Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 2, 2023


Mason stopped by his barracks mailbox and saw the now-familiar envelope from the medical center. It had been a few days since he heard from HM3, and the sight of the envelope got Mason instantly hard. He tore the envelope open, but was surprised at what he read:

"Hey Mason, no matter what you do, don't drink any water from the water bottles you get from the barracks today. Drink from the fountains or get a bottle from the gym. Then set your watch to wake you up at 1:30 am - see you then. -HM3"

Mason scratched his head a bit at that one - all of the soldiers in his barracks used the water bottles all day long. Why would HM3 want him to stay away from the bottles? Mason thought about it for a bit, but put the note into his pocket and headed for breakfast. It was going to be a long and busy day.

After breakfast Mason spent his entire day running from one duty to the next. He had papers to file, uniforms to organize, drills to coordinate, guns to clean and on top of it all it was 100F outside. Everyone in his platoon was drinking water from the barracks bottles, and he noticed his friend nick was really downing water. Nick was this beefy blonde guy from Nebraska, but unlike many of the corn-fed crowd had a pretty trim waist given his chest and arms.

The day ended just as most days do, with all of the guys coming back to the barracks after dinner. Some guys read, others hung out and watched DVDs, played some video games, and a few others played cards. About 30 min before lights out, most of the guys took a shower to wash off all the sweat from the day. A few guys pretty obviously jerked off in the showers, but by lights out at 2300 everyone had calmed down and headed back to the barracks bunks. There were about 24 bunks (two high) in the barracks, and the bunks were all made up with standard government issue white sheets. Not super 200 threat count sheets, but the coarser and somehow crisper standard issue fabric the military uses. The guys decided to sleep in the buff because of the heat, and mason enjoyed watching all of the well built guys slide under the covers around him. He set his watch for 1:30 am and drifted off to sleep.

When 1:30 rolled around, Mason woke up to the insistent beeping of his watch. He silenced the alarm, then rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Years in the military had trained him to wake up quickly and in no time he was fully awake. He looked around expecting to see a room full of guys quietly sleeping, but was shocked and aroused by what he heard and saw. Instead of a room of quietly sleeping soldiers, there was a room of moaning and writhing men.

Mason got up out of his bunk and started to walk around. He noticed that all of the guys were still asleep but instead of some being on their sides all were on their backs, and all had rock hard erections. The guys were moaning and slowly gyrating in their bunks, and their cocks had leaked enough precum to make huge wet spots on the white government sheets. As he looked more closely, he noticed that most of the guys had rivulets of fluid on their tits, and almost everyone was sweating and not from just the heat. He noticed more movement than usual over by Nick's bunk, and went over to see what was happening. Nick had thrown off his sheets, and was flexing and moaning much more than anyone else, bordering on convulsions. It looked like he was trying to cum but couldn't, and the expression on his face was one of almost pain.

Suddenly Mason heard the door to the barracks room open, and in came HM3 and several other corpsman. They had a gurney with them, and a few wheeled cabinets full of equipment. HM3 immediately noticed Mason and the convulsing man and quickly brought the gurney over to Nick's bunk.

"Hey Mason how's it going?" Whispered HM3 "Help me get this guy onto the gurney and out to the ambulance. We need to get him set up separately from the others."

Mason stared at HM3 blankly for a second, but snapped out of it and helped HM3 and two other corpsmen get the flexing Nebraskan onto the gurney. As the corpsmen restrained the sweating man, Mason noticed Nick had covered himself in sweat, precum, and there were trails of fluid coming from his nips. HM3 gestured to Mason to come along, and started to wheel the gurney out of the barracks and towards a large ambulance that the corpsmen had brought over from the medical center.

In the ambulance HM3 wasted no time getting to work on Nick. He started by putting a gag into the man's mouth, then proceeded to connect ekg electrodes to the spasm wracked body. Next he wiped down Nick's tits and cock with sterile swabs, then connected the man's nipples and cock to what looked like a heavy suction machine. HM3 grabbed two IV bags, expertly starting lines of fluid into Nick's ballsack and a vein in Nick's crotch. Next came some large-looking electrodes from the suction machine, and those ended up on Nicks balls and the spot between Nick's scrotum and his asshole. Finally HM3 put a breathing gas cannula on the man, and turned on all of the equipment he'd just connected.

"I hate it when this happens - some guys drink so much on a day like this that we need to give them special treatment. We always connect IVs in your groins, that way there are no tell-tale needle marks in the morning. Don't worry - he'll be fine he just needs higher intensity milking than everyone else."

HM3 was interrupted as the machine beeped, sent a high intensity jolt into Nick's body, and kicked up the suction. Nick groaned and yelled from behind the gag, his body flexed against the restraints, and HM3 and Mason watched as a huge load was sucked from Nick's cock, and droplets were sucked from Nick's now distended tits. Mason couldn't believe how hot Nick looked - the bound and hairy muscular body tied there to the gurney and used as a cum source.

"You of course didn't know this, but we milk all of you on a regular basis, barracks by barracks. We prime you with a sedative/cum stimulator in the water, then milk you at night. It takes about a week to make a circuit of the whole base which is more than enough recovery time." continued HM3.

"Why do you do this?" asked Mason, partly horrified and party aroused.

"We keep enough sperm on hand for any of you to have a full family in case you're injured in action. The rest is used for research."

"How long has this been going on? And have you, um, .." asked Mason.

"Oh it's been going on for years. Yes you've been milked every week, and since we first met, whenever I've been assigned to your barracks, I've spent all of my free time next to you as you've been milked."

Mason wasn't quite sure what to make of this, but he really liked HM3 and was definitely happy and comforted that HM3 had been there for him. They both turned around as the machine beeped again, and Nick went rigid as another load was sucked from his sweating body.

"You're really sexy when you come by the way! OK Nick is going to be cycling like this for another two hours. Let's go back inside and you can see how the rest of this happens." HM3 then turned and led Mason back into the barracks.

The corpsmen had been busy while Mason and HM3 were outside. They had set up their equipment, which consisted of a central machine with 48 tube/cable bundles, and two fan-looking devices. The corpsmen had connected around half of the men to the cables and were busy working through the rest. HM3 brought Mason over to the next soldier in line and began to make connections. The cable bundle had tubes for the solider's cock and tits, and HM3 quickly connected those. The bundle also had a much smaller electrode pad, which HM3 secured behind the man's testicles. Mason watched intently - the soldier was his friend Adam, who had red hair and a very pale but muscular body. Mason had always liked how his veins stood out, especially on his thick uncut cock.

"We connect everyone in the barracks room up to the milker, then turn on the equipment. The milker stimulates the guys, and the fans distribute a special version of popper gas that really gets guys to cum. Normally we all wear masks to protect us, but i thought it would be fun for us to make out and enjoy the opportunity for government-provided poppers."

Mason smiled - he liked the sound of that. HM3 and the other corpsmen continued connecting men to the machine. Mason walked around the room and started to check out his fellow soldiers under the influence of the special water. He always had liked the variety of body types in the military, but never had the chance to just check them out. Everyone was in great shape, but there were smooth asians, hairy italians, muscular caucasians like HM3 and himself, thick muscular guys, and thinner runners types. Some had lots of body hair while others didn't, but all of their cocks were hard and dripping.

Within 5 minutes HM3 and the corpsmen had finished the connections. Mason looked at their handiwork - the sight of 40 men delirious with sexual stimulants and connected to a central machine was a big-time rush. The corpsmen donned their gasmasks, but HM3 gave his to Mason.

"I want you to get a chance to see what this stuff can do to me" explained HM3, as he led Mason over to the central machine and flipped the switch. "The machine doesn't collect the first load to minimize contamination of the samples. After the vials fill, guys usually produce 2-3 more loads extra, so the other corpsmen may have some fun with us using that."

Mason put on the mask just as the fan devices turned on. Even though the mask Mason could detect a very faint smell of amyl, and when he turned to look at HM3 he could tell the gas had filled the room. HM3's face was totally flushed, and he had an almost animal look about him. Mason then heard the unmistakable sounds of guys orgasming around him, only a few at first but soon the entire platoon was ejaculating into the machines.

HM3 grabbed Mason and pulled the half naked solder into him. HM3 quickly lost control of himself and started tearing off his own uniform to get his body closer to Mason. Watching HM3 get reduced to a sex machine by the gas totally turned on Mason, and he let HM3 tear off his Boxers and wrestle him to the floor. The feel of HM3's sweaty body on his gave Mason one of the most intense hardon's of his young life. Suddenly HM3 got up and straddled Mason's sweating body, and lowered himself onto Mason's cock.

HM3 took Mason to the hilt and Mason was amazed at how strong the gyrations of HM3's ass had become. Mason watched as a corpsman came up to them, took one look, then grabbed the filling excess ejaculate bottle from the machine. The corpsman brought the bottle over to the two men, then gave HM3 a drink. HM3, totally lost between the gas, the idea of being with Mason, and the thick cock buried deep inside him, eagerly drank down the ejaculate offered to him.

The corpsman took the rest of the fluid and began to work it all over the copulating men. The other corpsmen came over to help and soon Mason and HM3 were being massaged and tweaked by 4 sets of hands. The other corpsmen ripped off Mason's mask, and with the first breath of gas, Mason immediately felt a massive head rush. Within seconds he had lost himself, and eagerly swallowed the collected ejaculate that the corpsmen were feeding the two men.

HM3's bucking on Mason's cock became even more intense, and with a yell HM3's cock exploded, covering Mason with a fresh layer of ejaculate. The contractions around Mason's dick pushed him over as well, and the force of Mason's whole body orgasm almost threw off HM3.

Unlike other times they'd fucked, this time both men were totally suffused with this crazy gas, and both men stayed hard and connected. The corpsmen continued stimulating the men as they got back into the sexual rhythm. Since HM3 and Mason hadn't been drinking the water it took them much longer to reach orgasm than the other men. They barely noticed as the room full of men around them reached two climaxes as their own sexual energy built to orgasm, but the other corpsmen did. The milker had filled it's 40 collection bottles and now had cum to spare.

One of the corpsmen brought two hoses from the machine over to the men, and put the hoses in HM3 and Mason's mouths just as they were nearing their second climax. Both men started sucking hard as the machine fed them the last of the platoon's cum, and as HM3 and Mason came in unison the last of the soldiers had collapsed back into their bunks, completely drained by the machine.

The fans automatically stopped, and the corpsmen opened the barracks windows. HM3 showered Mason in a really huge orgasm, then fell down exhausted on Mason's muscular chest. Mason wrapped his arms around the drained corpsman, and drifted off into a deep sleep.

The corpsmen quickly moved through the room, disconnecting the men from the milker and restowing the equipment. The corpsmen brought all of the equipment back to the ambulance, and noticed that Nick was no longer ejaculating and that his recovery cycle had completed. They disconnected the corn fed guy from the electrodes and pumps, and wheeled him back into his bunk. Finally they had to pull HM3 and Mason apart, putting Mason back into his bed and wheeling HM3 out to the ambulance. The corpsmen were thorough - when they were done there was no trace of the milking procedure that had filled the room only minutes ago.

The next morning Mason and his platoon woke up, but everyone was complaining they didn't sleep all that well. The guys thought it was the heat, but Mason knew better.

Next: Chapter 5

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