Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Dec 28, 2022


HM3, Mason and Dakota recovered quickly from their removal from the harvester, but were never allowed to regain consciousness in the medical center. Their records and previous personality tests showed that they got along with one another, and would quickly become much more than friends if placed into the same domicile. The ward decided to release them into the civilian world to help with recruiting -- they would be set up in a nice loft apartment in a major city with the goal to jointly seduce and recruit men for the program.

The three men were shipped to their new home, which had been already set up for them. All of their personal effects were carefully moved into the loft apartment, along with complete wardrobes of civilian clothes, jobs, credit cards, and everything else needed for life in the big city. Each man had his own bedroom, but to help them bond the floorplan made it easy for Mason and Dakota to walk right into HM3's bedroom. When the corpsmen moved the sedated men into the apartment, all three muscular frames were deposited in the central bedroom. After one last check, the corpsmen administered a neutralizing dose, and left the men to wake up into their new life together.

Mason was the first to awaken. He really didn't remember all that much, and although he was initially freaked out, quickly calmed down when he saw HM3 next to him. As Mason slowly got out of bed, he noticed another guy from the platoon in bed as well. He had seen Dakota before, and had always wanted to get to know him, but had no idea why he would be here. Mason went to explore the apartment. He was impressed with how nice the place was. He found a large envelope containing a DVD and a message "PLAY WHEN YOU ARE AWAKE". He grabbed the envelope and started to look for some water. Just as he found some bottled water in the kitchen, he heard voices in the bedroom. HM3 and Dakota had awoken, and were more than a bit confused. Mason could hear HM3 introduce himself, and for the first time learned that HM3's name was Alex. Mason grabbed three bottles of water and joined up with the other two naked men. Dakota immediately was relieved to see Mason, and all three men started to relax as they checked each other out and gradually hydrated. They spent the rest of the day exploring the apartment, watching the DVD, making out, and finally venturing out into the city just before nightfall.

Several months later, Mason found himself reflecting back on that day when Alex, Dakota and he woke up in the loft. He could hear the new guy they had been working on over the last few weeks moaning in pleasure and pain as Dakota and Alex were fucking him. Today was the first day they were injecting the guy bareback, and from the sounds of things their engineered semen was beginning to transform the guy. Within a few days he'd be begging to do whatever they'd like, at which point they'd call the recruitment center and send him on his way.

The DVD had explained what implants they had received on base, but didn't go into the details of what all the implants did or why. Even though they all had modified testicles, the medical center had a bank of their original sperm, and once their commitment was over, they could either use it in a regular marriage, or even have it combined in a surrogate if they wanted offspring either as pairs or as all three. They were actually leaning towards the last option, but wouldn't need to decide for a few years.

As Mason took another sip of coffee, he heard what was definitely a yelp of pain from the other room -- Dakota must have just unloaded into the guy's ass, and Dakota did take some getting used to. The DVD explained that they were free to pursue jobs, each other, etc as long as they performed one duty for the remainder of their service commitments. Once a month, they were to find a new guy for the program. He needed to be drug and disease free (the implants installed in the back of their mouths could tell them that from a kiss), and receptive to sex with men. If the guy could meet the conditions for military service, then they were to convert him.

Conversion consisted of three steps. First each of them needed to make out with the guy, and coax at least one load out of him. Then the implants in their mouths would absorb the guy's DNA and program the rest of their implants to produce specialized conversion cells. This process took about a week, and the guy invariably loved this step.

The second step was injection. For this step the guy had to reciprocate and ingest the conversion cells in Mason, Dakota, and Alex's ejaculate. Once this step started, the guy usually ended up just crashing on one of the beds, and got fed a load every 4-6 hours or so, and generally just got lost in the sensations of conversion.

The final step, which was now underway in the bedroom, involved the guy being barebacked by each of them over the third and final week. It's usually kinda painful for the first couple of times for the guy; the cells he ingests really only get him prepared; the real force of the coversion comes from when the cells get directly into him. After the process starts, he slowly wants more and more until he begs to do anything, and which point he gets sent off to bootcamp.

Mason finished his coffee just as Dakota walked into the kitchen looking for some water. Mason loved watching Dakota walk, especially when naked and covered with sweat like right now. Dakota's dick was still dripping from the drilling he'd been giving their latest conquest. As he walked by Dakota gave Mason's ass a slap and grinned saying "You're turn buddy."

Mason gave Dakota's ass a grope before walking over into the bedroom. He saw the new guy on all fours sucking Alex, who was just grinning. Mason stepped out of the boxers he was wearing and got up onto the bed. The new guy's ass was in the air and waiting, and Mason's body immediately responded with a massive erection. Mason moved between the guys legs and stopped for a second to admire their new catch. This guy had great muscles, and a very consistent covering of blonde fuzz that's unusual for blonde guys. Mason kneaded the firm ass for a minute, then slid in to the hilt. Mason enjoyed how the guy's ass naturally clamped down on him, even after the assault that was a first time fuck from Dakota.

Alex reached over and started to work Mason's nipples Mason started to plow the new guy. Alex loved how Mason's nipples stood out on his chest -- nothing was better than waking up to those each morning when they slept together. Mason's body started to tense, he never could last very long with Alex working his tits. Mason could feel his implants all start to fire, and yelled out as his cock delivered the conversion cells deep into the new guy. Mason was the third one to fire into the guy, and the guy groaned in surprise as the cells hit home, but to a different effect than those from Dakota.

Mason regained his breathing and pulled out, and almost immediately the guy started shaking. Alex pulled out of the guys mouth, then they rolled him over onto his back. By this time Dakota was back and joined the other men on the bed. The three of them sat around the new guy and watched as the conversion process kicked into high gear.

The guy broke out in sweat all over, as his shaking became more intense and his groaning became more insistent. They could see the hairs all over his body stand on end, and his dark nipples turned an even darker color as they became hard as erasers. The guys cock was involuntarily pulsing, and began to form a puddle of precum in his navel. Alex began to work his own chest, and milked some fluid out of his nipples. He then took the liquid, and just like the DVD had instructed, fed it to the writhing man on the bed. As soon as the liquid touched his lips the man gasped, the shaking stopped, and his whole body arched as he unloaded shot after shot of thick white cum all over himself and the bed. Alex, Mason and Dakota just grinned at each other -- this conversion was going to be fast.

As the guy drifted off into a fitful sleep after his orgasm, the other three men stepped into the shower where they gently cleaned each other off, then retired to the other bedroom to drift off to sleep in each other's arms. As Mason drifted off to sleep, he thanked whatever powers that be for the two men in his arms.

Thanks for sticking with the story! This is the end of the sick call series, if you like it check out my other stories or drop me a line. I have more ideas than time to turn them into stories....

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