Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Jun 9, 2020


Nifty published plethora of story to entertain you guys and it needs your donation to carry on making you horny and hard.

Author's note: I train fit/muscular slaves on Skype. Muscular daddies turn me on. So submissive and obedient muscle daddies email me to become a sub daddy slave of their Dom son or any muscular pup can email me.

Chapter 3

In the morning, Danny was making breakfast. Chris was getting ready for college and Danny for work. There was knock at the door and Chris opened it.

"Hey there."

Andrew greeted Chris. He entered. Both Danny and Andrew looked into eyes momentarily Danny looking away.

"I have to tell you something, Chris." Andrew spoke and Danny's alerted.

There was an alarm in Danny's mind that Andrew might not tell Chris but Andrew had promised him. Both friends went into Chris's room. It was a single story house with three rooms and an open kitchen. Danny set breakfast on the table and stood outside Chris' room to hear their discussion.

"What ? You got the sample." Chris said excitedly. Andrew acted like he has conquered world. "But how? Don't tell me it is yours?". Chris had a doubt in mind.

"No way mine. I put myself together and directly asked my father who unexpectedly said he'll improvise me with it. And he said the donor was ready to give as much we want. So not only we can submit the sample but we can also conduct as many tests as we want." Andrew spoke a bit louder so that Danny can hear clearly.

" Hey speak slowly. Dad is outside." Chris reprimanded. But he was happy. They cane outside and Danny returned to table. Both boys sat down to eat and it could be seen how excited they were.

"What is the occasion?" Danny asked with his regular monotonous tone.

"It's nothing dad. We were discussing our project and Andrew actually completed it." Chris said.

"You should focus on your studies and do your projects yourself instead of asking help from others." Danny said looking at Andrew who was smiling sheepishly.

"You should be proud of your son Mr. Danny. Now we would not loose our grades and it is possible that we get the highest grades as I can get as much samples as I want." Andrew teased Mr. Danny who coughed and Chris gave an angry look to Andrew. Danny didn't say anything but looking his son happy and not loosing his grades, his yesterday's milking session was not bothering him much.

"Ok I'm going to work now. Chris study hard. I don't want your grades to fall. You can count on me for any help you want." Danny said.

Andrew looked at Danny. He was concerned about his son. Andrew never felt that feeling with his father. His father was always busy in hospital and his clinic. Even at home most of the time he was busy with the files and online meetings. He came late most of the time. There was not a typical Dad-Son relationship between him and his dad. On contrary, Mr. Danny really cared about Chris. He regularly asked about his studies, spent time with him in gym and showed concern for him. Even though he never expressed his love directly in words but he always proved by his actions. But Mr. Benjamin Homes, Andrew's father, he never even got time to say good morning or good evening to his son in person. Andrew had all the luxuries of life. A big house, car, expensive phone, stylish clothing but despite all these, Andrew wanted just one thing his father's love which Mr. Benjamin had not time to shower. Andrew was comparing Mr. Danny and his father.

Mr. Danny had gone and Chris went to his room to take his bagpack.

" Hey what are you thinking man?". Chris found him lost in his thoughts and asked him.

" What...Nothing...let' s go." Andrew came out of his thoughts. He threw his car key to Chris. Andrew did not like to drive. His father has improvised him with this necessity but Andrew never cared. Chris always drove his car to college. Andrew was silent that Chris found unusual today.

"What happened Andy? You seem upset today." Chris looked concerned as Andrew was usually the talkative guy.

"Nothing. feeling a bit jealous of you." Andrew said.

"Jealous and you? Of Me?" Chris was actually surprised. In reality he had always been envious of Andrew. He always envied his lifestyle, luxuries of life, a rich father, liberty to do anything. That was the reason he became friends with him in first place, otherwise his every friend was a cocky jock like himself. But he was his best friend.

" But why and how?" Chris asked.

" Your father really cares about you Chris. Doesn't he?" Andrew asked.

"I never felt that. He is like everyone's father. Bore, strict, imposing his rules, etc. I like your father. I believe every father should be like yours who does not interfere with his son's life and matters. You are so lucky Andy." Andrew was not surprised by Chris' response. He knew what he felt for Mr. Danny.

" But he concerns for you. You two get to spend time together. Like in the morning." Andrew said.

" You might be right but we are now grown ups Andrew and I don't want my dad watching over my everything, controlling my life." Chris was pissed.

" And don't compare Mr. Benjamin with my dad. Both are at opposite poles. I'm surprised you are jealous for such a trivial thing." Andrew remained silent. They arrived at college, parked the car and went for the class.

At construction site Mr. Danny remained disoriented the whole time. Memories of yesterday's ordeal kept coming every time. He could not comprehend why he was paying so much attention to him. Today again same thing would happen to him. He received a message on his phone.

"Tonight at my home as Chris is gonna stay at his home. Tell him that you'll be coming home late." It was Andrew's message.

What should he do? he thought. He didn't want to go but Chris' glowing face in the morning came in front of him. He was happy that now he could submit his project without any problem but.

" Sir, hurry up come outside Ramsey has again gone wild". A worker came in his room informing him.

"That prick," Danny cursed. Ramsey was the only worker who always gave him a hard time. He and his fellows comes late to work and do nothing. Ramsey gave orders whole day and also interrupted other workers. If Danny had not been here supervising them all, matters would've been gone out of hands long ago. His tall and huge body frame maintained a scary vibe at the site even Ramsey felt intimidated in his presence.

Danny came out and towered over Ramsey's 5' 10 figure. Ramsey was black Latino had a beefy muscular body.

" What is the matter now Ramsey?" Danny asked. " I need ma money, boss." He said in his regular tone.

" Today is not the the day. I' ll give you after two days." Danny responded sternly.

" But you gave others yesterday." He said.

" Because they come regularly unlike you. And if you made another scene and slowed down the work, I promise you that you are kicked out from this place. Now be a good labourer and work like others." Danny said sternly. Ramsey could say nothing except frowning. Ramsey was given a job on reference of owner so he could not just resign him He had to discuss his behaviour with the boss, he thought.

Andrew, Chris and his crew were standing in corridor commenting on every chick that passed by them. Chris was really popular in the college. He was the hottest dude in campus and every girl even some kinky boys wanted him. Jack passed by them and he smiled at Chris. Chris got a bit embarrassed that was noticed by Andrew. His friends also gave him double meaning looks and were smiling.

After swimming Chris came in his boxers to his locker room. No one was there. It was his routine that after school he always took swimming and Andrew came there to receive him so that they could go back home. Today was same. Andrew came and was in awe to see him in boxers. His wet boxers defined his package. His abs chest and abs were making Andrew horny. Water was dripping from his hair to his body and Andrew was melting away. Chris was drying his hair with towel.

" Uhm...uhm...Somebody told me your last night's experience." Andrew cleared his throat. Chris' hand stopped and he looked at Andrew who was giving a devil's smile.

" Who told you? Bruno?" Chris asked worriedly."

" I just heard and don't worry. It is a part of life. You get to taste different flavours of life." Andrew winked at him. Chris sat on the bench closed to him.

"It is not like that Andrew." Chris was a bit confused.

"What happened Chris? You can share with me. I'm your friend. " Andrew sat next to him.

" I.....I..I kissed Jack." Chris at last uttered after taking eternity.

" That's it? I thought you had some critical issue." Andrew laughed.

" It is not funny Andrew. I'm a straight dude. How can I share a kiss with another man?". Chris asked worriedly.

" But you shared a kiss with me. Remember." Andrew reminded him off.

" I did not give a consent then. You give that." Chris shrugged.

"So you are saying you kissed him intentionally?" Andrew asked and it got him excited.

" Yes....may be. He was giving an amazing blowjob. I don't know how this happened and the worst thing is when I kissed him..." Chris stopped.

" When you kissed him... then what?" Andrew asked.

" When I kissed him I...." Chris again stumbled. "

Then what Chris? Spit it out". Andrew forced him. Chris looked at him, closed his eyes and said,

" I was thinking about you kissing me." Chris spoke and lowered his head in embarrassment.

" Ok that's surprising." Andrew said. Andrew was getting hard. His dominant personality took over him.

" Why were you thinking about me Chris?" He asked Chris. It was the best opportunity to break this straight hunk. Andrew always preferred older dudes more of daddies. But Chris was the hottest boy he has ever seen in his life so he did not want to miss this opportunity. Andrew put his arm around his shoulder and asked him again.

" Why did you think about me Chris? Is it you wanted me instead of Jack to kiss you?" He started caressing Chris. Chris' head was down. He kneaded it head down further upon Andrew's embarrassing questions. Andrew continued to caress him more.

"Look at me Chris." Andrew said and Chris looked up slowly. Andrew was really close to him. He can feel his breath hitting his face. Chris got red and looked away.

" Why are you blushing Chris? Look at me. I'm your Andy", Chris looked back at him staring in his eyes. Andrew was really cute he thought.

"Look into my eyes. Now answer my question. Why did you think about me?" Andrew asked continuing his caressing.

"I don't know.", Chris replied.

" Wrong answer Chris. Tell me the truth. Did you imagined me instead of Jack?" He asked. Chris was silent.

" Answer me Chris. Say it". Andrew persuaded him. Chris could not handle this situation. His dick twitched.

"May be. I don't know Andrew." He said embarrassing himself. Andrew smiled.

"Chris you need to confirm it. You have one 10 seconds to decide. You can kiss me within 10 seconds and then tell me how did you feel. If you don't want to I'll go and wait for you in car after ten seconds. Got it?" Andrew said but Chris did not respond.

"ten, nine, eight..." Chris' heart was pounding hard. what should he do. He was staring in Andrew's eyes.

" Seven, six, five, four,.." He just listened Andrew counting. He looked at his lips.

" Three, two, and one." Andrew said and stood up.

"I'll be waiting in the car. " Andrew turned disappointed. Chris saw him taking few steps forward. His heart was racing high. He could hear it clearly. His dick was hard. He felt he was loosing something. He stood, took few steps , leaned forward, took Andre's arm, moved his face closer. He stared in his eyes and kissed him. He took his sweet time. He kissed him passionately. He just forgot for sometime that what was happening. He just wanted this moment to still so that be can kiss Andrew like he wanted last night. Both of them were kissing like lovers. Andrew took his hand behind Chris' head bringing him more closer, sticking his tongue in his mouth, twisting it. It was the first kiss for Andrew and second for Chris in case of boys. Both lip locked for quite few mins and they broke. Chris was embarrassed. He flushed and did not look at Andrew.

"Now you realized you wanted it. Don't you Chris. I'll be waiting in the car." Andrew smiled. Chris was confused and excited at the same time. He changed clothes and came outside, sat in the car. None of them spoke the entire time.

Every comment is welcomed..... Master Primus.

Master Primus


Next: Chapter 4

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