Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 2, 2023


The Harvesting

By: Anthony Writer

(M+, MILITARY, Sounds, MEDICAL, Forced)


Mason woke up the next morning expecting to shower and go to quarters, but found that there was a package waiting for him next to his bunk with a note attached. The note was from the LT:

Private, you did well yesterday. I want you to administer this enema to yourself, take a shower, dress and proceed directly to treatment room 5 in the medical center.

Remembering the intense orgasms of the last few days, Mason wasted no time taking the package to the head, administering the enema, and getting squeaky clean in the showers. By 0730 he had made it over to the medical center, and made his way to treatment room 5. He knocked on the door, and heard the LT call him into the room.

Mason opened the door and was a bit surprised at what he saw. Instead of medical equipment, the room looked more like a control center, and the LT was seated in front of a bank of controls. As Mason entered the room, he saw there was a set of windows above the controls looking into an adjacent room. Mason looked through those windows into what he now realized was the real treatment room.

The room was filled with equipment arranged around an exam table, and on the table was a naked man strapped down much as Mason had been the day before. There were far more devices though. The man's body had electrodes connected all over, and as Mason looked at the guy it became obvious the guy had been strapped down for some time based on the sweat and cum accumulated. There was a gas mask on the man, and the mask was connected to some kind of breathing equipment. The man had some cables and tubes connected to his genitals, and had clamps on his nips. Unlike the clamps Mason had experienced yesterday, these had connections to the other equipment and seemed to vibrate.

Another difference was there were IV-looking tubes connected to the man's arm, and it kinda looked like blood was flowing from the man into this weird machine and back again.

As Mason watched, the LT flipped some switches on the control console, and Mason could see the effects of the setting changes on the man's body. His breathing became more intense, his muscles started to flex, his head thrashed back and forth, and finally Mason could see the man undergo an intense, but almost painful looking orgasm. After the man's orgasm subsided, the LT turned away from the controls and looked at Mason.

"Good morning private. I'm glad you're here. HM3 could use some help from you about now."

"Huh? Where's HM3?" asked Mason. After a second, Mason realized what was going on. "Is that HM3 in there?"

"That's correct private. He's had 4 orgasms already, and is producing very well. He's good for six, but could use some more human attention than these machines can provide."

"Producing?" Mason asked, completely confused about what was going on in front of him.

"Yes producing. With the war in progress, there's a need for more natural non-addictive painkillers. So we've been doing research into endorphins produced by the male body in response to pain and pleasure. HM3 has been the volunteer in a program to collect as many of these compounds as possible. That's what those tubes connected to his arms are doing."

The LT flipped a few controls then continued. "HM3 has been subjected to a wide range of stimulus, and he's produced quite a batch of chemicals already. What I (and he) would like you to do is get in there and fuck him naturally. Except for the electrode in his cock, you can take the mask and other electrodes off of him but leave the IV tubes in place. You've both been screened for every disease known to man, so no need for a condom. Before you mount him, put on the device I used on you yesterday, and I'll use that to boost your orgasm. Now strip and get in there private!"

Mason nodded and opened the door to the treatment room. He had been fantasizing about having sex with HM3 ever since that first day, and really liked the idea of being able to do so with some of these devices. A few days ago he'd have been nervous about all this, but after the lecture hall yesterday this was cake. When Mason opened the door, he was overwhelmed with the smell of sweat and cum. Mason continued into the room, and went over to HM3 and removed the mask, revealing HM3's face. HM3 had a tired, almost teary look about him. After a second HM3 opened his eyes, looked up at Mason and smiled.

"Thanks for coming man. I've been thinking of you since yesterday" HM3 whispered.

"Are you ok? This looks pretty intense" Mason whispered back.

"Fuck yea this is awesome. Although I'm done with the mask - the LT uses it to give me poppers as I climax, and I can't take much more of that. Now get these electrodes off of me, the clothes off you, and fuck me."

Mason didn't need to be told twice. He almost ripped his uniform as he stripped, and in no time was up on the exam table between HM3's legs. The sight of HM3's muscular, but not too ripped, body strapped to the table gave Mason an instant hard-on. There was something very kinky but very exciting about seeing HM3 bound and hooked up like this.

HM3 looked up at Mason's body between his legs and smiled. Mason reached over and grabbed the device he recognized from yesterday, and put it into his own ass. He remembered to insert it all the way and gave it a twist, then immediately felt stimulation of his prostate - the LT was wasting no time at all.

Mason leaned down, looked into HM3's beautiful eyes, then kissed him full on the mouth. Mason and HM3's tongues slid past one another as the two men kissed deeply. Mason started to grind his body into HM3, but quickly realized the nip clamps and electrodes were in the way. Mason sat up, then started ripping the electrodes off the bound man's body. Within seconds the only things left connected were the penis probe, the IV lines and the nip clamps. Mason remembered how the clamps felt when they were removed, so he slowed down and gently removed those from HM3's furry chest. Mason then gently kissed each nipple, teasing gasps of pain/pleasure from HM3.

With HM3 disconnected, Mason moved back up to his mouth and started making out with him again. HM3 kissed him back and whispered to him "Fuck me Mason. Pound a load out of me and get me off this table."

Mason got back up and looked down at HM3 and got an instant hard on from the image of HM3 laying there erect, bound, smiling and begging for Mason's cock. Mason lined himself up at HM3's tight ass, and slowly slid into the bound man. HM3's eyes rolled back and he gasped. HM3 tried to grind his hips into Mason's crotch, and Mason felt goose bumps break out all over HM3 as he started to slide in and out of HM3's tight ass.

Back in the control room, a huge smile broke out on the LT's face. The LT then switched the machines connected to both men to maximum, and sat back to watch the show.

Mason and HM3 immediately felt the effects of the machine. HM3 had a huge whole body spasm and his ass clamped down hard on Mason's cock. Mason's ass came alive with shocks from the anal probe, and his muscular thighs and glutes contracted burying his cock deeply into HM3's ass. After the first contraction, Mason collapsed onto HM3, getting as much full body contact between the two men as possible. Mason began to thrust in and out of HM3 in time with the machine's signals, and he could feel a river of precum escaping from HM3's cock, and helping to lube both their torsos.

HM3 almost came just from the feeling of Mason's body against his after a late night and early morning of machine stimulation. He had been poked, prodded and shocked in some inventive and stimulating ways, but nothing was quite as hot as the feel of this muscular, hairy soldier pounding him silly. Normally after so many orgasms he'd be unable to cum, but with the help of the machines and IV's he could easily manage one last orgasm. With all of the stimulation from man and machine, HM3 slowly let himself go and turned himself completely over to the experience of being sexually coupled with Mason. As HM3 started to relax, the probe in his penis detected the change, triggering a series of impulses designed to induce a huge, pleasurable but sharply painful orgasm.

Mason felt the machine pick up in his ass, and started to really drive home into HM3. Mason noticed HM3 almost relax and give himself over to the experience, so Mason did his best to give HM3 a fuck he'd long remember. Both men were now sweating profusely, and the exam table was shaking with the muscular contractions and exertions of the two men.

The LT was really enjoying the view - both men had reached the pre-orgasmic plateau together, and now were ready for an intense orgasm. HM3 had performed well this evening, but this orgasm looked to take the cake. The blood monitoring machine was recording the highest levels of endorphins yet coming from HM3, and the LT wanted to see just how far HM3's body could go. He reached over and flipped the final switch, sending a vastly amplified orgasm signal into the genital systems of both men.

Mason and HM3 yelled out and convulsed simultaneously in response to this new shock. Both their bodies spasmed from head to toe in the rhythm of orgasm, and their cocks spewed simultaneous loads into the space between their bodies and deep into HM3's ass. The men's convulsions continued for a whole minute, and by the end both of them were covered in sweat and tears from a pleasure so intense they could barely speak.

Slowly the men came back to earth. LT saw that the blood machine had reached the top of the endorphin level scale - he'd need to re-calibrate it if these two were going to produce for him again. As the LT watched, he noticed that they had caught their breaths, and decided it was time to get them out of the treatment room. He activated an intercom and gave them some instructions.

"Good job men. I'm very happy with what you've managed to produce. Private, disconnect yourself then help HM3 get off the table."

Mason slowly got up, looking down at a smiling, sweating, and very tired HM3. Mason removed the simulator from his ass, then went to help HM3. He started by disconnecting all of the restraints, then with a nod from HM3 pulled the slick penis probe out of HM3's huge cock. HM3 then asked him to hand over a swab and bandage, and proceeded to disconnect the IV tubes. Freed of the machines, the naked and sticky men got up and stretched.

"Ok now get showered and back to duty. Some of us have research to do." The LT then switched off the intercom and left the control room.

HM3 motioned to a second door to the treatment room, and took Mason through it into a shower area. With smiles on their faces, the naked military men proceeded to shower each other, kissing and making out several times during the shower. Finally they dried each other off, and went back to the treatment room to collect their uniforms.

As they dressed HM3 turned to Mason. "Ok man, now you've seen what I do for work once a week. Care to make this a regular thing?"

Mason looked back "Fuck yea man. Would also love to hang with you on the weekend."

HM3 smiled. "I'd like that a lot. Give me a call. Now time for both of us to get to duty!"

With that HM3 gave Mason one more kiss, then rushed out of the door and off to work. Mason looked down at his watch and realized he'd just have enough time to get back to his battalion. Mason once again jogged back across base from the medical center, wondering what HM3 had in store for him next...


Next: Chapter 4

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