Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 26, 2023


About a week later, Mason found another note waiting for him at the barracks desk. Since that late night experience with HM3, he'd wondered if he'd been secretly milked. He'd managed to wake up some nights to try to catch the process, and while he didn't see anything in his barracks, he did look out a window and saw the familiar medical vans outside another barracks building. Even so, there was one night he didn't manage to wake up during the evening, and he was pretty tired the next day.

The note was from the medical center, but instead of being from HM3 the doctor who had used Mason sent this note. It instructed Mason to come to the center immediately, and that he was relieved from his platoon for a period of two weeks. He would be returning, so there was no need for him to bring any gear - just report as soon as he could to the center.

Mason was a bit confused by this, but decided that disobeying a major in the medical corps wasn't a good idea. He took a few minutes to return the porn he'd borrowed and to straighten up his barracks bed, then double timed it over to the medical center. Unlike previous visits, there were two corpsmen and a beefy looking security guard waiting for him. They didn't exactly welcome him, and the corpsmen told him to follow them. Mason followed, and noticed that the guard was right behind him. The corpsmen led him to an entirely different part of the center, and they passed through a security checkpoint on what looked to be some kind of secured floor.

The three men led Mason to just outside a treatment room. As soon as Mason stopped walking, the security guard grabbed him and pinned him to the wall. The corpsmen moved in fast, and stuck Mason with some kind of injection. The guard wasted no time tying Mason's arms behind him, and the corpsman forced a gag into his mouth. When the guard had finished binding Mason, the corpsmen proceeded to cut off his uniform shirt and undershirt leaving him naked from the waist up. Satisfied with their work, the corpsmen opened the door to the treatment room and Mason was shoved inside.

The room had two central treatment tables. One table was empty, but there was a bound naked male form on the other. Mason recognized the doctor immediately, and the doctor instructed the corpsmen to bring Mason over so he could observe the treatment on the first subject, so he would know what is about to happen when it's his turn. As Mason was brought over to the side of the table, he realized that bound man was HM3. His heart skipped a beat as he saw the man he'd started to develop some feelings for squirming on a table surrounded by some very industrial looking equipment.

The doctor wasted no time getting to work. First the doctor swung a stainless steel frame over HM3s hips. The frame was connected to the table, and looked something like one of those halo devices used to keep people's heads stationary during brain surgery. This frame was different, but served a similar purpose. The doctor proceeded to extend bolts down from the frame towards HM3's hips. The bolts also could be extended up from the table, and the doctor expertly adjusted the alignment of bolts so that HM3's entire pelvis was locked in place. HM3 continued to try and squirm, but although his muscular torso could move back and forth, his hips remained perfectly stationary.

The doc then moved to HM3s legs, and positioned them in stirrup like devices, and strapped the muscular legs in place. Now HM3's entire lower body was immobilized. The doc then picked up what looked like a dildo but with some kind of hose and cable attachment, and inserted the device deep into HM3's anus. HM3 groaned as the device went in, but it looked like he kinda liked it. Once the device was seated deep in HM3, the doc turned on the computer connected to the device. Mason could see that the device had some kind of ultrasound on it because the computer screen showed an image of HM3's body from the inside, including his prostate.

The doc walked over to what Mason recognized as a cum harvesting machine (like the one used on the overdosed guy in the ambulance), but this catheter was different. It was thicker, and even though it was metal there were segments all along it, and the doctor could make the tip move back and forth using some kind of control at the base. Mason was horrified to see that two smaller catheters could be extended from the tip as the doctor tested the device in mid-air. HM3 also was shocked by this, and Mason could hear him yelling behind this gag and thrashing even harder under the restraints.

The doc ignored the shock in HM3, and proceeded to feed the thick catheter into HM3's thick cock. HM3 started yelling as the thick metal worked it's way down past the base of his cock. The doctor then turned his attention to the computer monitor and continued guiding the catheter into HM3's prostate. Once the catheter reached the center of the organ, the doctor started extending the two smaller catheters. When this started HM3 screamed beneath the gag and arched his back in what must have been some considerable pain. The doc continued feeding the smaller catheters until mason could see the progress of the devices in HM3's scrotum. Only when the probes almost reached HM3s nuts did the doc stop.

The doc then flexed the probes up towards the ceiling, having the effect of lifting HM3's sack up and exposing the perineum, or the skin between the base of the balls and his ass. The corpsmen then moved in to secure the end of the probe to the frame holding HM3's hips in place, and attached two powerful suction/estim probes to HM3's thick nipples. By this point HM3 was starting to sweat, and the doctor ordered the corpsmen to start HM3 on an IV with a slow drip of the ejaculation drug but no sedative.

The doc then pulled out a tray of five long needles. To Mason they looked almost a foot long! One of the needles was connected to a syringe and the other four were connected to the cum extractor machine. The doctor filled the syringe with what Mason saw was more of the ejaculation drug, then moved between HM3's legs. The doc told HM3 "This is going to hurt - a lot". The doctor then started inserting the needle into the center of HM3's perineum just above the anus. HM3 started screaming under the gag with even more urgency than before but to no avail. The doc, guided by the images on the monitor, pushed the needle all the way to the center of HM3's prostate and emptied the syringe into the organ. By this point HM3 was sweating profusely and would have been hoarse if he could actually scream.

The doctor then removed the needle, but repeated the procedure with the remaining four needles although he left the needles in place. When he was done, Mason could see that HM3's prostate was penetrated uniformly by the needles. He could also see that HM3 was beyond pain - HM3 looked like he was gently sobbing in exhaustion and it looked like his body wasn't so much flexing anymore as just shaking.

The doctor then moved to HM3's head. He put an oxygen/anesthetic cannula on HM3's nose to calm him down, then grabbed a device that kinda looked like a combo feeding tube/gag/gas mask. The doctor quickly removed HM3's gag, then slid the tube down his throat until the mask sealed with HM3's sweating face. The doctor then adjusted some controls on the gas system, which resulted in HM3's body visibly relaxing. A few seconds later Mason could see a flush spread out over HM3's torso and a moan escaped from behind the mask. The doctor signaled to the corpsman, and HM3 along with the attached equipment were wheeled out a door into another room.

The corpsmen returned after a minute, and now all attention was on Mason. The corpsmen quickly removed Mason's remaining clothes, and with the guards help quickly mounted Mason on the remaining table. The doc wasted no time working on Mason, and to his surprise having Mason watch the procedures on HM3 made the man much more complacent.

Mason was in shock as he was tied down on the treatment table. He hardly noticed as his hips were being locked in place, as his mind went over all the times he and HM3 had been together. He thought HM3 was more or less in charge most of the time but after seeing what just happened he was obviously wrong about that. The feeling of the thick metal catheter sliding into him snapped him out of it, but instead of the pain he had expected he was surprised to feel intense pleasure as the nodules of the probe massaged the inside of his cock as the probe burrowed into him. There was a bit of discomfort as the two smaller probes worked down to his nuts then lifted his sack, but nothing major. Mason had also always liked playing with his own tits, so the suction devices felt really cool.

Mason had almost started to relax when it came time for the needles. He too screamed behind his gag as it felt like a sharp pike was being forced up between his legs. When the pike found home and deposited the drug in his prostate, he felt a wierd electric feeling spread all over his body. The feeling didn't seem to last because almost immediately there was that stabbing pike feeling again as the doc forced in the remaining needles. Mason quickly lost track of where he was on account of the pain from the needles in his pelvis, and barely noticed as the doctor gassed him and the strange gag slid down his throat.

The gas began to have it's intended effect on Mason as he slowly started to drift off. He was barely aware of being rolled out of the treatment room, but did feel kind of good. He could feel his body building to an orgasm, but that feeling was distant and somehow seemed to be happening to someone else....

Next: Chapter 6

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