Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Sep 27, 2020


Important note: this is the last chapter of this series or the first volume. I have introduced James here and second volume is gonna about him. But as I'm more interested in writing third volume, that will be available first so dont get confused with the third volume named: "Andrew's sexcapade continues"

Till then enjoy this chapter and email me your remarks. Plus I'm gonna start the new session for muscular sluts and I need you to contact me either via email or you can Skype me with same account. Submissive muscular slutty studs who will be my personal sex toys and ll entertain me on cam.

Email and Skype:

Chapter 18

They were panting lying together in bed. Andrew's deflated dick was still in Danny's hole. Danny's chest tensed as he exhaled. Andrew moved his hand over his smooth muscular chest and abs. Both looked at each other and kissed. It was the best thing Danny had experienced in his life and he didn't want it to be end. Both stood up and went to bathroom to take a shower together. After shower both came out naked, Andrew dressed and Danny wore his shorts only. Danny went to grab something to eat. They lost a lot of calories today engorging themselves in such a rough sex. Andrew on the LCD and played a movies. He was thinking about something. Neither Danny knew nor Chris that he was having sex with both of them. He should at least tell Danny about it. He was consumed in his thoughts and didn't notice Danny coming and bringing sandwiches and coffee.

"Hey lad. Have it.", Danny brought him out of his thoughts.

"Hmm....oh thanks for this.", Danny watched Andrew, he found him distracted and upset. He left the sandwich in plate.

"What happened son? You look upset.", Danny asked him. He considered him his own son now. He took Andrew's hand and caressed it. Andrew looked at his smiling face.

"I want to tell you something but I'm afraid you may take it wrong.", Andrew sighed.

"I'm listening. You can discuss anything Andrew." Danny said politely. Andrew still had doubt Danny might get angry.

"I should have told you earlier but I took it as fun and now I cannot stop it. I love you daddy and......(pause) Chris as well.", Andrew didn't want to bring his name. He wanted to handle situation without bringing Chris to this matter but it couldn't be helped. Chris was also as much involved as Danny.

"What do you mean?", Danny seemed to be upset. Andrew sensed his worried expression.

"I guess it is not the right time. I better leave now", Andrew stood up but Danny held his arm.

"Tell me Andrew. It is about Chris and I wanna know.", Danny was stern. Andrew could see the old Danny now.

"I think you both should talk with each other. You should tell him that you are not dating any woman. You are into men now.", Andrew said.

"Andrew come to the point. What is it about Chris?", He asked. Andrew sat down.

"Ok hear me calmly.", Andrew took a pause. Danny complied.

"I started doing this stuff as fun. It is true I liked you since you came here. I was fascinated by you. You were the ideal man I always dreamed of. And now I'm here fucking you with your consent and you also loved it. But .......", Andrew paused again.

"But what Andy?" Danny asked controlling his tone and himself.

"You were straight and now you cannot live without a cock up your ass daddy. And Chris....he is ...he is just like you.", I said looking into his eyes.

"I don't get it. What are you saying?", He was confused.

"I said Chris is not a straight man. He craves for cock. He is into men now. He also loves a man's dick up his ass and the man who fucks (pause)", I said. I wanted to tell him everything. Both father and son were gay and they should disclose this to each other. Danny was silent. I couldn't get whether he was shocked on this revelation or what.

"So you are saying you are fucking both of us, father and son?", He asked with blank face.

"Yes ...kind of....but I swear it happened on its own. You left me and I was horny. One day I saw Chris in our college pool and it happened. Even Chris didn't believe it. I think he is bisexual but one thing I knew is we are really close.", I continued telling him and Danny sat there quietly. He didn't say anything. He was not angry at me. May be he didn't want to upset me as he gave himself completely to me.

"Say something daddy. Anything." I said.

"I just don't know what to say.", He said.

"Are u mad at me daddy?", I asked him. I just could not leave him now but I also could not deceive him.

"I don't know Andrew. But I cannot believe that Chris is into men now?", Danny still had doubts.

"I know but it is true. I guess I should go now. I don't know how will you settle things but I cannot leave either Chris or you. You both meant to me a lot." I stood up and left. I didn't know what was gonna happen next.

Andrew returned to his house. In the evening Chris came to see me. We chit chatted for some time and then he left. From his tone and attitude it was clear Danny had not discussed anything with Chris. The next day was off from college, Andrew decided to stay late. He was watching movie on his laptop. He almost watched three to four movies when he heard the commotion outside his room. It was 11:15 pm, Andrew thought his father would have returned and he came out of his room. Ralph informed him about the arrival of his father. Andrew decided to have dinner together tonight. He went to his father's room. There was no one in the room. Sound of water flowing could be heard. Ben was in bathroom. Andrew stayed there. He took his father's briefcase and clothes and hanged them. He then saw the open laptop on bed. He grabbed it and was about to close it when he saw a video was paused. Out of curiosity he played the video and was shocked to see what was playing on screen. He quickly closed the screen when he heard the clicking sound of door opening. He swung back with a flash. Ben saw Andrew with the laptop. Both father and son stared at each other. Ben seemed red. He took laptop from Andrew's hand and placed it on the mattress.

"How was your day son?", Ben was drying his hair. His lean lanky body was covered in towel below waist. Ben was not looking into Andrew's eyes. He was not sure if Andrew had watched the video.

"Dad what was that?", Andrew asked directly.

"What son?", Ben said sternly.

"Dad that video.", Andrew was angry. Ben didn't say anything. There was silence like graveyard. Ben liked embarrassed.

"Nothing son. It is nothing.", Ben started wearing his night suit.

"Dad tell me. Are you gay?", Andrew asked. Ben looked at him and then focus on buttoning the shirt. He put the towel away. He was wearing his boxers and then wore his trousers. He sat in the bed and took his head in his arms. Andrew felt the environment getting intense. He calmed himself down. But he couldn't believe his eyes what he saw on laptop. There was the video if his father pinned down on his clinic bed and a huge man was fucking him brutally. His father crying and screaming but the man continued the assault.

Ben started crying. His eyes filled with tears.

"Dad you can tell me. We can solve the issue. If u want to discuss anything, any secret you wanna share you can share with me. I'm your son.", Andrew sat besides him and caressed his back. Ben looked at his son and started entailing everything.

"I had never homo orientation. But after your mother left In was broken down. One night I was in a club and replay high. There was this guy who came towards me....and squeezed my organ....I looked at him and pushed him away but he continued do that and I got hard. That was the first time I did something with a guy. I was getting horny and wanted a relief. We both went to his house and I had sex with him. I fucked him. In the morning I was really ashamed of what I did. It was a one night stand and I swear never to do that again. But that guy made a videos and sent me. He knew my profession and I was straight so he started blackmailing just for sex. He was impressed by how much I made him happy and he wanted more. So it just random. I was fucking him and some other dudes and then it became a habit of mine. I had a video on my laptop. Just as you saw a video tonight.....I made a mistake few months back" he paused.

"What did u do dad?", I was curious to know about what happened.

"I was about to delete the video. I was sitting in my clinic when my assistant nurse James cam in. He said there was an emergency case and I left the laptop as it is there. I went to attend the patient and upon my return James was ready in my room. I was scared a bit. I was not sure if he had touched my laptop. I was a bit relaxed that why would my assistant use it so I sat there in my seat and opened it but I was shocked to see the tab down as I could remember I didn't do that. I looked at James who was staring at me and smiling. He said that he knew my secret now and he had that video in his mobile now which of course he transferred. And then my suffering started.", Ben started sobbing.

"Since then he is fucking me. No raping me. He is blackmailing me, uses my money and when he spends them takes more without asking me.", Ben was crying and sobbing like a child. Andrew had never seen his miserable side. I always saw dad as a confident man.

"Dad...everything is gonna be ok. Don't worry." I caressed his back.

"How you are goanna set things son?", He asked.

"You don't know me well dad. I'm not gonna do corrupt thing to my family. Don't worry. It will get fine. I just want to know ever detail about this rascal James. Ok dad?", I said to him. I knew he didn't believe in me as he was ignorant of my wicked side.

"But what are you gonna do? I cannot let you do any dangerous thing Andrew.", Ben returned to his normal tone.

"Dad, for God's sake try to have faith in me at least once.", Andrew shouted and Ben was surprised at his son's this time.

"I'm not gonna let anyone harm us. Got it dad?", Andrew emphasized. Ben shook his head but still he had doubts.

"Now I want every detail about him tomorrow.",

"Ok son", Ben nodded.

"Now come let's have dinner together" Andrew took Ben by his arm and both father and son had their dinner with great delight. It was a while Andrew had enjoyed some time with his father.

Andrew was really worried for his father. Ben had been suffering all this shit for months and he told none about this. Had it not been for the laptop Andrew would have never found out about this shit. He was surrounded by a flood of problems first his dad's and second Danny. He thought to go to Chris's. He knocked at the door and Danny opened the door.

"Hey, how are you?", Danny greeted him normally.

"I'm fine. What about you?", Andrew tried to remain formal.

"Hey, I'm you daddy, son", Danny said smiling. Andrew was happy.

"So aren't you mad at me daddy?", Andrew came closer and asked.

"I have it thought and I felt I was equally responsible for this. And I cannot change Chris. If he is happy that way then it is fine by me. And ....", Danny paused. He was wearing his previous day shorts and a T-shirt. Andrew never saw him in a t-shirt. He usually wear buttoned shirt or a vest. But he was looking sexy. Andrew was staring at him with hungry eyes.

"And what daddy?", Andrew asked.

"And I'm happy myself son. The thought of not seeing you even for a day gave me shock. I have invested myself completely in this relationship and I don't want to break it at any cost. I know it is not in a romantic way as you have with Chris but it made me happy a completely changed man. I might sound selfish but it is the fact.", Danny was serious. Andrew blushed.

"We don't have a romantic relationship...", Andrew was sense like always, Danny thought. Even yesterday he could tell how he felt about Chris and discussing about their friendship with Chris he came to know the feeling was same in both sides but both were denying it.

"Oh daddy.", Andrew kissed Danny passionately. Danny lowers his head to suck Andrew's lips. Both were in a tight embrace.

"You are looking sexy in this tight fitting t-shirt daddy." Andrew complemented him.

"Really. I thought it was too out of fashion for a man of my age.", Danny looked at the shirt.

"Not at all daddy.", Andrew kissed him again.

"What is Chris doing?", Andrew asked.

"That sleepy head is not gonna wake up soon. Today is off from college you know and after meeting you yesterday he and his gang stayed out late.", Danny replied.

"Will you eat something?", Danny asked.

"Yes....there is one thing I wanna eat", Andrew pointed at his ass. Danny smiled at his wickedness. He came closer to Andrew.

"I have an idea daddy. I'm gonna milk you in Chris' room", Andrew said wickedly and Danny panicked.

"No...we can't do that in his room.....let us go to mine", Danny said innocently. Andrew grabbed his arm and took him in Chris' room.

"No son...don't ....please.", Danny excused but Andrew did what he want. They were now standing behind Chris' naked back. He was sleeping quietly in his boxers. Danny signaled to move out but Andrew lowered down his shorts and boxers revealing his 9 inch hard dick. He came behind Danny and licked his wide back. Danny's dick jumped in his hands. Danny was in plight. He was constantly thinking about Chris waking up and seeing his dad in such humiliation. But he also loved what Andrew was doing. Danny could not object to Andrew as he had completely given his body, his mind and his soul to Andrew. It was his object to use how ever he wanted. On personal note he always loved the humiliation stuff Andrew did to him even now his dick was hard and erect like steel rod just by thinking how humiliating it was.

Andrew slithered his hand up and down his rock hard nine and a half inch tool. Danny was focused not only the pleasure he was getting but a part of his mind was concentrating on Chris who he thought could turn around any minute and see his father's humiliating actions.

"Daddy. Focus on the pleasure I'm giving you. Chris is not gonna wake up. He came late last night so he is in seventh heaven right now." , Andrew tried to calm him down.

"Andrew is right. Chris is not gonna wake up any soon. I should feel the bliss he is providing me.", Danny thought.

"Grhhh.", Danny grunted in a low tone. He was used to making noise louder as Andrew like it but he couldn't do that today.

"Yes daddy just like this", Andrew whispered in his ears and pumped his dick faster. He ingrained his nail in his piss slit that made Danny scream out but he didn't. Andrew was teasing him, he could hear the chuckling sound.

"Don't do that son. Make me horny and hard.", Danny grunted in a sensual tone.

"Yes daddy I'm gonna make you cum.", Andrew sped up the stroking. Veins surrounded the thick girth of the fuck meat. It was throbbing like hood of the car. Danny had thrown an impressive and fascinating hard on that Andrew was mesmerised at its pulsatile motion whenever his hands slid up and down the mammoth shaft of Danny's pecker. Danny was making muffle noises and was breathing heavily.

"Oh son...I can't take it longer..fuck..", Danny was close to cumming. Andrew stopped stroking it and brought Danny's own hands around his large dick and moved it up and down. Danny felt his hands around his prick and continued to do what Andrew was making him to do. He was jerking it and stroking it faster and harder.

"Ohhhh", Danny moaned. The cum was churning in his tennis ball sized nutsac. Both of his tested were on heat and wanted to explode the hot juice boiling inside. Danny was stroking like a raging beast.

"Ughhhh,,, grhhhhh, yeah....fuck" he was making animalistic groans with every thrust. His dick was touching his chest and was oozing precum.

"Yes daddy....explode all the junk on bed. You are jerking being your son daddy. You love it.", Andrew was hooting.

"Yeah...I love it....I'm gonna cum soon lad...", Danny's hands were frantically moving up and down his large shaft pumping and forcing the muscles to erupt every drop of cum. Andrew churned and squeezed his balls.

"Ahhhhh....fuckk...." Danny hissed. The hard squeezing combined with his pump action drove him mad. Andrew continued the assault on his balls. He twisted the scrotum and pressed the tested. Danny felt the pleasurable pain.

"Son...I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum...", Danny panicked and his body shivered as gushes of shots over shots exploded from his piss slit and hit the bed.

"Grhhhhhh....grhhh....", Danny was grunting slowly a bit loudly. He couldn't stand the amazement of cum shooting from his cock.

He opened his eyes as his panting subsided. He looked at the spirits of creamy cum. About six shots were spread over mattress and two hit Chris' wide back. Both Danny and Andrew froze as Chris turned over feeling the shots of cum hitting him. But he was in a deep sleep. Both sighed in relief.

"Now let us go outside." Danny said.

"Ok....let us move before Chris wakes up" Andrew also didn't want Chris to wake up. Danny pulled his trousers over and both came outside.

"Let us finish the incomplete work daddy.", Andrew said with devious grin. Danny understood what he meant and he gave a devious smile as well. Andrew climbed his huge body taking his shirt off he planted a kiss over his lips. Danny opened door of his room and took Andrew in. Danny fell on the Ben on his back Andrew o we him squeezing his nipples. He nibble them and suck em hard. He took handful of his chiseled abs squeezing them as well. Danny felt the pain. Andrew kissed him rolling his tongue and taking it deep in his throat. By now Danny had get used to Andrew's rough assault. Andrew withdraw the lube from drawer and apply it on his two fingers. Andrew took his large muscular thighs up and over his shoulders. He inserted his fingers in Danny's smooth hairless hole.

"Yeah..", Danny enjoyed the fingering.

"Do you give yourself enema on daily basis?", Andrew asked him.

"Yeah...with a break of one day or two. But my hole is always clean for you boy", Danny said seductively. Though he hated doing that but Andrew liked that way so he had to do as he wanted. After stretching his tight hole well he took out his fingers.

"Are you ready daddy?", Andrew asked slyly.

"Always ready my boy", Danny said cheekily.

He took out his hard dick and slammed it in his tight hole with a one powerful blow.

"O...oho....ho..ho....fuck yeah son", Danny cried.

"Yeah daddy take it....I'm gonna fill u again daddy.", Andrew screamed.

"Yeah my boy. Fill me with your seed.", Danny said. Andrew kept fucking in a slow pace. He pushed him up and then pushed his hips inside Danny's chute attaining a constant rhythm.

"Fuck me son...yes...fuck me hard...fuck your daddy hard....", Danny exclaimed. Andrew achieve the pace and started fucking him hard taking his dick out and ramming entire shaft in.

"Yeah daddy....fuck..", he bent down to kiss him. He sucked his lips and invade his mouth fucking it with his tongue. Danny faced all this assault passively.

"Beep...beep...", Danny's phone rang. He took it and saw who it was. His boss was calling.

"Hey son wait a is imp call", Andrew minded it but stopped fucking him. He was licking his nipples and biking it. Danny attended the call.

"Ok sir I'm coming...", Danny disconnected.

"But you haven't cum yet daddy", Andrew teased him.

"You are very naughty....ok we have to do it later lad. It's urgent and I ve to go to site.", Danny said. Andrew was annoyed but Danny seemed in a rush.

"Any problem Danny?", Andrew was concerned.

"Don't know but it is important.", Danny was wearing his clothes.

"Wake up Chris and tell him to make himself breakfast today. See ya", Danny kissed him and left. Andrew was really mad. He was about to cum.

"Fuck....what should I do then...???....oh head Chris...", Andrew smiled wickedly and went to Chris' room. Chris was having a sound sleep. He must have been really tired. Andrew stared at his almost nude back for quite sometime. He squeezed his bubble butt and lowered down his boxers exposing his naked smooth butt. Chris wriggled a bit feeling all that giggly touch.

Andrew came over bed and caressed his ass cheeks. He was staring the ass hungrily. He licked his lips and then licked his ass crack that sent jolts across Chris' body. He wriggled again. Andrew continued to lick and penetrated his tongue in the crack. He parted his cheeks apart bringing his pink pucker to his view. Andrew spat in his hole. He ingrained his fingers that made Chris jumped up from the bed.

"Hey what are ya doing?", Chris asked turning his head.

"So I woke up babe", Andrew penetrated his hole with his fingers.

"Hey....not now Andy", Chris yawned. Andrew continued to penetrate deep in his hole.

"Fuck Andy.", Chris moaned feeling the pain. Andrew smiled and rolled him on his back tearing his boxers.

"Hey I bought it a month ago.",

"I ll get you a new one babe", Andrew lifted his thighs up and over his own shoulders. His abdomen touched Chris' chiseled abs. Andrew played with Chris' disheveled hair and smooched his lips. He invade his mouth with his own tongue.

"Hey....did you drink last night?", Andrew broke the kiss smelling alcohol.

"Yeah we all were high", Chris gave a sneaky excuse. Andrew was hard from previous fucking. He couldn't cum in Danny's hole but Chris' hole was available.

"Ok Chris I'm gonna give you a morning fuck now.", Andrew pressed his hands over his broad shoulders and pounded his hole with his hard dick.

" least use a lube", Chris moaned feeling the thick dick inside his hole.

"Babe bear it....take it...", Andrew took half length and pushed it with all his might.

"Ohhh..ahhhh", Chris was moaning with pain and pleasure. Andrew continued the anal assault. His fingers were ingrained in Chris' shoulders and sweat popped out of his pores. He took Chris' legs and pressed them over his shoulders getting more access to Chris' hole. He rammed his entire shaft, his balls hitting Chris' ass crack.

" are such a cruel fucker...", Chris adjusted himself to get more of his girth with less pain.

"Babe you have such a tight hole...ahhh... and it always makes me go crazy and fuck you wildlyyyy...grhhhh", Andrew said panting and grunting high.

"I always bottom for you. It seems I lost how to fuck.", Chris although enjoyed taking Andrew's dick but he didn't want to forget how to fuck.

"We ll talk about that later. So don't ruin the mode and moan louder.", Andrew sped up the fucking motion. He was stammering his hole hard and fast.

"Ahhh..yeah....such a tight ass babe you have...", Andrew hammered him again with his rod.

"Fuck yeah...Andy....fuck me...harder...ahhhhh." Chris also didn't want to spoil the fun he focused on getting fucked hard and fast. He loved Andrew's sense of rough fuck. He had acclimatized to his style.

"Oh yeah bud.....I'm gonna cum....urhhhhhh...fuckk....I'm cumming babe....", Andrew slammed in his hole with his balls.

"Oh yeah....give it to me Andy...fill my gut...", Chris begged like a slut. His own dick was oozing precum. Andrew fell on his broad chest. Both were breathing deeply.

"Now get up and take shower. You are gonna make your own breakfast today.", Andrew left the bed.

"Where is dad?" Chris asked taking his legs down.

"He had an urgent call from his boss so he went away.", Andrew had gone into lounge whereas Chris went to take shower.

Chris was making himself breakfast in his shorts. Andrew kept staring his wide v shaped back. He went closer and hugged him.

"Hey....what are ya doing?", Chris was not expecting this. Andrew began to play with his biceps and his nipples.

"Not now Andy.....AHH", Chris felt the pain.

"I wan to now Chris. Bend for me.", Andrew slid his shorts down. Chris was panicked.

"Hey...wait....not now....let me have my breakfast first...", Chris excised as tried to stop Andrew who had now lowers his shorts down his feet and was adjusting his ass.

" are gonna have my "meat" in breakfast", Andrew said meekily and took the butter placed aside. He covered his fingers with it and inserted them into his shaven hole.

" ....fuck....Andrew....", Chris felt him penetrating his insides. He spread his legs. He knew Andrew never listened to him when he was horny. The person he fucks had to submit to him and he did. He himself wanted it but after his breakfast.

Andrew penetrated deep and deep.

"Ahhhh...fuck....", Chris was now enjoying it

Andrew bent him down on the table that gave him full access to explore his hole.

" are amazing.", Andrew inserted his third finger. The slippery butter had made his hole lubed well.

"Fuck ...feels good.", Chris groaned.

"Yes babe...I know that.....feel your pleasure", Andrew continued fingering the muscular stud's slutty hole. It was made for Andrew to fuck. Unlike Danny who now liked and enjoyed taking dick, Chris was not a complete bottom, he was Vers and wanted to fuck a hole, it can be a woman or a man. He knew he was bisexual and also knew he had desires of a sub as well and Andrew knew well how to bring his sub side out of him. He always loved when Andrew dominates him and fucks him. But deep inside of him he also wanted to fuck, to be assured that his Dom side had not been faded away by Andrew.

"Now I'm gonna fuck you babe.", Andrew took his rock hard dick out and slammed his hole with one powerful blow.

"Ahhhhhhhh", Chris bellowed under him in pain and pleasure. He loves taking Andrew's dick.

"Yeah.....fuck...", Andrew was slamming him hard. He loves hardcore sex as this hard fucking made his bottoms always keep in mind their role when he was around.

Andrew was wrecking Chris' hole mercilessly. He was panting between every stroke he made taking out and slamming his tool in hitting Chris' prostate. Chris was whimpering underneath as well. He could feel and enjoy his best mate's power over him, his dominance and presence.

"Ahhhhhh...ahhhh...fuck...Andy I'm cumming", Chris hollered with joy as his dick throbbed and ejaculated his juice out of him. Andrew also shot his load inside of him and fell over his wife back. He was kissing him. Both boys were in bliss.

"Get off me now.", Chris came back to his senses. He still was annoyed at Andrew's hard anal perversion.

"Man what is with you?", Andrew was also over his sissy excuses.

"Andy you know it is always difficult for me to take your rough pounding.", Chris took the slices and cup of coffee. Both sat in the sofa.

"And I always told you don't act like a sissy. You are a man and behave like one.", Andrew switched on the TV switching channels and stopped at Henry Cavil's Man of Steel movie.

"Fuck...I love him...", Andrew uttered. Chris looked at TV.

"You cannot understand as you always fuck me.", Chris said.

"Yeah...I'm the top", Andrew replied without looking at him. He was focused on the movie.

"Dude. I also wan to fuck. I'm not a complete bottom. I wan to make sure I can still fuck.", Chris said. Andrew heard him didn't pay attention.

"Are you listening to me Andy??", Chris asked.

"Yes.....we ll discuss that later.", Andrew was busy watching movie. Chris shrugged sipping his coffee.

Ben came earlier in the evening. He handed a file to Andrew.

"What is it dad?", Andrew asked.

"What you wanted son", he replied loosing his tie. Andrew opened the file and there was two to three pages related to a man named James Dickson.

"Ohh...he is the one.", Andrew was reading it.

"Yes....I'm.gonna take shower until then read about him.", Ben went to his room. Andrew read the file.

"James Dickson. Profession is a medical assistant. Has worked in several hospitals as nurse. Age: 32, height: 6'2. Orientation: gay Likes boxing and has been a street fighter as well."

Andrew was impressed . He looked at his pic. He was handsome. He turned the page. There was written about a club he was leader of. It was a gang of several men who were members of a club where they usually arranged an orgy and this dude always fucked them or the other tops of his gang fuck their bottoms. The gang hire members who had to have a sexual session with James to prove him that they were worthy. James always fucked them all who usually claimed to be the tops. He was known as "The Alpha". Andrew smiled. Now it was the time to take down this "Alpha". He began to come up with a plan how to proceed and what to do. Suddenly his mind struck and his smile widened.

The next day in the college, Andrew took Chris to a deserted place.

"I need to talk to u", Andrew said.

"Ok....looks like it is important.", Chris was concerned.

"I need your help...", Andrew started.

"You said yesterday that u wanna fuck. So here is an opportunity.", Andrew said. Chris was attentive.

"There is a guy named James Dickson. He is fraud and blackmailing my dad. I ve to teach him a lesson.", Andrew completed.

"But why is he blackmailing your dad?", Chris asked.

"I cannot tell u that now and don't force me. So tell me are you in? Wanna help me?", Andrew was waiting for his response.

"Hmmmm......ok...let's do it.", Chris said giving it a thought. Andrew hugged him.

"Thank you Chris. I won't forget this. You are the best.", Andrew was hugging him tightly.

"Ok leave me. You are squeezing me.", Chris said. Andrew left him.

"We ll also need Jack.", Andrew said.

"That Jack the fag......but why?", Chris was not happy with him

"The person we are dealing with is not an ordinary man. He is a top himself and a cruel one so we need a good bottom.", Andrew said.

"If he is a top then how would we fuck him?", Chris was confused.

"That's why I said we ll take Jack......I ve a plan and we have to implement it from tonight", Andrew said. Both gave a positive look to each other.

Next: Chapter 19: Andrews Sexcapade Continues 1

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