Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on Aug 9, 2020


Note: Any daddy or anyone to proof read my chapters? Email me if you are interested.

Chapter 11

Mr. Danny had an anxiety attack when he saw Andrew standing at the door jerking his tool. He jumped up from his bed naked. His cock deflated and dangling up and down.

"Andrew saw me. What would he do next?? Previously he milked him three days and even fucked him. And now he saw me in such shameful state. Why couldn't I control my horny state. I'm in charge of my cock. Why always give my control to it?", Mr Danny was annoyed as hell.

"What will Andrew do this time? Will he milk me again?" The memories of him getting milked were dancing in front of him. His dick twitched.

"Or will he fuck me again? " Mr. Danny's heart hammered. His dick became hard again. He looked at his manhood and was shocked.

"Why I'm getting excited at such thoughts?" He should be worried but he was getting hard in excitement. He went to bathroom to take a shower. Chris could also come any moment.

Andrew was lying on his bed staring on the ceiling. The cool breeze was hitting his naked body. His rested his head on his arms. He was still dazed at what he saw. Mr. Danny thinking about him while finger fucking and cumming. Andrew was smiling excitedly.

"It means Danny likes me. No he wants me. I always thought he hated me. Here I was feeling guilty for nothing." Suddenly Mr. Danny's glaring eyes, and tears trickling over his cheek came in front of him. He felt sorry again.

"May be I'm stretching things way too far. After what I did to him that day, he can't even like me." Andrew considered that the fuck he gave to Mr. Danny was not consensual. He was feeling guilty since that day. He did it without having control over himself. He just wanted to fuck that hottest man he ever met in his life. He was perfect. A perfect specimen to spend time with, to fuck and to experiment with. But he forgot he was not his science lab specimen. He was a living man. He felt depressed again. He shut his eyes and tried to sleep.

The next morning Mr. Danny was serving breakfast on the kitchen table. Chris came cheerfully. He looked fresh and happy.

"What's the occasion?" Mr. Danny asked his son. He was seeing him happy after two days. Seeing him happy made Mr. Danny pleased too.

" You were right Dad. I was exaggerating things with Andrew. We patched up.", he said taking a bite.

" That is great.", Surprisingly Mr. Danny was not offended. He took a sip of his coffee.

The usual knock at the door made Danny miss his sip.

" It must be Andrew. I'll open it." Chris opened the door.

" Hey. Come in. Have breakfast with us." Chris invited him.

" No. I just have it." Andrew said entering in.

" Hi Mr. Danny." Andrew greeted him and sat in the chair continuing talking to Chris. Both friends were absorbed in conversation. Mr. Danny constantly looked at Andrew and any move he d play. But he did nothing. Chris went to his room to get his bag pack. Now Mr. Danny got ready. But Andrew did nothing. He was playing with his phone. Mr. Danny could not stand anymore. He was getting frustrated.

"Why is he not even mentioning anything?" Mr. Danny thought. He created the entire scenario that Andrew will follow him to the kitchen and then spa k him. He'd get angry on him. But nothing happened.

" Had Andrew given up on me?" Mr. Danny thought. But why was even he thinking about this. He should be thankful and relax Andrew did nothing but he was feeling impatient. He thought to take initiative.

" Andrew.", he called him out.

"Yes Mr. Danny.", Andrew looked at him.

" I wanna...", Mr. Danny paused.

" Mr. Danny if you wanna discuss about yesterday then don't make yourself embarrass. I forgot about what happened. Just be relax." Andrew smiled.

"Ookk..." Mr. Danny said.

" What the hell?? you said you forgot??"...Mr. Danny thought and gulped his anger down. Chris came out and both friends bade him bye. Mr. Danny slammed the table.

" What the fuck did he just say? Here I thought he was gonna repeat the similar things and he said he forgot." Danny was really upset but what was the reason? He should be relieved that Andrew didn't do anything. Then why such feeling.

" No. I won't let it happen." Mr. Danny took the last sip and got ready for work.

In the college, Andrew confronted Jack.

" Why did you call me Andrew?" Jack asked. Andrew gave his mobile to Jack. Jack took it and played the video. It was of Jack giving blowjobs to college boys.

" What is this Andrew?" Jack asked.

" You are not a kid Jack. I'm gonna send this video to your father and Principal." Andrew asked like it was a petty thing.

" But why?" Jack still couldn't comprehend.

" You moron. You tried to blackmail Chris and this is what you got." Andrew said.

"But I never blackmailed him." Jack said innocently.

" What? Then why did you ask him to give you a bj?" Andrew was confused.

" I just caught him off guard. He is my man of dreams. Look I'm a bottom and a fag. So it is me who gives blowjob and get fucked. I just wanted to make sure he was gonna fuck me. Thats all."

Jack explained.

"Ok. But it was first and last time you received a fuck or he sucked you and if you tell anyone about this then believe me your father will know about your fag life and you know what ll happen to you." Andrew warned him.

" But why? I just want to feel him in me. Please Andrew. I beg you." Jack begged. Andrew completely ignored me.

" Jack, Chris is my buddy and I don't allow him to be with any other guy. There are so many boys in college and in the nation. Pick anyone and suck them. This time I'm ignoring your mistake but next time I won't. Do you understand Jack?"

Jack didn't reply. Andrew slap him.

" Do you understand now?" Andrew was dead serious. Jack got scared.

" Yes." Jack agreed.

" Good boy. If you keep your promise then I may think about letting you give him a bj only sometimes." Andrew threw a bait as well. Jack became happy.

" Really. Thank you Andrew. Than you." Jack hugged him and Andrew felt weird.

"Ok. get lost.", Andrew said sternly. Jack went away smiling.

" Thank God. That fag is out now." He went to Chris to tell him the good news.

Mr. Danny was distracted during day at work. He decided to confront Andrew. In the evening he went straight to Andrew's house texting Chris that he ll come home late.

Danny was standing at the door front muddled whether to meet Andrew or not. He with an indecisive thought rang the bell. His heart was hammering. Sweat popped out. He tried to maintain his stern and cold expressions. He does not wanted to be looked like a man in need. Ralph, the housekeeper opened the door.

" How may I help you, Sir?" Ralph asked with a blank face. Danny was confused.

" Is Andrew at home? I want to see him." Danny replied.

" Yes, master Andrew is in his room. Come in, Sir.", Ralph gestured Danny to follow him. Danny entered. He was walking the large corridor, bypassing the hallway there was the dining room on the left. Ralph asked him to sit there and went to call Andrew.

Danny sat on the luxurious sofa. He looked around. The room was spacious and comfy. It was embellished with exotic decoration. He heard the footsteps. He looked up and Andrew entered the room in grey shorts and black polo shirt. He looked handsome and all Danny's cold expressions melted by Andrew's hot presence. He signaled Ralph to serve the drink and some other food items in the stain less steel food trolley. As Ralph served the glass table, Andrew motioned him to leave the room. Andrew gave the drink to Danny. Danny took it. There was silence for few mins. Danny took the initiative.

" Andrew, I' ve come to discuss what happened yesterday", Danny said politely.

" Mr. Danny I told you earlier that I forget. You don't need to worry about it", Andrew said. Mr. Danny took another sip.

"This is the problem Andrew. You can forget it but I can't. I tried hard to remove every thought of the previous past day events but I couldn't.", Danny said with a helpless expression on his face. Andrew looked at him and could see him writhe. He faced down. He couldn't see him like this. He was guilty of what he did to him that night. In his titillated daze that night, he fucked Mr. Danny without caring about his consent. He was guilty that he might have raped him. The thought of non-consensual sex drove him crazy. He didn't utter a word, just listened to what Danny had to say.

"I was a ladies'man, a top fucker with a body to rule the world. I always loved my wife. After her death, I thought I lost everything, happiness, sexual pleasure and everything. Chris was the one who always encouraged me. I forgot the taste of pleasure when I had a sex last time. I totally busied myself in work.....", he took another sip and a pause. He was confessing his feelings to Andrew. He had started telling him the truth, he could not stop now. So he continued.

"But then you came in and my life got upside down....", Andrew was about to cry at this point. He could feel Danny was about to blame him. His head sank in embarrassment.

"You made me realized that how beautiful is the pleasure that a man feels during sex. You reminded the days of my youth.", Danny said all this and Andrew's head moved up with a flash. He looked at Danny eyes opened wide.

" What was Mr. Danny saying?", he thought.

"I made him happy? So was he taking my name out of pleasure yesterday?", Andrew was confused. He thought that Danny came to bash him for that non consensual sexual stuff. But he was sitting here praising him.

" You changed me Andrew...", Danny said with such purity in his eyes that Danny looked away.

" You changed the meaning of sexual pleasure for me. I never imagined that kinky time with a boy would be so amazing. Your rimming drove me crazy that day. I couldn't help but constantly thinking about you from that day. There has not been a single night I don't masturbate thinking about you.", Andrew felt like Danny was hitting him with bombs. He was in a shock and jovial kind of state.

"And when you came yesterday, looking at me in that embarrassing state, I got panicked and curious that you ll do something to me now. But unfortunately you did nothing. And today is the turning point for me.........I want you to repeat those things to me Andrew. I surrender myself.", Danny said with a pause. Andrew stared him in denial. He felt he was having a dream.

" Andrew??", Danny waved his hand in front of his face. Andrew came into reality. So it was not a dream after all.

" But why did you cry that night?", Andrew asked what was disturbing him for so long.

"It was a sudden reaction Andrew. As I said I couldn't believe I would do anything like sex with a man. It damaged my persona. But after that I came to realization that I enjoyed it.", Danny explained.

"But I was living in a guilt ...was not consensual....and u thought that ...I......I ....raped you. And this thought made you angry and you cried.", Andrew said bowing his head down. Danny burst into laughter. Andrew gave him a confused stare.

"Therefore, you didn't do anything as you thought that...", Danny was smiling.

" Son, that night you made me mad but it was consensual. If it hadn't I would have either killed you or stopped that. But I didn't which means My body wanted that.", Andrew said cheekily. Andrew seemed normal now.

"So what do you want now Mr. Danny?", Andrew asked.

" As I said I surrender myself. Just do what you want. I just want to be with you.", Danny sat near him putting his arm over his shoulder. Suddenly naughty thoughts invaded Andrew's mind. The person, the dream man he always dreamt to be with was with him at last and was giving himself consensually to him offering himself to play with him, do what he wants. Andrew was on cloud nine. This Hercules was his now.

" But daddy there is one thing that I'm pissed about?", Andrew said with naughty expressions.

" What son?", Danny replied back in same tone as Andrew. He knew Andrew loved calling him daddy.

" You stayed away from me these days. Didn't confess me earlier. So I want to punish you daddy." Andrew said innocently.

" I'm ready for your punishment son," Andrew hold Andrew strongly and pulled him closer.

" Daddy the punishment is gonna be hard. And I wont do anything before you have received your punishment."

" I'm ready son," Danny said sternly. He had confessed everything, he felt light. He couldn't afford to loose Andrew. Both fixated there eyes into each other. Andrew moved his hands and unbuttoned his first three buttons and moved his hand to fondle his chest. His hand met the hair protruding from Danny's large chest. He tweaked his nipple. " Agghh...", A slight moan slipped from Danny's mouth and the rocket in his pants flew up. Both of their faces were few centimetres away. They could feel the warmth of their breath. Both locked their lips into a kiss. Andrew continued to pinch Danny's nipples sucking on his tongue. It was a soft, delicate kiss like butterfly wings long enough to feel the warmth and sexual intensity boiling inside them. After sucking on for ten long minutes, Andrew broke it.

"It is the problem daddy", he pulled his chest hair.

" I want my daddy to be hairless and smooth. Come with me I ll remove them myself.", He took his large arm and by force took him to his father's room. Danny thought it was not a good idea as his chest hair was his asset.

" Andrew I don't think it is a good idea.", Danny showed his concern. Andrew looked at him.

" Daddy just trust your son. You are now under my care. Just be relax. After I remove your hair, you ll see how handsome you look.", Andrew said and kissed him again and Danny gave a positive response. He put his trust in him. He didn't want to mess things uo now.

" Now take your shirt off daddy", Andrew said seductively. Danny smiled and unbuttoned his remaining buttons and tossed his shirt on the bed. Andrew gave a lecherous look at his large muscular built like a predator gazed at his prey. Andrew licked his lips and lashed at his body like people jumped on food at wedding. Andrew still couldn't believe that Mr. Danny Harris himself offered to him. He owned his body now. The cunning smile and a lion's look in his eyes drove him mad.

" Flex for me daddy", Andrew whispered in his ears. Danny complied smiling. He flexed his boulder sized arm and tensed it like a body builder. Andrew kissed the huge rock hard bulge of his arm and bit it.

" Ahhh...", Danny moaned and felt the sensual sensations that Danny was giving him. His dick was rising and tenting in his pants. Andrew licked and made his bicep wet with his saliva. He moved his fingers down and tingled in his hairy armpits. Danny convulsed by this tingling sensation. Andrew moved his other hand to his wide strained chest that bulged out like two large sized melons. He patted and smacked his melons and pinched his meaty tits.

" Ouhhhhhhh...", Danny moaned again. He craved for Andrew's sensitive touch. He lived his past few days in denial. His body has surrendered already but mind didn't. At last he had to succumb to his lusty desires.

Andrew moved from his flexed bicep to his shoulder and bit there. Andrew did it purposely. He knew well that Danny's shoulders and neck were really sensitive to kissing and biting.

" agghhhhhhhhh...," Danny groaned in pleasure. Andrew proceeded his kiss and traveled from shoulders to his wide neck. Danny convulsed in pleasure again. He continued his moaning and groaning. He was in heaven. Andrew stopped all of this. Danny was pissed a bit.

" There is a lot of time daddy. First cover the main thing....Take off your pants as well.", Andrew said and Danny quickly undressed and was standing named in full glory of his herculean built and the snake like cock dancing up and down. It was impressive 8 and a half inch long ready to explode. Andrew took his shirt and shorts off as well. He stood in his boxers. He signaled Danny to go into bathroom. He took a trimmer, razor, shaving cream, a lot of wax strips from his father's drawer and went into bathroom.

Master Primus

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Next: Chapter 12

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