Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Aug 21, 2020


This chapter is proofread by my same sub Craig. As I said in previous chapter that I'm busy for about next two months so I cannot write. I have already written up to 20 chapters so those will be posted after proofread. So if any of my loyal reader is interested in further writing the chapter on my directions do email me. Chapter 14

Andrew laid on Danny's wide back, his cock still in his cum filled hole. He'd longed for this moment. He craved for Danny to submit to him completely. He was panting, enjoying the high of his post-orgasmic bliss. He felt dizzy, tired and was ready for a nap. He was fighting to keep his eyes open.

"Thank you, Andrew." Danny was very grateful to him for bringing so much sexual gratification into his life. He'd not felt this sexually satisfied since before his wife passed away some time ago. But there was someone new in his life to take his wife's place. Just in a different role. Danny still felt the guilt and humiliation whenever Andrew was kissing him, caressing his nipples or playing with his hole. He succumbed to this humiliation and loved every minute of it. The longer it went on, the more aroused he became. Danny loved to be dominated by Andrew. As much as he tried to run away from and resist these feelings, Andrew managed to keep him humbled with his dominance. This huge, rude and cocky man who walked with a sneer and supremacy at his place of employment, the man with whom colleagues and neighbors stammered to say anything to him because of his huge and powerful build, became a submissive pup to this college kid. It was no use crying over spilled milk now. He'd surrendered himself. He was not forced into any of this. He was happy. He could tell something serious was developing between them and he was thanking Andrew now.

Andrew remained quiet, so Danny turned his head to face him. Before realizing he was fast asleep, he said "hey Andrew." His own cock was getting hard again as he felt Andrew's softening in his hole. Danny slowly rolled away from him, Andrew's cock exiting his ass with an audible pop. He looked peaceful and Danny smiled. The stated look on Andrew's face brought back memories of his son Chris's childhood days. Chris would have that same angel face when he would put him to bed, something he seldom had to do before his wife died. After her demise, it became a nightly ritual until Chris outgrew the novelty. Danny's cock remained rock hard as he continued to stare at his Dom/lover. He bent over and gave Andrew a kiss and he responded with a slight twitch. Danny couldn't remember when his sex drive had ever been so high. Danny got dressed, stuffing his hard cock into his pants. He left a note on the nightstand for Andrew before walking out the door to his car to head for home.

Andrew woke up later that evening, feeling quite refreshed. Noticing that Danny was not in the bed with him, he got up and put a pair of shorts on his naked frame. That was when he saw the note on the nightstand. He picked it up to read it. It said "thank you for everything. I had a great time, son." Andrew couldn't stop the smile that came to his face. He picked up his phone to text Danny saying "I should be the one thanking you for making me happy, daddy."

He left his bedroom looking for and finding Ralph.

"Is there something you need Sir?"

"Ralph, I know that you know what happened in my bedroom today, and I need your word that you'll not tell a single living soul about it. Especially my father, because he can't know about this."

"Understood, Sir. I heard nothing."

"Good man, Ralph. Can you please bring me a cup of coffee? I'll be in the den."

Andrew sat down on the couch in the den and turned on the TV. He paid no attention to it, because he was lost in his thoughts about Danny. He'd had such an amazing time with him. It felt like they didn't get to spend enough time together. He wanted to fuck him again just to see the look of agony combined with bliss on his face, and to hear his sweet moans. He was just perfect. He was making up for the time he never got to spend with his real father. He decided that Danny was his daddy now.

Back at home, Danny and Chris were eating dinner together. After a few bites, Chris looked up at his father in shock. He wasn't paying much attention until now. Noticing something was missing, he asked "what happened to your beard, dad?" Danny has just taken a bite of his food. He turned his head away, blushing with embarrassment. But he didn't answer his son. Then Chris looked down slightly from his father's face noticing the top 3 or 4 buttons on his shirt were undone. His chest hair was gone. He'd had it either waxed or shaved off. Chris was so shocked that he dropped his knife and fork on the plate in front of him. This made Danny jump from hearing the loud clanking noise.

"What was that, Chris?"

"What happened to you, dad?" The now missing chest hair was his dad's pride and joy. He couldn't believe he'd parted with it. "What happened to your chest hair?" His father had told him many times that a man without chest hair wasn't a real man. Danny blushed even harder, still too embarrassed to answer his son.

Then Chris perked up as a thought popped up in his head and he smiled, asking "Are you dating someone?" Danny was still too embarrassed to answer his son. "It's totally awesome if you are. I'm happy for you. It's your life to live anyway you want to." They'd never been much for sharing details of personal information in their lives with each other, and this time was no different. Still, no answer. "In any case, you have my support, dad."

"Thank you, Chris." They smiled at each other and finished their dinner. He was glad that Chris didn't press him for any further details because he didn't want him to know who he'd removed the hair for. His secret was safe, at least for now.

The following Sunday, Andrew decided to pay a visit to Danny. "Hey bro" Andrew said after Chris opened the door to let him come in. Seeing his pride and joy across the room sitting on the couch watching TV, he said "hello Mr Danny" and winked at him. Then he turned to Chris. "Watca up to?"

"I was just heading to the garage to have a workout. You're welcome to join me if you'd like to," he said taking his shirt off.

"Nah bro, I'm good. I'm happy with how my body looks."

"Suit yourself" Chris said as he went through the door to the garage closing it behind him.

Danny cleared his throat. He knew what Andrew would do now. He walked over behind the couch where Danny was sitting and wrapped his arms around his neck. He was pissed off. "Why haven't you gotten your haircut yet? I specifically ordered you to do it."

"Andrew, I can't do that. I can't go to work with a military high and tight haircut. Even Chris noticed that my chest hair has been waxed off and asked if I was dating someone, and I don't want my colleagues gossiping about me. I hope you understand, son."

"No daddy, I don't. I thought my wishes were the most important thing to you. I guess I was wrong" he said, stepping away from him.

"No son, it's not like that. My co-workers will mock me. Please understand."

"Daddy, I'll give you this one concession. But you still have to get a short haircut, even if it's not a high and tight. You just have to get rid of the long hair, because I don't like it.

Danny thought about it briefly, then said "okay, I'll get it cut short, but not too short."

"I don't want to see you again until you get it done, daddy." And with that, Andrew walked towards the door to the garage.

"Son, wait. I'm sorry." Danny pleaded with him. But Andrew ignored him, walking through the door and closing it behind him. Danny was upset, realizing he should have discussed this with Andrew when he was first told to cut his hair. He was hoping to spend more time with Andrew and maybe get some action. He was getting angrier by the minute and he punched the arm of the couch in frustration.

Chris was lying down, doing bench presses when Andrew walked into the homemade gym. The music was loud, so Chris didn't hear him come in. Andrew took in his surroundings and appreciated what he saw before him. This home gym definitely had some money put into it. There was a bench press, a rack that held many different pairs of dumbbells, a pec deck machine, pullup bar and a stationary bike. Andrew was not a gym freak and never bothered to go to them. He kept his body in the shape he liked by morning walks and watching what he ate. He didn't have any spare time to do any weight lifting. He watched Chris lifting and lowering the weight, his chest and abdominal muscles tensed. His nipples were rock hard and sweat was dripping down his face and chest. The scene was very erotic to Andrew. Chris was panting as Andrew noticed the bulge in his shorts. Andrew's cock was growing more with every passing second. He watched Chris's gorgeous, bulging biceps as he raised and lowered the weights. His body was well defined with no apparent fat deposits to be seen. He wanted to attack Chris and chew on his pecs and nipples. After 20 reps, Chris set the bar back in it's holder and sat up. He grabbed his towel to wipe himself down and noticed Andrew standing there looking at him.

"So, you decided to come in here and join me after all." Chris said.

"No, I haven't yet. But I do want to cum" Andrew said with a mischievous grin. The double meaning of the statement was not lost on Chris.

"No time for that today, buddy" Chris said getting up and walking over to the pullup bar and starting a set of pullups. "One, two, three" Chris was counting his reps. Andrew walked up behind him and started squeezing his ass cheeks. The bulge in Chris's shorts grew immediately. He was expecting something like this from Andrew and was loving it.

"Four, five, six"....He pulled Chris's shorts down and off tossing them aside, taking him by surprise. He turned and looked back at Andrew who was looking back at him, grinning.

"Don't stop. Keep going, stud", Andrew said. Chris gave him a devious smile and continued to lift himself up and down. Andrew kept squeezing his ass, distracting him. Chris was rock hard now, making an enormous tent in his boxers. Keeping one hand on his ass, Andrew reached around and squeezed Danny's bulge hard.

"Eleven, twelve....ahhhhhh, Chris groaned while hanging from the bar.

Andrew smacked his ass, hard. "I didn't say to stop, stud. Keep going."

Chris winced from the pain. This felt good and he wanted to stop and savor the moment, but Andrew wouldn't allow it. He loved how Chris controlled him with his aggressive and sadistic behavior. This annoyed him initially but the more he did it, the more Chris loved it. Andrew continued squeeze his bulge, then bent down and started to bite his ass cheeks almost making Chris jump out of his skin. Andrew spread his cheeks and started licking his hole through the underwear.

"Fifteen, sixteen, ahhhhhh.....Andrew.....seventeen, what the fuuu....fuuuuuuuck are you doing? Please st.....ahhhhhh.....stop. Chris couldn't concentrate on his workout with this distraction. Again, he hung from the pullup bar lost in pleasure. Andrew's strong tongue started penetrating his hole through the fabric of his boxers making Chris freeze with the pleasure he was receiving.

"Smack"......Again, a hard bringing him back to reality.

"KEEP. FUCKING. GOING," Andrew said with an authoritative voice.

"Eighteen.....oh shit." Chris couldn't concentrate. The pleasure was too exquisite. His cock was so rigid, it was in pain and the front of his boxers were soaked with precum. He couldn't handle another smack from Andrew. This was so humiliating.

"Nineteeeeeen.....oh yeah.....Andrew. He kept on squeezing and rimming his ass through the boxers.

"Oh myyyyyyyy gaaaaaawd.....twentyyyyyyy.....Andrew, I can't do it.....I'm loosing my grip, buddy.....I'm going to fall....." Chris was lost in this ocean of lust.

Andrew didn't stop. He continued to suck on his hole. Chris knew he wouldn't stop until He was damn good and ready.

"Smack" "You don't stop until I say so."

Andrew shoved his face back in his ass. Ahhhhhh shit." Chris looked helpless. Face red with exertion. But after another smack, he pulled himself up once again.

"Twenty one.....yeah.....fuck yeah, Andy. Keep sucking my ass. "Twenty two, twenty three.....awwww.....fuuuuuuuck.....It's a good thing the music was loud enough to drown out the loud explicities coming out of Chris's mouth and kept Danny or anyone else close by non the wiser of what was going on. His moaning was getting louder and louder. Andrew then removed Chris's boxers and continued with his torturing. Chris had the most helpless look on his face, but kept on going.

"Twenty four, twenty five, twenty six.....", Chris continued to struggle. Andrew kept rimming him, but now reached around and began to slowly stroke Chris's throbbing cock.

"Nooooo.....fuck......ahhhhhh.....Andrew.....unghhhhh.....Chris once again hanging from the bar, out of breath.


"Andyyyyyy.....p.....please let me enjoy this.....please, he begged. He couldn't focus on more than one thing anymore. He was desperate. With his face still shoved in his ass crack, Andrew shook his head to say no. His cock was still being relentlessly stroked.


"Ohhhh Andy....." Chris strained to pull himself up again.

"Twenty seven.....uuuuummmmmmmmmmph.....fuuuuuuuck.....twenty eight.....every muscle on his body was tight and his lats and biceps couldn't take much more.

"Fuck.....fuck.....twenty nine. Andrew's tongue was deep in his ass, giving Chris unrelenting pleasure. His bliss was rapidly loosing the battle with the pullups.


Chris kept going, powering through his set. The relentless smacking, rimming and stroking continued. Finally after the 35th rep Andrew stopped what he was doing, giving one last, even harder slap to Chris's ass leaving a nasty looking red had print. Andrew allowed him to stop and Chris fell to the ground with relief. He'd never done more than 30 reps on a set of pullups before and his arms were on fire. His cock was dripping precum to the floor, even more aroused after that last slap.

"You're so cruel, Andy" Chris said, rubbing his sore ass.

"I know I am, but you know you love it" Chris stood up slowly. But before he could respond, Andrew shoved him against the wall painfully hitting his head and started sucking face with him. As the completely naked Chris responded to the kiss with passion, Andrew remained fully dressed. They made out with each other as if they were real lovers.

After running out of breath, they at last pulled apart from each other. A thought popped into Andrew's head. He was dominant towards Danny, but what he was feeling with Chris seemed different. They were becoming more than friends or brothers. Chris responded differently to his affections than Danny did. With Danny, he felt the power and authority, but with Chris, he felt something so different, too amazing to put into words.

"Now for the real deal, handsome", Andrew said with a sexy voice.

He pointed at the pec deck machine and said "show me how that one works."

"I'll show you how it works." Chris said, smiling. He sat down on the machine, demonstrating how it works. Andy watched closely for a few reps, then an idea came to him.

"Get up for a minute ". Chris did as he was told. Andrew dropped his shorts and boxers, kicking them aside. He then sat himself down on the machine.

"Please don't make me do what I'm thinking you want me to do." Chris said, getting nervous.

"Yes, I'm sure we're thinking exactly the same thing. I want you to ride my cock while reping out on this machine." Andrew said, grabbing his six inch cock and shaking it towards Chris who looked at it with hunger.

"I'm waiting, Chris." Andy said, bringing back to reality. He was still waving his cock at him. Chris stepped closer to him and froze in thought. Then he started objecting.

"No way, dude. I'm a man. I'm not going ride your cock like a chick. It's not going to happen." He didn't mind sucking Andrew's cock or getting fucked with it, but didn't to do it in this position. It was too humiliating. He couldn't get the thought out of his head.

"Chris. Come here, now!" He took one step, then another, finally reaching him. "Now, sit on my cock. That is the only way I'll allow you to cum." Chris Couldn't do it. He quickly decided to drop to his knees instead. He sucked Andrew's cock to the balls instantly.

"Oh, fuck yes, Chris.....fuuuuuuuck.....suck my cock, dude." He bobbed his his head up and down enthusiastically. He was sucking just the way Andrew had taught him to. Chris loved sucking his cock and couldn't think of anything he liked putting in his mouth more. He was putting all of his effort into it. He was gagging and slobbering. He was becoming quite the expert cocksucker. He didn't want to stop. Andrew couldn't keep quiet.

"Fuck yes, Chris. Choke on my cock, dude." He started thrusting up into Chris's mouth relentlessly. He wasn't letting him catch a breath. Finally Chris was able to overpower him and catch his breath. Andrew grabbed him by his hair and forced him back down on his cock. Chris didn't mind, now that he had some oxygen in his lungs again. He'd learned to love this previously humiliating act. He was in bliss as Andrew continued to fuck his face. He savored it to the fullest. Throughout the blowjob, he thought to himself - 'have I become a cocksucker now?'

"Oh yeah, stud.....take my cock.....suck it.....lick it.....ahhhhhh. You're amazing, Chris.....ohhhh fuuuuuuuck.....Andrew groaned loudly, fucking his face even harder. Chris didn't mind, though. He was loving Andrew's sadistic side more and more. 'Yes, I'm a cocksucker' Chris told himself. 'And I love it'. 'And I love how Andrew dominates me.' 'I love the taste of his cock.' He accepted his fate as Andrew continued the assault on his throat. He decided he was done with women, now. He was only interested servicing cock. Especially Andrew's cock.

Andrew was finally close to cumming and pulled away from Chris's mouth. He looked down at Chris, his hair disheveled and tears running down his face. He looked up at his dominating eyes. Andrew stood him up and turned him around so that his ass was facing Andrew's face. He licked two of his own fingers and abruptly shoved them up Chris's ass.

"Ohhhhh," Chris moaned. He knew what was coming. Andrew was preparing to fuck him. He kept fingering him while placing kisses on his back. Chris was in heaven. He got rougher, rotating his fingers and scratching at his anal walls. Just when he thought it couldn't get anymore intense....."oh fuuuuuuuck".....a third finger was added, loosening his hole up even more. Andrew was even rougher with three fingers, and Chris loved that more than before with only two fingers. This went on for another fifteen minutes. Chris was begging Andrew to let him cum.

"Okay. I think you're ready now.", Andrew said.

'Oh shit. Was he going to make me ride his dick now?' Was he ready for this? Before he had anymore time to contemplate, Andrew stood up and turned Chris around again, grabbing his ass cheeks.

"Are you ready, Chris?". He didn't answer, so Andy repeated himself. "Are you ready, Chris?"

Chris paused. "I'm....." he didn't want to mess things up this time. He had before and swore to himself not to do it again. He didn't want to disappoint Andrew in any way.

"Yes?", Chris asked.

"I'm.....I'm not ready, Andrew." Chris closed his eyes, letting his head drop. Andrew was disappointed. Chris's thoughts of riding a cock like a girl still bothered him. Andrew still had a hold of his ass cheeks. Chris's heart was beating very fast in his chest because he had no idea what was going to happen. He was waiting for Andrew to say or do something.

Andrew turned him around once again so Chris faced away from him. He lined his cock up and shoved it all the way up Chris's ass with one powerful thrust.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiit.....His screams were drowned out by loud music. Even with the rim job for lube and the fingering to stretch him out, the penetration was still very painful. Tears were falling from his eyes. Andrew held him tightly pushed into him really hard, making sure he was in balls deep.

"Ahhhhhhh.....noooo oo.....owwww....p.....please Andy, please" The pain was too intense for him to handle.

"I don't think so, Chris. I think you like it. I'm not stopping." Andrew was on a mission. Ignoring Chris, he started fucking him as hard as he could. He jolted around with every thrust. Still in major pain, he kept begging Andrew to stop. He struggled to free himself. Even though he was bigger and stronger than Andrew, he was so worn out that he didn't have any fight left in him. A part of him didn't want to escape anyway.


Next: Chapter 15

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