Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Sep 15, 2020


A new chapter to satisfy all daddies out there. And as I told you before, I need a submissive slave who will not only sexually please me but also write my chapters. So where the fuck you are slaves....come to your Master. Email me for continuing this story and show me how good of a slave you are. Enjoy this new chapter with an additional bonus chapter combined.

Chapter 16

Andrew saw Mr. Danny lecherously staring at him. He smiled stepping towards him.

"So you came?", Andrew took his shirt and wore it. Danny made a fake sad expression.

"Why did you wear the shirt on son? You looked hot shirtless?", Danny came closer. Both daddy son were hot for each other. Danny pulled his hand and touched Andrew's lips delicately. He brushed his finger over them. Who was this boy who brought such unimaginable changes in his life. Andrew's innocent black eyes were shining like stars filled with plethora of desires and dreams. They captivated Danny.

"What happened daddy?", Andrew asked watching Danny behaving so weird.

"Hunn....Nothing son...", Danny snapped out of his enchanted state.

"Just thinking you are so attractive. The thoughts about you always excite me Andrew whether I'm at work, at home or anywhere. You just taught me how much I neglected myself, ignored my sexual life. You just brought entirely a new side out of myself that I never imagined I had. I always considered myself straight and a top. But since you entered my life, you explored and awoke my other side which I never realized.", Danny was expressing all his feelings staring in his eyes like someone confessing his feeling to one's loved one.

"I hated and lied to myself, lived in denial and delusion but the sexual satisfaction that you provided me and the way my manhood reacted to your touch always betrayed my straight stature. I felt passive and captive when I was with you. But now I want to be your captive my life, son." Andrew felt proud of himself that how he shaped this aggressive, rude and emotionless statue of muscle into his obedient sub who could now standing expressing himself willingly. Danny's large hand was still caressing Andrew's handsome face.

"Thank you daddy for taking care of me. Believe me the time I spent with you, had never spent with my own dad. You made me feel the dad-son bond that I always wanted. I'm not saying it to flatter you, I mean every word I'm saying.", Andrew hugged him. Danny embraced him as well like he did to his son Chris. He really considered Andrew like his own son now.

"But daddy today we are not gonna do any horny thing. I ve planned to watch a movie with you.", Andrew broke the embrace and switched on the LCD.

"But I thought that......well" Danny blushed.

"No daddy. I told you before I want it in your home next.", Andrew played an action movie. He paused it.

"So you are gonna have off from work tomorrow and I ll not go to college as well. I want to spend the day with you. I ve planned many kinky stuff for you daddy that are actually surprise.", Andrew explained cheerfully.

"Taking off from work?", Danny said thinking.

"Can't you take a break for one day daddy?", Andrew asked innocently. Danny melted away looking at his innocent expressions.

"Umm....I ll. Are you happy now?", Danny nuzzled Andrew's hair.

"Yes daddy", Andrew said happily like a kid. Both of them sat together on sofa and continued watching movie. They also had popcorns that Ralph provided them.

"Hey son, do Ralph know about us?", Danny wanted to ask this for a while. He had a doubt that Ralph knew everything that might be a risky thing.

"Yes daddy.....and don't worry about him. He is my loyal servant. He won't even tell father.", Andrew said confidently.

"Are you sure son?", Danny was still concerned.

"Yes daddy. Stop thinking about him. Let's watch the movie." Andrew kissed Danny on lips twirling his muscular arm around him. Both focused on the screen.

Danny came late home in the evening. Chris was working out in the garage. Danny enjoyed spending time with Andrew. He loved his company. He went to his house with intention of getting fucked and give him a blowjob but they spent a casual time with each other and he enjoyed himself. Danny was smiling. He never felt this way in a long time. He was never excited about anyone except for his wife, in his life. He was anticipating several things for tomorrow's session. Chris came out of his home made gym.

"How was your day Chris?" Danny asked.

"It was good dad.", Chris said wiping his sweat with towel. He took water bottle and gulped it down.

"What are you doing now?", Danny's asked him.

"First shower then studying dad. Exams are near and I ve to study hard.", Chris said with concern.

"Yes son and I want you to pass the entrance exam.", Danny said sternly.

"I won't disappoint you dad." Chris said and went into his room.

Danny was getting bored. He entered the garage and switched on the lights. He glanced over the gym equipment. He went to the rack of dumbbells and took a five kg dumbbell and lifted it giving a set of 20 reps. His beefy muscular arms bulged with every lift. He spent good time there sweating himself. He came out and took a shower and went to bed.

In the morning, Danny made breakfast for Chris . Chris came out of his room and sat in the chair.

"Don't you want to take breakfast dad?", Chris asked him.

"No I ll have it later son. I'm taking an off today from work." Danny said.

"Why?", Chris asked as he was surprised Danny never took off from work.

"There was nothing important for me today. So I thought to spend the day at home and go outside.", Danny came with an excuse. He went to the sink so that Chris could not ask more questions. Chris smiled. He thought Danny wanted to spend sometime with his "girlfriend".

"Ok good luck dad. Have a great day." Chris bade him farewell,went to open the door hearing the "knock" at it.

"I guess Andrew has come", Chris opened the door and there was Ralph instead of Andrew. Ralph gave Chris the car keys. Car was outside.

"Master Andrew is I'll today so he won't be able to go with you. So he gave me the key to give it you Sir.", Ralph told him with formal expressions.

"Ohh....let me see him first.", Chris was worried.

"He is sleeping right now. So there is no use meeting him." Ralph said. Chris was annoyed but he was right. He should not disturb him right now. He decided to see him after college.

"Ok. I ll come after college.", Chris shrugged and went to college.

"Master Andrew will come within an hour Sir. Be ready. ", Ralph informed Danny with same expressionless face. Danny nodded. He was literally embarrassed the entire time. Lying to Chris and coming up with fake excuses, he had never done this before. But it was fun.

"Knock, knock", Danny opened the door smiling. He was happy to see Andrew. Andrew was wearing a black check shirt and brown shorts. He had his bag pack as well.

"So Chris went?", Andrew asked.

"Yes, wanna have breakfast?", Danny asked him.

"Did you take it daddy?", Andrew asked leaving his bad pack on the lounge sofa.

"No I didn't. I thought to take with you son?", Danny smiled.

"Okay then. If my daddy hasn't taken then we ll both have our breakfast together.", Andrew smiled.

"But first I want you to get naked and see you in your apron only. ", This unique demand took Danny by surprise but he complied. He got naked and wore his black colored apron. Andrew watched him hungrily taking off his clothes and wearing the apron. His muscular built was mesmerising.

"How do I look?", Danny asked cheekily.

"Sexy.", Andrew replied.

"Okay what will you have?", He asked.

"May be omelette", Andrew said.

"Ok then omelette", Danny said and fetched the ingredients for it. He was cutting onions and other stuff when Andrew came behind him. Andrew gazed at his wide back and beefy thighs. His bubble butt was the most attractive thing. He looked sexy as hell in apron that couldn't hide his back side. Andrew came closer and embraced him.

"Hey.... what are you doing? Don't distract me.", Danny said with a sleazy smile. Andrew kissed his back. Danny shivered. The knife in his hand fell on the plate. Andrew grabbed the bubble butt of Danny that was cleaned and smooth with the waxing procedure Andrew gave him. He continuously kissed his back and squeezed his butt harder. Danny's dick sprung up quickly. This was "Andrew's touch effect".

"Ahhh.." Danny moaned slightly. Andrew squeezed his butt cheeks really hard. Danny felt the pain mixed pleasure which he considered the best.

"Yeahhh....ohhh", Danny uttered light moans. Andrew continued his kissing and twisting and Danny carried on his moaning. Suddenly Andrew stopped kissing and squeezing his butt. He took his two fingers and penetrated Danny's tight hole. It was still clean off hair. Danny felt his fingers near his hole. He loved this fingering thing. Andrew's twisting his fingers in his hole always took him to heaven. He was anticipating the same twisting and stretching. But he didn't have a hunch what was coming next.

Andrew always made his fingers wet before finger fucking his hole but this time he penetrated his dried fingers. He inserted them and paused momentarily before forcefully and rapidly moving his fingers deep inside his hole and bending them hard enough to make Danny feel the most intense pain of his life.

"What the fuck Andrew....wait....what are ya doing...wait...what the fuckkkkkkk....ahhhhhhhhhhhh...", Danny's eyes opened wide, his feet tiptoed, his fists clenched tightly, his hole closed around his fingers and he shouted the words with the loudest tone he could utter. Danny felt the unimaginable, unspeakable and indefinable pain of his life. Andrew penetrated deep running his tight hole and sending shocks of pain to his hole.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh....what the hellllllll....uhhhh", Danny shut his eyes and bend over the surface. Andrew penetrated deep and deep with hard forceful thrusting. Danny's hole was burning and stinging with pain. His eyes filled with tears. He almost cried.

"Stop Andrew....please.....ahhhhhhhhh...ouhhhhhh ...pleaseeeeee I beg you", Danny begged but Andrew continued his anal torture. Danny slammed his hands on the surface. He couldn't stand the pain.

"Please son....please stop...I can't stand it anymore" Danny pleaded and Andrew took his fingers out. Danny's feet touched the ground. He looked at Andrew with watery eyes who was smiling with a devious grin.

"This is the punishment for not keeping a military cut hairstyle and not informing me you didn't do that", Andrew said ignoring the pain and tears of Danny and sat in the chair.

Danny was furious at him he could have spanked him, or given him any other punishment if he wanted but not this intensifying pain. But he controlled himself as a thought came in his mind that he might deserve it.

"I'm sorry for that Andrew.", Danny said reluctantly. Andrew came near him.

"Don't be daddy cuz I already planned to do it to you. I want you to endure whatever I do to you daddy. But believe me I won't do it again until and unless there is utmost necessity. Okay daddy. And try not to piss me off again daddy. I don't expect you to deny my request and not informing me about what I told you to do. Got it daddy?", Andrew told him.

Danny didn't like it at all but still his dick was hard. His dick enjoyed his humiliation. He discovered his new kink today. He was kinky about feeling pain

"I ll try not to make you upset son again. I promise." Danny said. He couldn't afford to make Andrew mad again. He was still feeling the pain radiating in his tunnel.

"Okay. Let's have breakfast. Then I ll show you the surprise I told you about.", Andrew said.

"Then what was this? I thought this was the surprise." Danny teased him.

"Daddy", Andrew faked a sad impression.

"Ok. Ok. Show me after breakfast.", Danny laughed. He was himself excited what Andrew had to show him. His dick was rock hard. Both of them took their breakfast. After putting dishes in sink Andrew commanded Danny to come in his room taking his bag pack along with him.

"You know why I told you to do it in your own house and in your own bedroom daddy?", Andrew asked. Danny nodded head in negative.

"I wanna make you realize that now there is only one person who is gonna have sex with you in your own bedroom after your wife daddy, and that one is me.", Andrew said with a grin. Danny was still in his apron. His dick got hard that Andrew noticed. The idea of having an intercourse with another man in his own bedroom made Danny feel humiliated and excited at the same time. His wife was the only person he had sex with in his bed and second would be Andrew. It was exciting.

Andrew smiled and came near to him. He untied his apron and threw it aside. Danny was standing naked in his full glory. His Adonis musculature melting Andrew.

"How do you find it daddy? Getting fucked by me in your bed?", Andrew asked him. Danny felt humiliated and sexually aroused. But he now enjoyed his humiliation as well and he wanted to be fucked by Andrew whether in his bed or someone else's.

"It is erotic Andrew.", Danny said.

"Good daddy.", Danny said and kissed him on his lips. Danny's dick pulsated and attained full nine inches.

"Flex for me daddy. I wanna see every muscle of your body daddy. From your biceps to your hole. Make your son happy daddy.", Andrew said exciting him.

"Yes son", Danny said. Andrew sat in the bed and Danny came in front of him. He flexed his tattooed meaty arms defining his biceps. Andrew licked his lips.

"Yeah daddy. You are hot.", Andrew complimented him. Danny flexed his triceps as well. Danny had gone to his past days when he was a gym trainer and participated in many body building competitions flexing his body entertaining people. Now he was entertaining his son. Danny was expert in it. He flexed his meaty thigh and arms. Andrew was rock hard. Danny strained his abs defining them. His two meaty melons bulged out when he inhaled air in deeply. Andrew melted away. He was captivated by his specimen. How he transformed his hairy body into waxed, cleaned and smooth body. His body was glistens in sweat after straining his muscles for good fifteen minutes. He turned away and bent down and parted his butt cheeks away exposing his link pucker. Danny was feeling proud flexing his muscles but now wave of humiliation hit him but he surprisingly loved being humiliated this way. He was enjoying exposing his hole more and more.

"Yes daddy. You are amazing. I love you.", Andrew hooted. Danny again flexed his upper body. He gave about half an hour to all this. It was 10:30 am by now. Andrew had to do more stuff and he had less time. He stood up and walked to Danny who was watching him hungrily and his dick was throbbing up and down. Andrew planted a kiss slamming himself on Danny. Danny was a hard wall of muscle, be slightly felt his hit. Andrew took his hands behind Danny's head and Danny lifted him up with his strong arms to bring his frame face to face. Andrew invaded his mouth lecherously and rolled his tongue over Danny's. Danny sucked him, sucked his spit transferring his own saliva into Danny's mouth. Danny swallowed his saliva. Danny remained submissive like ways. He let Andrew take all the control and dominate him completely. His dick was leaking precum. He loved being passive. Andrew continued his hard invasion fucking his mouth with his tongue. Both made out amazingly. Andrew was an expert kisser already but Danny was not a kid either. He got used to Andrew's hard oral invasion and learnt to cope submissively with him. He was a quick learner. Andrew scratched his back with his nails. Danny felt the pain and pleasure. He recalled the memories of his wife scratching his back when he fucked her. She would always scratch when she reached maximum pleasure. He was rock hard feeling Andrew's nails bruising his body. After giving good fifteen minutes to this as well Andrew broke the kiss. Both looked at each other with lust. Danny had already lost in the sexual pleasure Andrew was giving to him. He lifted Andrew down.

"Go and lay down on your back with your legs up daddy.", Andrew commanded. This was the moment Danny was waiting. He did as Andy told him. Andrew was still dressed. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled down his shorts down exposing his tenting dick enclosed in his boxers.

He took his bag pack and placed near to him on bed. He brought a lube and placed it near him. He kissed him and brought his legs up and over his wide muscular shoulders. The scene was so erotic, humiliating and sexy. The little body was gonna fuck the mighty beast again.

"Place your hands behind your head daddy.", He commanded and grabbed a blindfold from his bag pack. He blindfolded him.

"But why this, son?", Danny asked.

"I want you to feel your surprise without seeing it daddy.", Andrew tied it. Danny looked sexy as hell. Danny's heart was racing high and hammering in his chest wall. He was curious and excited about everything Andrew was gonna do to him.

Andrew bent down and started penetrating his hole.

"Ohhhh....yeahh.....son...ahhh.", Danny had already experienced rimming and loved it. So he started making louder as Andrew touched his hole with his tongue. Andrew continued sucking his pucker hole. He penetrated his tongue into his hole expertly sending the shocks to nerve endings at his sensitive hole.

"Muuhhhhhhh", Andrew sucked deeper.

"Oh yeah....son...I'm in heaven....ahhhhhhhh....suck it hole....", Danny moaned. His legs shivered in pleasure. Andrew continued invading his hole deep and faster. His tongue was in his hole and face burrows deeply I to his bubble butt.

"Ahhhh...yeahhh..yeahhh son....fuckkkk...I love I love it...fuck...yeahhhhhhhhh....fuck my hole Andy...suck it...fuck it....", Danny urged Andrew to use his hole. he was grunting like a pig, like a bitch on heat, like a slutty whore. Andrew I grained his nails in Danny's meaty bubble butt and his tongue lost in his deep anal tunnel. Andrew spit his saliva five times and filled his hole with it using his finger.

"Ahh..ahhhhhhhh what the fuckkkkkkk...yeahhhhhhhhhh...yes...yes...." Danny was getting out of controls. His legs were dancing with the waves of anal pleasure hitting his hole and mind. He loved every aspect of Andrew's fingers fucking his hole filling his hole with saliva and making it slimy.

"Are you enjoying it daddy?", Andrew asked deviously.

"Ohhhhh fuckkk....hell yes son.... don't stop...just drive your daddy mad....make him crazy son.....your daddy is loving it...." Danny moaned and groaned.

"You look like a slutty whore in heat daddy." Andrew call him names. Danny's dick was leaking precum and Andrew calling him slut and whore made him hard even more. He was loving his humiliation.

"Yes son. Fuck your daddy slut's hole deep and fast." Danny couldn't imagine calling himself by such disgusting names but he did and he didn't mind. May be the pleasure was taking his effect. But he didn't want those words to distract him from this super erotic sensations.

Drops of precum were dripping on his abdomen filling his navel. Andrew continued fucking his hole with his two fingers stretching it losing its tightness. Danny was on the verge of cumming and sexual arousal. He wanted the release.

"Son I'm about to cum..make me cum....", Danny said. Andrew pulled his fingers out Danny's stretched hole frustrated. It was not well stretched and needed more fingering but Andrew couldn't allow him to cum so soon. He took his bag pack and pulled something out. It was a needle shaped stick make of plastic. He took Danny's dick. Danny thought Andrew was gonna stroke him or suck it.

"Daddy now I'm gonna insert something in your piss slit. It will hurt bad as hell but it is necessary so that you can't cum. You are a heavy cummer and I don't want you to cum so early.", Andrew explained.

"Are you ready daddy?", Andrew asked.

"I don't know son. If it is painful then I wanna see how much I can endure cuz I wanna make you feel as much happy as I'm right now", Danny gave consent but he soon realized his hastiness. Andrew inserted the sharp end of that plastic needle into Danny's piss slit and pressed it down making Danny shriek in pain.

"Ohhhhhh.... nooooo....", Danny pulled his hands down on his cock.

"Son it is so painful. I can't stand it." Danny chickened out.

"No daddy u said you wanna see so let me press it more." Andrew pushed his hands away.

"No son, please. I won't cum until u say....but don't do this....", Andrew stopped and pulled out a bottle from his bag pack.

"Ok. Take this bottle and inhaled it deeply when I say. You ll feel less pain. Ok daddy?", Andrew saved this procedure for latter but Danny was acting like kid. Danny took the bottle. He had no idea what it was.

"Believe me daddy. It will work", Andrew handed him the poppers. Danny took out the cap and stuck it to his nostrils.

"On my command..", Andrew took his dick in his hands with the plastic needle inserted in Danny's piss slit.

"Now daddy. Inhale deeply only once." Andrew said and Danny inhaled whatever was in the bottle. The poppers hit his mind leaving him dazed. He felt weird. His muscles relaxed even anal smooth muscle sphincters. Andrew pressed the plastic needle down deep in his slit.

"Ahhhh.." Danny felt the pain but less intense that he could endure.

"Just relax. See it didn't hurt that much. Now u won't cum.", Andrew said. Danny was in euphoria. His cock throbbed but it didn't leak. Andrew smiled. He inserted his three fingers.

"Ohhhhh fuckkkkkk...", Danny felt the stretching but he was in pleasure from head to toe. He parted his butt cheeks and gave more access to Andrew to penetrate him deeper. Poppers were taking control. Andrew utilised the opportunity and inserted his fourth finger deep and faster.

"Holy fuckkkkkkk....yeah...", Danny bent over his back from bed and his eyes popped out but Andrew easily pushed him down. Danny's hole was feeling amazing.

"Fuck harder son.....fuck me..oh feels amazing.....", Danny had completely lost in ecstasy. He never imagined that this whole pain stuff would take him to the pinnacle of sexual pleasure. He was loving it so much. He never felt that with his wife. He admitted only a man could give this pleasure to him and perhaps that man was only Andrew.

Andrew continued fucking hard his hole with his four fingers. He was rough and aggressive.

"Yes daddy....grhhhhh...feel the fuck I'm giving you. You are a mature man. You can take it like a pro I know that. Take it daddy. Don't be a sissy. Enjoy it...yeahhhh", Andrew was really hard on his hole. He thrust his four fingers deep in his hole fucking his hole mercilessly.

"Oh fuckk...yeah son...I can take it....Your daddy can take every thing in his hole.", Danny was in daze may be due to poppers. He used them for the first time.

"Your daddy is a big boy son. He can handle any kind of fuck....yeahhhh....ohhhhhh why this feels so goooood?", Danny muttered. Andrew stopped the hard finger fucking.

"Now for my dick daddy. I'm gonna fuck you really hard this time. You have to feel the pain today and endure it like a big muscle boy." Andrew kissed Danny.

"Oh yeah son...fuck me hard...", The blindfolded Danny muttered.

"Oh yes daddy here I go", Andrew penetrated his well stretched slimy hole and in first blow traveled his entire tunnel with his dick and hit the jackpot.

"Grhhhhhhh.... yeah...I slammed all my six inches in your slutty hole daddy." Andrew growled.

"Fuckkkkkkkkkk...son..yeah....fuckkkkkk....fuckkkkk..", Danny moaned in pain. He loved it. Andrew continued thrusting him wildly like an animal.

"Yes daddy take it. You are a huge muscular man. You can take my hard pounding daddy. You are meant to take it. You are my muscle bitch, daddy. Take it.", Andrew was fucking his hole mercilessly, hitting his prostate at every hard thrust. Danny couldn't take this feeling. His dick exploded but cum didn't appear as his urethra was blocked.

"Oh son...yeah...yeah...fuckk...fuck your daddy..yes son..... Fuck your daddy...your daddy is your bitch...fuck his slutty muscular hole hard....ohhhhhhhh ...ouhhhh...ouhhhh...yes..I wanna cum son", Danny put his arms around his knees and gave more and more access to Andrew to pound him harder with his all might. Ruin his hole wreck it with his dick. Both father and son were deathless. Sweat popped out. Both were panting, groaning, moaning and grunting loud. The room was filled with their lusty noises of ecstasy. Danny was getting fucked mercilessly by Andrew. Andrew was near cumming but he had to stop as he wanted to have another round of fucking Danny.

Andrew took out his dick from Danny's muscular hole. The disheveled, vulnerable Danny looked sexy as hell. He wanted Andrew to hit his prostate, ruin his hole and bring the slutty man out of him. He had accepted his fate now. He was a muscular bottom bitch who wanted Andrew's dick all the time, he wanted to worship his manhood that there light on his desires and explored different shades of his homo persona.

Danny looked at Andrew helplessly.

"Son, maka me cum, my dick can't stand anymore.", Danny begged him. Andrew came over him and planted a romantic kiss on his beautiful lips.

"Soon daddy. There are plenty of things that I wanna do with your hole", Andrew stood up and rolled over his body. Danny's cock throbbed on hearing Andrew's kinky words. Andrew was a fetishist and Danny got to learn his this side today. With Andrew it was a learning experience every time. Both Chris and Danny realized this.

Danny turned his body around and spread his meaty thighs and muscular arms apart to the four corners of the bed. The blindfolded Danny could not see what Andrew was doing but he was excited as hell. He didn't want to stop Andrew. He wanted to feel every inch of sexual pleasure and absorb it as much as he could. The pain, the trepidation and the humiliation hit him like ecstatic waves of long lasting euphoria.

Andrew took his bag pack and brought a huge dildo and a lube out of it. He had placed the orders for everything before and already planned to take down this muscle hunk completely.

The dildo was good 10 inches long three inches wide. Andrew smiled like a devil. Danny was gonna experience another round of intense pain of his life. Andrew brought the dildo to Danny's lips. Danny felt something and smiled. He got it was a dick. He was thinking it was Andrew's dick as he was blind folded. He opened his mouth and took the mushroom head willingly. Danny felt that the size of this dick is a bit larger than Andrew's regular size. But he didn't give it much thinking. He just wanted to suck and eat give Andrew a blow job. He had become an expert cocksucker. Danny always thought Andrew deserved all this as he did everything to give himself sexual relief. He took it in Andrew continued to push the dildo into Danny's oral hole. He intended to fuck his mouth with this huge cock. Danny received the long dick but he had a doubt now it was not Andrew's as it was really large. He had the idea of Andrew's size and it was definitely larger. He wanted to see whom he was sucking. Was there another man in the room?

Andrew pushed the large dick deep in his throat. It was seven inches in and he pushed in more deep into his fuck throat. Danny took it like a pro but it was getting difficult for him as this large dick was making him choke. His face flushed as his lungs were not getting less supply of oxygen. He gagged and took out the entire eight nine inches oh his throat. Danny pushed himself up on his arms to catch oxygen. His chest was tensed and he inhaled deep and breathed faster.

"What is this son? It is not your dick?", Danny asked as he still couldn't see anything.

"Daddy it is the dick of the day you have to suck and take the all ten inches in your mouth and I mean it. Got it daddy?", Andrew said in a cold voice.

"But whose dick is it?. Is there someday in the room?", Danny was panicked. He wanted it to be completely discreet.

"Son, I told you I can't afford to let others know about this." Danny looked defence less.

"Hehehe....daddy you are so innocent. I love you." Andrew kissed his vulnerable face .

"Nobody is in the room daddy. You are only mine. I can't share you with anyone else at least not as a bottom.", Danny seemed to be calmed down. But still whom he was sucking off then?

"It is a dildo daddy that I specifically bought for you. A good ten inches and your are not only take in your mouth but also in your hole as well.", Andrew patted his back. Danny was in shock. He was sucking a dildo. It was really huge and he had to take it in his hole. That's crazy.

"But son.....,",

"No buts daddy. Just lay down and continue to suck this cock. I wanna chock you with this dick and you ll do it obediently daddy. Understand?" Andrew cut him off. Danny had no choice expect to obey him. And he was also curious as he loved taking and checking on this huge artificial dick. His dick could leak precum, if his urethra was not blocked, on the thought of getting his hole fucked by this gigantic piece of shit. He laid down and took the dildo in his mouth. He continued to suck it, lick it with his tongue and making it with with his drool. Andrew pushed it deep in his mouth.

"Yes daddy. You are doing a great job. You are an amazing cocksucker. You crave cocks. Don't you?", Andrew humiliated him and he got hard as hell.

"Mmmmmmmm", Danny tried to reply "yes", and yes he love cocks especially Andrew's. He had only sucked one cock and loved sucking and gagged by it.

"Can I take other cocks besides Andrew's?", Danny thought while Andrew kept on pushing in and out the dildo of his mouth. His face was red and drool was coming out of his mouth.

"Good boi daddy. You are the best just take it like you mean it daddy. I know you can take all ten inches. Just endure it daddy." Andrew continued pushing in and out hard and encouraged him. Danny sucked and got his mouth fucked really hard by that dildo. He couldn't stand it anymore and gagged.

"Don't disappoint me daddy. ", Andrew pissed off. Danny took the dildo by his own hand and continue to suck it. He wanted to make Andrew happy. He took it in and deep in his throat. Andrew could see in excitement how Danny took the entire ten inches down his throat. He was surprised and his eyes widened at Danny's expertise. He was not expecting Danny to be so desperate and submissive. He always surprised Andrew by surpassing his limits. The entire ten inches were deep in his throat. Danny's throat outlined the dildo and his face upper body was red. Danny held his breath and fucked his throat choking himself. Andrew watched in awe all this erotic scene. He was fascinated and captivated by Danny taking down the whole dildo.

"Ahhh", Danny couldn't take it and gagged the dildo out, his mouth drooling. Danny was looking sexy.

"Oh daddy, you are such an amazing man", Andrew was all praising this magnificent man.

"Do u like it son?", Danny asked.

"I like it? I just love it daddy. You are the greatest daddy ever.", Andrew replied.

Danny felt proud that he was able to make his son pleased. Andrew told him that he should behave like a real daddy who take care of his son's all needs and he was glad he took care as Andrew wanted.

Andrew kissed him.

"Danny I'm really happy that you gave yourself to me and became my daddy.", Andrew said. Danny felt the warmth of his breath and kissed him back.

"I'm thankful to you to accept me as your daddy, son", Danny replied.

"Now for another new lesson daddy. You are gonna take this dildo in your hole. Are you ready?"

"I don't know but I trust you my son.", Danny said. Andrew pushed him down on his back and moved his mighty legs up.

"Take your hands behind your head and hold your legs up in the air." Andrew commanded and Danny did as he was told. He gulped down the saliva in anticipation and fear of taking that huge dildo.

Andrew was smiling. The dildo was wet by Danny's amazing sucking technique. He took the lube and poured out ant the entrance of his hole. He took his two fingers and pushed them alongwith lube in his hole.

"Ohhhhhhhhh....fuck...." Danny moaned. His legs shivered. Andrew smiled and continued to lube his hole, stretching the anal walls and sphincter muscles. He wanted that Danny's tight hole to be stretched as it can be as possible. He continued to suck his hole with his fingers mercilessly.

"Ohhhhhhh....yes...son....fuck my chute.....finger it good....olive it....ahhhhh", Danny was moaning and groaning like a nasty bitch. His legs were moving here and there which were stopped by hard spanking on his butt cheeks.

"Aouchhhhhh.....oh fuck....son.....", Danny felt the pain and enjoyed it.

"I said hold your legs. Don't move them daddy.", Andrew said. Danny stopped moving them. He moved his fingers brutally in and out, pushed them deep like he did earlier.

"Ouughhhhhhhh....ahhhhh....ahhhh..ohhh...fuckkkk....ohhhhhh" Danny felt the same intense pain like he did a few hours ago. Andrew was so cruel to his hole. But he didn't ask him to stop as it was no use and he was actually started to like it. Danny was a quick learner and adapted himself to the hard finger assault quickly. Andrew pulled his fingers out. Danny moaned.

Andrew attached the dildo's head to his hole entrance. He rubbed the dildo against his hole not penetrating it. Danny's heart was beating fast. He was scared a bit.

"Will he be able to take this large dildo in his hole?", Danny thought. Andrew was brushing the dildo against his ass and it made Danny frustrated.

"Are you ready to take it daddy?", Andrew asked and was enjoying the vulnerability of that Adonis.

"Answer me daddy.", Andrew continued to slide the dildo against his crack.

"Go for it son", Danny gave his consent. He was himself curious about it.

Andrew pushed the dick head in the hole. He penetrated it in. Danny's hole was well stretched but still his anal sphincter didn't let the huge dickhead penetrate it. It was huge. Danny definitely couldn't take that. Andrew pushed it in.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....hhhhhhhhhh.....ouughhhhhhhh....nooo." Danny screamed aloud and pulled him up from the bed. Andrew smiled deviously at his pain.

"You can do it daddy.", Andrew pushed a few inches more into his hole and Danny felt his ass muscles breaking apart. He thought his hole is gonna break for sure as it was so intense. His tunnel could not take it.

"Son please. Take it out. Take it out. I cant take it. Please." Danny floated his arms in air reacting to intense pain he was feeling. He begged Andrea to stop this assault as his hole was burning. It was on heat.

Andrew pushed him on bed by his chest and gave him the bottle of poppers.

"Inhale them daddy. Take two, three inhalations. You will feel better. ", Danny grabbed the bottle. He knew the pain would subside as he used them before and it helped. Danny opened the lid and inhale two to three times and Andrew continued to push the dildo in his hole. Danny's ass muscles relaxed giving access to the monstrous dildo to enter his hole. Andrew pushed good six inches of that big girth thing.

"Ouuuhhhhhh....Ahhhhhhh....fuckkkkk...yeahh.....ahhhhh....ohhhhh....nooo...ahhhh hhhhhhhh.", Danny was still feeling the pain. It was less I tense but still it was still there. Andrew pushed another inch.

"Oh can't son...I can't...", Danny cried.

"Yes you can daddy I know. You are a mature man, a large muscular hunk. You can take it unlike the young dudes. You muscular daddies are meant to take cocks. Don't you?", Andrew lowered down the blind from from Danny's eyes. Both stared at each other. Danny could see sheer dominance of a cocky, confident guy in Andrew's eyes.

"I believe in you daddy. Believe in yourself. You can take it. You can endure the pain. Don't you daddy?", Andrew said. Both didn't look away from each other. Andrew's words echoed in his mind and the pain Danny was suffering subsided a little bit.

"Yes I can son", why he said. Andrew's words always encouraged him to break and surpass his limits. He learnt something new about himself every time. Andrew knew him more that Danny did.

Andrew pushed another inch of dildo in his hole wrecking the anal muscles.

"Ohhhh fuckkk...", Danny endured the breaching pain. He took poppers and inhaled more. His hole relaxed , Danny parted his legs to give access and he took another inch feeling and enjoying the pain.

"Ahhhhhh...yeahhh...fuck...son...fuck...yes..", Danny drowned and screamed aloud. Andrew took the poppers bottle as high dose was dangerous. Danny looked at Andrew taking his bottle. He signaled "no more" with his finger. Danny pulled his head down taking the dildo in. Andrew pushed more and all ten inches were in his tight anal tunnel.

"See daddy. You took the entire length.", Andrew said proudly.

Danny was really surprised at how slutty he had become. He gave a smile as well.

"Now enjoy yourself and moan louder daddy. I'm gonna fuck your hole.", Andrew said and pushed deep in his hole. Danny closed his eyes and moved his arms around his knees exposing his hole and giving more access.

Andrew took the dildo halfway out. Danny felt a slight relief but then pushed the whole dildo in with a forceful blow hitting him hard.

"Ahhhhhhh, least slow it down son.", Danny pleaded.

"No daddy. You are a mature tough man not a kid so take it like a man. Secondly, you love the hard way. So take it like pro and enjoy yourself.", Andrew said and took the dildo out and pushed it in forcefully crushing his anal muscles. Danny kept quite and endured the pain.

"Ohhhhh....ahhhhh." he moaned and groaned in pain. He had never felt such excruciating pain in his life. Andrew was merciless and cruel. But Danny didn't utter a word except for enduring pain and moaning out loud.

"You can do it daddy, I know that so just take it, feel and enjoy the pain daddy.", Andrew pushed the dildo in and then pull it out. He continued to slam his hole in a rhythmic fashion. Danny continuously moaned in pain. He was enduring all this assault submissively. Andrew was enjoying this. He was fucking his hole wildly and with one forceful thrust the dildo hit Danny's pleasure spot that made Danny quiet momentarily. His eyes widened as the waves of pleasure generated in his hole travelled through his entire body flaunting it with a huge moan.

"Ahhhhhhh.....what is this...fuckkk", Danny asked wildly.

"Yes daddy. Just like this. This is called prostatic pleasure that you always loved. Now feel it daddy. Grhhhhh", Andrew growled and took out the entire length and slammed into his hole brutally again hitting the prostate pushing Danny up from the bed.

" feels gooooodd....ohhhhhhh", Danny loved it.

"Yes daddy. Your son knows it.", Andrew did the the same thing. He fucked his prostate making his body shiver.

"Oh Andrewwww......fuckkkkkkk....yeah....son...fuck me......fuck my hole son......fuck me....", Danny was screaming like a mad dog. He was desperate. His blocked dick was throbbing and pulsating. Andrew increased the speed and force. Danny had become a raging beast. He was loving it.

"Good boi. Just like this daddy.", Andrew encouraged him. Danny's balls were churning, the sperms boiling in his sac. He wanted to erupt his lava.

"Son let me cum...please son..." Danny begged Andrew.

"Not now daddy but soon.", Andrew continued to fuck him hard and fast like he was on a mission. Danny looked like a desperate bitch, slut and a whore.

"Oh son fuck me harder.....yeah....ahhhhhhhh...ahhhhh...ohhhhhhh yeah....ahhhhaaaaaaa..", Danny's screams fill the room.

"Yes daddy. You are enjoying it. Don't you?", Andrew asked him.

"Oh yes son...ahhhh.", Danny moaned.

"Just look at you daddy. You are that rude, cocky Mr. Danny whom the whole neighbourhood was afraid to talk to. You walked with a demeanor that no other man had. But now look at you how slutty you are enjoying getting fucked by me.", Andrew teased him. He wanna shatter every piece of cockiness in him if there was any.

"Oh son, don't talk like that.....just fuck me....", Danny just wanted to concentrate on the euphoric sensations. But Andrew's humiliating comments made his cock hard like steel.

"Answer me daddy.", Andrew gave a harder push.

"Ohhhhh....yes son. I'm not that cocky bastard anymore. You 've changed me. You took away my arrogance and my demeanor kid......No stop trash talking and get to work. Please fuck your daddy. Fuck him.", Danny said cockily teasing Andrew.

"Yes daddy.", Andrew smiled and fucked Danny like an obedient son. After giving few more hard thrust and Danny screaming like a bitch on heat, Andrew calmed himself down and pulled the dildo out of Danny's fucked up hole.

Danny opened his eyes and looked at Andrew annoyed. Andrew smiled.

"It time for your milking daddy.", Andrew kissed him and Danny smiled cheerfully.

"Took out the needle from your cock." Andrew ordered and as Danny did that a gush of precum oozed out drooling over his shaft. Andrew laid on his back and stroke his hard cock.

"You are gonna ride me daddy.", Andrew said with a devious grin and Danny looked shocked and cleared his throat.

Next: Chapter 17

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