian's mouth. He pushed Mike back down and kissed him again and they traded the shit back and forth while they made out. Brian loved it, he was so hot, the cum was building inside him and he knew he was about to burst.

"Shoot it all in my mouth," Dan said. "It'll make me grow up big and strong."

He sucked Brian until he groaned loudly and shot his wad. Mike bit off the half the shit and swallowed it, and Brian ate the other half.

"Holy fucking shit, that was great," Brian said. "Let's go out to the hot tub and see what's happening. We can go out naked because it's private out there. When we get done out there we'll come back and do the enemas and see if we have anything left inside us."

"Drink lots of water and stuff Dan," Mike said, "so we'll have lots of piss when we come back here."

"I want Brian to put his dick inside my butt and piss in me," Dan said.

Brian couldn't imagine getting his thick cock inside the little ten year old. But he knew he could put the head there and piss inside him. He couldn't wait to come back and try it.

Comments to:

Stay tuned for the next segment, the hot tub and enema time.

I jacked off twice to this story while I wrote it.

Didn't cum yet, but I have to shower and I'll do it again there.

Have fun with this.


Next: Chapter 2

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