Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Aug 14, 2020


Note: the proofreading is done by my obedient reader oso thanks to him. I need someone obedient like him who can write story on my direction. I have to start a new story and some chapters of this series and "training the military studs", so I ll be pleased if anyone could volunteer. As an example of writing on my directions is the story "fall of alpha" written by Pilot Chron on my instructions. Do read that as well.

Milking Daddy

Chapter 12 Andrew entered the bathroom with the stuff in his hands. He arranged them properly. He looked at Danny who seemed nervous. Andrew was looking like the hottest specimen he had ever seen in his life. The man of his dreams was standing in his father's bathroom naked in his full glory. Andrew always got turned on by muscular hunks. His black boxers were showing a huge tent that Danny noticed. Andrew moved closer to Danny. He took off his boxers and his package was now exposed. His hard 6" in it stood erect. Danny got hard as well, seeing Andrew naked and his tool dancing. Andrew tossed his boxers into the basin. He touched Danny's beefy arm with a ring-shaped tattoo circling his bulging biceps. Andrew was in heaven. Water was dripping over both naked bodies. Andrew hugged Danny and Danny responded mechanically. He circled his huge arms around Andrew's small waist, pressing him in his muscular frame. Andrew sank into his arms. The water falling onto them made them wet. Andrew spread his hands over Danny's bulged chest and rock hard abs. He played with the wet hair and kissed the meaty nipples. He took one in his mouth and sucked it. Danny hissed enjoying the erotic sensation. The nerves around his areola became sensitive to kissing and even licking.

"Oh yeah....", Danny moaned.

Both of their bodies were drenched in the heat of lust for each other. Their embrace tightened. Andrew sucked in the entire nipple, making it wet with his saliva. His tongue was giving a nervous stimulation that reached Danny's brain and generated impulses that made him moan louder and shiver a bit.

" feels good....suck my nipples....oh yeah.", Danny had confessed and surrendered himself to Andrew so he responded openly to Andrew's erotic touch.

Andrew pinched his other nipple. Danny hissed and moved his head upward. His eyes were closed recalling the memories of past days. Water was hitting his face and eyes. The entire scene was very romantic. Andrew continued the sucking and kissing. He imagined Danny's embrace as a fatherly love and care for his son.

His own father Ben had never there for Andrew. He was fixed only on making money. Andrew always considered himself a mistake of his parents' deeds. He was born when his father was 19. His mother never wanted the child but still she gave him birth. She blackmailed Ben and took a handsome amount of money giving Andrew to him, as she said she was not ready to have a kid. Andrew's father was a surgeon and rich. He took care of him. His father was heartbroken by Andrew's mother`s betrayal. Ben never loved Andrew the way a father should. Maybe Ben regretted being a father. In a nutshell, Andrew never had the usual father-son connection. Seeing Danny caring for Chris always made him envious. But today Andrew was hugging and kissing Danny. He was happy. He could feel (x) fatherly affection from Danny.

Andrew's sucking kept Danny rock hard and his huge dick rubbed against Andrew's hard dick. Both were in the similar embrace. Andrew stopped sucking Danny's tits. He looked up at Danny, who stared Andrew in the eyes. Both smiled and lip-locked . It was a slow passionate kiss. Andrew licked Danny's lips and inserted his tongue into Danny's mouth. Danny received the oral invasion passionately. Andrew stood up on tip toes to kiss his daddy, to reach his sensual lips. Danny lifted him up a bit, Andrew held his arms around Danny's thick neck and pressed his lips hard on Danny's. Andrew's lips brushed over Danny's and his tongue rolled over Danny's, sucking it into his mouth. Plunged over his lips like the two sides of sea shells, Andrew felt all his senses overpowered as he explored deep touching his uvula. Their saliva mixed together. Danny's heart was hammering and his lungs panting. Danny was really impressed by Andrew's moves. This steamy make out session was worth recording. Water was dripping over them. Both seemed like two lovers drenched in the rain of intimacy. Andrew' hands moved behind Danny's head and pulled him closer.

Danny was not a man who spent much time on kissing only, but with Andrew it was really erotic and unique. Even with his wife he would kiss only a few minutes and then move to the main part of intercourse. But Andrew kept him harder and craving for more. Andrew continued the hard and aggressive invasion but Danny withstood it and enjoyed it delightedly. He loved every inch of it. He responded back with a submissive mouth, giving Andrew complete control. Andrew tasted his lips, his inside(?) inhaling his breath. Danny thought he would choke but he kept the pace and coped with him. After a full twenty minutes, Andrew broke the kiss and stared into Danny's eyes. Only a thin membrane of drool linked them. Both smiled at each other.

"Put me down now, daddy!" Danny complied. Andrew again planted a delicate kiss. He turned the shower off.

" Now go to the sink and stand looking in the mirror.", Andrew took the wax strips. Danny was a bit nervous. Andrew stood besides him, patting his shoulders seeing him through the mirror.

" First your ass and hole. Just be relax. Everything'll be fine.", Andrew patted his ass and dried it with a towel. He stuck a wax strip on it, pressed it hard and removed it.

"Ahhhhh....", Danny had closed his eyes. But this sudden forceful pulling opened his eyes wide and they filled with water. Andrew squeezed his ass hard.

" Calm down, daddy. Just calm down.", Andrew patted the hairless spot on Danny's ass. He fixed more wax strips and pulled them off one by one.

" Ahhhhh....fuck..", Danny's body shivered and his grip on the basin tightened. What stinging pain!!! His ass was burning like hell.

"Mhfffff...," Another strip rolled down. Danny closed his eyes and bit his lower lip to endure the stinging pain.

"Ahh...mfffffff....", Danny endured the pain. Another two wax strips and his ass cheeks were cleaned, removed of all burly hair. Andrew stood up and smacked his ass lightly.

"Look, Daddy, your ass is looking great." Danny looked back and he could see his flushed, hairless ass.

"Now it is time for your hole." Andrew stood up and kissed his back.

"Son, can't we stop this? It is really painful", Danny said helplessly.

Andrew took a pause and kissed his back and squeezed his bubble butt.

"Ahhh...", Danny hissed and bit his lower lip.

" Ok, Daddy..... If you want to stop it, then you can go. It is your first and last chance, daddy." Andrew said it squeezing his butt, smacking it slightly. He continued kissing his back as well.

The erotic sensations that Andrew was giving him made Danny ooze precum. He wanted it. He wanted it badly. But the pain was something he couldn't stand. Andrew continued his erotic work, keeping Danny hard like a steel rod.

"Tell me, Daddy, do you wanna end this?" Andrew licked his wide back, making Danny shiver in amazement. Danny kept silent. He was battling in his mind. This time not only his dick but he himself wanted it. But was he ready to stand the pain?

"Daddy, what is your answer? You know you deserve this punishment. So take it since you deserve it, daddy. Only after this pain will you get the real reward". Andrew licked his back again.

Danny was getting frustrated by his constant questioning.

" I want it, son. I want it", Danny said out of frustration. Andrew's words were roaming in his mind.

" Then you have to take your punishment, Daddy", Andrew whispered in his ears. Danny felt helpless.

" Yes I'm ready, son. Do whatever you want."

" Good Daddy. Now bend down a bit and open your legs. Spread your ass cheeks wide and hold them with your hands." Danny did as Andrew said.

Andrew took two wax strips and spread one on his hole. Andrew pressed harder, so it glued tightly. Andrew had a devious grin on his face. He wanted Danny to experience what true pain is. Danny had a bad feeling and gulped down his drool. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. Andrew took the edge and forcefully pulled it down with one sudden blow. The strip was pulled off with a bunch of burly hair. The area became flushed. Danny's eyes opened wide and his eyes filled with water and he screamed out,

"Ahhhhhh...what the fuckkkkk.......noooooooo...Oh, my gawwdddddd...." Danny stood up with a flash and squeezed his ass and clenched his hole. He put his hands around his ass and was screaming out in pain. It was the worst pain he had ever felt in his life.

He wanted to punch Andrew really bad. Andrew patted his ass.

" It will go away, Daddy. Calm down.", Andrew said calmly.

"Why the hell should I calm down?", Danny thought.

" Like I said before, you deserve this punishment, daddy. It is not more than what you did to me", Andrew said sternly. Danny thought perhaps Andrew was right. If it were two days ago, Danny would have killed Andrew.

" Now don't be a sissy. You are a man. Cut it off. The other strip is still there.",

" What?? another strip?," Danny said frighting.

" Yes, Daddy. And I know you can do this." Andrew kissed him and turned him around. Danny complied hesitantly but he knew he had no other choice.

" Daddy, just A few more minutes and the pain will be over." Danny clenched his teeth tighter this time and closed his eyes harder. Andrew took the other wax strip and with a devious grin removed it forcefully as well. Danny's pain was masked by his clenched mouth.

" Look, it is looking great, Daddy." Andrew said turning him around and pulling his muscular arms behind his head. Andrew stared at his eyes.

"Now your armpits." Andrew repeated the same procedure, but this time Danny didn't scream out, instead he withstood it bravely. Andrew licked the hairless armpits, making Danny moan a bit. He then put various Vax strips on his chest, nipples and abs. He pulled them off respectively, sending burning sensation to Danny. But when it came to his meaty tits, Andrew was surprised that, instead of hissing in pain, Danny moaned with pleasure.

Danny's nipples had become really sensitive to touch and therefore he enjoyed the pain there. Andrew smiled.

Andrew looked at hungrily at the water melon-sized, pumped up chest and two round globes protruding out. He spread his hands over them and squeezed his nipples.

"Ouhhhh.." Danny moaned.

Andrew touched his tensed and rock hard and Danny was looking amazing.

Andrew went down and waxed Danny's hair off his groin and shaft.

" Now for the final touch, Daddy.", Andrew took shaving cream and spread it over his chest, abs, armpits and groin, and then scraped it off with A razor. His skin looked smooth now.

"Turn around and close your eyes, Daddy. Don't open them." Danny did as he was instructed.

Andrew repeated the same procedure with his ass and back.

" Now open your eyes and look in the mirror", Andrew said excitedly.

Danny opened his eyes and saw his hairless body in the mirror. He was not looking bad. He was looking a bit younger.

" You are looking great, Daddy.", Andrew appreciated. He was right Danny looked like a model. He looked damn sexy and handsome. Andrew smacked him on the ass. And looked him waiting for his response.

" It is actually not bad, son. I look great", Danny said smiling.

"Now the beard." Andrew spread shaving cream on his face. Danny let him do this as well. He removed the gruff beard with razor and then removed the roughness with the trimmer. Danny looked at the mirror. He found himself handsome.

" Daddy, I don't like your long hair. Get a military style haircut. Got it?", Andrew said sternly and Danny could only nod.

"Now come outside into the living room, your trial is not over yet", Andrew said with a smirk. Danny looked confused. Andrew dumped the mess in the dustbin and came into the living room wearing his boxers.

When he came in the room, Danny was looking at his hairless and smooth body in the full size mirror. Andrew pulled him towards himself and put his hands around Danny's neck, kissing him. Danny responded passionately. Andrew progressed and kissed him on the neck. He bit him.

"Ouhhhh...son, yeah.....", Danny groaned. Andrew kept him hard by hitting his weak spots. He continued kissing and biting his neck and shoulders, making him weak. He moved down and licked his nipples and got him hard with his oral action.

" Oh. Fuck yes....ahhhh....", Danny moaned and groaned.

Andrew moved down, kissing his abs and sticking his tongue into his naval. This felt different to Danny. He had never felt like this before. A tickling erotic sensation. He shivered and moaned louder.

" Oh...fuck...yeah....son you make me really good....damn it...." Danny unknowingly began to play with his nipples. This drove him crazy. He was in a bliss. Danny wanted all this. Andrew moved further below and in front of him was Danny's huge 8 and a half inch python. Danny was enjoying it a lot. Andrew spat on his dick. Danny opened his eyes. Andrew spread his drool along the entire length. Danny looked down at Andrew. He was stroking his dick now. He pumped his dick upwards and downwards.

" Holy it!!!" Danny inhaled hard. He couldn't resist the amazing feelings running down through his body. Andrew pinched his piss slit with his nail which bucked Danny forward.

" Ouhhhh....yes..!!!" Danny was lost in pleasure. He was squeezing his nipples hard, as Andrew had done to him and was bucking forwards. Andrew sped up the jerking. He moved his hands forwards and backwards in a fast motion. Danny felt in heaven.

" Son, I'm close to cumming.....make me cum son..." Danny was leaking copious amount of precum. His precum was equivalent to cum. Andrew stopped and squeezed his dick tightly.

" Nooooo......why did u do that, son?", Danny was annoyed. Andrew slapped his butt cheeks hard, making him hissed.

" Daddy, I control you now. So stop complaining. I`ll make you cum when I want", Andrew said with a commanding tone. Danny felt humiliated but horny. He liked the dominating behaviour of Andrew. He nodded his head.

" I don't want you to cum, Daddy", Andrew said and took his dick in his mouth. Danny was surprised as Andrew had not sucked him off till now. Andrew took his fat cock slowly and steadily. It was his first time sucking Danny's dick. He could not completely take his entire length so he took enough for his mouth. He went halfway down and then took his dick out and then went in and out. He was sucking it slowly. Danny was panting hard. It was his first ever blow job by a man. Andrew sucked his dick in and rolled his tongue over his mushroom head.

"Oh fuckkkkkk....yeah son...suck me....", Danny forced his dick in his mouth mechanically. Andrew took it. Danny got a bit bold and forced it more.

" Smack", a hard slap on his butt held him in his position.

" Ohhhhh!!!" Andrew's hands took his ass forcefully and Danny stood still, playing with his nipples. He understood Andrew was in charge. Andrew continued rotating his tongue over and alongside the sides of his dick. Danny's cock was wet with Andrew's saliva. He gave a good five minutes and then pulled his dick out. Andrew spat on the floor, the drool mixed with his precum.

Danny stopped playing with his nipples as well. Andrew stood and sucked Danny's mouth, fucking with his tongue. Andrew broke it and pushed Danny down. Danny was on his knees. He had a hunch about what Andrew wanted and he was right. Andrew's crotch was a few centimeters away from his face. He could inhale the smell of cum hitting his nostrils while he was leaking his own cum. He was mesmerized. His heart was pounding hard. He was about to suck a dick, his first ever dick. He had never done that. He was straight his whole life and now a college boy had pushed him on his knees and he was about to give him a blowjob. Danny looked up at Andrew who was smiling. He pushed his crotch into his face. Danny felt humiliated. He remembered how many guys when he was young in the gym wanted to suck him off. He was the gym trainer and walked around with authority and dominance. Every guy and girl was ready to give his/her cherry. He could fuck anyone. He was a total top and now he was kneeling down for a college boy to suck him. And worst part was that he was doing all this willingly.

Andrew's crotch was rubbing up and down against Danny's face. Despite the fact that he didn't like it, he didn't dislike or hate it. If his body wanted it to stop his dick wanted otherwise. His cock was jumping up and down leaking. Though he felt humiliated, he wanted it. He was curious about a guy's dick. It was degrading for him in the past to even think about a dick and here he was servicing one. He I baked the amazing musk radiating out of Andrew's boxers. Andrew took his head and pushed him into his crotch forcefully. Danny kept on smelling and inhaling the aroma. He loved that musky smell. Andrew pushed his face deep. Danny soon found it difficult to breath. He rested his hands on Andrew's lean waist. He couldn't stand it anymore. He tried to push his face away. Andrew weakened his force and let him inhale oxygen. Danny took a deep breath and as soon as he took a single breath Andrew pulled him and forcefully pinched his face into his crotch. Danny had no time to comprehend the situation, he began to inhale deeply and exhale slowly as Andrew forcefully slid his face against his crotch. Andrew's dick become rock hard and Danny felt that. Danny loved its blossoming movements. His own dick was rock hard and leaking precum. Andrew pushed his boxers covered dick into Danny's mouth. Danny accepted it willingly. He wanted to experience what sucking a cock felt like. He took it in anticipation. The humiliation and degradation he felt a while ago was replaced by the curiosity and an unknown satisfaction, like he wanted that dick. He found a strange pleasure and delight in all this aggressive stuff.

Andrew stopped for a second and lowered his boxers to his knees and again took Danny's face and slammed his dick into his mouth. Danny took it. Andrew didn't put his total length. Danny was prepared for that. He took his cock in hungrily. Andrew took it out and then put it in slowly. Andrew was an aggressive fucker. He just wanted to slam and fuck Danny's mouth like he fucked Chris' but he knew he had to wait for that time when Danny would be ready to take his dick in his mouth like his hole. This was Danny's first cock and he wanted to take things slow. He slowly fucked his mouth.

"Oh yeah...daddy! just take it....suck your son's dick...daddy....fuck....I love your mouth, daddy....", Andrew was shouting. Danny was not an expert at this but he had watched Andrew sucking him and felt his mouth so he tried to do what Andrew had done. He rolled his tongue over Andrew's dick and sucked it. Andrew's precum escaped from his piss slit and mixed with his own saliva. He spread all his saliva over Andrew's dick and made it wet. Danny couldn't feel the sucking. Maybe it was his first time, that's why. Andrew took his dick out of his mouth. Danny looked at him.

"Daddy, suck it like you want it. You want to please your son. I know that. Do it. Make me happy", Andrew said smiling. Danny felt sheer dominance and command to make his son happy. He looked at his six inch dick, took it in his hand thinking how he could make Andrew happy. He jerked it a bit and without thinking took it in. Andrew pushed deep and Danny didn't resist. Andrew's words just ringing in his ears.

"Make your son happy."

And he sucked the entire length, gagging a bit, but he seemed he was on a mission. He sucked in deeply, moving his head in and out. He was new to this but he wanted Andrew to feel good like he made him felt good. He pushed his head forward and backwards.

" Oh yes, are good at this....", Andrew moaned.

Danny continued sucking him in and out. Andrew fondled him. Andrew leaked precum and Danny tasted it. It felt a sweet and salt combo. He continued to suck him off fast.

"Oh, daddy...don't make me cum...I wanna do many things with you....oh daddy.....", Andrew couldn't stand as Danny didn't leave his dick. Andrew pulled it out. Danny was so lost in sucking his dick. He didn't even imagine he would do such a thing. Andrew stood him up and planted a kiss.

" Now for your punishment, daddy. ", Andrew smiled. He took him by his arm and pressed his large hands against full sized mirror. Andrew took his hand between his muscular legs and pulled them apart.

" Are you ready, daddy?", Andrew asked.

Danny knew what was coming. He whispered yes.

" Smack", Andrew took his hand in the air and slammed it on his bubble butt.

" Ahhhh....," Danny felt the pain and utter a moan.

"Smack", another hard spank but Danny endured the pain.

"Smack, smack, smack....smack", Andrew mercilessly spanked him on both butt cheeks and Danny only hissed and endured the pain. Perhaps that waxing off made him sturdy. Andrew was in his sadistic mode. He loved to hear the painful moans and see the helpless expressions on Danny as he continued the assault.

"You are a big man, daddy. You can endure it, you actually love it. Moan louder, daddy, I wanna hear your erotic noises. How does it feel daddy?", Andrew was behaving like a wild beast. He frantically spanked his butt that became hot red. Danny endured it like a pro. His dick was pulsating, it was about to explode. He loved it.

" gawd....yeah..", Danny who felt the pain before was now groaning in pleasure.


"How does it feel daddy?", Andrew asked again.

" Feels good, son!" Danny was pressing hard and supporting his weight on the mirror. His bulging biceps became red.

" Smack...,how good, daddy?", Andrew demanded.

" Feels amazing, son....I feel in heaven", Danny exclaimed. He was enjoying the spanking. Andrew gave about twenty-five hard spanks and with the twenty-sixth spank, Danny couldn't stand, his body shivered and he,

" Grhhhhh....Ahhhhhhhhhh...fuckkkkkkk...yeah....yes I'm cumming son, I'm cumming....ahhhhh....," He came on his chest and abs and on the mirror. Andrew fell on his back with his hard dick pressing against his ass crack. They remained there for quite some time, with Danny enjoying the post orgasmic pleasure.

Andrew noticed that Danny, unlike Chris, especially loved the pain of spanking. Chris was pissed off when Andrew had given him an aggressive spanking but Danny complied. Indeed he was the best specimen. All such muscular hunks, daddy types, build their body so that they can feel the pain if someone wants to inflict it. Their mature age and muscular built is made for this. Andrew kissed him on the back.


Next: Chapter 13

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