Military Sick Call

By Anthony Writer

Published on Jul 14, 2023


Sick Call

By: Anthony Writer


============================================================================= (c) 2006 Anthony writer. Comments welcome. =============================================================================

Private Mason woke up one morning thinking he would take his usual piss-like-a-racehorse morning leak. To his surprise, he could barely manage a trickle even though he really thought he had to go. He didn't think much of it, but by the time morning chow was over he felt like he was going to explode but still couldn't piss. He had been fooling around with another guy in the barracks, and had fucked him a few times, but didn't think he could have caught anything. After barely pushing out a few ounces of urine, Mason broke down and went to sick call.

Mason got excused from morning drills and made his way across base to sick bay. He had to stop a couple of times along the way to try to piss, but all he could do is just barely keep himself from exploding. When he got to sick bay, a boyish looking corpsman (he looked like some kind of fag) asked him what was wrong. Mason half blushed and tried to whisper "I can't piss!". The corpsman just smiled and escorted Mason to one of the exam rooms.

"Ok Private, HM1 will be in to see you in a couple minutes. Until then, strip down to your civvies and wait here". The corpsman handed him a hospital robe before leaving the exam room and closing the door. "Put this on but don't tie the strings".

Mason found himself alone in the exam room. There was a small exam table with the funny tear-off paper, a small chair, a few medicine cabinets and a sink. Mason took of his uniform, folded it and placed it neatly in the corner. The room was a bit cold, and Mason noticed that the low temperature had made his tits hard, and caused his sack and nuts to shrink up to his body. Like many privates, he was young, with a strong wiry body. Boot camp had made him even more muscular than before, and his body was covered with a dusting of dark hair. He opened the gown and put it on, then hopped onto the exam table making the paper covering crinkle.

The pressure in his bladder was starting to build, but with just the gown on he couldn't go anywhere. He only waited for five minutes, but to him it felt like an hour. He could hear the doors to other exam rooms opening and closing, and the occasional groan from the next room, but there was no indication of when the HM1 would arrive.

There was a quick knock on the door, then the HM1 came into the room before Mason could say anything. "Can't piss huh? Does it burn when you try?"

"Um, No sir... just can't get any flow." replied Mason.

"Hmm sounds like an infected prostate. Probably picked it up from some lucky girl out in town. Drop your drawers and we'll have a look."

Mason's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't been with any girls for months - the only contact he had was with those guys in the barracks. As he pulled off his underwear for the HM1 he hoped the HM1 wouldn't figure that out.

"You've got a big dick - even with this AC" murmured the HM1 as he handled Mason's cock. He pulled open Mason's piss slit and had a good look in and under his cock.

"There's no sign of infection, but we're going to need to use a catheter to drain your bladder. Then I'm going to dilate your urethra so you can piss, check your ejaculatory function and we'll inject some antibiotics to clear things up. Today's your lucky day - we have some corpsmen in training so you'll be a guinea pig for them. Look at it as a free handjob. I'll be right back with the equipment and trainees - stay right here but loose the gown."

With that the HM1 left and Mason was again alone in the room. He was humiliated at the prospect of having corpsmen in training messing with his body. Before he could form another thought in his mind, the HM1 returned with three young corpsmen and closed the door behind him. Two of the trainees were thinner blonde guys and looked a little fag-ish but the third definitely got Mason's attention. He was built like a brick shithouse, and blonde like the rest of em. Now that Mason thought about it, HM1 wasn't too bad himself - a good example of an in-shape older guy.

"Ok guys, lets get the private here catheterized so we can relieve his bladder. Use the reinforced catheter so it can make it through his prostate." The HM1 turned to Mason: "Get up on the table and lay back. This is going to hurt a bit but we'll have you drained in no time"

Mason hopped on the table and did as he was told. The corpsmen had begun to assemble the materials for the catheterization, and had hooked the catheter to a bag to collect Mason's urine. "Before you get any farther along, sterilize the private and lube him HM3..."

With that the muscular corpsman opened up some sterile swabs and began to clean the end of Mason's cock. At the first touch, Mason began to get an erection, and immediately got flushed with embarrassment. The HM3 turned to him and said "Don't worry - it's a natural reaction and I'm good at what I do." The HM3 then reached over for a sterile syringe of lubricant, placed the tip into Mason's piss slit, and injected the lube into Mason's cock. HM3's firm gloved hands worked the lube down the shaft, and by the end of this procedure Mason was completely hard and dripping sterile lube.

The HM1 took a look at the cock and said "Ok men, lets get that catheter into this man's bladder". The other corpsmen handed the HM3 the catheter, and the HM3 tentatively but then firmly slid the catheter into Mason's dick. Mason let out a gasp as the cath reached the base of his dick, and then yelped as the HM3 pushed the cath through the enlarged prostate into the bladder. Once the cath was in place, HM3 opened the balloon and urine valve, and a trickle managed to make it into the urine bag.

"Hmm looks like we'll have to help out the flow. HM3 has done the tricky part - the other two of you apply pressure to the base of this mans abdominals and help empty that bladder." The two blondes moved to either side of Mason's abs, then proceeded to give Mason a surprisingly strong and deep abdominal massage. It made Mason feel even more like he was going to explode, but after a minute the urine stream increased in volume and after 5 Mason's bladder had been emptied.

"Ok HM3 lets get that cath out so we can sample this man's prostatic fluid, and get on with the soundings." Without any working HM3 deflated the balloon and yanked the cath out of Mason. Mason gasped in shock/pain/pleasure(?) and flexed his hips as the cath whipped out of the end of his dick. "Now that that's out, flip over private and get on all fours."

Mason complied with the HM1. He was relieved to have an empty bladder, but was disturbed by how much he liked the HM3 inserting something into his dick and how he liked the massage from the gay boy corpsmen. Although he didn't like the sound of having his prostate fluid sampled. As he got on all fours the HM1 started instructing the trainees again.

"Ok for the prostatic fluid sample, you need to put your thumb into the man's anus and massage the prostate. After you see a drop of fluid form at the tip of the cock, take a sterile swab and clean out the urethra of all the fluid. I want each of you to do this procedure - this private can make plenty of fluid."

With that Mason's face got even redder as he felt the first of the three gloved thumbs push past the opening of his asshole and start working his prostate. "Note how the private is becoming stimulated by this" explained the HM1 "his nipples are getting hard, his cock is pulsing and the hairs on the back of his head are standing up. These are all signs that you've hit the prostate."

Mason could feel his legs shaking as the HM1 continued. "Ok that's good - see how the droplet is forming at the end of the erect penis? Pull out and collect your sample." Mason felt the thumb slide out of his ass, then heard a glove being thrown away and a package being opened. Next he felt a cotton swab being worked into the tip of his cock. The pain was intense, but it made his hardon even harder. The trainee jammed the swab all the way home, then withdrew it just as fast. Mason gasped loudly at this and almost lost his balance. The HM1 noticed this too "Ok next time go slower - don't want to hurt him."

Mason felt another thumb at his ass as the second trainee repeated the procedure. Just as before, Mason got hard and again the trainee shoved that damn swab in too fast. This time Mason actually screamed from the pain.

Finally it was HM3s turn. Mason immediately felt the difference. HM3's thumb knew exactly where to go, and almost instantly there was almost a stream of fluid dripping from Mason. HM3 then got his swab and with a strange twisting motion managed to clear out Mason's cock without the pain, only a very intense feeling like Mason's cock was being jacked off from within. Instead of screaming, Mason started groaning and gyrating his hips. "Good Job HM3" The HM1 remarked "Now that we have our samples, lets get him flipped over and sounded."

Mason slowly flipped over on the table. As he did so, his dick flopped across his abs leaving a trail of precum across his lower body. Just as he was getting comfortable HM1 started his instruction again "Now we need to stretch this man's urethra and prostate so he can continue to piss. This is going to hurt a bit, so we'll need to restrain him. Once he's strapped in, sterilize him so we can start the soundings".

The corpsmen produced a set of restraints, and quickly strapped Mason to the table, cleaned up the precum, and set up the sounding set next to Mason's hips. The HM1 put on a sterile set of gloves, and examined Mason's cock. He then reached over and selected a long sound with a curve. The whole thing was almost 14 inches long. He explained "I'm going to do the first sounding then let HM3 finish. You two watch - this is kind of tricky and you need a little more practice with the swab before doing this."

Mason's eyes almost bulged out of his head when he realized that 14" shiny piece of metal was going into his cock. The HM1 began the insertion, and Mason almost lost it in response. The cool metal sliding into him was one of the most erotic things he'd ever felt, and the image of a strong beefy guy doing the inserting only intensified the scene. There was a bit of pressure as the sound passed Mason's prostate, but that didn't stop Mason from trying to fuck his cock onto the sound.

"This is an unusual but normal response" remarked the HM1 "now we have to work our way up to the largest sound to ensure this man can properly urinate. HM3 - take over and show the trainees how it's done."

HM3 took hold of the sound, and slowly withdrew it from Mason. As the sound exited the private's penis, Mason let out a moan of pleasure. HM3 wasted no time replacing the sound with the next larger size, and repeated the procedure. With each insertion Mason grew more and more aroused, and by the time the largest sound was inside him Mason had developed a complete sex flush and was sweating profusely.

HM1 looked down at Mason and smiled "Ok HM3 - with the largest sound in place let's put this man out of his sexual misery. Masturbate him to orgasm and then administer the antibiotic."

HM3 grinned then looked back at Mason. The private's hips were involuntarily bucking against the restraints, and the impaled cock was at a 90 degree angle to the sweating body. HM3 moved his other hand to the surface of the cock, then started jacking the outside as he moved the sound slowly on the inside. After a few minutes of this Mason went crazy and started spurting. It was one of the most intense orgasms any of the men in the room had seen. Mason bucked for over 90 seconds, and shot cum over his shoulder onto the floor, not to mention all over his body. The other corpsmen wasted no time cleaning off the private's body, and HM3 casually removed the sound and reached for a swab coated with antibiotic.

Mason had barely came back down to earth from his ejaculation when HM3 shoved the antibiotic swab deep into Mason's cock with that special twist Mason felt during the sampling procedure. Mason jumped under his restraints in surprise, but kinda liked the feel.

"Ok this man should be set - time for us to attend to the next guy. Release the restraints. Private, you're done here. Get dressed, get a shower in your barracks, and get back to work!"

The corpsmen released Mason and left. Mason was once again left to the emptiness of the exam room, but this time instead of the smells of alcohol and medicine, all Mason could smell was sweat and spunk. He dressed, and went back to take a shower as directed. Halfway back to the barracks he noticed a small 3x5 chit in his pocket. He took it out and saw that someone had written a phone number on one side. Mason turned the chit over and saw two letters and a number on the other side: HM3. With a smile Mason double timed it back to the barracks and got back to work. Mason didn't have any more bladder problems that day, but did have to adjust himself several times thinking about the hands on that HM3...


Next: Chapter 2

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