Milking Duty

By Jason

Published on May 10, 1999


Thanks to Jacobs' help, all of the alcohol bottles got disposed of and the rest of the night was a blur. Jason rolled over and looked at the alarm clock. 8:15, his parents had not awakened him to milk the cows. As he raised his hand up, he felt a sharp pain race through his whole body. This topped off with a hangover; this was going to be a shitty day...completely shitty.

Jason finally rolled out of bed and limped down the stairs and to the bathroom to have a closer look at his injuries. It was much worse than he had imagined. There was a deep gash cut in his forehead, both eyes were black and there were several other scratches around his face. His entire body ached. There was a large cut on his left knee and his ankle was really swollen. Damn, he thought to himself, how in the hell is one supposed to function this way?

Jason walked to the front door and saw his blazer sitting by the garage and decided he should go have a look at the damage, hopefully it was not that bad.

As he was inspecting the damage, Mike pulled up in his car. "Damn! You fucked that one up good"

"I guess." Jason said squinting at the morning sun. "Least it ain't totaled though"

"Well your fuckin face is. Dude you look like somebody beat the shit out of you" Mike said with a laugh.

"And I feel like it too."

"Looks like I was just too much for ya last night huh? Gotcha all excited and look at what ya did." Mike laughed.

"Fuck ya! Asshole. It was that damned whiskey of yours. Got me drunk as shit! Jason glanced at Mike to see his killer smile and then he winked at him.

After a brief description of the prior nights events, Mike said that he needed to get going, his dad would be expected him back soon. Jason waved goodbye and limped to the front porch and sat down on the porch swing. A million things were rushing through his head at once. He was surprised to hear Mike talk so openly about their sexual activities, but he was excited none the less. He thought to himself about all of the girls that just swooned over Mike and laughed to himself as he thought about their reaction if they were to find out who Mike had decided to fuck instead of them.

Jason looked out over the hayfield. He marveled at the barn and it's sharp red contrast to the green trees and grass that surrounded it. The sun was shining bright and the sky was a beautiful blue and there was not a cloud in sight. Jason glanced at the garage and noticed that his mom's car was gone, guess they had already left for his grandmothers. Thank god he thought to himself, after what had happened there was no way that he could have handled seeing his extended family. Lady, Jason's dog came up on the porch and hopped into the swing beside him. Painfully he threw his arm around the dog and sat watching the day. There was a slight breeze blowing from the south and he could here the buzz of the bees coming from the newly planted flowers that lined the front walk. It was truly a beautiful day.

A couple of weeks later, Jason's wounds had healed and he had paid to have his blazer fixed from the money in his savings account. He was just finishing up the milking chores when Jacob pulled up. "Hey guy, what's up?" Jacob called out.

"Not much, just finishin up. What are ya doing?"

"Well I just talked to Mike. He wanted to meet up to the church. I told him that I was goin out with Jennifer tonight, but I told him that I would run by here and tell ya to meet 'em up there about eight."

"All right, guess I'll run up there. You gonna come later after ya through with Jennifer?"

"Well I don't expect to be done that soon if ya get my drift." Jacob said with a smile. "Might drive by your place though and see if you rearranged anymore fence."

"Well I'll try not...catch ya later dude."

"Later." Jacob climbed in his truck and drove down the lane.

Jason wondered why Mike did not come himself, but he figured that he was busy or something. His stomach fluttered at the thought of being with Mike again. He hurried and finished the chores, eight would be here before you know it.

The night was warm and made warmer by the liquor. Once again, Jason and Mike sat in the graveyard at St Ivo. There had been no mention of sex, nor any move made. Jason was waiting on Mike's move. The two boys sat in the truck for what seemed like forever before Mike spoke. "You think Jacob has ever fucked round with another guy?"

"Don't know. Never thought about it actually (which is a lie, I though about it a lot). Why?"

"Don't know, just think he's got a good lookin ass, bet it might be as tight as yours."

"Well, you know he did spend a lot of time with that guy Brian. People is always sayin that he is a fag. You don't reckon they think we are fags do ya?"

"Hell no. We don't run around actin like girls and shit. We just like fuckin, and it just happens that we fuck each other and that we are guys. That don't make us queers."

The words hit Jason hard. That one issue had been stuck on his mind for some time. Was he gay or was he just fucking? He wanted to agree with Mike but something in his heart said that he was gay. Jason's thoughts were interrupted as Mike took off his shirt. Mike looked over and smiled at Jason and said, "speakin of fuckin, you wanna have some fun?"

The moment Jason had been waiting for. He looked at Mike with grin and said, "I thought that you would never ask" in his best high pitched voice. The two guys laughed and Mike opened his door and ran over to his car. Jason watched intently as Mike returned to the truck with something in his hands. "Whatcha got there man?"

"Just something to make this easier on us," Mike said as he took another drink of the whiskey. " I got some Vaseline and a blanket. I tore the fuck out of my knees last time, need some paddin this time." Mike laughed and hopped over the back seat.

Jason heard him spreading the blanket on the floor and he reached over and grabbed the bottle and took a rather large drink. His eyes watered and his throat stung and he shook his head to fight off the convulsions. He thought to himself that he was going to need this as he remembered the pain of the last assault Mike performed on his ass. He put the cap back on the bottle and climbed over the seat. As he dropped behind the second row of seats, he felt Mike's smooth chest that was reclined against the side of the truck. Mike then stood suddenly and reached over the seat and grabbed the bottle of whiskey. He looked at Jason and said, "we might need this."

Jason stood on his knees and took off his shirt. Mike reached out and playfully pinched his nipple. Jason unzipped his pants and started to slide them down over his ass. Mike did the same and Jason glanced over and saw that Mike was not wearing any underwear and he thought to himself how convenient. Jason rolled over and sat down and pulled his shorts off his feet. Mike had already taken his shorts off and as Jason sat down, Mike climbed in between his legs and looked into his eyes. "I'm gonna fuck you like my bitch tonight." Mike then bent down and started to lick Jason's chest. Though it was hot, the night breeze felt very cool on the wetness of Jason's chest.

After a bit, Mike took Jason by the knees and pulled his head away from the back of the seat. Jason's athletic flexibility allowed his knees to flex all the way down to his shoulders. He looked out the back glass and saw the stars shining and he heard the crickets chirping and a whip-or-wil sing in the trees. He looked into Mike's face. There was his charismatic smile. Jason thought that that smile would get him anything. He saw the sweat forming on his Mike's forehead and he smelled the whiskey on his breath. He saw Mike reach over and take some Vaseline out of the can and he felt the coolness as Mike spread it across his asshole. He felt Mike's big finger slowly start to slide into his ass. Jason closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip. Mike added another finger to loosen his friend up and then added another. Jason moaned slightly as Mike slid his fingers in and out. He could hear the Vaseline pop and crackle as Mike stroked his pulsing cock. Mike looked at Jason's face and asked "are you ready big man?"

"Ready as I'll ever be I reckon." Jason laughed out loud as he said in fake whimpering voice, "be gentle."

Mike smiled and pushed Jason's legs up further, giving himself an easy shot at his ass. He pushed the head of his cock against Jason's tight ass and inhaled. He started to invade and he felt Jason tense up.

Jason prepared himself and he felt he ass stretch as Mike started into him. It seemed like forever but finally, Mike's cock was buried in his ass. God, it seemed to have grown since the last time. Jason's rapid breathing turned into a low moan as Mike started to pull gently out. "you OK man?"

"yeah, just takes some getting used to that's all."

Mike started to move in and out. "fuck man, your ass is so tight! I could go right now." Mike held out for as long as he could, but finally he blew his load and collapsed on Jason. There they lay, chest to chest then Mike slid his arms under Jason's back and squeezed him gently.

Jason lay there, feeling so complete under the weight of his best friend. His heart was racing at the tender moment that he and his friend was having. He could here Mike's shallow breathing and he could feel Mike's heart pounding against his own chest. He could feel Mikes cock getting soft inside him. Mike started to stir and sat up. "your turn man", Mike said as he reached down and took Jason's dick in his hand. Without pulling his cock from Jason's ass, he stroked his cock up and down.

By now, Jason was so turned on that it took only seconds for him to shoot. Slowly, Mike slid his cock out and sat back against the side of the truck. He laid his head back on against the window and closed his eyes. Jason looked at Mike's body that was shining in the moonlight. His legs were so long and muscular. His chest shimmered with sweat and he could see it gently rise and fall. His cock was laying to the left and his dark hair covered his balls to the point that they were unable to be seen. From this view, Mike's hands and feet looked massive. Mike was tall and wore at least a size 11 in shoes. Mike's hands were big, his fingers were thick and they were slightly callused. They intrigued Jason as he had always had a thing for hands and feet. Jason lowered his legs and began filtering through Mike's pants to find his cigarettes. He pulled one out and lit it. He took a draw and passed it to Mike. "Damn that was good", Jason said with a smile.

"You ain't tellin me nothin I don't already know. Got Vaseline all over me though. Damn it's two o'clock already? Shit I gotta get goin." Mike reached over and unlatched the door and hopped out the back. He stood gently on the gravel. Jason could see his limp dick flop in the moonlight as he pulled his shorts up. Mike did not put on his shirt or his socks, he just slid his shoes on. He smacked Jason's foot and said "I'll catch ya later man."

Jason said "later man" as Mike walked away. Jason was confused as to why Mike had left so quickly. He figured that it had something to do with that little show of emotion that they had shared. He watched Mike drive off and then looked down at the cum that was still sparkling on his hairless chest. He then picked up the bottle of Makers Mark and held it up to see how much was left in the bottle. He turned the bottle up and took another large drink as he used his T-shirt to wipe off his chest. He then slid into his jeans and slid out the back of the truck. The air was cooler and the stars were still shining bright. He closed the door of the blazer and turned the bottle up and finished the last of it. He tossed the bottle into the trees and climbed in the front seat of the truck. He paused for a moment and sniffed the air, he could still smell Mike. His cock started to get hard again. He started the truck and started home, very cautiously this time.


Thanks for all of your emails. I have really enjoyed writing this story. Drop me a line and tell me what you think or just to say hi. I will respond to them all.

Next: Chapter 4

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