Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Dec 28, 2022


HM1 was early to work on the ward as usual. He made it to the scrub-in station earlier than he needed to, and preferred the luxury of the extra time. He doffed his uniform and placed in into his locker, then proceeded to the extract and scrub station. The doctors didn't like any of the corpsmen to get aroused on the ward, so they were all required to have a cum extraction before scrubbing. After seeing what happened to HM3, HM1 always beat off twice at home before coming in to ensure his load would be small. HM3 loved how he could set records for volume with the machine, but now the boy was lying naked in the harvesting room as a processor, and HM1 would rather skip that. Anyway this was HM3's last day and that boy would soon be a civilian.

HM1 stepped up to the extractor and carefully fed his cock into the cool stainless steel receptacle, rolling up on the balls of his feet slightly so the perenium electrode could comfortably slide behind his sack. HM1 leaned back so he could feel the electrode push up just in front of his anus as the machine clamped down around his cock. He relaxed as the machine electrified his genitals and coaxed what was really a small load out of his cock. The machine registered his volume and after a few zaps determined he was fully extracted, and his cock was released.

The muscular 40-something then went to shower, dried off in the air shower enclosure, then donned his sterile gown to enter the ward. The ward had four sections, arranged by level of treatment complexity. HM1 stepped into the first section, where men typically came on an outpatient basis for run of the mill harvesting (donations, sperm banking), and diagnostic tests (cum capacity checks, precum flow checks etc). Today this section was about half full, and the naked partly restrained men were clearly having a good time as the junior corpsmen and machines induced orgasms in their muscular bodies.

Next came the treatment section. Here men came for enhancements and training. Unlike the first ward, which was more or less open, this ward had dividers and all of the men were gagged to prevent the moans and occasional screams from disturbing other patients. This section had capacity for ten men, but today only two beds were in use. The first contained a good looking Irishman who according to his chart had difficulty achieving more than one orgasm per day. So far this morning, the milking machine had extracted three loads, greatly increasing the man's capacity. This came at a price though, and the man was covered in sweat and thrashing beneath his restraints as load number four was being shocked into existence in his scrotum by the milking machine. From the looks of the monitors, it would be another hour before the man could ejaculate for the forth time, and this treatment cycle called for 8 loads. This bed would be busy for a while. The other bed was occupied by a latin looking guy with the opposite problem. His milking machine was set to only allow him 2 loads that day and one hour into his treatment he was clearly moaning for release. This man's future partners were really going to appreciate the control this machine was teaching him today.

HM1 moved on to the third section, the experimental section. Due to the nature of the work here, this section was soundproofed and only accommodated two men at a time. Today the experiment was testing of a new drug to promote precum production. They knew that this drug worked, but needed to determine just how much a man could take. The two men in the room today were picked because they represented extremes on the natural precum production scale. One hardly precame at all, while the other started leaking if he even remotely thought of sex. The corpsmen in the room had just finished strapping the men down onto the treatment tables, and the last of the test leads were hooked to the monitors. Since they couldn't use sedation chemicals on test subjects, these men were actually corpsmen too, and HM1 never felt quite right about watching one of his coworkers undergoing a sexual experiment. Even so, curiosity got the better of him and he stopped to watch the test.

The corpsmen started by administering the drug at twice the dosage known to start precum secretion. Within minutes both men were leaking, but at different volumes. The effects on the men were also different. The one who couldn't precum without the drug was now leaking like a hose but within the normal range. Even though he clearly liked the fact he was leaking for the first time in his life, he was reporting some discomfort as the dormant glands deep in his crotch were forced to life by the drug. In contrast the other man had clear liquid pulsing from his cock, but reported feeling slightly dizzy and drained as the drug took effect. As the men stabilized, the corpsmen upped the dose. Both men responded as before, but from the grimaces on the first man the decision was made to use some mild sedation before proceeding. After another round of treatment, both men had large pools of precum between their legs and were struggling to support the artificial production in their crotches and had begun to moan and grunt in anony. HM1 looked over the experimental plan, and saw that they were only at half the planned dosage -- and that support machines and other drugs were authorized to allow the men to experience the full dosage. HM1 didn't really want to watch that, and left for the forth section just as oxygen, supplemental IVs and even a deliberator were brought in for the next treatment cycle.

HM1 unlocked the door and entered the fourth and final section of the ward, also known as the harvester room. Today they were deactivating all of the harvesters and getting the room ready for a year end maintenance period, after which new processors selected from the men on base would replace the current group. HM1 was familiar with two of the processors, HM3 and Mason, but not so much with the third, Dakota, who had managed to overdose on one of the troop treatment drugs and ended up getting converted ahead of schedule. Over the last day the harvesting operation had been ratcheded down, and HM1 had arrived just as the last of the recruit "feeder" men was wheeled out of the harvesting section.

HM1 joined a team of other corpsmen converging on HM3. HM1 could barely recognize the boy -- HM3 had been blindfolded, had processing tubes in his throat, processing tubes connected to his nipples to collect the specialized chemicals his body refined, an umbilical inserted into the surgically installed port in his navel, a harvesting probe in his cock to collect the engineered sperm his cyborg testicles produced, and cables attaching to his ass and needles penetrating his perenium delivering a nutrient drug mix directly into his prostate made the mop-headed 24 year old man almost unrecognizable. HM1's team proceeded to remove these connections one by one, carefully swabbing and bandaging needle points as they went, until finally HM3's form emerged from the machine. They carefully lifted the modified young man onto a waiting gurney, and wheeled him into a special recovery room. The team proceeded with the other two processors, and by the end of the morning the three liberated men were resting together in the recovery room.

HM1, tired and ready for lunch, went back out through the other sections. In the experimental section the precum test was still ongoing, although the corpsman who normally didn't precum had finished and was being helped from his bed and given replenishment fluids. The other man was still going, but it was hard to tell if he was having a seizure or an orgasm. Either way he was thrashing so much they had a mouth guard on him and were letting him spray precum all over the room. It was going to take weeks for this guy to recover.

HM1 didn't pay much attention to the other two sections. The two treatment men were still moaning on their beds, and in the first section a different set of men were being prepped for milking, lunch being a popular time to come and donate. HM1 left the ward, took a quick shower, got dressed, and went over to the base cafeteria for his usual burger and fries.

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Next: Chapter 9

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