Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Dec 28, 2022


Eric arrived at bootcamp sooner than he had thought. He and his friends applied at the recruiter's office at the same time, but after the brief physical they received there, Eric found himself scheduled for bootcamp the next week, while the rest of his friends had to wait til the end of the summer. At the time Eric was upset about missing his summer, but figured he'd just spend most of it worrying about bootcamp anyway.

The bus carrying Eric and the other recruits reached the base, and to Eric's surprise didn't follow the signs to the barracks but instead pulled in front of the medical center. A stern looking drill sergeant boarded the bus, and wasted no time cursing the recruit's sorry asses for taking so long to get to camp and asking them why the fuck they were still sitting on the bus. Eric and the other recruits rushed out on to the pavement, were they were met by what seemed like a dozen other sergeants, all yelling at them to stop wasting time and get into the building.

Eric was caught up in a stampede of recruits as they rushed to make their way into the room. Still more sergeants were waiting for them in the room, although these didn't yell quite so much. They were more interested with getting the recruits to hand over all their belongings and locking them into storage lockers. Eric was surprised when he learned that his belongings also included his clothes, shoes, and underwear, but the sergeants seemed to pay no attention to giving him something else to wear. Instead, they lined up the recruits by another door leading to a shower room where other men in what looked like raincoats were forcibly scrubbing down recruits one at a time. Eric couldn't really see what was happening until it was his turn. He was shoved between two of the raincoated men, and told to spread his legs and grab hold of two bars suspended in from the ceiling. Once his body was spread in front of the men, they proceeded to hose, enema, and scrub him so thoroughly he thought his skin would come off. After one final rise, the men slapped his as and told him to get to the next room.

The next room was like a barber shop, but not just for the hair on Eric's head. The men in the room started shaving his head, and Eric got a shiver from the sensation of the metal clippers against his scalp. The men didn't stop with the hair on his head, but did switch to a blade that allowed some hair to remain. The shaving continued, working down leaving Eric's chest, arms, legs, and crotch neatly clipped. Eric had no idea that the feeling of cold clippers moving along his body could feel so good. In less than 5 minutes Eric had been trimmed from head to toe, and was sent to the next room, which was another shower. This time Eric was only rinsed, then given a mask to wear as his body was sprayed with an antiseptic. At the end of this assembly line operation Eric was taken by a white-uniformed corpsman down a hall to an individual room. Unlike the rest of the process, the room was private, although Eric could see there were many rooms and freshly clipped and showered men were being led into each of them.

The room looked a lot like a dentist's office. There was what looked like a dental chair with some attached equipment, a few cabinets, and strangely a large double door on the other side of the room. The chair was a little odd too -- it seemed to have more segments on the padding than was normal. The corpsman told the recruit to have a seat and get comfortable. Once Eric was in place on the chair, the corpsman put a gas mask over the recruit's nose and mouth. The corpsman waited a bit for the gas to take effect, then adjusted the chair to fully recline. The corpsman moved to the recruit's feet, and ran a pinwheel along the inside of his sole -- when the recruit didn't flinch the corpsman knew the gas had sedated the recruit and it was safe to proceed.

The corpsman began by strapping the recruit's legs to the chair, taking care that the muscular thighs were spread just enough to expose the recruit's clean shaven asshole. The corpsman fitted the recruit with a cock and ball ring just tight enough to make sure that the thick scrotum (specifically identified during the recruit's recruitment physical) was held out of the way of this young man's anus. The corpsman then strapped the recruit's chest to the chair, followed by restraints on his arms and head. The corpsman took special care that the recruit's handsome face was positioned properly and that his head wouldn't move or get bruised in any way.

The corpsman was pleased to see that the recruit's cock had become hard, and was slowly pulsing and dripping precum. The recruiters had gotten much better at identifying candidates -- unlike months past there was no need to reject men at this stage or send them to the ward for enhancement. The corpsman moved over to the chair's attached equipment and began to proceed with the setup. He flicked the first switch and watched as the chair segment under the recruit's ass retracted, allowing a thick probe to emerge. The corpsman guided the probe to the recruit's anus, and on contact the probe's mechanism took over, burrowing into the recruit's body. The recruit moaned, and the corpsman smiled to himself.

The corpsman pressed the next switch, and the chair changed configuration so that the recruit's chest was thrust upwards and his arms outwards, so his pecs were spread and his nipples fully exposed. The corpsman then attached suction probes with tiny central needles to each nipple. Over the next 20 hours these probes would simulate and inject the nipples, starting the growth process that would unfold over the coming months, allowing this man to produce various chemicals by the end of boot camp. The corpsman followed the probe installation by starting an IV into the recruit. The drip was premixed to include nutrients and spermatic growth factors for the upcoming harvest process. The recruit was now ready for the harvester.

The corpsman opened the double doors at the other side of the room and wheeled the recruit on the harvesting chair into the harvester. The harvester was a fairly large, sterile room containing three harvesting groups. Each group was powered by a row of 20 recruits connected to one central processor. Each recruit was fresh to the camp, and connected to chairs just like the one the corpsman was wheeling into position. The corpsman could see a spot just vacated in group 3, and moved his recruit over to the vacancy.

It took a few minutes for the corpsman to wheel the recruit into position. On the way they passed 19 other young men. Some men were shorter, others taller. Some were naturally smooth, others were hairy but neatly clipped from the indoctrination process. They were all groaning and flexing under their chairs' stimulation, and several were actively orgasming as the corpsman pushed the recruit along. A few had really large nipples, but there was one who had small ones -- the corpsman shrugged when he saw the tiny trail of blood from that recruit's chest. A new corpsman must have had trouble fitting the probes to the small nipple.

Finally the corpsman got the recruit into place by the harvester outlet. The corpsman plugged the chair into the mechanical outlet, then pulled the urethral harvester over to the recruit's cock. The corpsman slowly fed the harvester into the recruit's cock, and was happy to hear the recruit moaning as his cock was filled with the probe. The corpsman pressed the final switch and watched the chair engage. The recruit took a deep involuntary breath of the sedation gas as the probes in his ass and cock came alive. The recruit's body began the familiar pattern of flexing and straining under the restraints, and in a few short minutes the harvester extracted the recruit's first load. The corpsman walked the length of the outlet cabling and followed the load to the central processor. The corpsman remembered when the processor was a recruit himself, and always liked watching loads make their way into his throat. As always, the processor gulped down the load as his body pulsed and produced in a haze of sexual arousal. The corpsman admired the processor -- in some was nothing more than a muscular body tapped through nearly every orifice, nipple and navel, but still one of the hottest men around.

The corpsman went over to the harvester console, and got his next assignment, to remove recruit 8 and return him to indoctrination. The corpsman went over to the assigned position to find an exhausted blonde man with furry abs and very plump nipples flexing but no longer producing cum. The corpsman have his nuts a brief massage to make sure they were truly empty, then proceeded to remove the cock probe and unplug the chair. The corpsman brought the man back to the empty room and closed the double door. He quickly removed the anal and nipple probes, and got an electric shaver ready. He released the mask from the recruit, but before the recruit could get enough clear air to regain consciousness proceeded to shave the recruit so he wouldn't notice he'd been milked for the previous 24 hours. The corpsman removed the IV and restraints, and waited for the recruit to regain consciousness. Once he did, the corpsman told him he was in great health and ready for the rest of boot camp. The corpsman then pressed a button next to the door, and a sergeant appeared, yelling as always, pulling the naked recruit out of the chair and back to the sea of dehumanized men that was bootcamp.

Next: Chapter 8

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