Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Sep 26, 2020


Note: If any of my readers had sent me an email before then I apologise I couldn't receive it as my account got deleted and I recovered it back now. So you can send me emails now and if your emails bounced ever again.....send me a text on Skype


Chapter 17

"you are gonna ride me daddy", Andrew told Danny with a devious grin.

Danny was a shocked a bit. He had surrendered himself totally to Andrew, he became a total bottom for him, he did as Andrew had told him. But could he do that? Could he ride a "boy's dick"? His wife rode him and he loved that but being a mature man and riding a dick was something he should have courage to do.

"What happened daddy?" Andrew asked looking him confused.

"I don't know son, it feels so weird. My late wife used to ride me and riding you makes me feel like .....", Danny paused.

"Like what daddy?", Andrew asked him. He was squeezing his large biceps with his both hands.

"It make me feel like ...her", Danny uttered and lowered his head. Andrew frowned his brow and burst I to laughter. Danny hit his chest.

"Sorry daddy....but you are mine now.", Andrew pulled him closer to his face.

"You are my daddy. You are responsible to make your son happy in every way possible dad.", Andrew said directly into his eyes.

"Whether you feel like your late wife or not you are gonna ride me. And it ll make the sex more erotic if you feel that way cuz ...YOU ARE MINE NOW", Andrew whispered last four words in Danny's ears and his eyes widened and cock sprung up. There was an invisible happy emotion bulging in Danny's heart as he heard those words. Word that made him a property of someone. Words that claimed him as an object. He felt goosebumps. He never ever imagined that he would be degrading himself to such an extent that he would become a sex slave and 'd do anything to please someone. But it was all consensual. He wanted that. He wanted Andrew willingly by his heart. He loved him which means Andrew was right, he had to be a responsible dad and serve his son and make him happy. He always thought riding a dick was meant for a woman and that's why he found it really humiliating. But on the other hand he loved doing humiliating things to make his son happy and he had to ride his son as this was his desire and a father always fulfil his son's desires.

"Yes, I'm yours, son.", Danny smiled and kissed him. Had he gotten any choice? No. He had given himself to someone who claimed him as his property and he could not object to him. Danny moved his hips upwards bringing his hole above the erect dick of Andrew's. He was kissing him passionately. He moved his legs around his waist and assumed the position. They broke the kiss and Danny was on his legs keeping his hole few centimetres away from Andrew's tool. Andrew smiled and took his meaty tits in his hands squeezing them.

"Ohhh", Danny moaned.

"Go down daddy. Ride me", Andrew said sensually. Danny moved his hips down, his crack feeling the tip of the cock he was gonna ride. He looked in Andrew's eyes. There was no backing way and he had to do it. He felt the dick tip and slide his hole onto it.

"Oh yeah.." Danny closed his eyes and took entire length of Andrew's tool. His hole had been well stretched because of getting fucked by that huge dildo. It was easy for his hole to engulf the entire shaft. As his crack hit Andrew's balls Danny opened his eyes to see his son. Andrew was smiling.

"Yes daddy. No move up and down. Make me happy.", Andrew said. Danny moved his hip upwards and as his dick was about to leave his hole he sat down. Then he moved upward and sat down. It was so humiliating and exciting for Danny. The scene of his wife riding him flashed his mind and now he was doing the same. He was hard like steel. He couldn't believe he was actually riding a dick. He could feel the pleasure that his wife felt back then. He moved upward Andrew's dick as his wife would do and then came down hitting his son's balls like his wife.

"Oh son....ahhh", Danny moaned. He was riding a dick.

"Yes loved it....just speed up things ...ride me my cowgirl", Andrew said and Danny started riding his dick harder and faster. Andrew began to push his dick hard as Danny would come down.

"Ahhh...ahhh...ohhh...son....feels good....AHH....ahhhh", Danny was moaning every time Andrew's cock hit his prostate. Andrew started a fucking motion. He was fucking the shit out of Danny. He was his slut, his whore and his fag, his owned property, Andrew can use his daddy as he wanted.

"Yes daddy take it...take my dick in your hole....yes fuckk", Andrew continued to fuck him harder.

"Oh son yeah....I'm riding your dick...son" Danny's eyes were closed and he was focusing on riding dick and taking it like he deserved it. Despite cooling breeze from air conditioner hitting Danny, sweat form a wet layer on his shaven and smooth chest. His bubble butt was bouncing like balloon on Andrew's dick. His chest muscles and biceps were bulging and Danny was uttering loud noises filling the entire room.

"Yes daddy fill the room with your slutty groans. Moan louder.", Andrew encouraged him even more and Danny began to main louder without taking care of anyone.

"Yes son ..ahhhhhh...ohhhh fuckk....yeahhhhhh...ohhhh gawddddd....fuck....yeah...", Danny was bouncing on the six inch dick as his own nine inch tool was oozing cum and bouncing on Andrew's chest. Andrew was playing with his tits.

Danny rode him like his wife. He had become a Andrew's woman, his cowgirl. This mature hunk who was the dream man of every woman out there was riding a college boy's dick like a slutty woman. He didn't seem to be a man now. He was completely transformed into a woman. He had taken his wife place getting filled by a twink's dick and enjoying his cum.

"Oh son, I'm gonna cum....make me cum...please....", Danny begged. Andrew had planned to make him cum but not like this. He stopped fucking him and signaled him to stop as well.

"'s not fair...I wanna cum", Danny stopped bouncing.

"You will daddy. I'm making your balls to produce every drop of sperm they can make today. I'm preparing you to explode like a wild horse today daddy.", Andrew kissed him.

"I wanna spank you daddy. You ass his just perfect the most spankable ass I ve ever seen", Andrew caressed his ass. Danny smiled and assumed all four position spread his ass cheeks to receive round of spanking. Andrew loved spanking Danny. He was mature enough to handle every pain he can give. Chris could never endure like his father. He was young and not made for enduring excruciating pain like his father. He was learning and getting used to Andrew's sadistic desires. He was a cub and Danny was a mature dog. That's why he always loved dad like guys who were muscular and mature enough to take all pain Andrew wanted to give.

"Smack", a hard spank marked at Danny's bubble butt.

"Oughh", Danny moaned. He had gone through several spanking sessions now and now he could hardly feel pain. The only emotion he Andrew made and allowed to feel was pleasure.

"Smack, smack, smack....", Andrew was brutally spanking him. Danny felt the bees stinging his butt. He was continuously Naomi g and enjoying the pain. He loved spanking session now.

"You are a mature stud daddy. You can take it. You can take it unlike young college boys such as Chris", Andrew smacked again.

"Yeah son I can take every assault, hit me harder, with all your might.", Danny said. Andrew took it as challenge and spanked his red butt cheeks with all his might.

"Smack, smack, smack, smack,....", Andrew smacked him hard like a beast. He gave about fifty spanks.

"Are you tired my son?", Danny asked.

"Oh daddy. You can take it more. I know but I can't spank you more. I love you.", Andrew clung on his wide back and kissed his neck. Danny was smiling. He could still take more.

"I cannot stand it anymore I'm gonna fill your gut with my juice so get ready daddy.", Andrew bit his ear and smack his butt signalling him to spread his cheeks. Danny got excited at last he could cum. He happily spread his cheeks and assumed the position. Andrew was hard like hell. He placed his dick at his ass crack's entrance.

"It is gonna be really hard for ya daddy. Endure it.", Andrew said and slammed his hard dick with a forceful blow deep into his hole.

"I can take it son. Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....ahhhhhhhh", Danny had no idea Andrew would be that hard in first blow. He bent forward feeling the pressure of his dick hitting his prostate. Andrew clung tightly. He pressed his hand on his lips and kept him closer by pressing his abdomen. He was gonna fuck him really hard. He pulled hi dick out completely and again banged him with 760 torr pressure. Danny shrieked that was muffled by Andrew's hand.

"mfffffff", Danny was maiming in pain but was taking dick like a pro. His eyes were watered.

"Yes daddy...take it...ufff.,, yeah...fuckk....take my dick...I'm gonna Rio your hole apart....I love you so much daddy....", Andrew was mad like a wild beat he was stammering his hole like a hammer hitting Nail.

"Mugffffff ..ahhh...mugff", muffled cries could be heard but Andrew didn't remove his hand off his face. The room was echoing with the slamming sound of Andrew's balls hitting Danny's tight hole. Both men were on heat. Danny could not stand any more pressure on his biceps so he fell on bed. Andrew continued to fuck him driving Danny mad. The muffled cries were transformed into pleasure full groans. Andrew took his hand away and held his wide shoulders with his both hands. He brought his dick out that was oozing precum.

"Danny few more fucks and I'm gonna full u with my sperms", Andrew said and slammed again with the hardest blow he could give. Danny had become a total slut whom Andrew could use whenever he wanted and how ever he wanted. Without listening his reply he slammed in and Danny who was in a daze couldn't hear him properly and as Andrew's dick hit his prostate real hard his eyes widened and he pulled his head up with the loudest groan.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....fuckkkkkkkkkkkk", Danny's high pitched groan could be heard by entire neighbourhood. Andrew without caring it fucked few more times.

"I'm gonna cum inside daddy, cum with me. Explode the entire load that has built up in your balls.", Andrew said and pulled his head up and taking his dick out slammed in harder clinging himself tighter to his hole and wide back.

"Fuckkkk....I'm cummmminnnnggggggggggggg lad...I'm cumminnnnnggggggg" Danny feeling another hard blow exploded his entire load over mattress. Good twelve shots of thick creamy white juice was leaking out of his piss slit. His body was shivering and feeling the best and the biggest load in his life. Andrew was also shooting his ten shots of juice in his deep tunnel. Both were shivering in pleasure feeling the most remarkable orgasm of their lives. Danny fell on mattress in the aftermath hitting by shot over shot of Andrew's cum in his hole. Both daddy and son were panting high.

"I'm not done with you daddy. I wanna fuck you again. I'm not satisfied yet. I wanna fuck you more." Andrew whispered in his ear. Danny was surprised at the high sex drive of Andrew. He didn't think he can cum anymore or receive fuck as he was done for the day. He couldn't produce anymore cum. He lifted his head and body up in push up position, Andrew was over him. With one hand he held Andrew tightly and rolled his body over. He could see Andrew now who looked innocent. His eyes showed how horny he was and he could see the hungriness for him.

"Are you sure Andrew? You fucked really hard and filled my guts completely. I don't think I can produce more cum." , Danny said innocently. Andrew kissed him.

"I'm sure. I ve a high sex drive like you. And I wanna fuck you again." Andrew said. His dick was still in Danny's tight hole. He lifted his muscular legs up and signaled Danny to hole them. Danny didn't want it but he could not say no to him. He hold his legs and Andrew pulled his dick out with a plop. Danny was shocked to see him still hard.

"Ready for another round daddy?", Andrew asked. Danny knew even if he said no, Andrew would fuck him. He had no choice so he nodded yes.

Andrew took his thighs up and exposed his hole, he slammed in easily as it was filled with his thick juice.

"Ohhh" Danny moaned. His own dick was deflated. He didn't think he would get hard again. But he was getting waves of shocks running through his entire body as he was gonna get fucked again. He was excited and his own dick twitched at his thoughts. Andrew slammed deep but this time he was slow. Danny moaned. Both were looking into their eyes smiling." Such beautiful eyes", thought Danny. These eyes made him this way. Andrew closed his eyes he just wanna focus on fucking his daddy. He move forward and backward in a slave rhythmic fashion.

"Ahhh..." Danny moaned. He fixed his eyes on his fucker's face.

"This boy...this boy just changed my life", he adjusted to take every inch of Andrew's dick. His legs were over Andrew's shoulders and Andrew was centimeters always from his face. Danny could hear the moans escaping his handsome face, he could feel the warm breath of sex hitting his face. Andrew's eyes were closed but his facial expressions said it all. He was enjoying feeling Danny's insides. Danny continuously watched his face. He was lost in his expressions.

"Such dominating expressions. He can take any man of my age. He can make any man happy despite he is just a college kid.", Danny looked at him. Andrew was maiming and fucking him slowly like a wedding night sex. Danny had such slow rhythmic sex with his wife. He felt completely like a woman under this college boy. He tightened his grip around Andrew. He also closed his eyes feeling him. Andrew acted like his man here.

"Fuck me my man" Danny said sensually and was surprised at his own words. Why he called Andrew "his man".

"Oh yes. Fuck...", Andrew said. He was lost in the intimate scene. Danny was himself getting hard, his balls were churning. He could feel cum producing drop by drop.

"No way .....I'm hard...and I'm gonna cum son...", Danny said in surprise.

"I'm gonna cum again as well daddy...I'm gonna full you again", Andrew sped up and continued to fuck him hard.

"Oh yes son...yes fuck me...fuck your man..", Danny crossed his legs around Andrew's little waist. The little fucker was fucking his beast daddy like a pro.

" I'm gonna cum daddy", Andrew was panting.

"Fuck your man son...fuck your man...", Danny hugged him tightly. Andrew's warm breaths were hitting his glistened body.

"I'm you man me your man...", Andrew said slamming him.

"You are my man.." Danny said. There were no mains or groans. The fucking sounds produced by the mattress were ringing.

"You are my man son", Danny said. Andrew growled and shoot four to five more loads and same for Danny. Danny could feel the shots hitting him inside.

Next: Chapter 18

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