Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Dec 28, 2022


Sgt. Dakota was in a bad mood. For the last two weeks he had covered for Pvt. Mason, who had suddenly disappeared via a temporary transfer to the medical center. Dakota had no idea what Mason could do over there. The platoon was just a bunch of muscle heads, and if anything someone who had been there longer should have the chance for a few weeks off duty. But then again the corpsmen in the medical center were kinda faggy, and Dakota really didn't want to have any of that.

The day was particularly hot, and Dakota had much more work to do outside than usual. Normally he'd just use the water fountains outside to keep hydrated, but the unit was busted so instead he grabbed some water bottles that just arrived for the platoon's drill tomorrow. Usually they get one per man, but since it was hot Dakota picked up four, and by noontime had downed all the water. At lunch Dakota started to feel strange. He didn't really feel bad, but his nipples started to ache big-time, and he had trouble hiding a ranging hard on that he'd developed. By the time he finished eating he was sweating, visibly flushed and kinda dizzy. It must have been pretty bad because when he got to work the LT in charge took one look at him and told him to go over to the medical center for sick call.

Even though Dakota didn't really want to see the corpsmen, he figured it would be better than working for the rest of the day. As Dakota made his way over to sick call, the ache in his tits was no longer aching. It felt like both of his nipples were on fire, like what happened after he ran a marathon for the first time. Also he could feel that his dick had begun to soak his shorts with precum. That was really strange as he had never leaked before, even when jacking off to a porn dvd.

Almost as soon as he entered the door to sick call, the corpsmen recognized Dakota and the telltale signs of an overdose of the drug they had been using to harvest semen from the platoons. By this time Dakota could barely walk, but in spite of his state of arousal and dizziness, he could still hear everything around him. A couple of corpsmen led him out of the main sick call room behind a closed door into a corridor where there was a gurney waiting. They guided him on to the gurney, and he could feel them struggling to get his 6'4 frame onto the gurney. Almost as soon as he was down, he could feel the gurney being rolled quickly down the hall. He noticed the ceiling lights and tiles whizzing by, and struggled to answer their questions about how many water bottles he'd drank that morning. He also heard them talking about getting up to the ward and fast, but had no clue what they were talking about.

Dakota could feel the coarse material of his uniform brush against what felt like every hair on his body as the gurney slammed through one set of doors after another. Finally after what seemed like a trip around the whole medical center, the gurney came to a stop in a small room filled with machines. He titled his head over and saw a bare metal table in the center of the room, and the corpsmen stopped the gurney right next to it. The corpsmen then started to untie his boots and remove them, and the jostling of his legs as the boots slid off his size 12 feet jarred his thick dick, and a few moans escaped from Dakota's mouth in response. Next Dakota could feel the cool steel of scissors as the corpsmen began to cut off his clothes, starting from his feet, working up along his muscular legs, then up along his torso and finishing with his arms. One of the corpsmen had to get a few places where they missed his boxers, then they removed his uniform leaving him completely naked on the gurney. It was a relief to be out of the clothes, and the cool air of the room felt great on the sweating skin of his body. He didn't know it, but his chest was almost heaving as his body tried to get enough oxygen to support the stepped up metabolism induced by the drug.

A few other corpsmen entered the room, and Dakota could feel their latex gloved hands and the material of their scrubs as they grabbed hold of his frame. When they counted to three, Dakota was lifted onto the metal table. He gasped as he felt the hold metal make contact with his upper back, arms, legs, and ass. Normally he'd be horrified to be lying naked in the middle of a room filled with other guys, but for some reason he loved the feeling and couldn't wait to be touched. Most of the corpsmen removed the gurney, but a few of them stayed behind and Dakota could hear one of them take charge.

Dakota looked up to see the corpsman in charge giving Dakota's body a looking over. He said something about the best thing to do would be to work on Dakota's tits first and just let him precum until his heartrate lowered enough for a standard phase I. Dakota didn't know what that meant, but soon felt a strong gloved hand on his left nipple. The fingers grasped the dark areola around his nipple, and squeezed the flesh, rolling the nipple itself back and forth. Dakota could feel the structures of his nipple being squeezed back and forth, and each time the man's fingers squeezed the tip Dakota could feel a shock run from the base of his cock up through the tip. The had moved to Dakota's right, and repeated the same procedure, and Dakota felt the same jolt and this time it seemed to come from even deeper than the base of his dick. Other hands were attaching restraints to Dakota's wrists and ankles, and adjusting some padded restraints that kept his head and neck in a comfortable but controlled position.

The corpsman said he felt some kind of blockage, and asked for the type 2 cups. Dakota felt someone get some kind of plastic tubing, and placed it on his muscular and furry abs. The corpsman grabbed some of the tubing, and Dakota liked the feel of the plastic as it slid back and forth over his abdomen. Dakota could feel a hand stretch the skin around his left tit, and then felt something suck itself onto his tit. While this wasn't as strong a feeling as the man's had, it still felt damn good. The man made some adjustments, then Dakota felt some pressure followed by what felt like sharp needles being forced into his tit. The coprsman said something to the assistant about the ducts being properly penetrated, but all Dakota could think about was the searing, stabbing pain in his nipple. He hardly noticed that his body responded with an erection that was now pointed straight at the ceiling.

The corpsman now repeated the same procedure with Dakota's right tit. The sensations from the left were so strong that Dakota barely realized his other nipple was being treated until the needles hit the tip of the nipple. This time the shock caused Dakota to arch his back, made his dick start to drool, and for some reason Dakota tried to force his chest up into the nipple devices, hungy for more stimulation. The corpsman flipped a few switches on a machine, connected a few leads to the sides of Dakota's chest, then instructed the other corpsman to wait and watch Dakota for the next 30 minutes, and to ensure that his heartrate slowly lowered to a safe level.

Dakota heard the door close, and now there wasn't much noise except for the whirr of the machines, the drone of the ventilation, and the occasional creaking of the chair as the corpsman leaned over to make a note or adjust some piece of equipment. The metal under Dakota's ass was starting to equalize in temperature, but Dakota could hardly notice. The sensations from his tits were far to intense and strong. He could feel the flesh of his nipples being sucked into the tube, but at the same time the needles were stinging his chest, and strangely it felt like they were extracting fluid from him somehow. The sensation started to spread throughout his chest, and even though it was painful he wanted more. The restraints wouldn't let him move much, but he did his best to arch his back and thrust his chest outwards which seemed to increase the sensation a little. He could still feel this in his dick, and as he flexed to get more tit stimulation, he could feel that his dick was swinging back and forth, dripping precum that occasionally would fall on his legs, making sticky clear spots that slowly mixed with his sweat.

Dakota started to loose track of time. He could see the lights above him, and some of the machines, but not the rest of the room. After awhile, he noticed that the sensation in his tits began to change. First the intensity slowly decreased, then he figured out that the machines were ramping the intensity up again, milking his pecs systematically. Soon a pattern emerged, and Dakota counted at least ten cycles of stimulation before he felt an orgasm stirring in his sack. He relaxed and started to enjoy the familiar sensations of getting ready to shoot a load, but as his climax approached he could feel that something wasn't quite right. The waves of pleasure from his nipples slowly were giving way to stabbing sensations in his testicles. As he twisted around on the table in a mixture of pleasure and agony, the machines kept stimulating him in complete disregard of the now destructive orgasm building in his scrotum. The machines and drugs had reduced him to a quivering, convulsing slab of muscle on the table, showing no mercy as they drove him straight through the most intense and painful orgasm of his life. Dakota screamed as he felt his testicles contract and nearly slam up into his body as they emptied themselves through his straining cock. Just as the spurts of cum were starting to fly the doctors bolted into the room again in but they were too late -- Dakota had already gone over the edge.

From the activity around him Dakota could tell something was wrong. The doctors hurriedly were examining his body and inspecting his cum. He couldn't get a good look at what they were doing, but he saw them looking at a greenish fluid (his cum?) and shaking their heads. One of them said something about the testicles being too far gone, but then another saying it really didn't matter as Dakota was going to be converted anyway. The last thing Dakota felt was a needle going into his arm...

Dakota slowly drifted back to consciousness. Slowly the blurry shapes and sounds around him came into focus. He slowly realized he was still naked, and on some kind of table surrounded by doctors and machines. There was something -- no somethings -- in his mouth. He could feel some kind of tube going all the way down his throat, but at the same time he could feel something happening to his mouth. It felt a lot like when he had his wisdom teeth removed and one of the doctors was definitely doing something to the inside of his mouth. He tried looking down, but couldn't really make out what was going on but then as sensation returned to his body he quickly realized there was more going on than just something in his mouth. He could only get glimpses past the oral surgery equipment but slowly started to feel pressure and movement in his abdomen. Then he could make out a series of thick cables and tubes snaking into where is navel should be, and there were other doctors operating the cables and tubes. Just past those he could see his thick cock, but there was some kind of black tube inserted into his piss slit, and it was moving around too. For some reason he couldn't feel anything below his waist, but slowly saw that his legs were spread in some kind of stirrups, and that doctors were doing something to his sack. Dakota would normally have freaked out at this point, but the expertly mixed drugs in his blood kept him docile.

Just as Dakota had worked out he was in some kind of operating room, he heard the doctors between his legs mention that they were ready. He saw them pass out what looked like two diseased pieces of flesh, to another set of doctors who put them into a machine that seemed to destroy them, and remove two dark-blue metallic balls from the bottom of the machine. They then passed these to the doctors between his legs, and somehow he could feel them being placed into his sack. Then the doctors called for the block to be released, and suddenly Dakota could feel his cock again. Almost immediately the doctors flipped another switch, and Dakota was lost in what felt like the best orgasm of his life. Unlike the experience earlier, the orgasm was totally pleasurable and Dakota got lost in the sensations. Before it was over, a new infusion of drugs put Dakota back under.

Dakota came to again sometime later. He couldn't tell how long he was out, nor did he care. He could feel he was being fed something that he liked, but couldn't tell what it was. He could feel himself having one fulfilling orgasm after another, but for some reason he never felt tired after he came. >From time to time he would look down at his body, and see the muscular flesh slowly flexing, with black tubes (not as thick as those in the operating room) running into his navel and cock, but that seemed completely natural. He could feel a long snaking probe up his ass, but it did nothing but give him pleasure. From time to time he wondered where he was, and occasionally would hear a moan of pleasure from nearby, but any doubts or cares just got erased by the next orgasm, which was never far away....

Next: Chapter 7

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