Military School Fag

By bootboybe

Published on Jul 27, 2020



Any feedback would be appreciated

Jimmy was in heaven. He had finally convinced his hot best friend to fuck him. Trevor had always been so much sportier and stronger than Jimmy. Trevor had always dominated their relationship. They did whatever Trevor wanted and Trevor always treated him almost a servant. It was worth it to Jimmy though. Having such a hot popular guy as his friend was worth carrying his bag, all the little petty humiliations, playing the games Trevor wanted to play rather than Jimmy and so on.

Both boys were 16 years old. Trevor was straight or at least he had a girlfriend but she wasn't putting out and Trevor had been constantly complaining about how she wouldn't even blow him, apparently she said it was gross, and lately had even withheld hand jobs after she caught him checking out her best friend. Trevor had never actually fucked a girl and was desperate to experience what it was like to fuck someone, anyone, even a fag. And that is where Jimmy came in.

Jimmy had never actually come out to Trevor but it was pretty obvious that he wasn't interested in girls. Trevor tolerated Jimmy constantly checking out his package and muscles since it made him feel good to have someone perving over him like that. And Jimmy was a total bitch, he did whatever Trevor told him to like an obedient lovesick puppy.

That afternoon they were in Jimmy's room playing on his Xbox and Trevor was bitching about his blue balls again when Trevor decided that since he had a fag best friend he might as well make use of him.

"Jimmy, you've got to help me out with my blue balls bro. I can't take it anymore" Trevor said

"What do you mean Trev? What am I supposed to do about your balls? I can't make Jennifer put out". Jimmy replied confused.

"You're a fag Jimmy. You don't think I notice you constantly drooling over this big package?" Trevor said grabbing his growing bulge to emphasise his point. "You think I haven't seen you sneak sniffs of my socks, shoes and jock in the gym either? You looked like your eyes were going to roll in the back of your head yesterday when I saw you with huffing my filthy jock when I came out the showers yesterday"

"You, you, you saw that Trev?" Jimmy stuttered shocked that his best friend knew his secret.

"Of course, I've known for ages that you're fucking obsessed with my stink bro. Tell you what. You let me fuck your pretty little ass and ill shove my jock in your mouth and tie my rank gym shoe to your face. How about that? And I got to tell you bro, there are some good piss stains in this jock" Trevor said squeezing his ample crotch again.

"Fuck Trev, I'd love to suck on your jock and sniff your shoes but I don't think I'm ready to get fucked. I've never been fucked before and you're packing a monster dude"

"I've had plenty of BJ's bro, I want to fuck someone. You should be fucking thanking me for the chance to be fucked by me faggot" Trevor replied starting to get angry that Jimmy wasn't just doing as he was told.

"Can't I just suck you Trev, please?" Jimmy whined.

Trevor had had enough. He wasn't going to be disrespected like this by a faggot. He got up and slapped Jimmy's face hard. "Strip. Naked. Now. Fag." He growled.

Jimmy was in shock but tore off his clothes. Despite his fear of getting fucked his little cock was getting hard. Trevor made him get on all fours on top of the bed. Trevor took off his own clothes and balled up one of his rank socks which he had worn to football practice earlier and shoved it into Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy moaned in pleasure as he sucked on the sock, savouring the taste of Trevor's foot sweat. Trevor shoved the other sock into one of his gym shoes and tied it to over Jimmy's nose by the laces.

"Now faggot. You pissed me off. You know how many fags would BEG to get fucked by a stud like me? Your disobedience has earned you a dozen licks with my gym shoe" Trevor said getting high on his own dominance and power. He should have been doing this to Jimmy years ago.

Jimmy didn't know what to think. Was Trev going to spank him? With his gym shoe? What the fuck. Just as he was processing that thought Trevor pulled back his arm and smashed the sole of his gym shoe into Jimmy's bubble butt with all the strength of his muscular arm. It hurt like fuck. Even coach Johnson's paddle didn't hurt this much Jimmy thought. Trevor smashed the gym shoe down again and again. He had lost count and just kept going. Trevor had never been so hard in his life. This was so fucking awesome. To have another guy sticking his butt out just submitting to a brutal beating like this was so hot. Trevor had never felt so powerful and masculine before in his life. Jimmy's ass was getting welted and purple. Finally after about 30 licks Trevor threw down the shoe, spat on his rock-hard dick and shoved it balls deep into Jimmy's asshole.

Jimmy screamed into his sock gag and hyperventilated, his nose sucking up even more of Trevor's foot stink out of the gym shoe tied to his face. After a few thrusts Trevor's cock was working on Jimmy's prostate and he started moaning in pleasure. But then the door to his bedroom flew open and Jimmy's dad stormed in shouting "What the fuck are you doing to my son?". Jimmy's dad ripped Trevor off his son and punched him in the face. Trevor grabbed his clothes and ran out of the house.

Jimmy was crying on his bed as his dad yelled abuse at him. "I am not having a faggot for a son" he said. Jimmy's dad pulled off his belt and told Jimmy to bend over. "You like boys whipping your butt and chewing on their socks do you? Let's see how you like this" and he started laying into his sons already bruised ass. Jimmy was bawling his eyes out screaming how sorry he was and how he was never going to do it again. "No you fucking won't. I'm sending you to Camden Military Academy. They will make a man out of you even if it kills you".

In the two weeks it took Jimmy's dad to pull strings to get Jimmy enrolled in the military school mid semester Jimmy researched the academy online. This might not be so bad he thought. My dad wants to make me straight and he sends me to an all-male boarding school filled with hot muscular young men in fucking uniform? Jimmy had a massive fetish for uniforms and above all boots. He would be in fucking heaven at military school. That definitely wasn't going to make him straight. He was a bit scared of being found out as a fag and bullied though.

Jimmy discovered that the school had a strict rank system. At the top were the cadet officers. Apparently they handled all cadet discipline and managed the dorms. The cadet officers got to wear the HOTTEST uniforms. They wore tan breaches with a yellow stripe, tan shirts (in the online pictures generally fitting very tight to their broad chests) and best of all the cadet officers all wore knee high brown spit shined riding boots. They looked like gods. It seemed like the cadet officers were picked purely based on looks, height and muscle. In all the pictures on the school website Jimmy didn't see a single cadet officer who wasn't over 6 feet and they all had huge broad chests and perfectly chiselled masculine faces.

The cadets didn't look bad either. His dad had already bought Jimmy's uniform and he had already tried it on (and jerked his cock so much it was raw). His uniform consisted of tan trousers and shirt as well and shiny dress shoes. He also had a woodland cammo uniform and an amazing pair of combat boots. Even though he wasn't that tall (5'2 and 140 lbs) he thought he looked really hot in his uniforms. He had already jerked off sooo many times while licking and smelling the combat boots especially. He had also polished his shoes and boots several times. His dad seemed satisfied that Jimmy was accepting his new military life.

What seemed weird in the pictures on the military academy website though was that a lot of the skinnier weedier looking boys seemed to be wearing a kind of leather necklace. It almost looked a bit like a dog collar. He noticed it in several pictures and it was always a weaker looking boy. He wondered what that was about.

Two weeks to the day after being caught being fucked by his best friend Jimmy arrived at Camden Military Academy. A junior cadet was assigned to show him to his dorm room. He was brought to a neat spotless room with 3 beds, 3 small desks and chairs and 3 sets of metal cupboards. The junior cadet told him to stow his gear and get changed into his tan uniform. His dorm mates would be back after classes in 2 hours and the dorm officer cadet would tell him about his classes, meals and everything else he needed to know.

Jimmy opened one of the cupboards and found it was occupied. All the clothes were perfectly folded looking exactly as he had seen in military movies. He looked down and noticed some gym shoes, flip flops and a pair of combat boots. They all looked big. He picked up the gym shoe and was hit by an intense foot odour. He couldn't resist, he shoved his nose inside the shoe and sucked in the scent with all the power his lungs could muster. His cock throbbed. The smell sour and cheesy, so intense, so masculine. He looked at the label, size 11. The junior cadet had said his dorm mates were in the same class as him but damn that must be a big 16 year old he couldn't wait to meet him and see him in his uniform.

He went to the next locker and this one was almost identical to the other. He looked down at the footwear in this locker and they were also size 11, he picked up the gym shoe and sniffed it as well. The smell was different but no less intense. These boys must sweat buckets he thought.

He realised he had nearly 2 hours alone before his dormmates would return. He couldn't resist having a good jerk off. He stripped naked, collected both pairs of gym shoes and combat boots and lay down on one of the beds. He picked up one of the combat boots and brought it to his face. He smelled the leather, it smelt of boot polish, leather and a hint of male foot sweat. His cock pulsated with pleasure at the smell. He gave the boot a tentative lick and tasted a hint of polish mixed with leather. Then he started lapping away at the boot slobbering all over it, the boot glistening with his saliva.

Jimmy switched shoes and smelled all four gym shoes to see which one smelled most. They were pretty similar but he picked one and shoved his nose in the shoe breathing deeply trying to suck up as much smell as possible. He picked up one of the combat boots and pressed the sole down on his hard cock as hard as he could imagining the cadet who owned the boot standing over him and crushing his manhood under boot. Jimmy was feeling lightheaded almost on a drug high living out his fetishes like this. He started rubbing the boot sole on his cock while sucking in the shoe funk through his nose moaning in pleasure ready to shoot his cum under the rough combat boot sole.

Jimmy was so far gone in his ecstasy that he didn't notice the door open and two tall uniformed young cadets walk into the room, grinning and staring at him pleasuring himself with their footwear. "What do you think you're doing faggot?" one of them finally said.

Jimmy looked up in horror at the two cadets standing by the door. He dropped the gym shoe from his face but kept the combat boot pressed to his cock not sure if showing his hard cock was preferable to having one of their boots on his crotch.

"Looks like our new roommate is a cadet-fag Mike" one of them said to the other.

"Fuck yes! We hit the fucking jackpot Brick" the other obviously Mike replied. The 2 hot cadets high fived each other whooping like they had won the lottery. Jimmy was really confused but at least they weren't beating the shit out of him so that's something.

"What's your name cadet-fag?" Mike said.

"I'm Jimmy" Jimmy said starting to feel really weird lying there naked with the combat boot still on his now soft cock.

"I'm Jimmy SIR cadet-fag. In this school cadet-fag's call all cadets Sir" Brick growled.

What the fuck Jimmy thought. What is this kid talking about? "Sorry Sir" he said anyway figuring he was in no position to argue.

"Lets break him in Brick" Mike said.

"Hell yes!" Brick replied unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his big stiffening cock. They ordered him to get on all fours and Brick got on the bed in front of Jimmy's face and shoved his dick into Jimmy's mouth balls deep. Brick got behind Jimmy's ass and spat on his hole shoving in a finger and probing Jimmy's asshole.

Holy shit Jimmy thought. I haven't been here 2 hours and I have a cock in my mouth and I'm about to get fucked. If my dad thought this place was going to set me straight he's clearly got another thing coming.

Just as Brick was about to shove his rock-hard erection into Jimmy's asshole the door flew open and a literal GOD walked into the room. The man took in the sight and roared "What the fuck do you two think you are doing?".

"Sorry lieutenant" Brick said immediately pulling back from Jimmy's ass and quickly shoving his cock back in his pants. Mike had also jumped up leaving Jimmy on all fours naked on the bed not knowing what to do.

"We caught this cadet-fag huffing my gym shoe and grinding my combat boot down on his dick Lieutenant. We figured he's a cadet-fag so we could have some fun with him". Brick said.

"You thought wrong cadet. You fucking know cadet-fags belong to the officers. We are the only ones who can pop a cadet-fag's cherry. He hasn't been popped so you've got no business fucking him. You are in deep shit cadets". The intimidating cadet officer said.

What the fuck is going on here Jimmy thought sitting up on the bed and getting a good look at the cadet officer for the first time. The lieutenant was obviously a student. He looked 18. He was fucking tall though, had to be 6'6 at least. He also had broad shoulders, a muscular chest, massive biceps and thick calves making his gorgeous knee-high brown riding boots bulge. Boots which were on boat sized feet. And sticking out of the right boot Jimmy saw a riding crop. His body was the body of a man, looked like a college football player. But his face was youthful even if it had a masculine five o-clock shadow. Above all Jimmy noticed the obscene massive bulge in his trousers. This officer was PACKING.

"Please Lieutenant Chaz. We didn't actually fuck him. We didn't mean to. We forgot we can't mess with him till he's been initiated by the officers. Please Sir have mercy". Mike and Brick whined seemingly really scared of the intimidating cadet lieutenant.

"OK boys, at least you didn't actually pop his cherry. Strip and bend over your bunks" the lieutenant ordered drawing the riding crop out of his boot.

Holy shit Jimmy thought. He ogled his fellow cadets admiring their smooth bodies and muscles. Most of all their muscular bubble butts which they were presenting for discipline by the young officer. Jimmy's cock was quickly recovering its firmness at this amazing sight.

Lieutenant Chaz stepped up behind Brick's muscular butt lifted his arm to full height and slashed his riding crop down with full force onto the unmarked white ass. Jimmy expected a scream but Brick merely gritted his teeth swallowing the pain and said "One Sir thank you Sir please may I have another". Chaz smashed down another lash and Brick repeated his mantra until a dozen brutal lashes had been applied and Brick had tears in his eyes.

Chaz moved over to Mike tapping the crop onto the waiting butt shaking in fear at the pain it was about to experience. Chaz didn't disappoint dishing out a scorching blow making Mike let out a squeal quickly stifled before he too thanked the officer and asked for another. Mike clearly couldn't take the pain as well as Brick and was crying by the 12th lash.

Both boys stayed in position bent over their bunks. Chaz looked at Jimmy and said "don't you think you should make your roommates feel better cadet-fag?".

What the fuck is with this cadet-fag bullshit Jimmy thought. "I'm not sure what to do Sir?" Jimmy replied.

"Crawl over here" Chaz said and Jimmy got down on all fours and crawled over to the intimidating stud smacking his riding crop into his palm.

"Now kiss Brick's butt cheeks better" the officer ordered.

"Yes Sir" Jimmy replied turning his face to the ass of his dormmate and admiring the 12 distinct perfectly formed stripes on the muscular ass. He could feel the heat radiating off the ass as he came close and gave each cheek a firm kiss making Brick hiss in pain as the welts were touched by his lips.

"Now lick his ass" Chaz ordered. Jimmy didn't need telling twice and gently licked the beautiful boy ass in front of him. Gently tracing the painful welts with his tongue making Brick moan.

"Now Mike" Chaz ordered and Jimmy crawled over to the other equally attractive and welted ass repeating the process. His own cock pulsing with pleasure at what was happening.

"OK that's enough cadet-fag. Follow me" and Chaz left the room. Jimmy started to get up and Chaz shouted back "crawl cadet-fag" so Jimmy started crawling after the cadet-lieutenant in the busy dorm hallway stark naked with his erection bobbing away underneath him. Strangely all the other cadets in the hallway just walked round him as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

Lieutenant Chaz walked into his spacious comfortable one man dorm and sat down in his chair. Jimmy crawled in after him. "Close the door" Chaz ordered. Jimmy closed the door and crawled over to his superior kneeling before him.

"Welcome to the academy cadet-fag. You must be pretty confused huh?" Chaz said.

"Excuse me Sir but what is with this cadet-fag stuff?" Jimmy asked

Chaz explained "Well you see this is an all-male school and being a military school with a reputation for sports excellence the majority of the cadets are hyper masculine alpha males with raging hormones. We need a way to satisfy our sexual urges. So we make use of the natural resource god has given us. Fags. There has always been a natural percentage of cadets who turn out to be faggots. We harness them, collar them, literally, and make them serve us. Most of them enjoy having more cock than they can handle. Of course being alpha males there is a certain amount of domination, humiliation and abuse we enjoy dishing out to fags and many of them don't like that part as much. But every once in a while we get a truly submissive fag like you who craves the abuse who needs it desperately. Those are our favourite fags"

Chaz continued "All identified fags are cadet-fags the lowest rank of the cadet pecking order. They are the property of their cadet-officer. In your case you belong to me. You will address me as Lieutenant and other officers by their rank. All non cadet-fag cadets are Sir to you. Your roommates are the only non-officers allowed to use you and only then with strict limits that's why they were so excited when they saw you were a fag and a kinky one too, they hit the jackpot".

"So were you really sniffing Bricks gym shoe when they caught you?" Chaz asked?

"Yes Lieutenant" Jimmy replied blushing.

"And were you grinding his combat boot down on your dick?" Chaz asked

"Yes Lieutenant" Jimmy replied now red as a tomato.

"Mmm... So you have a boot and shoe fetish?" Chaz asked

"Yes Lieutenant, big time and uniforms, socks, athletic gear" Jimmy replied figuring he might as well let it out.

"Hot!" Chaz said smirking like a cat who got the cream. "And what do you think of my riding boots here?" he said lifting the massive boot up and showing it off right in front of Jimmy's face. Jimmy could smell the polish, sweat and leather wafting off the boot.

"They are the hottest most masculine boots I have ever seen in my life Lieutenant" Jimmy said.

"Good. Taking care of them is your job now, as is the rest of my footwear and clothes. You are my dorm slave now. You will take care of my room, my gear and all my sexual needs"

"Yes Lieutenant" Jimmy replied excitedly dick bouncing in pleasure.

"Oh and if you like getting your dick stomped under boots you're in a military school so no shortage of boots and horny young men wearing them so I'll make sure you get all you want slave boy".

Chaz went on "Now in a couple of minutes we are going to go to the officers' common room for your initiation as a cadet-fag. Most cadet-fags hate it but I don't think that's going to be a problem with you".

A few minutes later Jimmy was crawling naked behind his new Master down the busy corridor again. They came to a room filled with laughter and whooping and Jimmy crawled in after Chaz. What he saw there were a dozen other officers all in their uniforms and riding boots and all as big, muscular and intimidating as Chaz. Each one seemed to have a cadet-fag serving them. Some had theirs between their legs sucking their cock, some had one licking their boots, some were using a cadet-fag as a boot rest. One officer was sitting on a cadet-fag's clearly getting his asshole eaten out and moaning in pleasure while cruelly squeezing and twisting the squirming cadet's nipples. Jimmy's hard dick was oozing precum at this debauchery.

Chaz addressed his fellow officers in his loud deep baritone voice immediately commanding attention from the whole room "Brother officers this is Jimmy our newest cadet-fag. He arrived today and was immediately caught jerking off with his roommate's gym shoes and boots". The room burst into laughter and whistles. "he is a true submissive fag. He's got a huge fetish for our boots and foot stink and he enjoys getting his dick crushed under a military boot don't you cadet-fag?" he said looking down at the embarrassed submissive teenage cadet who couldn't believe all his sickest fantasies had just been shouted out clearly expecting a response.

"Yes Sir" Jimmy said quietly.

Chaz looked annoyed lifted his arm and slapped Jimmy, hard. "I couldn't hear you fag? Do you like getting your dick crushed under a military boot and fucking address me as Lieutenant fag?" "Yes Lieutenant I like getting my dick crushed under military boots!" Jimmy shouted not wanting another brutal slap.

The officers whooped in delight again.

"Time to start the initiation" Chaz said dragging Jimmy to what looked like a fuck bench in the middle of the room with restraints hanging off it. Jimmy was bent over the bench and restraints applied to his chest, arms and legs and pulled tight so he couldn't move an inch.

Chaz too a thin piece of leather out of his pocket and fastened it around Jimmy's neck with a little padlock. "This is your slave collar cadet-fag. So everyone knows what you are and that you are my property". That explains the weedy looking boys all having collars in the pictures on the academy website Jimmy thought.

"You are now going to get one lick of the paddle from each officer cadet-fag. You are to thank the officer and say I pledge my service to your cock and boots Sir. Do you understand cadet-fag?".

"Yes Lieutenant!" Jimmy said.

The officers lined up and Jimmy saw one of them bring over a huge looking frat style paddle with a row of big holes down the middle. The first officer lined up, hauled his arm back and smashed the paddle down on Jimmy's ass. Jimmy's ass exploded in pain like he had never experienced before. It was ten times worse than when Trevor or his dad had beaten him. He screamed but then quickly recovered shouting "Thank You Sir! I pledge my service to your cock and your boots!". This was repeated a dozen times as each officer took his turn.

Finally there was only Chaz left. Chaz said "You get a dozen from me cadet-fag since I own you. Then I'm going to fuck you in front of all my brother officers". Chaz lay into Jimmy's ass with an intense brutality beating him with that paddle without mercy. Jimmy screamed after every lick but thanked his new owner and pledged his service to his cock and boots.

Finally Chaz dropped the paddle, brought out his impressive cock and presented it to Jimmy's face. "Get my monster nice and wet faggot. It's the only lube you're getting". Jimmy took the cock in his mouth savouring the intense masculine musk and flavour slobbering over the massive member. Chaz pulled it out with a pop and went round to his new slave's ass. He forced his cock in balls deep and brutally fucked him until he pumped shot after shot of cadet-officer cum deep into Jimmy's gut. "Thank you Lieutenant!" Jimmy shouted as his officer pumped him full leading to cheers and clapping from the other officers all getting sucked by their own slaves.

Jimmy was released from the bench and Chaz attached a leash to his collar. He then dragged him back to Chaz's wing of the dorm. Chaz ordered all the cadets in the wing to line up in the hallway naked wearing only their combat boots. Jimmy wondered what was going to happen now but his cock which had shrivelled after the brutal paddling quickly came back to full hardness at the thought of seeing the whole wing naked in only combat boots.

Chaz ordered Jimmy's dorm mates to get some rope and leather cuffs from Chaz's room. When they got back the leather cuffs were put on Jimmy's wrists and ankles and Chaz got them to tie the ropes to the cuffs and then to bunks in dorms leading off the hallway so that Jimmy was lying on his back stretched spread eagle unable to move.

Once all the cadets were standing at attention in the hallway all stark naked except for their shiny combat boots, most of them sporting bouncing rock-hard erections Chaz addressed them:

"Cadets this is Jimmy our new cadet-fag. He has just been initiated as a cadet-fag. You might be wondering why you are all wearing your boots. Well Jimmy here has a boot fetish. More than that he likes his little fag cock" Chaz gave Jimmy's upright throbbing erection a little kick with his riding boot when he said that "he likes his little fag cock trampled under boots. So I figured what better way to welcome our new cadet-fag to our wing than to get every single cadet to march over his cock with their boots".

Jimmy gasped his cock eagerly bouncing desperate to experience what Chaz was promising was coming.

"So cadets line up. I want you to step full weight onto Jimmy's cock with your right boot and present your left boot to his face. You welcome him to the wing and he will lick your boot sole in gratitude for your generous welcome". Chaz said.

The cadets lined up, Brick and Mike were at the front of the queue broad shit eating grins on their faces and throbbing erections sticking out in front of them. Brick stepped up onto Jimmy's erection with the same combat boot Jimmy had been pressing down onto it himself earlier than afternoon. Jimmy could feel the lug sole crushing his hard dick and digging in under Brick's considerable muscular weight. Brick presented his other boot to Jimmy's mouth and breathlessly said "Welcome to the wing cadet-fag Jimmy".

Jimmy loudly said "Thank You Sir" and ran his tongue over the sole of Bricks combat boot tasting the dirt which had been on it.

Brick stepped off Jimmy and Mike took his place almost jumping onto Jimmy's boner with his boot. He thrust his left boot into Jimmy's face saying "Welcome to the wing cadet-fag Jimmy now lick my boot fag". Jimmy eagerly lapped at the big boot sole in his face.

"That's enough let the other guys have a turn Mike. You can make him worship every inch of your boots in your room later" Chaz shouted at Mike who looked disappointed to have to step off his roommates dick.

Cadet after cadet marched over to Jimmy stepping on his now bruised boner presenting their boot sole for a lick. Jimmy was in boot fag heaven. If only his dad knew what a favour he had done him.

Finally once every cadet had his turn Chaz said "I will now bring the cadet-fag to orgasm under the sole of my riding boot. Those cadets who want to can crowd round and jerk off onto my boots while I do this. The cadet-fag will then lick all the spunk off my riding boots".

Brick and Mike rushed forward pushing other cadets out of the way eager to shoot their loads over the Lieutenants boots and see Jimmy lick up their spunk. At least a dozen of Jimmy's fellow cadets were crowded in a circle around his prostrate body jerking their erections as Chaz lifted his size 14 tall riding boot and gently pressed it onto Jimmy's bruised boner and started rubbing it back and forth.

"Please stomp my faggot cock harder Lieutenant Sir. I need the boot pain please Lieutenant!" Jimmy shouted not believing how forward he was. Normally he was painfully shy.

"Fuck yes that's my boy!" Chaz said lifting his riding boot and stomping it down hard. He twisted his boot like he was putting out a cigarette which was what pushed Jimmy over the edge. Delirious with delicious boot pain his cock exploded in buckets of cum shooting everywhere. Powerful shots splattered onto the combat boots of the cadets encircling him. Mike and Brick exploded in their own orgasms when they saw their dorm mate shoot his load. The other cadets quickly followed all aiming for the cadet-lieutenants' boots which were drenched in young cadet cum.

Jimmy was released from his bondage and after a minute to recover got on his knees and started to slowly lick the spunk off his masters beautiful riding boots. He felt the superior so much stronger young man's muscles and feet flexing under the boot leather. These boots had given him so much pleasure and pain. He LOVED these boots, he worshipped these boots, and the man who wore them.

Once he had licked the riding boots clean, he crawled around licking his own spunk off any combats boots it had splattered on especially Brick and Mike who jerked off again as their dorm mate worshipped their boots. They were clearly going to be awesome roommates.

"All right time to bunk down" Chaz said. Chaz took off his riding boots and threw them at Jimmy. Come to my dorm to dress me at 0600 cadet-fag and these boots had better be spit shined.

Once they were alone Brick and Mike took turns giving Jimmy intense deep kisses. After a while Jimmy pushed them away and said he had to start work on Lieutenant Chaz's boots. His dorm mates took their combat boots off and threw them at his crotch making him howl in pain when one hit his bruised cock.

"You can do ours too cadet-fag" Brick said. "And you had better do a good job. A cadet-fags room mates have the right to discipline a cadet-fag with up to 6 lashes of the belt and don't think we will hesitate to do that".

Jimmy didn't doubt it for a second not when seeing the smirk on Brick's face and the jump in his bulge as he spoke about belting Jimmy's ass. He made sure all 6 boots were absolutely sparkling.

Brick and Mike took the pillow out of Jimmy's pillowcase and filled it instead with the contents of their laundry basket. Stinking socks, pissy jocks, gym gear it smelled awesome. "Gee thanks guys" Jimmy said.

Brick and Mike grinned saying "No problem fag we thought you'd like it". Mike then took off his sock and shoved it into Jimmy's mouth tying it in place with his other sock and one of Bricks socks. "Good night fag" they said.

"mmmm..mmmmm.." Jimmy said trying to say good night through his delicious gag.

Jimmy's bruised dick was rock hard again. This was the best day of his life. He couldn't wait to serve his cadet-Lieutenant tomorrow. He was going to make good on his oath to serve his cock and boots to the best of his ability. Jimmy drifted off to sleep dreaming about all the cruel awesome fantastic things Chaz would do to him.

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