Military School Training and Management

By Jordan Project

Published on Dec 20, 2022


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That fall, Clifton returned to Jackson Military as a second-year, while his brother Caleb entered as a Cadet Candidate. The Commandant had plans for each of them, and used his oversight of housing and class rosters to ensure that they rarely saw each other -- something that was fine with Caleb, who regarded his older brother as an untrustworthy weakling and his father as a cipher.

Happy to be away from home, and Caleb quickly made a favorable impression on other cadets, his instructors, and the Commandant. At the end of the year, after being named a Cadet Sergeant and member of the Corps of Discipline, he returned home for the summer, while Clifton stayed at the academy to be unmasked and made into a Trainee. When Caleb returned for his second year, the Commandant called him into his office.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you that your older brother has had a change in status," the Commandant said.

"Sir, I already know," Caleb replied. "Word gets around, sir. He's a Trainee, and so was my father."

"You should know that it won't count against you," the Commandant said. "I could tell right away that none of that rubbed off. I never thought it would."

"Sir, may the cadet have permission to speak freely?" Caleb asked.

"Go right ahead, Sergeant," he answered. "None of it will leave this room."

"The only real surprise to me was that Clifton ever made Sergeant," Caleb said. "I always thought he was a squirrel, and it always seemed like my father was hiding something. This past summer, I found out that Clifton was a dicksucker back in high school. Sir, it wouldn't surprise me if my father did that too, but I can tell you that I've never done any of it."

"I didn't think so," the Commandant replied. "You are different than your brother and your father, and it shows. Hell, you're half a foot taller than either of them, and probably stronger than both of them put together. The way I see it, you're on your way to further advancement here. You could be our first Cadet Major for a few years."

Later that year, the Commandant told Caleb that he wanted to name him to the Conquest Corps, and explained their role as owners of Trainees. It would be a lifelong status for both of them.

"Clifton's owner is Captain Hank Tinley, who you probably know as 'Big Dog,' because that's what everyone calls him," the Commandant said. "If you accept, he has agreed to transfer ownership of Clifton to you, and I'll find a different Trainee for him."

"My own brother?!" Caleb exclaimed.

"Your half-brother," the Commandant replied. "He is your father and mother's son, but you aren't. Your father is Sheriff Franklin, who was the Top who has owned your father since he was a Trainee here."

The Commandant explained a complicated arrangement forged long before. He had met Melinda Smith while she was single, and they'd carried on an affair. When he learned that she was from the same town as Trainee Charles Yarrow, she, the Commandant, and then-Cadet Captain Franklin hatched a scheme. She would become the Trainee's wife but Franklin's lover, and would have sons by both Franklin and his Trainee.

"In reality you are Caleb Franklin Jr.," he said. "But you will always be named Caleb Yarrow."

His mind reeled. It explained a lot: his closeness to the sheriff and his son Zeke, who he'd regarded as his best friend, his disdain for Clifton, and his vague suspicion and discomfort about the man who he'd thought was his father. Yet it was still jarring, and Caleb did his best to retain his composure.

"But why, sir?" he asked. "Why?"

"The Yarrow line goes back to the founding of Jackson Military," the Commandant explained. "Started out strong, but it did not stay that way. Your mother married into a rich family, and was able to carry on with the sheriff and produce an heir to the fortune, which will be you."

"Sir, but my father is a Colonel," Caleb asked. "How can a Trainee be a Colonel?"

"He's not your father and he is not a Colonel," the Commandant replied. "Charles Yarrow never rose above Lieutenant after graduation. He's only called 'Colonel' because the title counts in business back there. Truth is that Colonel Charles Yarrow was never more than Lieutenant Charles Yarrow. He is still Sheriff Franklin's Trainee, and he always will be. If you choose, Clifton Yarrow will be your Trainee for his entire life."

Caleb smiled at the thought of owning the half-brother who he had not respected for years.

"I accept both offers, sir!" he said.

Trainees and their Cadet Top owners spent their summers at Jackson Military, the Trainees' mornings occupied with housekeeping, laundry, and tending the grounds in the areas where they lived under control of their Top owners. Afternoons were dominated by close-order drills led by Tops in their drill sergeant's uniforms, the only difference being that theirs displayed Captain's insignia on their tight tan shirts and on the olive green "Smokey Bear" campaign hats that matched their snugly tailored trousers.

Caleb would stay in a cabin not far from where Cadet Captain Richards had originally trained Jimmy Stingler, and where they still lived. Big Dog Tinley and his Trainee, Clifton Yarrow, occupied a third cabin that they would vacate once Caleb was sufficiently familiar with Trainee protocol for custody and ownership of Clifton to be transferred to him.

The day after Caleb moved in, Richards and Big Dog brought their Trainees over to Caleb's quarters to start the process that would culminate in the handover after a few days. The evening was warm, and the Tops, who had changed into their standard gray uniforms, sat outside on the deck in back of Caleb's cabin, smoking cigars and drinking bourbon. Their servants were Clifton, who'd been a Trainee for a year, and Jimmy, who had been one for two years.

"I want you to recite the Trainee oath for Captain Yarrow," Captain Richards said to his charge, who along with Clifton sat on a low stool.

"I renounce any claim to Manhood, current, former, or future," Jimmy began. "I am not a Man. I was never a Man. I will never be a Man. Every Man is my superior. I will spend my life in the service to Men whose ranks I will never join. I will honor and obey Men, without question or reservation, in any manner that they might require. So help me God."

"Now you go, little Clifty," Big Dog said. "Say it to your new boss."

"I renounce any claim to Manhood, current, former, or future," he said, looking his half-brother in the eye. "I am not a Man. I was never a Man. I will never be a Man. Every Man is my superior. I will spend my life in the service to Men whose ranks I will never join. I will honor and obey Men, without question or reservation, in any manner that they might require. So help me God."

For the next hour, the two Trainees confessed the transgressions that resulted in their being relegated to their inferior status.

"There's a high-security area about a mile away where the hard cases are trained," Richards said. "Jimmy didn't need it, but Clifton did. He came around."

"It's a pretty set program," Big Dog explained. "Most of the Trainees were queers before they ever got here, like Jimmy and Clifton. But not all of 'em. Clifton's father wasn't a queer, but he sure as hell learned how to take care of Captain Franklin, and he's been doing it ever since."

Trainee is a life-long status, Richards explained.

"That oath is for real," he said. "While they're in the military, the Trainees follow the Tops to every post. Even after that, in civilian life, a Trainee serves his Top as long as his Top wants to keep him around. Does whatever he's told."

Clifton and Jimmy went off to fetch more drinks and cigars, and then returned to clean up the kitchen and dining table where everyone had eaten the steaks they had cooked for the Tops and the macaroni and cheese they had consumed at a separate and lower table. As the they cleaned, the Tops chatted on the deck outside.

"Trainees get to squirt off a few times in the very beginning, and then they get fitted with cages that keep 'em from getting hard," Big Dog said. "It levels 'em out and makes 'em more obedient. I understand that Sheriff Franklin back in Arkansas screws his father every week or two and makes him lick his balls when he's screwing his wife."

"I can't say it surprises me," Caleb said. "I could never put my finger on it, but I always figured the old man was hiding something. I do wonder how he was able to be Clifton's father if he couldn't screw my mother."

"More like the old boy," Big Dog replied, chuckling. "Charlie Yarrow took the same oath about never being a Man. That sheriff would screw him and they'd collect the squirt, and your mother used a turkey baster to get pregnant with Clifty. No one was sure how he'd turn out, but no one was surprised either."

"I got to admit that the story is wild and was hard to figure out right away," Caleb said. "But it explained a lot of stuff, and it fits. Clifton was always a little squirrel, and there have always been rumors about my mom and the sheriff."

"I'm going to be training another one in high security," Big Dog said, smiling as he spoke. "I requested one who isn't queer so I can turn him into one and have him thank me every time I stiff-dick him. I don't want the shithead enjoying himself."

The Trainees returned, and went to work on the Tops' boots while they smoked and drank.

"Hey Caleb, has Clifty sucked your dick yet?" Big Dog said as his soon to be ex-Trainee shined his boots. "He does a good job of it. But then he's had plenty of practice starting in high school back home. Want to have him do it?"

"Yeah, why not?" Caleb replied. "Gotta take a leak first."

"No need," Big Dog said. "Clifty likes whatever comes out. Don't ya, Clifty?"

"Yes sir," he replied, before turning his head toward Caleb. "Whatever you would like, sir."

Caleb laughed, incredulous.

"Wait a second," he said to his older brother. "You drink piss?"

"Yes sir," Clifton said, his voice deferential. "Whatever you would like, sir."

He pointed toward the deck in front of his chair.

"Okay, squirrel, then sit down there," he said, his voice low and brutal. He ordered Clifton to unzip the fly of his gray trousers, find his dick, and put it in his mouth.

"That's right, little squirrel, drink it down," he said, chuckling as Clifton swallowed his piss. When he was finished, he let his dick get hard.

"Use your queer little hand on it now," he said, and within a couple of minutes he was squirting in his half-brother's mouth. "That's a good little squirrel. You're gonna be doing a lot of that for me."

When he was done, Caleb sat back and smiled.

"What do you say?" Big Dog said to Clifton. "You're forgetting something."

His eyes clouded with tears of shame and humiliation, Clifton looked into his half-brother's eyes.

"Thank you, sir," he said.

"Don't let him get away with anything," Captain Richards said as the crestfallen Clifton sat on the floor between Caleb's legs, sniffling. "You always have to remember that a Trainee is a schemer and a liar, and you have to watch him all the time."

He outlined the duties expected of Trainees: housekeeping and laundry, both their own and their owner's, and particularly the care of boots and uniforms. A Trainee is always your servant, Richards said, and neither of you should ever forget it.

Two days later, Clifton moved into Caleb's quarters, and Big Dog took off for his next mission to train the unlucky cadet who he would own. A few weeks later, they were visited by Cadet Captain Jake Harlan, and his Trainee Christine Davis, once known as Christopher Davis.

They made an attractive couple, Harlan tall and handsome in his blond flattop crew cut and crisp gray uniform, and his Trainee looking stunning in a short skirt and tight, white blouse, with an extra button opened to show her cleavage.

"I asked them if they could give her implants," Harlan said with a smile as Clifton served drinks on the deck. "No problem, they said. They did a damn good job, wouldn't you say?"

"Yeah, I've got to agree there," Caleb replied. "I'd fuck her, anyway."

"Chrissy here tried to get out of it. Told us that she never wanted to be a girl, and that the transvestite stuff was a game with his girlfriend back home, and he did it here because it made him think of her," Harlan said, chuckling at the memory. "As if it mattered to me. Anyway, Chrissy got used to herself."

"So they took his dick and balls off and carved out a pussy?" Caleb asked. "How does it compare? I suppose she can't cum or anything, right?"

"Chrissy's good and tight," Harlan replied. "She kinda comes, because they didn't remove her prostate. She's a real moaner when I fuck her up the ass, and her nipples are real sensitive too. She's been getting used to it real good."

Harlan explained that Chrissy wouldn't graduate from the academy or go into the military. When she'd returned from her operations, she took a civilian job on campus and would go wherever he did.

"My girlfriend knows all about her," he said. "Doesn't consider it cheating. They've become good friends. Janie gives her tips on makeup and clothes. Chrissy's going to be the maid of honor at the wedding."

"Looks like you got yourself a sweet deal," Caleb said. "A wife and a half. I don't know if I'd want the same thing, but looking at Chrissy here, I'd be tempted."

"We can take her inside and give her a workout if you want," Harlan said.

"Do you mind if I take a raincheck on that?" Caleb replied. "This is a lot to take in. Give me a couple weeks to get it straight in my head, alright?"

On another occasion, Captain Richards and Jimmy came over for dinner, and they chatted outside afterwards as their Trainees cleaned up.

"I didn't want to ask him about it, but I hope Big Dog wasn't pissed off about having the little squirrel handed over to me after all the work he did," Caleb said.

"Other way around, buddy!" Richards answered. "Truth be told, he asked the Commandant for a different Trainee because he didn't want to own one that was a homo all the way along. So he's happy."

"Oh yeah, that's right," Caleb said. "He doesn't want his Trainee to start off queer like Jimmy and Clifton. I forgot about that."

Richards explained that almost all of the hapless Trainees were short and queer, but there were some exceptions. Davis, for example, was never queer but only perverted, and his fake father, who stood 6 feet tall, wasn't a queer either, at least not originally.

"The ones who aren't homos are usually the hardest cases," he said. "Charlie Tinley was a horny bastard, which was okay, but when he made Cadet Sergeant and started extorting the Candidates it was a problem. He'd catch one in some rule violation or just make it up, and then tell 'em they had the choice of paying or sucking his dick.

"A couple of them did it, and when the Commandant found out he washed 'em out. One of 'em killed himself. He wasn't even queer, and that really pissed off Franklin. Ol' Charlie would stick his big dick in anything that moved, but from everything I've been told he was never a queer. I doubt he is now either, but he damn well does what he's told."

Caleb laughed.

"Damn, that's twisted!" he said.

"Yeah, well I guess you can say that one thing about the Captains and the Trainees is that they're both twisted," Richards replied. "They've got a kind of cage that shrinks a guy's dick, and they took Charlie from 7-1/2 inches down to 2 or 3. To be honest, I think Big Dog is right about the queer ones enjoying it, but the ones who aren't queer never really get used to it.

"One way or another, it winds up being a grudge fuck forever. You get to stick your dick into that squirrel of a half brother and keep his hand off his dick. Same with me and Jimmy," Richards said. "When the Commandant told him the whole story about you and Clifton and about Franklin and Charlie, he said he'd be fine with handing him over to you as long as they'd let him break in a Trainee who isn't queer."

Caleb smiled and laughed some more, and then they both rose and walked into the cabin. They ordered the two Trainees to strip off everything but their T-shirts, and to clean themselves out in preparation. Neither one of them had been screwed for a few months, and it was time.

"The Commandant says that there are probably 30 or so queer cadets, but he only washes 'em out if he finds out," Richards said after Jimmy and Clifton left to carry out their orders. "So being a faggot doesn't automatically make someone a Trainee. There's got to be more."

Caleb took his position behind Jimmy, who was bent over a leather couch, sucking his owner's dick that was sticking up through the unzipped fly of his uniform.

"Ease your way in, buddy," Captain Richards said. "It's one of the rules. Don't want 'em winding up in the infirmary."

He started slow, and turned his head toward Clifton.

"Lick my balls while I'm doing this, squirrel," he said. "Nice and easy."

When they had both ejaculated, Caleb ordered Clifton to lick his semen off the couch.

"What do you fellas say?" Richards asked.

"Thank you, sir," Clifton replied, followed by Jimmy.

The Tops leaned back on the couch and had the Trainees fetch them drinks while they waited for their weapons to reload.

"I don't know why anyone would want to be a Trainee," Caleb remarked casually.

"That one amazed me too," Richards replied as the docile Trainees sat on the floor between their legs. "The Commandant says the queer ones are getting what they want, but I didn't know why they just didn't leave or keep it to themselves. He said most of 'em had permissive fathers and need a boss."

Now Clifton was sucking Caleb's erection while Richards fucked him and Jimmy licked his owner's balls.

"Hey, that's a new one, buddy," Captain Richards said. "That's pretty damn good."

"Yeah, little Clifty here always got away with all kinds of squirrel shit when we were growing up," Caleb said, derisively, while his tame half brother worked. "Maybe the Commandant was right about Trainees needing a boss."

Next: Chapter 17

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