Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 2, 2023


The Lecture Hall

By: Anthony Writer

(M+, Forced, Machines, Medical)


About one week after Mason went to sick call, he received a note one morning after quarters. The note read:

Private Mason, you've been selected to help us conduct some training on new medical devices. If you're willing to volunteer, please report to special exam room three in the medical center building across from sick call. -HM3

Mason still had some mixed feelings from his visit to sick call. The treatment had worked and had been fun, but he was embarrassed the whole time being displayed in front of those corpsmen in training. Also he hadn't called HM3 back yet although he had been tempted. He took a look at the plan of the day and noticed that the whole morning was scheduled with cleaning activities, so he decided it would be better to volunteer for whatever HM3 was doing.

Mason walked across base to the medical center, and after a few wrong turns found the special exam room and HM3. The room was off in a corridor by itself, and HM3 was standing outside smiling. "I knew you'd choose this over cleaning duty Mason. Come on in and let's have some fun with you."

Mason blushed but walked into the exam room. "So what does this involve?"

"We're going to be demonstrating some new medical devices to the staff here. Don't worry there's nothing painful, and you'll definitely like it more than what we had to do to clear your bladder last time." HM3 then closed the door. "Now I need you to strip. I'm going to give you an enema, clean you up, then we'll go into the training room and the LT will run the demonstration. Thanks again for doing this."

Mason proceeded to strip off his uniform and fold it neatly in the corner. The muscular marine then took off his white t-shirt, revealing a muscular chest with very prominent nipples and large, dark red areolas in stark contrast to the taught pale skin. Mason ran his hand over his hard abs and down to his boxers. He quickly stepped out of his underwear, exposing his ample butt and liberating his cock and low hanging balls.

HM3 came over with an enema bottle. "Ok private, bend over and grab the exam table."

Mason did as he was instructed, then felt HM3's finger apply some cool gel between the cracks of his ass. HM3 enjoyed handling the firm flesh of Mason's ass, the puckered look of the anal opening, and the way Mason bucked every time HM3's finger applied pressure there. HM3 slowly inserted the enema applicator, eliciting a grunt from Mason.

"Relax private. This will only take a second, then you can let the fluid out in the bathroom next door." HM3 then firmly squeezed the enema bottle, filling Mason's rectum with fluid. Mason groaned as he felt his bowels being filled, and bucked as his abs cramped up in response to the intrusion.

"There you go mason - that wasn't so bad. Now go let the fluid out. The bathroom is right through this door." HM3 removed the enema applicator and motioned towards the bathroom.

Mason ran over to the toilet as fast as he could. Almost immediately his bowels emptied themselves in the toilet, and Mason flushed away the refuse.

"Stay right there private! Let me clean you up" instructed HM3. "Turn around and face the wall, but with your ass over the toilet."

Mason was surprised but complied. HM3 walked right in to the bathroom, and proceeded to thoroughly wipe down Mason's ass. He started with wet wipes that he forced partly into Mason, and then worked his way outwards cleaning all of Mason's muscular ass, cock, balls and legs. After HM3 finished, he flushed the toilet and turned back to Mason.

"Ok Private. You're all prepped and ready to go. Follow me." HM3 turned and led Mason back through the exam room and through another door into the training room.

The training room wasn't at all like Mason expected. It was more like a small amphitheater, with what looked like an exam table and desk where the stage would be. The floors sloped upward from the stage, and four rows of doctors and corpsmen were seated in the almost filled room. One of the guys in his battalion had talked about lecture halls in college, and Mason imagined they must be like this. There were also video screens above the table and desk, and there was a LT talking about a diagram projected there.

HM3 walked Mason over to the table. The LT seemed not to notice mason, but many of the men in the room had stopped paying attention to the lecture and were looking directly at the naked, muscular soldier who had just entered the room. The LT finished talking about the diagram and glanced over at Mason.

"Gentlemen, I can see that our volunteer for demonstration is here. We'll start by showing you how to insert the prostate and anal stimulation device." The LT then turned to Mason "Private, bend over so the students can get a good view of your ass."

Mason, somewhat in shock, complied. He turned to face the exam table, then bent over and shoved his ass as far back as he could. He could hear that the LT was putting on rubber gloves and had picked up something from the desk.

"We've already prepared the private with an enema, which will allow proper seating of the device. When inserting, make sure the subject's buttocks are spread, and that his scrotum is hanging free away from his ass."

Mason felt the LT's hands on his ass, and felt the cool air against his asshole as his buttocks were spread. The LT also gave his nuts a good tug before continuing.

"Now make sure that you align the device so the prostate node is facing forward. Then push the device directly into the anus and seat the anal stimulator so it's completely flush with the skin surrounding the anus and behind the balls. Then adjust the tension so the device firmly seats in the ass. If you haven't already, connect the device to the control box."

The LT then applied the device to Mason's ass. Mason felt something cold at his asshole, then steady pressure followed by invasion as the LT forced the device into Mason. Then the LT adjusted the tension, and Mason felt the device almost grab onto his ass.

"Normally this could be done with the subject on the table, but that's would be hard for you to observe. Now we'll get the subject on the table so you can watch his responses. Private, get on the table and center yourself so that your body is visible on the screens, including your cock showing up in the close-up camera."

Mason did as he was told, not quite sure what to think of all these men looking at him with wires coming out of his ass. The table was comfortable, and covered with that funny paper doctor's have on their exam tables. HM3 moved over to the table, and secured Mason's wrists and ankles to the table.

"Now we can begin. With the device at its lowest level, the subject will be forced to produce precum continuously. This will even be the case if the subject does not normally get wet as part of his arousal pattern."

The LT pressed a button on the control box. Immediately Mason gasped as the device came to live within his ass. He could feel strange waves radiating from the device, and it felt like he was being gently milked from inside his ass. His cock immediately started to get hard, and in no time was oozing with clear rivulets of precum.

"After beginning stimulation, you should apply variable clamps to the subject's nipples. Men's nipples are very sensitive, and simulation there encourages full body release."

The LT moved over to Mason's chest with what looked like binder clips. Each clip had a flattened area and some knobs. The LT pulled up Mason's right nipple, then attached the clamp. Mason let out another gasp, but the LT quickly repeated the same procedure with Mason's left nipple. With his nipples clamped, Mason started to feel shocks of sexual energy building up in his body but as his hands were tied couldn't do much about it. He started to squirm around on the table, trying to stimulate himself.

"As you can see, the nipple stimulation is very effective. Now we're going to proceed to extract our first sample of semen from the subject. To do that, I'm going to connect the subject's testicles to the device as well. Once the probes are in place, I'll extract the load."

The LT moved back over to Mason, and connected two tens-like pads to his testicles. The LT then flipped a switch, and stood back. The devices in Mason's body immediately went to work sending signals deep into his prostate, testicles, and nervous system. All Mason could feel was a series of intense shocks running all through his lower body. The shocks caused Mason to buck on the table.

"You can see how quickly the subject looses control of his body. Back arching, toe curling, and uncontrolled muscle contractions are common as orgasm approaches."

Mason felt the shocks start to organize and build in intensity. The pulses seemed to run along the inside of his cock, and some how were getting his entire body to try to force his cock as far out as possible into the empty air.

"Now will increase the intensity of stimulation of the subject's nipples, and send him over the edge."

The LT moved to Mason's chest, and twisted the knobs on the clamps. The knobs forced thin metal spikes into the tortured flesh of Mason's tits, and immediately this sent a surge of feeling down Mason's body and up through his urethra.

The socks then surged to an even higher level, and Mason felt his nuts tense up and a huge load start to flow through his dick. He yelled out in surprise - this felt so fucking good! The surprise just kept on going, as the shocks continued to milk his body for a full 45 seconds before stopping. Mason's body stopped convulsing, and he fell still on the exam table, panting from the induced orgasm.

"After orgasm, be sure to wipe the subject down, and clear his urethra. Now we'll proceed with follow-up prostate stimulation from within."

The LT moved over to Mason's cock with what looked like a giant q-tip. The LT grabbed Mason's thick dick, lined up the q-tip with his piss slit, then forced the q-tip all the way into Mason's dick, creating a bulge in the urethra as it penetrated. Mason screamed in pain - it felt like a pipe cleaner had just been shoved into his dick. Mason could hear his scream echo in the large room and as he looked around he was in horror at all the faces calmly looking at the sight of his own body in this kind of pain. The LT swirled and moved the q-tip around, thoroughly cleaning the inside of Mason without regard to Mason's convulsions and screams. After what seemed like an hour to Mason, the LT finally pulled the q-tip out of Mason's dick.

"Some pain is normal for this procedure, but the next step is generally far more pleasurable."

The LT put down the q-tip and picked up a long slender probe connected to the control box. The probe was shiny at its tip, and dull black along most of its length, and only a couple of millimeters in diameter. The LT slowly inserted the probe into Mason's piss slit, and fed a full 12 inches of probe into the private's dick. The LT then released the nipple clamps, and gave Mason's tortured tits a quick but painful massage.

"Now the tip of the probe is inside the subject's prostate. We'll now demonstrate how central the prostate is to the male sexual response."

The LT flipped another control on the box. Mason suddenly felt almost like he was having an orgasm, but without any of the contractions. Waves of pleasure started to radiate from Mason's prostate and ass, spreading goosebumps all over Mason's body.

"Watch how the stimulation will cause the subject's body to exhibit all the signs of orgasm."

The men in the room watched Mason's body as the LT described what was unfolding on the exam table.

"First the nipples become erect. As the nipple erection continues, the skin of the areola tenses, forcing the tit up even further. After nipple erection, a sex flush will slowly start to spread over the subject's torso. Finally all of the subject's hairs will stand on end, and a whole body sweat will develop."

Mason felt strange having the LT describe his body like this. Mason knew that these things happened to him during sex, but it was humiliating to have a room full of people watch him get excited like this.

"Even though it's only been 5 minutes, you can see full characteristics of sexual arousal on the subject. We could keep him like this for another hour, but we have other material to cover so I'll be nice and get him off. Watch how quickly orgasm can occur with a man in this state."

The LT flipped another switch. Mason simply exploded - his whole body suddenly arched, and the force of the orgasm sent the probe flying out of his cock, landing on his chest with the rest of the cum. Just as quickly as it started, the orgasm stopped and Mason slumped back onto the table.

"HM3, help the private out of here. We have a lecture to finish." With that, the LT continued on with the presentation of another technique, ignoring the existence of the spent soldier on the table next to him.

HM3 released Mason's arms and legs from the restraints, then helped the spent man get up off the table and walked him back to the exam room. At least two thirds of the men in the audience were watching Mason's dick swing as he was escorted back to the exam room. HM3 closed the door behind them.

Alone in the exam room HM3 turned to Mason and said "You have to admit that was fun."

"It was a little weird, but those orgasms were great. Just could have skipped the pipe cleaner bit" replied Mason.

"Yeah, but wait till you cum the next time. It'll feel great on account of what the q-tip does to your urethra."

"I'll have to take your word for that. And how do you know? And how did you know I would be available for the lecture?"

"Well I know because I've had that done to me several times before." HM3 continued "If you wouldn't have shown, I'd be the subject of the lecture. The LT allows me to have a friend stand in from time to time. Given that you had a grin on your face after your treatment I thought you'd enjoy this."

"You were right man" replied Mason. "I still have your number. Could we get together in some other place besides the medical center?"

"Sure! I'd really like that. I'm free this weekend, but you could see me tomorrow if you'd like to participate in some research with me."

Mason gave him a big smile "Yeah, I think I'd like that!"

HM3 grinned back, but didn't say anything. He proceeded to clean all the sweat & cum off Mason, then gave Mason a pat on the back. "Ok big guy, I need to get back to the lecture. Get dressed and back to the barracks."

HM3 went back into the training room, leaving Mason alone in the exam space. Mason got dressed, adjusted his uniform, and walked back across base. Unlike last time, he couldn't wait to get back to the medical center. It was going to be a long day and night.


Next: Chapter 3

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