Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Nov 2, 2020


I felt the need to continue with Andrew's adventures. So this is the third installment of new volume. The events are inspired from real world. And your comments are welcomed to my Gmail. My apologies for the mistakes as I don't proofread my stories.

Chapter 3

Andrew received a text from Chris while he was busy discussing all this with Mr. Danny. He was in joy to receive and read it. "Meet me on beach at 6 pm". It was a simple text but Andrew knew that it was not superficial one, Chris wanted to settle things down now. He knew Chris very well. They shared a strong bond emotionally and knew each other's interests, likes, dislikes, emotional states, etc. Andrew arrived at beach on time. Chris called him and gave him directions. He reached at the instructed spot and his joy knew no bounds to see his best friend sitting on his heavy bike.

"Chris..", Andrew tried to hug him but Chris moved his face away.

"Andrew I want to clear things between us", Chris sounded cold like ice. Andrew couldn't feel the usual warmth from him. He was dead serious.

"I gave it a lot of thought. Watching you fucking my dad made me mad.", Chris tied his arms across his chest and looked directly into Andrew's eyes intimidating him a bit.

"Imagining you and my dad just burns me inside. I loved you and cannot share you with anyone.", Andrew was stunned to hear this from his best friend. His heart was racing really high and he felt such surge of emotions first time.

"I can never imagine you fucking anyone besides me Andy. Not my dad even. I'm your mate not my father. Then why did you betray me.", Chris's sudden question hit Andrew badly. He saw how much he hurt Chris. He could see the suffering in his eyes.

"I...I'm...I'm sorry", Andrew felt ashamed and guilty. He had never apologized to anyone in his life but he genuinely felt he had hurt his best friend. He was fucking with both Chris and his dad. He always took it as fun, his sex adventures and he never thought how would things turn out when they get disclosed? And it turned out pretty badly.

"Do you really mean it Andy?", Chris asked politely sounding betrayed. Andrew couldn't look at him.

"I came with intention to beat you up jerk. But look at me, I have turned into a complete fool. A desperate loser who cannot hurt you cuz I fucking love you.", Chris kicked the sand in frustration. Andrew looked stunned at his wife back. Andrew never believed in love. He was not a romantic person neither was Chris. But the situation turned out different. The hottest jock of his college fell for him and he was feeling butterflies. He giggled and was surprised at himself.

"Andrew I tried not to forgive you but I can't live without you either. I cannot share you with anyone. I transformed myself according to your desire. I stated working out harder just to impress you, I endured your hard pounding just to make you happy and above all I stopped even thinking about fucking you cuz I couldn't resist the pleasure of bottoming for you", Chris grabbed me by my shoulders and looked I to my eyes. For the first time I felt really dominated and I liked it. Someone was madly in love with me.

"I was gonna give you an option between me and my father but I don't want to. You are mine and mine only", Chris said.

"What is your answer Andy?", He asked me politely lowering his grip on my shoulders. He was waiting for my response and without thinking I took my hand behind his head and pressed our lips together. Chris also responded passionately. He had not released his junk for these days and he couldn't stand the this distance. I would fuck him on regular basis and he had used to it now. At last his desperation came out triumphant.

We kissed like never. We were now officially lovers. I felt my man's strong, muscular arms and squeezed his firm muscular butt. I was hard so was he. We broke the kiss and looked at each other with animalistic lust, Chris longing to be fucked and I desperate to give what he wanted. We kissed again wildly like we were on steroids.

I licked his neck as it was his sensitive spot giving my handsome jock shivers.

"Fuck meeee...", Chris felt the sexual stimulations my tongue was giving and spit his craving out.

"I cannot hold more Andy. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Undress me, make me naked, spank me, tease me and make me yours Andrew.", Chris's sensual desires were driving me crazy. He was horny, his dick was throbbing in his pants. His words just galvanize me and I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the sand. Grabbing his pecs and kissing him again pushing him against his brand new heavy bike. I threw my entire body weight on him and he submissively bear it enduring my oral invasion. While I was kissing him, I lowered down his shorts and boxers setting hai cock free that was oozing precum.

"Ohhh...Andrew...fuck....what have you made me are a are my addiction Andy.... Fuck...", I smiled at my compliments. I grabbed his dick from one hand and his one bulging pecs from other. I gave both if them a great sensual squeeze. I love men with bulging pecs and Chris after strenuous chest workout had achieved the perfect bulging breast that I can squeeze and suck on. Andrew was standing naked on the deserted area of the beech. I squeezed his bare ass tightly and gave him a one hard spank.

"Ohh...shit..", he shrieked. I smiled at my hand Mark staining his ass red.

"Smack", another spa k making him shiver.

"Do you love it babe?", I asked.

"Oh it...hit me harder babe", Chris asked and I gave him several hard spanks that he was desperate for. His white ass had stained red by my hard spa is and his cock was leaking with every spank I gave to his bare ass.

"I'm gonna fuck on on your bike at this beach babe", I whispered grabbing his balls tightly.

" that babe....just do whatever you want.", Chris smiled and gimme his consent. I wanted things to start from scratch now. I wanted to get accustomed to Chris's desires. I will not hurt this person anymore. Chris undressed me as well. Both of us were standing naked, our skin feeling the cool breeze but the heat that our body was emanating made us numb. We were thinking just about our primal instincts to satisfy each other like wild animals.

I turned Chris bending him a bit over his heavy bike kissing his neck. I was behaving more physically than sexually and Chris also felt that. It was surprising for both of us because I would usually fuck Chris or anyone directly but today I was taking time in kissing and touching Chris's body. I was behaving more like a lover than a fucker and Chris liked this sudden change in me. I was kissing and licking his back squeezing his nipples lightly.

" are acting more like a lover today.", Chris said feeling the pleasure.

"Just keep quite and feel it", I bit his ear love that gave convulsions to his body as it was his second sensitive spot.

"Ohhhhhh....ahhh...ahhh", Chris' heart was pounding faster.

"I love you Chris", I said in a passionate voice.

"I love you too Andy", Chris replied. I continued to kiss him taking his cock in my hand and jerking it.

"Uffff....fuck....don't make me cum", he reminded me.

"I won't babe", I left his dick when he was close.

"Wanna suck me first or should I insert it directly", I asked him that I would not normally do.

"As you like babe", he said. I wanted to fuck him the usual way but I didn't want to give him pain today. I wanted him to enjoy my cock to the fullest. I spit saliva on my hand and jerked my dick. When it got slimy I slowly inserted it in his tight hole alongside kissing his back.

"Arhhhhh....", Chris parted his legs to receive my girth.

"Feeling pain? Should I go slow?", I asked him again.

"Babe I really appreciate and love the passion of yours but I want you to fuck me the usual way like you normally do. I want you to fuck me harder, I wanna feel the pain your cock always gives me. I've used to your rough plummeting so gimme that", Chris said desperately.

"Oh! I thought ...", I was surprised that Chris has learnt to enjoy the pain.

"Andrew......ruin my hole.", Chris said firmly.

"As you wish buddy,....I ll give you what you want", I whispered and rammed my dick in his hole with full force.

"Ohhh....fuckkkkkk...", Chris said excitedly feeling the pain as his ass clenched around my dick and his feet tiptoed off the ground.

"Hell yeah......fuck....just like this....this is the Andy I want....fuck me harder babe....", I smiled and took my dick completely out fucking him harder the second time.

"Do you love it babe?", I asked as I was concerned for him enduring my rough pounding.

"I fucking love it Andy...I just love it.", Chris was really excited. I grabbed him by his shoulders and fuck him harder increasing the pace. I gave his body waves after waves if pleasure hitting his prostate with my fuck tool. I was in heaven as I couldn't get over the feeling if fucking this handsome stud who confessed his feeling for me. He was mine. I was close to cumming but I resisted. I turned him around and took his legs up resting his back on the bike seat. We oogled over each other with lust. I took my cock out and rammed it in which contorted his face with pain. I didn't know what was going on with me as I stopped over Chris to make out with him again. I was getting more and more intimate physically than sexually. He responded me passionately. I fucked and kissed him brutally. Now it was the time to make my slutty boyfriend cum and explode my load in him. I increased my pace and erupted my hot juice in his hole hitting his prostate hard not breaking the kiss. Chris exploded his load over his abdomen. He came six to seven times indicating his desperation to be fucked for about a week.

I broke the kiss and looked at him innocently. He was boyfriend, my fucking boyfriend. I took my cock out of his ass.

Chris sucked me up and cleaned my dick, eating his own junk from his chest and abs. After that we dressed up and sat on the sand to discuss about his father.

"So have you discussed with your dad?", I asked putting my hand around his shoulder.

"No, I don't know what to talk.", There was silence for few mins.

"I guess you were right after all. I was selfish. Never thought about my dad like you did. I was even jealous that you know my father more than I do. What a pathetic son I'm", Chris gave a fake smile.

"Cheer up babe. You know him better than anyone", I boasted him.

"I forgot he has his needs as well.", Chris paused.

"The next night when I came home I heard him masturbating taking your name Andrew", I was surprised to hear that. Mr. Danny was thinking about me even when I was not with him.

"Is he in love with you as well?", He asked and i gave him a puzzled look.

"I....well....what can I say. But if you ask me I had attraction to him since the day you came here. I was infatuated by his... body....that's all.", Chris turned his face down.

"I think the feeling is similar from his side as well. He doesn't love me or anything else. I just made him realised that what is sex and how can he enjoy it. He had no sexual life before. But now he is happy which is the thing that matters the most.", I gave my reasons.

"We have to find someone for him Andy cuz I can't share you even with my father." Chris said hesitantly and I kissed him at his innocence.

"Sure babe......ok let's go to the hill on your brand new bike", I said grabbing his arm.

"Ok...ok...wait a sec..let me call my dad", he said and I nodded and give him some time to settle things with Danny as well. I began taking a short walk on the beach.

Chris couldn't build up courage to have a direct conversation with his father so he recorded a message for his father and sent it.

"So what did he say?", I asked.

"I didn't call him", Chris said. Andrew didn't ask more cuz it was now between Chris and Danny. They both ride the heavy bike and went to hill for a ride. They were happy and enjoying the moment when suddenly a car hit them like a hurricane and Andrew's entire life changed in that accident.

It was his first day at medical school, Andrew looked at his side as if expecting someone to be there. Both Chris and Andrew had passed the test and we're overjoyed, they had made plans about the school and other stuff but things became totally changed. There was emptiness inside out and he was feeling alone. He didn't want to come even but Ben forced him to move on. Andrew saw the students around who were smiling and cheering ready to enter a new phase of their lives but Andrew had stuck at one point, spending the med school without Chris was heart wrenching. He came across cafeteria where a group of newbies were being ragged by the seniors. He saw a group of four strong and buff dudes. For no reason Andrew seemed interested and he went there.

"Now eat it prick...all the pork....hurry up pussy", Andrew was shocked to see a buff muscular stud who was forcing the mixture of some sauces down a Junior's throat. The figure stood 6'4, dressed in white tight T- shirt, that exposed his bulging pecs and well built stature, with a white jacket with blue strips and black jeans. By the dark brown color of his skin and the demeanor of his talking, Andrew assumed him to be a black Latino, an aggressive handsome black Latino. His physical features were masculine, had short beard, grey eyes and black disheveled hair. The most prominent feature of his body was his grey eyes. Black men with eye color besides black are pretty rare. He was quite a catch and Andrew who despite being in despair and grief from Chris's death Andrew's cock twitched in his pants. He was surprised and cleared his mind keeping himself distracted from vulgar thoughts.

"Hey you in green shirt.", That jock pointed at Andrew who looked up and around to confirm he was calling him.

"Yes you newbies, come here.", Andrew's hear beat skipped. It was his first day and he never expected this. Andrew took heavy steps and came forward.

"You are a new comer as well, don't you prick?", Andrew was offended as his tone.

"Take off your clothes right now. I wanna inspect your body", the stud said. It came out if blue to Andrew who was clueless what would happen to him.

"Are you deaf?", He roared.

"Stop Bruno", a masculine voice from behind the wall of muscle echoed. Bruno turned around to glare at the person. Andrew looked as well and was spellbound to see handsome stud who was staring directly at him.

"Let's go", the handsome stud said.

"It's just started Steve", Bruno said frustrated. So his name was Steve, Andrew thought. He looked like a Greek god. He has a model like features. He was still staring at Andrew with a serious look. Andrew lost in his striking blue eyes, straight nose, short blond and frowns on his forehead. He was wearing a brown leather jacket over light green shirt. He had a muscular body lesser than Bruno, but more handsome than him. He stood 6 feet tall with a personality of that could make any man jealous of being a man.

"I said let's go", Steve glared and Bruno had to surrender. It seemed that Steve was the leader of the gang and despite shorter and less built than Bruno he had complete control over him.

"Bruno Steve is right, the lecture is gonna begin and we cannot miss the class", it was the third dude named Shawn. He was around my height 5' 10 with average looks, attractive only due to his buff body. He was wearing wife beater and his bulging biceps and big pecs . Andrew's mouth watered. The fourth one whose name Andrew couldn't hear was a 6 feet tall, slim and goofy sort of person.

Andrew took a deep breath and took steps towards class.

****** Andrew entered the class and took the first seat. He didn't care to look around to see others. He felt sad without Chris.

"Hi", Andrew looked up to see the smiling boy. He was of his age and height and also similar in body type. But he was kinda handsome.

"Hello", Andrew said in bizarre tone. He wanted some alone time.

"Can I sit here?", the boy asked and Andrew shrugged.

"My name is Kevin and what's yours?", He asked.

"Andrew", he said in a cold tone.

"Are you upset? Oh! Now I get it. It is the first day and every student is anxious. And the ragging....I was bullied by our seniors but look behind they turned out to be our classmates.", Kevin was a very amicable person and Andrew didn't want to have a talk but when he told about the gang who was bullying those new students he turned back and saw all four of them. All were looking at him and when Andrew saw them they turned their eyes away. Andrew didn't understand why they were staring at him especially Steven.

The classes were interesting and Andrew participated well on the first day that left an impact on the class and the professors as well. He personally liked Dr. Gerald obviously not from the teaching point. His personality and the built he had still in his age was marvellous and Andrew tried to impress him the most.

"Why did you stop me Steve?", Bruno was mad at him for spoiling his fun.

"Man do you know who was that boy you called in cafe?", It was Nathan the goofy one of the group.

"Who was he?", Bruno asked him in his regular harsh tone. He was a cocky bastard who knew how to turn things in his favour. He was the notorious one in the gang for messing up with the Juniors even the professors. His father Mr. Dawson was a Chief of the area and the owner of the college had good terms with him. So Bruno did everything he wanted without even caring about the rules.

"He was the with that dude on bike whom we hit that night you fool", Nathan reprimanded him. Bruno was out of words cuz he never expected either of them to see again. And now he was their classmate.

"Won't you say anything Steve?", Shawn asked. Steven was the one who kept silence from the moment he saw Andrew.

Steven could never forget that night. That night still haunted his dreams and gave him nightmares every night. He was returning from a private party with their chicks to have sex. All of them were drunk and and Steven was the one driving the car. He was feeling tipsy and car rushed in zigzag on the deserted road.

"Yahooo!!!! Increase the speed dude", it was Bruno who took off his shirt and was swirling it in the air. Steven increased the speed. The car soared on the road and as Steven took the turn in full speed he couldn't see the heavy bike in front of him. As he noticed the bike his vision got blurred and instead of decreasing the speed he accidentally increased it and the car crashed into Chris and Andrew. After hitting the bike Steven applied the break quickly and sat their with racing heart.

"Dude what have you done?", Nathan asked.

"I didn't do it intentionally. Got it?", Steven roared. Bruno was the one to leave the car followed by Steven and Nathan. All three of them saw the almost dead Chris and unconscious Andrew. There was blood everywhere. Steven couldn't see it and ran to his car.

"Hurry up! We have to leave Steve", Bruno suggested.

"W should take them to hospital", Steven said. He was concerned for them.

"They are fucking dead. Do you want to send us jail?", Bruno shouted and all three boys looked at him with fear.

"Even my father won't be able to save us. Let us go", Bruno warned them all. All of the boys sat in the car and left the scene.

Since that day Steven had insomnia and was on anti depressants and sleeping aid. Their parents came to know about it but they did nothing cuz none wanted their sons to spend their remaining life win jail.

Andrew came home and asked Ralph for juice. He jumped over the bed and began to think about the beautiful memories he had with Chris. Suddenly Mr. Danny's face hit his mind and he dialed his number. It was not responding. "Fuck", why Danny left his house. He was not even responding him. Did he consider Andrew for all of this? Andrew was torturing and blaming himself for all of this , he wanted to talk to Danny but he was unresponsive. Where had he been to? He was thinking about all this when his phone rang. He saw and it was Kevin. Andrew's expressions changed. He was annoyed at his newly made friend.


"Man you were amazing today. Everyone was impressed by you", Kevin started his motor.

"I cannot believe I'm your friend.....", And bla bla bla. Andrew let him speak and put the mobile aside. He was so annoyed with his over talkative attitude. At last the conversation ended and Andrew fell asleep.

The second day of school proved to be surprising for Andrew.

"Hi there", Andrew was busy reading when he heard a familiar masculine voice and he raised his head up and got a surprise from the most handsome jock of the med school Steven. Andrew was in disbelief that this dude himself came to greet him. Andrew shook his hand and felt the strong grip of the stud.

"I'm Steven Stanley", he introduced but Andrew was spell bound by his good looks.

"Ann...Hi...I'm Andrew", at last he spoke something.

"Nice to meet you Andrew", Steven said releasing his hand. Steven couldn't stop himself from inquiring about that accident so he waited for an opportunity which he got.

"You were splendid yesterday. Your answers were correct and every student was impressed.", Andrew kinda blushed on hearing the complements from him.

"So I thought getting to to know you would come in handy", Steven gave his killer smile.

"Oh..that was nothing. I can help you anytime", Andrew said.

"Actually me and my gang failed the previous year so we have to repeat it again. And you are new here so if you need any sort of help just tell anyone of us.", Steven smiled. Andrew couldn't get it that why they were so nice to him especially Steven. In the morning they say them teasing the new comers but as he came they stopped.

"What is this Mark on your forehead", Steven touche the mark and Andrew's cock twitched on his touch.

"Oh...I just hit by a car and was in a coma for a month.", Andrew didn't see the transition in the expressions of Steven.

"So were you alone?", Steven came to the point with racing heart.

" I was with my best friend....Chris", Andrew got serious and sad again.

"So what happened to him?", Steven asked him. Andrew paused and Steven thought his spirit would get out of his body.

"He....he is..dead. he died in that accident", Andrew told him, his eyes becoming watered. Steven felt his heart skipped beat for a moment. They killed someone.

"I...I'm...really sorry", Steven couldn't get the words. He killed someone. He didn't kill him intentionally. It was a mistake. He was battling with himself inside.

"Something wrong?", Andrew looked at his blank expressions.

"Hm....yeah...yes...hmm...I'm fine..see ya after class then", Steven bade him bye and came back to his group instantly. Andrew stared at his back confused.

"Buckle up man, we didn't kill him it was a mistake. It was not a murder", Bruno tried to cheer Steven up who looked depressed. Whatever Bruno would say, Steven was not willing to listen to him.

"He was his best friend and I could see the pain in his eyes. Whenever I look at him, I feel his eyes are questioning me. The feeling is killing me", Steven explained to his friends.

"Oh come on man. Move on. Forget about that night. Focus on the present", Bruno said as if it didn't matter to him he was dead or not. He was so insensitive.

"Let's grab something to eat. My stomach is empty.", Bruno pulled him up and all four dudes sat in his car. While he turned around the gate Steven saw Andrew who looked expressionless like a blank sheet of paper without any colors.

Next: Chapter 22: Andrews Sexcapade Continues 4

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