Milking the Daddy

By Master Primus

Published on May 23, 2020


Chapter 1

Milking the Daddy

Written by a slave on my instructions.

My name is Danny Harris. My colleagues at work refer to me behind my back as "Danny the Horseman" because I ride a Harley Davidson. I am proud of that machine, she stands for all the blood, sweat and tears I put into building my body and a career in Construction. At work and even at home people consider me strict, controlling and dominating and it is all not wrong as I' m their supervisor. If I'm linient to them they will become negligent. Even with my son Chris, I've to behave as a bit strict and conventional father. Though I'm not educated but I know the importance of education and I don't want my son to live a life that I lived. I never was interested in suffering headache of going to school. Gym was my passion and I worked out regularly and also worked as a gym trainer in a local gym when I was young. My large muscular body was the reason that always made my presence prominent and dominating and my livelihood also put me in shape. You need to understand, I am proud of the life I was able to build after dropping out of high-school, leaving my hometown and settling in the big city. I met a lovely woman and made her my wife. We scraped a living together on meagre salaries and raised a son, Chris. Sadly my wife was not around to see his Graduation from High School, she succumbed to injuries from a hit-and-run leaving the office she worked at. I loved his wife so much. Now she was no more. I lost interest in life. I made myself busy in work. Never paid attention to even date any woman as i could not give any other woman my wife's place. It has been a while I jerked off. I might have forgotten the pleasure of having sex.

I am 44 years old, my son Chris is in his second year at college and I love him very much. Actually he is the only reason for me to live. The reason I am in the difficult situation these days (more precisely was) is because of our neighbours' son, Andrew -- but I blame my son too as both were good friends and went to same college studying same course. What he did to me is kind of thing that one can't imagine to happen to a guy like me

Chris, my son plays for the college team, apparently he has no brains . If he did, he'd choose better friends, instead he alienates others with his "cocky", yet aggressive attitude to others , especially junior students. He was not like this before. I always blame myself as my harsh parenting made him like this. I tried to change my attitude but I couldn't. Many times I'd drag him into the garage where I set up a "home-gym" to get him to build on his physique, make him look more like a man - I've tried explaining that a strong body, makes a strong mind. Inevitably we have an argument, his point being a strong body won't make us rich. Despite his protests and arrogance he was an athlete's body and stands proud at 6'1'. Even in the school he is used to bully his juniors and sometimes his classmates.

Chris and the neighbour's son Andrew are both trying a major in Biology, as they want to get into Medical School, he likes the idea of being a researcher or something. I told him to get a real job, which went down like a balloon without gas. Andrew wants to be a doctor like his father.

Chris and Andrew are up in Chris' room discussing their latest assignment for the Biology class, when Andrew drops his pen and it rolls under the bed where Chris is lying. Andrew bends down to retrieve it and comes up with a girly-magazine in one hand and the pen in the other. There is the slightest blush from Chris, who explains he uses to get a hard-on so he can masturbate. Andrew sits down on the bed and reminds Chris that the latest assignment to harvest semen for the laboratory research is due soon. He's always wanted to see Chris naked so he suggested Chris jerk off. Chris looked at me in disbelief. "What? You said that you jerk off regularly. So what is the deal for you?" Andrew said casually."Are you kidding me? I can't just become a sperm donor. Plus it is embarrassing due." Chris spoke."Ok, I ll do it with you as well. We need to complete the project otherwise it wont be good for the finals and dont be shy, we both are dudes and friends." He persuaded him. After a little consideration and more persuation he agreed."I've got some specimen bottles in my book-bag, in case of emergencies like these", He said with a serious look on his face. He can see Chris is uncomfortable and say he' ll also do it at the same time, then they'll both have their specimens and the subject will never come up again. Reluctantly Chris slides off his jeans and jock, picks up the magazine and starts toying with his cock. Andrew is so focused on watching, Chris has to smack him with the magazine and tells Andrew to pay attention and get his "tool" out and do it too. Chris' athletic body, defined is smooth and lean. Andrew, doesn't have the kind of body he'd like, he's slim, not very muscular, but does get noticed at 5'11". He's half-heartedly stroking his tool, but clearly more interested in staring at Chris working his tool. He looked at him with hungry eyes. He was so handsome. Andrew loves the erotic facial expressions he was making. Chris was really getting up to speed . And his lips are so suckable. Andrew suddenly bends over and plants a kiss hard on Chris's lips. "Fuck that was so erotic. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I promise I'm not queer, it was just like .... wow". "What the hell?" Chris didn't like it at all. " Dude. Are you gay?" Chris asked."No way." It was part truth as he was bisexual but he can't disclose this to him. Andrew explained to him that this whole scene was really hot and Chris panting made hi do that. Chris was a bit uncomfortable with all this stuff. He wore his pants and asked Andrew to leave as he has other stuff to do. Andrew left.

Chris touched his lips. How did he dare to kiss me? he thought. The thought of Andrew kissing him made him hard. He could not believe that he found it hot. He laid on bed. He took off his pants and started to jerk off. He was thinking about the cheerleaders of his college. "Oh Fuck." Chris moaned. Now him fucking a pussy was replaced by the scene that just occured right now. The cheerleader was replaced by Andrew. Andrew kissing him. He fantasised him kissing passionately. Pre cum oozed out. He started panting fast and squeezing really hard and then he came. He was embarrassed on thinking about Andrew. What was going on with him.

Andrew knew that Chris was upset with him. But he couldn't control himself. The father and son duo always drives him crazy especially Mr. Danny. His reason for being most of the time in Chris's house was Mr. Danny. He wanted to see him. He was handsome and muscular and Chris was replica of his dad. He was less muscular but was damn hot.

The next day Andrew apologises to Chris and says it was all a mistake and will never happen again. Chris shrugs it off, saying nothing happened. He tells Chris that they still don't have the semen samples. Chris suggests to ask my father as he was a doctor. Andrew tells him that this is embarrassing for him as well. He actually wants to see Chris jerk off again. Chris tells him that he ll think about it.

Andrew opens his room's window and looks at the street as sun was sinking. It was evening and he saw Mr. Danny. This was his time to come back home late after work. Andrew again started thinking about him. He was a nice specimen. The man of his dreams. Muscular and a hunk. He believed Mr. Harris also didn't know about him. He remembers how he saw him working in his yard wearing his shorts and and vest. His broad shoulders and bulging biceps melted him. He wanted to touch them. Sweat was popping out and he wished he could remove it with his hand. His strong legs and ass. Wao he was something. He wanted to spank his bubble. He got hard thinking about him.

Mr. Danny entered his house and locked the door. Andrew hit a plan. He gave a sinister smile and took his bagpack. He left his home and arrived at the Harris' house knowing Chris isn't home. He knew while Danny is strict with his son, he is keen for the boy to get good grades. He's always lusted after Mr. Harris. Danny stands tall at 6'4', well defined muscles like a Roman-gladiator. His biceps each bear a tattoo, which seems to grow when he flexes them to an impressive girth.

Andrew knocks at the door. Mr. Danny opens the door. I was excited to see him. His shirt was unbuttoned and his beautiful body was just covered in white vest he was wearing. His abs were defined and two large round buttons protrude from his wide chest. I was getting hard but i calm myself.

"What?" The usual rude Mr. Danny spoke. I wonder when he even smiled last time.

"Is Chris at home?" I asked, I knew he wasn't.

" No." He said sternly and turned back to close the door.

I immediately said," Mr. Danny may I speak with you?"He turned towards me and said yes.

" Actually I wanted to talk to you and it was about Chris." I spoke. He seemed to be alert.

" Is there any problem? " He said.

" I don't know how to say but it is important for you to know. There was a project we all students were given and except for Chris and I everyone has submitted their task. I'm afraid we ll lose our grades as we 've few days left" I explained.

" Isnt Chris paying attention? Is he involved in other stuff kid?? if he is then tell me" He was concerned about Chris, I can see in his eyes.

"No the thing is our assignment is to collect semen sample of a human subject and I suggested him to give his but he said it was wrong and uncomfortable. Every student has to bring their separate samples. I took mine so i was worried about Chris as he is my group member."

" So cant u ask your father to fetch one for Chris?" He asked.

" I cant as it is embarrassing for me as well. So i thought if you can help us, especially Chris". I said innocently.

" Yes sure. I will definitely help you guys" . He said.

"Will you?" i asked.

"Yes. I cant let my son's grades down. Tell me what do you want?" He asked.

" First you 've to promise you won't shout at me or behave rudely"

" Why i would be. Ok I gave u my word" He said with a little smile on his face.

" I was thinking if u could give your...umm would serve the purpose". I said. He was confused and became a bit red.

" What did u say kid? Are u crazy?" He cried at me.

" See you are mad again. There is no other option. Either tell him to jerk off and release his load or you've to do otherwise." I tried to be bold. He was furious and dumbstruck but said nothing.

" There could be other way to..." He said politely.

"No other way Mr. Danny.", I cut him off.

"You have to do this for your son. It is easy for you. You would be jerking off regularly so there will be no issue for you." I said calmly. It had been a while Mr. Danny did that. But this was not the problem. After thinking he at last agreed.

" Ok kid. I ll do that" Mr. Danny said.

"Really." I asked in excitement. He gave me a weird look.

" I meant you are a great father Mr. Danny." He returned and was about to close door. I stopped by him.

" Where are you going?" I said from behind.

" You can go now. I ll give u sample after an hour but dont tell Chris about it". He said.

" What?", I thought. Here I convinced him to donate his sperm and now he was failing my plans.

" Is there any problem kid?" He asked. I came out of my thoughts. I've to do something quickly. I couldn't come up with anything and here his eyes were demanding an answer.

" I was saying as it is a Biology project I ll be needing to assess my subject closely. I' ve a bagpack where I'll be writing my analysis like what is length of my subject's tool. What is his behaviour when he is stroking and what is the behaviour when he has released his juice. I also have to analyse subject's facial expressions ,etc". I was explaining and expressions of his face changed instantly. He flushed and frowned.

" What the hell are u saying lad?" Mr. Danny was certainly disgusted.

" I wont do that." He refused.

I was expecting it but I had hit the nail at right place and I uttered," Then you ll be responsible for Chris' bad grades and failure and his unsuccessful future. He'll be working at some construction place like you Mr. Danny after college." I said it and turned away. I was really scared because I was blatant like hell. That' s why I quickly turned back but still I had firm belief that Mr. Danny will stop me. I took slow steps. I couldn't see him but I definitely knew my dialogue hit him hard. He loves his son so much and he will never afford Chris to loose his grades.

" Please stop me Mr. Danny" I prayed.

" Stop me, Call me back." I walked few more steps.

" What are you waiting for?" I took two more steps.

"Stop kid." At last. I smiled. Mr. Danny called me out .I turned back and walked towards him.

"Yes Mr. Danny." I could see him. There were no frowns. Actually he seemed weak. I could see helpless ness in his eyes. His cocky attitude was vanished. Now he was not the regular rude and aggressive Mr. Danny that our entire neighbourhood knew, he was a helpless father who cant see his son failing, who cant see his son failing in his life. I totally had him.

"Ok kid. I agree. I just don't want my son's grade to be down. He is really inspired by your father' s profession and wants to become a doctor so I' ll do my best to help him out (even making myself ashamed by jerking in front of his friend)." He said.

I was actually feeling bad for him now. I thought to give up and leave but watching this a rough- aggressive dude feeling helpless, my dick jumped and I continue to follow my plan. But I was planning to modify it. In the beginning I came to tease him and a bit humiliate him but now I wanted to make him happy as well along with the my initial plans. Suddenly I felt like to take care of this helpless man.

" Are you sure Mr. Danny? Because it is not gonna be a simple procedure and I want your firm response."

I wanted him to be assured of cuz there was something I didnt tell him and i want to make it sure first he agreed to do this.

" Yes kid I'm 100 percent sure." He approved. It was time to reveal.

"From procedure, I forgot to explain it. We are left with five days before submitting results and sample. The project has two phases. First is the collection of your sperm and assessing your behaviour. Second will be the tests that we ll run in our college lab." Mr. Danny was listening quietly.

" Semen collection is actually the difficult phase as tests require copious amount of semen that I cant collect in one try plus there are three different methods from which I'm going to perform your milking and whole this will require at least three days which means you are gonna jerk off three consecutive days at least." I explained and his jaw fell down.

"You didn't say that before" He said.

" You didn't let me say that and you can't refuse as your son's grades depends on your decision". I intentionally involve Chris to stop him from changing his decision. He didn't say anything.

"Should I come in Mr. Danny?" I asked and Mr. Danny after few seconds moved aside to let me enter.

" And one more thing Mr. Danny I need your full determination and you'll follow my every instruction so that we can complete this as soon as possible. I don't want to see your rude behaviour. Do you understand?" I took charge without letting him realise that. He nodded his head.

" And you are not gonna tell anyone especially Chris kid. Get it?" He said. I noded myself.

I entered and told him to come to his room. We came to his room. His room was larger than Chris'. I put my bagpack on the bed. I was really scared because though I had convinced Mr. Danny but this was gonna be difficult for me as I was gonna tame a bull or a lion. We both were in the room. I looked at him. He was towering me with his large figure. But this entire feeling was amazing. He was standing helpless looking damn hot.

" Ok so let's start. First Mr. Danny you have to take your pants off".

He resisted, paused and reluctantly dropped his jeans. He was wearing black boxers. He resisted a bit

" We both are men." I said to him. He removed his boxers offensively. He clearly didn't like the situation he was in. His cock is circumcised, thick and veined, surrounded by a dense patch of dark pubic hair. Andrew is dumb-struck and doesn't know quite where to look. Truth be told he's in awe of the size of Danny's tool. It is fitting for a man who is so well built and defined.

" And your vest and T- shirt", I said and he looked at me frowning.

" What these have to do with the procedure?" Mr. danny was annoyed.

" I told you Mr. Danny you will follow my instructions. I know it is really awkward and annoying for a man like you. But if u want it to be over you must comply."

I said and he unwillingly removed his unbuttoned shirt exposing his wide shoulders and bulging biceps and the took off the west and I was just struck. His two melons with large buttons bounced and his solid 6 packs were exposed. I wanted to scratch that wide chest and suck those tits but I cant let my desires take over me yet. It wasn't time for this now. My cock was hard. He was standing in his full glory exposed and naked. He was smooth and shaven. He looked away and I took my bagpack taking out a measuring sclae, pen and a writing pad.

"Let me measure your tool first." I took measuring scale and sat down in his legs. He was very uncomfortable. He was not looking at me.

" I would take two measures deflated and stiff." He didn't reply. I touched his tool. He shrugged a bit . I put scale along his soft deflated shaft. He was offended. I measured it. It was perfect 5 inch long. I note the reading.

"Now I'm gonna make you hard Mr. Danny."

Not a word. He remained silent. I moved on my knees and slowly rubbed my hand on his tool. He was not looking at me. I smiled. I was gonna break his attitude not break actually shatter. I squeezed it a bit. He bit his lip. He was enjoying definitely. I squeezed harder. His dick responded back. I moved up slowly and quickly brought my hand down giving him a jolt. He clenched his teeth. His dick was getting harder. I continued the slow motion.

" Kid do it faster. Get it done." He said.

"Mr. Danny I've to follow the procedure. Stop complaining and it will be over soon." I replied sternly. Mr. Danny was clearly offended because he was the one who is always in charge at the work and in the home but today he was being controlled and by a kid. I kept moving up and down, squeezing hard. I looked at his face. He was hiding his feelings. I increased the pace and stroked him full 10 mins. Now he has started breathing heavily. I continued the good work.

Mr. Danny's view:

Andrew is doing a really good job of it, combining a technique of releasing on the upward stroke and squeezing slightly on the downward stroke -- slow on the up and quick on the down. My eyes are closed imagining of days long in the past. I've not been with anyone since his wife passed away. How can I enjoy a man's touch not a man but a kid's touch who is my son's age. It was really embarrassing and humiliating. Andrew can see me I am close to coming, so stops suddenly, before I can shoot my load in the jar, held in Andrew's other hand.

"What the fuck", I said in frustration.

"My arm is tired, I'm going to have to change hands Mr Danny, plus first let me measure it", replies Andrew.

"We'll try again, Sir".

I'm clearly frustrated and not enjoying myself, though my fully erect tool says otherwise. Andrew took the measuring scale and measures my dick again. He writes 9.5 inch. I felt proud. I somehow pictured this kid taking my full hard dick in his mouth. What the hell I was thinking.

Andrew's perspective: Andrew is intensely enjoying himself, while keeping a straight face. He pictures taking that cock in his mouth and sucking it until Mr Harris shoots his load ... he is so lost in his fantasy that he slips a stroke.

"Let's try a little butter as lube, it will go a lot easier. I'm really sorry for the embarrassment, Mr Danny".

Andrew jumps up, goes to the fridge and returns with the butter. Harris is still hard and gently stroking his chest, rubbing his hands all over. Andrew sees his large suckable nipples in awe but today was not their turn. Andrew starts again, buttered fingers stroking and pumping Danny's tool, like a well oiled machine. This time Andrew was a bit rough and Mr Danny couldn't remain silent. He hissed and then gives a slight moan but Andrew hears it in the deep silence in the room. He pumps his dick faster and harder. Danny could not resist the pleasure he was getting after such a long time. He continued it and at last Danny breaks his resistance a bit and moans second time, then third time and fourth. His eyes were closed and Andrew could satisfy himself from his erotic and sensual facial expressions he is making. Andrew feels that now Danny was a bit lost in the pleasure of stroking he takes a liberty of giving Mr Harris a light spank on his firm, well rounded and hairy buttocks. Danny gives a slight jerk to the sudden sensation but thinks only of getting this embarrassing (and humiliating) situation over for his son. More strokes to his throbbing shaft and another light slap on his butt. He squeezed his butt and caressed it as well like a mother does to his baby. Again a slight ripple, but he doesn't say anything. Andrew is clearly enjoying himself, slowing down and speeding up his stroking of Danny's cock. Danny meanwhile is starting to moan and rub himself across the chest, starting to thrust into Andrew's cupped fingers like it's the real deal. He has given over to the moment and is actually the intimacy and feelings running like electric currents from his tool to his brain.

"I'm going to cum Andrew, get the jar ready ..." he yells at Andrew and a roar starts to grow in his throat. Andrew cannot believe his eyes at the white, hot cum shooting deep into the bottom of the jar while Mr Harris is convulsing from the release of an intense orgasm. He's not been one for masturbation, ever. At last Mr. Harris sighed in relief as this humiliation was over.

Andrew, pleased with himself gets up and is about to "congratulate"Mr Harris when he suddenly slips on some butter and sends the specimen jar flying across the room, emptying it's contents. Danny saw Andrew in utter disbelief. How could he make such mistake? he thought. After all the embarrassment and humiliation he wants to give Andrew a punch in the face. Both looked at each other. Andrew did it on purpose so that he can enjoy himself more. He acted all innocent. Andrew turns and says,

"I'm really really sorry. I don't know how did it happen. All your juice has wasted. We'll just have to try again, it is for Chris' assignment, Mr Harris".

Danny having recovered himself from his ordeal, and secretely enjoyed the orgasm that he didn't know why. He definitely does not want that humiliation again. But as Andrew mentioned Chris' name, he was forced to agree.

"I promise it" ll be over in a blink of eye." Andrew said and Danny despite furious and angry on Andrew calmed himself down. He took a deep breath and make himself ready for another ordeal.

Andrew took the semi-hard dick of Danny and stroke it harder and faster. Danny closed his eyes and thought about all the sexual stuff with his wife. He got hard again. He had a high sex drive when his wife was alive and always shoots copious of load. Andrew from one hand was stroking his dick faster and harder and rougher and from other hand he took chance to spank his butt harder this time. Danny noticed it but ignored it as he just focused on cumming fast. Andrew again did the same thing and spank his other cheek more harder.

"Dont do that." Danny said.

"You enjoyed it Mr. Danny. If u want to cum then moan louder and enjoy everything I'm doing to you without saying a word." Andrew said.

This literally distracted Danny and his dick became semi hard again. He just wanted to overcome this and continued with his fantacies ignoring whatever Andrew was doing. His dick rose again. Andrew spank his cheek again. Danny ignored. Andrew continued to stroke faster and spank harder. He spanked him about six times and all was hard spanks making his butt cheeks red.Now Danny actually liked the spanking and he remembered his father giving him spanking when he was a kid. This all scenario makes his dick super hard and he was about to cum.

" Gimme the jar" Danny demanded the jar and Andrew had to give him. Danny didn't want him to make same mistake again.

"I'm cumming. I'm cumming Kid,"

Danny exclaimed in joy. actually he said this loudly and exploded 6 loads of cum. Danny was breathing fast. He could not believe he can cum this much in his age twice. He put the lid on the jar and closed it giving it to Andrew.

" Now take it and get lost," Danny became the old aggressive man. Andrew was a bit scared. He put on the clothes and quickly packed his bag and left the house.

Danny could not believe that what happened today. He tried to review the situation. How did he let a kid do that. He could not believe it. He went to his bathroom to take a shower and wash his mess.

Dear reader,

Master Primus instructed me to write this on his behalf, to share his experience and show my obedience to him, my new Master. Master Primus invites any muscle bottoms and tops for online training


Note: This was a collab written chapter. Next chapters will be written by my other slave.

Master Primus

Next: Chapter 2

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