Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Oct 1, 2020


Enjoy the next installment and donate nifty to remain hard and leaking.

Chapter 2

Andrew was sitting behind Chris on his brand new sports bike, feeling his bulging pecs with his hands. The things between them had sorted out and left everything behind them enjoying about the fun that night. "Your love touch will prove deadly Andy you know that.", The erotic sensations were running through Chris' body distracting him from riding.

"My love can handle any situation I know that.", Andrew tweaked his nipples. Chris smiled and sped up. He was really fast. The road was deserted although he was rash but not careless.

"Slow down Chris,", Andrew warned him and Chris lowered down the speed. Both were having sweet time together. The road was on a hill and was not very wide. They heard the soaring speed of a BMW behind them. Andrew looked behind him and his eyes squinted as the headlights pierced through his eyes.

"Hey slow down you assholes", Andrew shouted at them but the speed increased and within seconds everything changed. BMW hit the bike hard, Chris lost balance and the bike slid on the road with sparks emanating due to friction between the metal and road. Both Andrew and Chris were severely injured. Andrew saw a blurred shadow coming towards him but he fainted before he could see who it was.

"Chris...", Andrew hollered and got up from the bed with a reflex. James was standing near him checking the parenteral solution. He was also stunned to see Andrew's so sudden response.

"Hey Andrew. Are you alright. God you got out of your comatose state", James was really glad to see Andrew recover. It had been a month that he was in coma.

Andrew was staring at James. He was trying to understand the entire scene. He looked around. He was in the hospital. Entire accident scene revolved around him and he asked about Chris worriedly.

"Chris...Chris....where is he?", He asked James with much concern.

"Just relax Andrew. Chris is alright. Just relax", James lied to him. He cannot just say him everything straight.

"No, I want to see him. Where is he??", Andrew was firm. He wanted to see if he was fine cuz he could memorise now how bad that accident was.

"Andrew, you are not in a position to leave the room. Just be relax.", James held him through shoulders matching his eyes. Andrew didn't want to stay there but he complied. James was excited to see him talking to him as they had doubt that Andrew might loose his memory forever but he was fine. James went out for the doctors and also informed Ben about his recovery.

"It is a miracle that he had come back to life without sustaining any permanent injury doctor Ben.", An expert neurosurgeon examined Andrew and told his father. Ben was thankful and relieved to see his son safe and sound. This whole month was so heart wrenching for him.

"We would like to run some more tests and he ll be good to go afterwards", the specialist smiled and told the good news. The room had now both father and son discussing with each other.

"Where is Chris dad?", Andrew asked him and Ben was prepared for this.

"Oh Chris! He left. ", Ben said.

"Where to?", Andrew asked again.

"Son, you were in a coma for a month and Chris recovered earlier, he is at home waiting for you to come", Ben lied.

"But why didn't he come to see me? Neither did Mr. Danny", Andrew was disappointed if Chris had gone home then he should have come to see him at least.

"Chris need to rest son.", Ben could not hold himself anymore. He could not lie to him.

"Once you get discharged, see him for yourself", Ben stood up and went out of the room making a false excuse. He had no courage to disclose the harsh news of his best friend's death.

****** "Just recover soon kid. My dick cannot handle this cruelty anymore.", James squeezed his cock and Andrew was shocked.

"So are you still in chastity? For an entire month?", Andrew was surprised James didn't unlocked it, how did he manage to control this whole time. James blushed in response.

"Yeah....I never thought you would ...", James didn't complete his sentence and Andrew understood.

"Come here James.", Andrew called him closer and both made out passionately.

"I'm really happy you control your manhood", Andrew said admiringly.

"Thanks Andrew", James was happy to make Andrew happy.

After few more days stay in the hospital, Andrew was discharged and was taken home by his father. Andrew was impatient to see Chris. He was concerned about him plus he was also angry why even Mr. Danny didn't come to pay him a visit. That was so rude and inhospitable.

Andrew exited the car and gave a bird's view to his neighbours. It looked deserted.

"Dad I'm gonna pay Chris a visit", Andrew said and advanced towards Danny's.

"Andrew stop. You are not well to walk even a small distance. Let's have some rest and then you can meet him or I will ask him to come and see ya", Ben tried to convince him. If he had to be strict he would be. He didn't want Andrew to know about Chris's death so soon. Unlikely of Andrew, he didn't resist but sure he was in a doubt. Ben took him home and asked Ralph to prepare something healthy for him to eat. Ben took him to his room as Andrew's room was on upper storey.

"Just rest now. You are not going anywhere Andy. Get it?", Ben said in a stern tone. Andrew was still not buying it why his father was so insisting him on staying at home. There was something being hidden from him. But he didn't much attention. Ben had to go to his clinic, there were some important appointments he had to attend.

Andrew woke up in the evening, he was really bored and tired of being trapped in his bed. He searched his mobile and he remembered it might have lost in the accident. He pulled himself up, he felt pain in his back. He came outside of the room. He wanted to go to Danny's. As he approached the main door, Ralph came out of nowhere and insured him to go to his room. Andrew told him he was feeling boredom so he felt like to get some air. But Ralph kept on insisting. Ben had strictly ordered him to not let Andrew out of the house.

"What the fuck Ralph? I want to see Chris. I don't know how is he? Now get the fuck outta my way", Andrew shouted. Ralph didn't know how to handle him cuz he knew how stubborn Andrew was. He surrendered. Andrew opened the door and stepped out.

"At least I'm free from the boring stance of lying in the bed", Andrew started advancing towards Danny's house slowly. In the meantime Ralph had called Ben and I formed him of Andrew. Ben was furious at Ralph but he apologized. Ben quickly packed up things, sat in his car and started towards home. Andrew was gonna find out about Chris and it might prove devastating for his health. Ben was driving rashly.

Andrew saw a car outside and was surprised as neither Danny nor Chris had a car. He assumed someone would nights have come to see them. With baby steps Andrew reached the front door and rang the bell. He was so excited to meet both father and son.

"Yes, how may I help you?",

"Hey Chr-", Andrew turned his face around and was surprised to see someone else instead of Danny. A tall handsome white man was standing there with blank expressions on his face.

"Ah...I came here to see Chris.", Andrew told him.

"Who is Chris?", The stranger asked.

"What do you mean? Chris and his father Mr. Danny. They live here.", Andrew was mad at his inquisitive response.

"And by the way who are you?", Andrew was now getting irritated. He has never stood for so long at Chris's house and he met an accident recently so he cannot stand long.

"They used to live here kid. But not more.", The stranger's tone got offensive as well.

"What do you mean by used to?", Andrew was seriously pissed off now.

"Kid, they sold the house one month ago after his son died. Now we live here...", That man fell the bomb on him. Andrew was taken a back. The man was saying more but he got stuck at only four words "after his son died".

"What the hell are you saying? Are you nuts? Whose son died?", Andrew was not in this world.

"Didnt you hear me kid? I said the man who lived here, his son died in an accident. Who the hell are you?", That stranger asked him but Andrew lost the normal state of mind. The only thing he could hear and think was Chris. The memories of Chris proposing to him was running in his mind that were mechanically replaced by the frightening scene of their accident.

"Andrew....", Ben came rushing towards him.

"Andrew I told you to take rest and don't leave house so why did you come out?" Ben was worried about him he turned him around and his eyes bulged to see tears in his eyes.

"You knew about this dad?", Andrew asked. There was disappointment in his eyes for him. Ben couldn't reply him and kept silent.

"You fucking knew about this and you lied to me the whole time. How could you?", The stranger was now ashamed himself. He didn't know he was Andrew.

"Hey Ben I'm really sorry man. I didn't know that he was....your son".

"Dad I demand an answer", Andrew wiped his tears.

"Andy I couldn't tell you at that time. It was for your sake. Forgive me.", Ben tried to defend himself.

"Dad what you did was not right. You didn't tell me about .....I just cannot even believe this fucking", Andrew was getting higher and higher and he lost words and fainted.

"Andrew....Andrew wake up son", Ben was calling him but his vision got blurred. Ben and his neighbour brought Andrew back. Ben thanked him and examined his son. He just lost his consciousness as he couldn't handle the depressing news of his friend's death. Ben was blaming himself for all that on other hand.

Andrew slowly recovered from his fainted state. All that scene was surfacing his mind and he burst out in tears. Ben was sitting in his chair near him. It was late in night when he woke up.

"Andrew I'm really sorry. Just because of this outcome I didn't tell you.", Ben said embracing him.

"Dad I just can't believe Chris is no more", Andrew was crying.

"Son you have to handle this with courage. Be brave ", Ben gave all of his support. Andrew was in a state of confusion and denial. The events of that night started circling in front of him.

****** "Hey Chris stop.", Andrew rushed towards Chris. He left the house and was walking on the road. Andrew followed him and managed to take fast steps like him.

"Andrew just shut the fuck up and get lost. Leave me alone", Chris increased his speed.

"Chris I know you feel betrayed but it is not what you think bro", Andrew grabbed by his arm and explained him.

"So tell me how is it? You were fucking my father. You were just.....fuck!", Chris hit the wall behind him to dissolve his rage.

"Yes I was....actually I have been having sex with him....and even with you but I swear we never even thought of betraying you.", Andrew said with serious expressions. His friendship was on stake.

"So when were you gonna tell me? The question is why did it even happen between both of you?", Chris was so furious at their intimate relationship and watching his father in that way taking his best friend's dick was so uncomfortable.

"It's all my fault Chris. Your father has nothing to do with this. I started it.",

"When did it start?", Chris asked.

"It has been months now. Even before our relationship started.",

"Woh! So it has been months and I have been informed now. I haven't seen for myself I would never get to know it. You both are just amazing", Chris was feeling devastated. He loved this cocky bastard who was standing in front of him and was gonna confess his feelings but he surprised him.

"Chris we tried to, I tried to. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't and also told your father to tell you ...", Andrew tried to give his reasons.

"Andrew you and father both have betrayed me. None of your explanations can justify it",

"What the hell Chris? It is not a biggie. I'm an adult and Mr. Danny is too. We had sex with consent.", Andrew was pissed off now. He knew he was wrong but didn't want to accept it. He loved fucking both the father and son. He assumed himself to be right.

"So why did you fuck me for?", Chris was really shocked. He thought that there was something between both of them.

"So you just used me for your pleasure Andy? And father too?", Chris wanted to know what Andrew wanted.

"No..I didn't mean know that I loose my sexual control whenever I see a muscular dude Chris and your father is ....just perfect.",

"And you thought to fuck him cuz he was perfect. This does not make any sense. It proves you used both of us. There was no sense of likeability, passion or anything just lust. Doesn't it?", Every word of Chris was hitting Andrew hard. He never expected it to turn out in such a bad way. To Andrew he was just having fun but Chris thought other way round.

"No Chris. I love you bro. You are my friend...", Andrew came closer and grabbed his hands which Chris took away.

"Andrew just get lost. Leave me alone. You have hurt me, my feelings and my relation with my dad.",

"Chris please.", Andrew pleaded and for the first time in his life he begged to someone.

"Just leave.", Chris turned his back. Andrew knew Chris won't listen to him or Danny so he find it better leave him alone for sometime.

"Ok I ll leave you but before that just hear me out. Your dad has nothing to do with all this. He is innocent. After your mother's death he never had any sexual life Chris. You were the only thing that kept him alive. He never made any relationship although he could have any woman with his looks and body.....and that attracted me to him. I was attracted to his body and his innocence. Yes in the beginning you can say I used him cuz I thought it was fun but one day he confessed he enjoyed it too. He enjoyed this homo relationship and that drove me to carry on this relationship Chris. Alongside I fucked you cuz I was falling for you as well. I fucked James as I fell for him too. If anybody is to be blamed then it is me not Me. Danny or you. So please talk to your dad cuz he loves you so much. Please Chris.", Andrew told him everything and Chris listened to him carefully.

"So you never......loved ..anyone?", Chris wanna know what was that between both of them. He loves him and cannot live without him. But what about Andrew? Does he feel the same?

"I don't know Chris. One thing is for sure with your father it was not love, I just liked it, seeing your father in vulnerable state or any man like this always drove me crazy. And with you....I just don't know even how it all started? May be there was something romantic but I don't know that....I m scared of falling in love Chris", Andrew spoke the truth. He doesn't want to make Chris live in any sort of delusion.

"Bye Chris...", Andrew was depressed, heartbroken, confused and restless and the weird thing was he didn't know the reason. The thought of his friendship getting broken was killing him. But why did he care. It was always lust for him, satisfying his sexual desires was the main target so why was he thinking so much about Chris? Was he actually in love with him?

It was incomprehensible for Chris to evaluate the situation he was put in. His father never ever given any sign that he was into men. Suddenly he remember something. Yes, that day when he asked surprisingly about his father bare chest. He thought he was dating some woman but in reality Andrew has asked him to do as he was the one who loved hairless guys. So does father love him? This was the main thing stinging him. He has no issue with his father coming out as homo but coming out of closet with Andrew was not what he expected.

Chris spent the entire night outside with his friends and at 10 am he came back home. Danny was worried for him as he had not taken his mobile with him but Andrew informed that he was with his friends as he had their number.

"Chris, thank goodness you are back. Come on have breakfast", Danny approached him but Chris signaled him to stay away.

"Just back off dad. I dont want to eat anything.", Chris was furious like before.

"Chris I was nervous to disclose this to you son. Try to understand me."

"Dad I don't have issue you being gay or bisexual. What hurt me is that you were with Andrew.", Chris shouted.

"I'm really sorry son", Danny lowered down his head in shame.

"I love him dad. I was gonna confess this to him today but you both ruined it. He is already .......", Chris could pronounce it but Danny understood. He was actually shocked to hear that. He knew his son was not straight but he was in love with someone and that someone was Andrew.

"I.....I...don't know that...", Danny couldn't say anything.

"Do you have feelings for him dad?", Chris needed a straight answer.

"Like love and thing?", Danny was confused.


"You cannot put that as love son. What I and Andrew share is a bond where he explore myself and gave me the chance to ......get to know desires.", Danny said.

"So you are saying you don't love him but you like having with him", Chris was really uncomfortable talking about sex with his conservative father. Even Danny was not feeling ok with it but Chris's sake he had to be bold and open.

"No son, it is not love. He just satisfied me......sexually.", Danny was really embarrassed. Chris was relieved that at least both were not romantically involved. He knew Andrew he was attracted to his father's body.

The previous night's remarks of Andrew still roamed his mind. He really didn't realise how alone his father was. He was fucking cheerleaders these years and getting fucked by Andrew, but what about his father who didn't get himself involved sexually with anyone. And for few months Danny has been behaving really different in a positive way. He seemed to be fresh and happy. He always thought it was because of the woman who entered his life but story was totally different. Instead of a woman it was a man, a boy who made his life upside down. He was really surprised that Andrew knew his father more than he does.

"I don't want to hear anything from you dad.", Chris went to his room and locked himself. Danny sat down in distress.

Andrew was really upset. As the person he was, the entire issue should not have troubled him but he was upset for some unknown reason. He tried calling Chris but he had switched off his mobile. Plus his manhood was throbbing and needed either Chris or Danny to dump his load. Even in this dire situation he was thinking with his dick.

"Ahhhh...I cannot think anything like this", Andrew cried and texted someone.

"I need to first calm my cock down".

Ralph after half an hour came in and informed about someone's arrival. He told him to send him in his room directly.

A large tanned skin man came in. He was dressed in black full sleeved shirt and blue denim pants. The tight fitting shirt was defining his muscular frame.

"You know what to do", Andrew smirked. The man had blank expressions. He started unbuttoning his shirt showing off his hairless tanned bulging pecs. Andrew's cock was throbbing like a vibrator. What a body he had. He unzipped his denims and revealed his red briefs. His huge package was there to be used by Andrew. He was standing in his boxers only and looked extremely hot and sexy. He steeped towards him and reaching him sat down.

"Good boy.", Andrew said erotically.

"Now do you always do Jamie boy", James Dickson the alpha dog of his pack had been tamed now. He really hated him being called "Jamie boy". He lowered Andrew's shorts and boxers and brought out his hard cock.

"Now Jamie boy suck it and make it wet.", James licked the mushroom head, opening his mouth wide he took it in. Andrew can't believe in the progress of this muscle slut. Once he was known an the "Alpha King" and now he had become the Alpha muscle slut. Andrew spread his hands over the wide back of this huge muscle packed beast with a dead skull ratio on it. The back had curves showing the years of effort put in building the Herculean body. He was his perfect specimen more perfect than even Danny.

"Suck it harder slut", James momentarily paused at the word used for him as he was once used to hear, Alpha, Dom Top, wild dog, etc. He produced more saliva and made Andrew's dick wet and slimy with it. He was moving his head in an up down fashion taking his entire length with balls . He had become an expert in sucking cocks with months of sucking as much cocks as he could. Andrew had trained him really well.

"Who is the Alpha now, slut?", Andrew asked forcing his cock down his throat and chocking him. The beast coughed a bit. But Andrew didn't let him go off his tool.

"Answer me faggot. WHO IS THE ALPHA NOW?" Andrew emphasized at each word.

"Grhhhhhh", the beast tried to tell but his mouth was on his job to please Andrew. His grunting answered Andrew's question.

"Good slut.", Andrew smirked. His words were stinging the beast but he had acclimatized to it now. He had accepted his fate and willingly surrender to his conqueror.

"You cock craving bitch. Suck me this whore.", James gave his best to satisfy Andrew. He got the pace and moved his head up and down taking the entire length in. He continued to suck him for about fifteen minutes.

Andrew held him by his hair tightly and stood up. He positioned correctly with his cock stuffed in his mouth and pushed his cock deep in his throat.

"Hang your arms, align them with your waist, should be touching the floor. Got it slut", Andrew ordered.

"I said got it slut?", Andrew slapped his face.

"Mhhhh", cock stuffed hunk uttered.

"Good Jamie boy..hnn", Andrew gave a devious grin and took his cock halfway out to slam it hard in his mouth. He took it out again and plummeted back in hitting his throat with his balls hurried in.

" have got one amazing mouth...fuck...", Andrew slammed back in with forceful blows making his face rose red and chocking him. His hands were hanging as Andrew said. He was not allowed to resist. He was taking the hard oral hits from his conqueror like an obedient pup.

"Yeah...fuck...yeah...take it bitch....faggot...take it...muscle whore....yeah..", Andrew was driven crazy. He had forgotten about that his relationship with Chris was at stake but he gave continuous hard blows in the hunk's mouth breathlessly. James was choking but he has now learnt how to take a fat dick like Andrew's while chocking. It was difficult for him in the beginning but in his orgy session the pack taught him how to be the good cock sucker. He didn't receive dicks in his mouth but also in his other hole. That night it was his first orgy and for the first time in his life he not only received so many dicks separately but also he was double penetrated. The memories of that night played like a film making him throbbing hard but the chastity kept him from erupting his load. It was so painful for him.

"Grhhh....fuckk....I'm close...", Andrew grunted and pulled his swollen dick out of the hunk's mouth that was drooling. His entire was face was red and was panting high as Andrew has stuffed his fat cock that cut the air supply. Andrew took his cock out and left the hunk coughing.

"Stand up slut.", We are going doggie style now", James understood and attained an all four position. Andrew was wild to assault this muscle beast. He took a bottle of oil and emptied half of the bottle on his ass. Andrew spread all the oil and gave a nice massage to the two round globes if muscle. This ass was soon to be ruined like always.

Andrew spanked his ass cheek with full force that bounced in response and his body wriggled in anticipation.

"With every smack I want to hear your groans loud and clear. Got it slut?", Andrew smacked him again and he nodded.

"Good boy", Andrew took a wedge and brought closer to his ass like a batsman falsely swings his bat. Andrew aimed at his juicy butt and with one powerful hit landed it on his ass making muscle slut's eyes bulge out and opening his mouth wide to release a loud painful groan.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh......please don't do that", the muscle whore begged.

"Ahhhhhh! I don't want to hear your pleading just moan out louder and you know what happens when you resist to me. So be the good obedient pup and please me slut.", Andrew smacked again with all his might.

"Ohh..ahhhhhhhhh", James's eyes watered and vision blurred, his biceps tensed and ass cheeks clenched with every hit. The memories of his previous spanking session kept him hard. He could remember what happened the in his first ever weggie session. Andrew whispered in his ears in a tender tone that he was gonna spank his bubble butt with a wedge. If he resisted or tried to stop him every time it would increase the number by five and he won't stop until he begs him for more and enjoyed it even if he has to fake it. That was the most bizzare thing he had gone through his life. Andrew started with one light spank and then increased the impact. After five he begged him to stop, and Andrew warned him that now he would have to endured five additional blows. He apologized but it was too late and he had to face five more smacks. He was literally crying that day and Andrew continuously asked him whether he enjoyed or not

"One, two, three, four, five....", Andrew continued to smack him and every time that wedge hit, his body would mechanically wriggled and shiver in pain. But he endured it biting his lips. His ass had gotten red and upper body pink with the rush if blood there.

"Tell me Jamie are you enjoying it?", Andrew asked smacking it and he moaned in pain. The room was filled with his loud moans and groans. James knew if he answered in negative, the result would be bad.

"Ahhhh...ughhh... Yes I love it Andrew", James said against his will.

"", Andrew asked again.

"Ughhhhh.....Yes I love it",

"Smack....How much you want it Jamie?", Andrew gave another shot making the beast go vulnerable in pain.

"Ohhhh...I want more...I don't it to end.", James said and he knew this was the only way to escape Andrew's sadistic mode. If he continued to please him Andrew would get tired quickly and leave it. He had at least get to know him a bit, Andrew was a sort of person who doesn't like to hear "no" or being rejected and this was the reason he called James in the first place. He knew neither Danny or Chris would give themselves to him now and who could serve him just like them besides James Dickson?

"Good boy.....smack...smack..smack..", Andrew brushed his skin. His ass was now getting dark red and blue from red. James was literally crying now but inside he also loved getting smacked like this. He had so many sessions that he knew his extremes now. He had adept himself in getting spanked in aggressive way possible. Today's session was exceptionally aggressive and he knew there was something going on with Andrew. He wont be able to sit for about a week after this session for sure.

Andrew continued assaulting the muscle bottom with the wedge giving him back to back hard hits making the muscle slut to shout louder. His moans were music to Andrew's bears and encouraged him to bring all his anger out and frustration out.

"So you love it slut? Tell me you want it . Say it slut?", Andrew was outrageous.

"Oh yes......ahhhh....fuck...I want it Andrew. Fuck the shit out of me. .. grhhhhhhhhhh.... Ruin my ass. Torn them apart. ...yeah ...fuck yeah. ...It's yours to use Andrew. Make the worst use if it.",

"Oh yes. Im making sure you enjoy all of it slut", Andrew marked his ass with last ferocious blow making the beast cry out louder "ohhhhhh", and fell on him.

"Ahhh", Andrew fall on his back. This was his usual response after putting his bottoms through so much effort. His legs hitting James's swollen ass stung James, he still carried his full body weight on him. He liked when he had to carry his "top" on top of him. Andrew was one cocky fucker that dominated this alpha beast.

" were amazing enduring all those blows James", Andrew admired how much he has grown. He gave a total of 57 hits that he suffered with patience.

"Look your ass has become blue.", Andrew touched his ass cheeks and James uttered a hiss sound.

"Sssss", James closed his eyes.

"I'm really sorry for being so much harsh with you today James", Andrew said kissing his neck. James was still in his all fours waiting for further commands. He never understood Andrew's psyche. He was that kind of sadist who will shower all his love and care on his sub but on the other side he was just so cruel that one would get confused whose the real one was. James often falls into same situation. He hate his sadist when he is punishing him but once Andrew's sadistic side subsides, his romantic side always dominates him James forgets everything and making all the torture worth taking. One would wonder why was it so, the answer is Andrew's post session fuck. Following is the explanation.

Andrew was kissing his bottom passionately. This is why he loved mature men cuz unlike teen boys they could endure his aggressive kinks same went for Danny. Both Danny and James endured all the torture patiently. He bit his earlobe and James moaned in pleasure. It was a light, tender moan different from the previous one indicating James was feeling it, he was on heat. His inflating 9 inch cock proved it. He enjoyed Andrew's tender touch, giving gushes of pleasure to his body. This was his other side that James loved so much. He always thought why he could be more gentle like this. The pain in is ass was dissolving and his heart was racing. Andrew knew his body very well, he was preparing this beast to get laid. He never thought there would be anyone I this world who could actually tame this wild beast. Andrew was playing with his tits while passionately kissing his neck, back and face. He pinched his nipple from his right hand and jerked his dick with other one.

"Ohhhhhh....Andrew...", James moaned as his sensitive dick was manhandled by a twink. He loved being manhandled. He loved giving up his control and get in controlled by someone like Andrew who knew how to handle him. He would have never submitted to anyone if the person didn't have the capacity to make him and Andrew made him surrender.

Andrew's dick was sliding against his anal entrance giving him shivers. Both Andrew and James were desperate now to fuck and get fucked respectively.

"What do you want James?", Andrew teased him sliding his dick hard against his backdoor.

"Don't do that Andrew.", James knew how much Andrew likes to make him say it out louder. It always humiliated him.

"You know you won't get it until you ask for it slut", Andrew humiliated him.

"Fuck....give it to me Andrew. I want your cock. Fuck me. Happy now", James said it at last. He had been doing this since weeks so it was not hard for Andrew to break him now.

"Good boy", Andrew grabbed James by his pecs, reaching out and positioning his dick at his hole he slammed his hard rod in sticking him hard to his broad back.

"'s amazing", James felt his hole filled with Andrew's thick and fat manhood. It fit perfectly in his tight hole. Although his ass cheeks gave an excruciating pain when Andrew's balls hit them but it was not more than the satisfaction he felt when his cock entered his territory making him feel full.

James had been receiving many cocks BBC's, whites, small but none of them satisfied as much and Andrew's manhood. And he knew why it was. Andrew never fucked him in the first place. Even when he dominated him he didn't fuck him instead he had a gangbang with his friends and after then he was forced to be fucked by his own wolf pack and then this continued for months receiving as many cocks as he could. He was humiliated but the man who did all of that never fucked him, James never knew how it felt to be fucked by his conqueror. He was fucked up both physically and mentally. And after getting laid for moths and not fucking anyone he came to understand his fate, so there was a desire to feel how would Andrew's cock make him feel. He was his conqueror after all. So the very first time Andrew fucked shim, he was excited like hell, there were butterflies in his stomach, he behaved nervously like a girl going on a date. Andrew fucked him passionately like nobody had done before and he loved the feeling. He was satisfied with his "top".

Andrew clung to wide back of the beast fucking him slower and at every hit ploughing his prostate. A man always surrender when his prostate is getting hits after hits and Andrew always fucked him like that. He would hit him deep with balls hurried in his ass and his entire body would jolt in response. Andrew had the best fuckstyle. While fucking any man, he would observe that man carefully, he would observe his facial expressions that what makes him vulnerable, most happy and piss off. His dick would get to know his anus, rectum and prostate really well anatomically and physiologically. And after knowing the body well Andrew would make decision what the body wants and according to that change his fuckstyle. Similar thing happened with Danny and chris. Danny didn't know himself better so it was easy for Andrew to take him down but in Chris's case he took his time to understand the stud first. He seduces him first then forced fuck him to know his limits, tortured his body to know his body's limits and after hat he played his final stroke edging. He was just like his father a heavy and a fast cummer. Applying his medical and psychological knowledge he dominated all three men. What can you expect from a doctor's son who was gonna study medical himself.

Andrew fucked the bottom below hard tightly embracing his chest and sticking him. James was jolting, shivering and groaning and grunting crazy. He loves Andrew's fuck. He loves being under him receiving his dick. He had transformed into a total muscle pussy slut.

After banging him for half an hour Andrew dumped his load in his hole and fell on him again. Below him the muscle beast was having an intense organs and shooting load without touching himself. He wanted to fall as well but Andrew was on top of him. Andrew stood up and ordered him to clean the mess he made on floor. This was the most humiliating part but he always do that. Sticking his tongue out and eating his junk was so gross.

"You are one best pussy. Now you can leave and wait....if you wanna eat anything other than your junk ask Ralph.", People would think Andrew always used men and it was true to much extent but he does care for his bottoms. James nodes in negative, cleared the mess, dressed himself and left the room.

Andrew took his mobile and looked at the picture on display thinking about him and Chris. His hole was in the view, his fantastic muscular body, handsome face and the time they spent together. He really missed him. He never felt such feelings for anyone. Was he in love with his best friend?

Next: Chapter 21: Andrews Sexcapade Continues 3

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