Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Jun 28, 2000


Hello again. Here's chapter 2 of Mile High Meeting...hope this isn't too horrible, as I think I am going to enjoy writing this. E-mail me with your opinions on the story.

This story is fiction (not true), and is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned within. Although it would be nice to presume that they are of a certain persuasion, I cannot do so, so I have to tell you that. Also, if you are underage, you shouldn't be reading this, so shame on you...LOL

Chapter 2

I sat down on a bench while I was still at the top of the mountain, trying to comprehend all that had happened to me in the past hour. I woke up in one of the most beautiful places on earth, had a wonderful view of some of the mountains, and I just happened to meet a member of the Backstreet Boys; my favorite member, Nick. It was only 10:30 in the morning on my first day in Colorado, and I felt like I had already had enough excitement to last the whole time I would be here.

I didn't want to go back down the mountain, but I was no longer alone as more and more people were arriving, so I decided to go back down into the village to look around. I boarded the gondola, and this time there were several other passengers on board, none of which looked interesting enough to engage in a conversation, so I remained silent as I looked out the window during the descent.

Finally, I was back in the valley, and I didn't want to go back to the condo, so I walked around the village, taking in a few shops, and stopping around 1 PM to grab a sandwich at one of the restaurants. I didn't want to take too much time eating, as I told Nick that I would be in my condo this afternoon so he could call me. I didn't want to miss the call, if he did in fact call at all. I have to admit that I was worried that he wouldn't call back, and I would spend the next two weeks feeling sorry for myself.

Then I came to my senses, telling myself that I didn't come all this way to be miserable, so even if I never heard from him again, I was not going to let that ruin my time here. After all, Nick Carter has traveled around the world, and certainly wouldn't let it bother him if he never heard from me again, so why should I let it bother me?

Because I checked in so late the night before, I didn't really look around at my condo, so I decided to give myself the tour. I got out my room key, and entered the room, putting the key on the table in the dining area. In the daylight, it certainly looked like a nice place. The kitchen area was to the left, and the dining room was to the right, with a window with a great view of the area. Past the dining room was a large living area, fully equipped with furniture and a big-screen TV, with a bay window looking out over a lake. There were two bedrooms, and a Jacuzzi recessed into the wall in the corner of the living room. There was also a large deck off the main bedroom. 'I certainly am spoiling myself,' I thought, but had decided to go all out when I made the reservation a few months before.

The Jacuzzi looked very inviting, so I decided that I would make use of it. Because I was alone, I didn't need any sort of swimwear, so I went to my bedroom, took off my clothes, and put on the robe that was hanging in my bathroom. I grabbed the cordless phone out of the kitchen, and took it over there with me, in case Nick called. I disrobed, and stepped in, turning on the jets, and leaning my head back.

I must have been more tired than I thought, because I fell asleep in the hot tub, and awoke to the sound of the phone ringing. I noticed that the jets had turned off, and I set them for a half-hour, so I knew I had been in there for a while. I picked up the phone, and answered by the third ring.


"Hello. Is this Cameron?" a familiar voice asked.

"Yeah, this is Cam."

"Hey, it's Nick. What's going on?"

"Hey, Nick! Not a lot going on here...I was just relaxing here in the hot tub when you called. In fact, I must be more tired than I thought I was. Your phone call woke me up," I responded.

"Oh, I'm sorry...I can let you go if you want," Nick said, apologizing.

"No! I'm fine. I was waiting to hear from you, so you aren't going to get rid of me that easily," I said, joking.

"Okay, cool. So, do you want to do anything this afternoon?"

"Sure. I am still kind of tired from all the driving I did yesterday, so I don't feel like anything too adventurous, but you can come over here, and we can hang out here and rent a movie and have dinner. Brian can come over too if he doesn't have other plans."

"Okay. I will ask Brian. Hang on."

I heard Nick asking Brian in the background, and I heard Brian say yes right away. Apparently, he didn't have any big plans.


"Nick, you can call me Cam if you want."

"Okay, Cam? Brian seems interested, so I guess we're on. What time do you want us to come over?"

"Just about anytime. Give me a chance to dry off, and get dressed. How about you come over here in a half hour?"

"Sounds good, Cam. We are looking forward to it," Nick said, anxiously.

I gave Nick my room number, and it turned out that their condo was very close to mine, so it wouldn't take them long to arrive. I hung up the phone, and stepped out of the Jacuzzi, noticing that I was apparently more excited to see Nick than I even thought I was. Laughing a bit, I grabbed my robe, and headed into my room to get some clothes.

I decided to take a quick shower, which only took a few minutes before walking into my bedroom to find some clothes. I pulled on a pair of boxer briefs, and then went back into the bathroom to fix my hair before it dried. I also quickly shaved and put on some cologne before going to the bedroom to finish dressing.

I finished dressing, and began putting away some of my luggage that I had just put on the floor last night when I heard a knock at the door. Suddenly, I realized how nervous I really was as my heart started to pound a bit. I had already met Nick, so I didn't think I would be this worked up, but I brushed it off as I approached the door, turning the knob and seeing Nick standing there, smiling widely.

"Come on in, guys," I said, motioning them in with my arm. Nick came in quickly, followed by Brian.

"Cam, this is Brian, as if you didn't know," Nick said.

"Brian, it's nice to meet you," I said, offering my hand.

"Hi, Cam. Nice to meet you too," Brian responded with his southern accent. "Nick has told me a lot about you."

"Oh? He must have made a lot of stuff up, because we've only known each other for about 3 hours."

Brian laughed, and said that Nick has a knack for 'filling in the gaps' when it comes to story telling. Brian told me that Nick is a good judge of character, and he really seemed to like me, so that was the most important thing.

"I guess I've got Nick fooled then," I responded, laughing. Brian wasn't too sure how to take that, so I had to explain to him that I joked around a lot, and that I was a very sarcastic person.

Brian came around after that, and we sat in the living room for quite a while, just talking about our pasts, and what our plans were for the future. After a while, the inevitable topic came

Nick had listened to Brian and I talk a lot, and I could tell that Nick was closely analyzing what I was saying. I assumed that he just did this with everyone that he met, but I was about to find out what exactly it was that he was trying to figure out.

"So, Cam? Are you single, or do you have some beautiful girl waiting for you back in Iowa?" Nick asked.

I smiled, and shook my head no. "No, I am afraid that there is no one waiting back in Iowa for me. I am unattached."

"Oh? I bet you have a lot of girls chasing after you though, right?" Brian added.

I didn't think that I was that good-looking, but apparently there were a lot of people who did, and Brian was right. There were several girls that were friends of mine who wanted to pursue a relationship with me. Some of those girls knew that I was gay, but they were persistent; many of them had no idea that I wasn't interested in females in general. None of them would ever suspect that my sexual orientation was anything but heterosexual.

At this point, I had to make a decision. I didn't know if I was going to tell them about my orientation, but I also didn't want to mislead them by telling them I was straight. I decided not to decide, telling myself that if it slipped out, fine, if not, that was fine too.

"Yeah, I do have a lot of girls who seem to be interested, but it is mostly a one-way thing," I stated. Nick sat up slightly when I made that statement, and I started to wonder about his orientation. I dismissed his reaction, thinking that his reaction certainly didn't implicate him.

"Oh?" Brian said, as more of a statement as a question. "None of them are your type, eh?"

"I guess you could say that," I responded, trying to drop a hint here and there. "They are all nice people, but they will never be anything more than friends."

I saw Nick look over at Brian, and nod his head slightly with his eyes wide open. Brian nodded back, and I had a feeling that Nick and Brian were catching on. However, they didn't say anything, and they kept looking at each other, one silently trying to get the other to ask me if I was gay or not. I decided to find out once and for all if that is what they were communicating about.

"Is there something you two would like to ask me?" I asked, leaning forward out of my chair.

"Well, actually, uh, yeah," Nick said quietly.

"So, spit it out man. I have nothing to hide."

"Well, Brian and I would kind of like to know if you are, well, if you are gay?" Nick finally asked.

I sat back, and didn't say anything for a second, just thinking of the right way to respond, when I heard Nick whisper something to Brian that sounded like 'Damn, I could have sworn that he was.'

"Well, Nicholas, to answer your question, yes, I am gay. I don't know if that is good or bad in your book, but that is the way it is," I said matter-of-factly, hoping that I was not sounding too harsh. "I am sorry if you don't like that, but it doesn't change anything else about me." I had a feeling that he wasn't going to take the news badly, but I wanted to cover all the bases, just in case.

"Cam, it doesn't matter to me if you are gay or not. Well, actually, it does, but that isn't important. What matters is that I consider you a friend, and nothing is going to change that. I really like you, and I hope that we can become close friends. We seem to have a lot in common, based on talking to you for this short time."

Nick seemed to stress the 'having a lot in common' part of the sentence, whether he intended to or not. Brian looked at Nick and smiled slightly when I told Nick that I was gay, so apparently he wasn't offended by it either. I just had a feeling about Nick, that he was gay also, but I didn't know whether I should push him into telling me or not, so I wasn't going to ask. Instead, I changed the subject.

"So, now that that is out in the open, I think it is time we do something instead of just sitting here," I said as I started to stand up. "Do you guys want to rent a movie or something? I would like to just stay here today until I have a bit more energy, if that's okay with you two."

Both Brian and Nick agreed, and I noticed that Nick looked a bit disappointed when I changed the subject, but I figured one coming out party was enough for now.

To be continued...

I know that this is moving slowly, but I don't want to force the action. Please e-mail me and let me know what you think at

Next: Chapter 3

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