Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Aug 29, 2000


Well, chapter 16 is FINALLY out, so thanks for sticking with the story. I got several e-mails telling me that they were experiencing withdrawal symptoms, so I appreciate those people...they make writing this story worthwhile. The next chapter should be out much sooner, but I can't make any promises...

This story is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of the characters mentioned within, but is intended to entertain the author and the readers. If you are under the legal age required to be reading this story, you shouldn't be here, but I can't exactly stop you, so enter at your own risk!

On with the show...

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 16

Nick and I watched the rest of the game with my friends in the luxury suite, and the end of the game came far too soon. John invited us to go down to the locker room to see some of the players, but we politely declined. We didn't want to interfere with the players, and I wanted to spend some time in some of the bars in LoDo (Lower Downtown), so I was ready to leave. After saying goodbye to everyone, Nick and I left to fight the post-game crowds.

We finally made it into one of the bars on Blake Street, and we actually found an empty table near the back of the establishment. I knew that Nick was only 20, but with the crowd, I didn't think they would give us too much trouble, and I was correct. I ordered a Kahlua and cream, and Nick ordered a beer. I wasn't much of a beer drinker, so I usually ordered other things.

I didn't spend a lot of time in bars, but I was really enjoying myself, and Nick was too as he ordered another drink. I noticed that there were some workers setting up some speakers near a stage, and I realized that they were setting up for karaoke. Intrigued, I looked around on the table, finding a brochure saying that tonight was indeed karaoke night. I showed this to Nick, who just laughed.

"You think we should sing a duet?" Nick joked.

"I would love to, but I am not sure what the crowd would think of that," I yelled over the crowd noise.

"Who cares? I just want to hear your voice again."

"Singing in front of 50,000 people wasn't enough for you? Now you want me to perform in front of a bunch of drunk people?"

"Could be fun," Nick said, raising his eyebrows.

I read the brochure more thoroughly, and found that singers had two options: picking your own song, or having them pick one for you. I am always up for a challenge, so I decided to put my name on the list, with them picking the song. Once the show started, we realized that they were picking songs from every possible genre, from country to rap to opera, fast and slow.

When they called my name, I walked up to the stage, looking at the screen to find out what my song would be. When it popped up, I found out that I would be singing "Amazed" by Lonestar. Fortunately, I knew the song, so it wouldn't be too much of a challenge.

The song started, and as I began singing, I noticed that the noisy crowd had quieted significantly, partly because they were listening to me, but mostly because I began to focus solely on Nick sitting across the room. It seemed as if there was a giant spotlight shining on Nick, drowning everyone else out. I could see his beautiful smile as I continued, staring at him, completely oblivious to the rest of the bar patrons. Soon, everyone else had disappeared, and it was only Nick and I in that room, and I was pouring my heart out to him. I was overwhelmed with emotion, which only helped me express myself through the music.

Once I was finished, I came back to reality to see the crowd giving me a standing ovation, and calling for an encore. I thanked all of them for their applause, and then slowly walked back to the table where we were sitting, to see Nick in tears, and I wanted so badly to take him into my arms at that moment, and knowing that I couldn't only made me that more determined to do so.

"You are going to get so lucky tonight," Nick said quietly.

"Why, Mr. Carter, are you trying to take advantage of me?" I asked in mock surprise.

"Not only am I trying, but I will succeed. I love you more every moment I am with you."

I smiled at him, and reached my hand under the table, rubbing his leg with my hand, and he closed his eyes and moaned slightly. I looked around to see if anyone could tell what we were doing, but they were all looking at the next act on the stage. I think we were both about to explode, when Nick suddenly left the table, and walked up to the stage, talking to someone for a few minutes before returning to the table.

"What now? Are you trying to show me up?" I asked laughing.

"I don't think that would be possible. I just wanted to sing a song for you since you did so for me. Surprisingly, they had the song I wanted."

"What's that?"

"Nothing special. I just wanted something that I knew fairly well," Nick said, trying not to give away too much information. "You'll see."

A while later, Nick's turn had arrived. The emcee introduced him. "Next up for your listening pleasure is a young man from Iowa, who says he is an impersonator of a member of the Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter. He looks like him, so let's find out if he can sing like him! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome Gene to the stage!"

I couldn't help but smile when they mentioned Iowa. Nick had only been in Iowa once or twice in his life, so I was amused when he made it up. I also thought that pretending to be a Nick look-a-like was a brilliant move. The music started, and I immediately recognized the song.

"Open up your heart to me, and say what's on your mind...

I know that we have been through so much pain,

But I still need you in my life, this time...

"I need you tonight, I need you right now...

I know deep within my heart, it doesn't matter if it's wrong or right,

I need you tonight..."

He continued through the rest of the song, and I was entranced by the sound of his voice. I didn't even hear the waiter when he asked me if I wanted anything else. After the song was over, I was finally brought out of it when Nick touched my arm as he sat down.

"Thank you," was all I could get out.

"Well, I didn't get the reaction you did out of the crowd, but I think I had an effect on the only one I really care about," Nick observed.

"No doubt about that. I think it's time for us to go," I said with urgency.

"You won't hear an argument from me," Nick responded, standing up.

I left money on the table for the bill and a tip, and soon we were outside in the crisp air, walking toward the hotel. A million thoughts were going through my head, but only one thought kept recurring, and that was of Nick in my arms once we got to the hotel. I had a feeling that Nick's mind was on the same page as we both quickened our pace.

The doorman opened the door for us, and soon we were in the elevator, and the minute the door closed, I rushed toward Nick, and began kissing him passionately. The door could have opened at any floor to expose us, but I didn't care, and it wasn't the first thing on Nick's mind either. I broke the kiss when the door opened on our floor, and I grabbed the key card as we practically ran to the other end of the hall to get inside.

I was so excited that I could barely slide the card in and out, but the green light by the door handle lit up, and not unlike a stoplight, I took that as my cue to push Nick in the door, once again kissing him before the door was even closed. Nick began reaching for the bottom of my shirt, and I began unbuttoning his jersey as frantically as I could. Soon, both of us were shirtless, and still going at it. The feel of his soft skin and the taste of his lips were intoxicating as our tongues intertwined.

We both scrambled to unbuckle each other's pants, and after a moment's struggle, we were both in our boxers, still exploring each other's mouths. Nick then worked his way down my chest, stopping at each nipple before pulling down my boxers, licking the head of my shaft as he took my boxers the rest of the way down.

As he engulfed me, I began to moan, and I threw my head back as Nick's hands roamed around my chest as he continued to go down on me. He then moved around to my back, and down toward my ass, moving his fingers closer to my hole, playing with it lightly, which only intensified my pleasure.

I knew that I wouldn't last long if he kept it up, so I took a step back, indicating that it was time to return the favor. Before I had a chance to get down to suck him, he looked up at me.

"I want you inside of me," Nick said.

I wasn't going to argue, so I went over to one of my bags to pull out a condom. I put it on myself to save time, and Nick turned around to face the bed, and he leaned over onto it, so I would enter him from that position. I approached him, and immediately pushed into him, making Nick scream. He insisted that I continue, and I did, moving slowly at first. I increased the speed at which I was thrusting into him until I was pounding into him. This was an entirely different sexual act than our first two times. This time, it was unbridled animal desire driving us, and I we were both enjoying ourselves.

"Harder, Cam! Keep going," Nick said, as I reached around to his dick, beginning to jerk him off as I continued.

We continued like this a few minutes later, and as I was about to ejaculate, I pulled out, ripping off the condom before spilling myself all over Nick's back. I then collapsed on top of Nick for a moment to catch my breath. I then realized that Nick had not yet orgasmed, so I got up, turning him around, laying him on the bed. I took him into my mouth, and quickly moved up and down his shaft, playing with his balls as I took him over the edge. I swallowed every drop of him as he exploded in my mouth.

We were both spent, and I fell on top of him as we both tried to catch our breath. We were both hot and sweaty, and I didn't want to go to bed feeling like this, so I suggested a bath. Nick nodded his head, still unable to speak.

"I will start the water, and I will get you in a minute," I said, as I walked into the bathroom, noticing the oversized tub as I turned on the water.

When I returned to get Nick, he was still in a daze. Getting his attention, I beckoned him to join me, and he stood up slowly. His erection had faded some, and although exhausted, he still looked beautiful as I watched him from a distance.

I turned off the water, and slipped into the tub. Nick stepped in, and sat down in front of me, leaning back and resting on my chest. He moved to my right, and he put his head on my shoulder. He turned to me, and I pressed my lips to his, gently kissing him several times before he moved back to soak in the water.

"Cam, have I told you lately how much I love you?" Nick asked quietly.

"I think it's been an hour or so, so you are right on time," I responded as I put my right arm around him, putting it on his abdomen. "I love you too, by the way."

"I kind of figured that," Nick responded, chuckling. "So, what surprises do you have in store for us tomorrow?"

"None that I can think of right now. We will make it to my parents' house tomorrow night, so I guess that could be a surprise of sorts. I don't think I told them who you are. My parents always told me to aim high, so they shouldn't be too disappointed," I said, laughing.

"I hope not, because I don't plan on letting you go, no matter what they say."

"I wouldn't worry too much. My parents know better than to try to change my mind. I got my stubbornness from them, after all."

"So they're the ones to blame. I will have to have a talk with them," Nick joked.

"Very funny," I replied, tickling Nick. He squirmed a bit, and splashed some water onto the floor. "Oh, how nice. Now you are making a mess."

"You bring out the best in me," he replied.

We stayed in the tub for another half hour, until we were both sufficiently waterlogged. We would have stayed longer, but the water was getting cold, and I feared that we would fall asleep, and the water would be ice-cold by morning. Nick got out first, and I followed. I took two towels off the rack, and placed one around his shoulders, rubbing to warm him up before using the other towel myself.

After we dried off, we decided that it was time for bed. Nick cuddled up to me, as usual, and soon we were both asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to find Nick opening the door to room service. He wheeled in a cart with two plates of food, and put them over on the table. I pretended to be asleep, and he came over to me, shaking me gently. I was usually a heavy sleeper, as he knew, so I was going to make him work for this.

I didn't move a muscle as he shook more vigorously, so Nick pulled the blanket down, and reached down to my half-erection, tugging on it slightly. I couldn't take anymore, so I shot up in bed.

"Okay, okay...I'm awake." I looked down at Nick, who hadn't moved his hand away from me. "Feel free to continue," I said.

Nick sat there for a minute, and then quickly took off for the table. "Nah...maybe another time," Nick said, giggling.

"That is so not nice," I said, disappointed. "I will remember this," I warned.

"I'm not worried. Now, come eat breakfast."

"You know I am not much of a breakfast person, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it is very important that you eat in the morning, so you will eat breakfast while I am around," Nick said out of concern.

"So, you're already trying to change me?" I asked, and Nick simply nodded his head. "When is it that I am dropping you off again?" I said, laughing.

"Far too soon," was the answer, and I had to agree with that.

I sat down and tried to eat as much of the food as I could, which wasn't much. I avoided the eggs, since I had never been a big fan of them, and ate most of the toast and bacon. I knew that if I ate any more, I would make myself sick, so I poured myself a cup of coffee instead. I wasn't a big coffee person either, but I didn't want Nick high on caffeine from drinking it all since he was a handful without any stimulants in his system.

"Not too bad for your first time," Nick said, looking at my plate. "You've got some work to do, though."

"For future reference, I don't really like eggs, but the rest wasn't too bad. I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to choke something down in the mornings, so I will try. I won't guarantee success, but I will try."

"That's all I ask," Nick said, putting the plates back on the tray, wheeling it out into the hall. I was impressed with Nick's thoughtfulness and his concern for my well-being. Of course, I was just as concerned for him, but I guess I just didn't expect it from him. He was so different than I assumed he was before I met him.

We finished breakfast, and packed up to leave. Soon, we had checked out, and we were on our way out of Denver.

"I always hate this part," I said as we drove down I-76, the mountains slowly fading out of sight.

"What part is that?" Nick asked, looking over at me.

"I hate leaving those behind," I said, pointing to the Rocky Mountains out my window. "It gets harder to leave every time, and one of these times, I am not going to leave."

"It is really beautiful, Cam. We should buy a home up in the mountains someday," Nick commented.

I was a bit shocked by that statement, and looked over at Nick, who was smiling widely.

"Wow, I didn't realize that you were thinking that far ahead."

"You mean to say that you haven't thought about it?" Nick asked.

"Well, I have thought about it some, but I didn't know if you would have. I guess I just didn't expect to hear that from you. You continue to impress me," I said as I put my hand on Nick's leg, leaving it there as he put his hand on top of mine.

A few hours later, we had left Colorado, and both of us were a bit disappointed when we saw the Nebraska sign. We started down a stretch of Interstate 80 in which you could engage the cruise control, put The Club on the steering wheel, and sleep for three hours without ever leaving your lane. Nick slept most of the way, but woke up occasionally, only to find that the scenery hadn't changed.

As we approached Lincoln, the scenery got a lot better, and we finally saw hills again. This fact was not lost on Nick.

"Well, this is certainly more attractive than the rest of the state," he observed.

"I agree completely. I think eastern Nebraska is a nice area, and I love Omaha. Of course, the hills across the river are absolutely beautiful as far as I am concerned."

"I look forward to seeing it," Nick commented.

"I'll have to show you around Omaha while we are in the area. It's not the cow town that outsiders think it is. I know Omaha isn't huge, but the metro population is over 750,000."

"That's certainly bigger than a lot of the places we have performed."

"Well, I am rather fond of the place, so I hope you like it too," I said.

"I am sure I will," Nick responded as we approached the outskirts of town. It was around rush hour, so the traffic was pretty heavy. I was certainly glad that the construction through the city was finally finished, or traffic would have been a nightmare. About a half hour later, we were across the Missouri River, and into Iowa.

Nick was surprised to see a few casinos in Iowa, and I told him that there were quite a few casinos throughout the state. He mentioned that he has always wanted to go to a casino, but I wasn't too fond of them personally. In my life, I had probably lost only $50 or $100 in casinos, but that was plenty. I never spent a dime in Las Vegas casinos, and this surprised Nick. He told me that he was going to drag me to a casino when he turned 21, and I reluctantly agreed.

"So, how far is it to your house?" Nick asked.

"Only a few more miles. We'll be there in a few minutes, but I don't know if anyone will be home yet."

"That's okay. It will give me a chance to prepare, so I don't make a fool of myself," Nick said, only half joking.

"Don't worry about my family, Nick. They will all love you, and I am sure my nephews will be ecstatic to meet you, since you probably like the same things," I said, laughing.

"These are your nephews that are 5 and 7 years old?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," was all I could get out before laughing again.

"You suck, Cameron," Nick said in disgust.

"You didn't seem to mind that last night," I retorted.

"That's a good point. You suck, Cameron!" he said jovially.

"Much better!" I said. "And don't you forget it. What I giveth, I can taketh away."


I began to slow down, putting on my turn signal, pulling into our driveway. It was a winding, hilly road, and the trees blocked the view of the house until we were practically behind it. Nick's eyes bugged out as he saw the size of the house. I guessed that Nick wasn't quite expecting what he saw. I pulled around the back of the house, parking in front of one of the garage doors. I then shut off the engine, and looked at Nick.

"Yes?" I asked.

"This place is beautiful! I had no idea that you lived in a place like this."

"We didn't always live here, Nick. In fact, my parents were pretty poor when I was born. We didn't move into this place until I was 12 years old. My parents worked very hard to get where they are today, and I only hope I can do the same," I said, not really directing my comments at Nick, but at myself as well. Sometimes I took too many things for granted, not taking time to step back and realize what it really took for my parents to succeed, and how proud of them I really was.

I hit my garage door opener, and noticed that all three bays were empty.

"Well, I guess no one is here. Do you want to go see if my brother is here?"

"Sure, that would be cool."

I started the engine, and backed out, driving down another road behind the house, driving further into the hills. After winding around the hills for a few minutes, a house came into view. It looked like both my brother and my sister-in-law were home, so I would be able to introduce them to Nick. I pulled up behind my brother's truck, and turned off the Navigator.

I got out, and Nick came around to my side, following me up the walkway to the front door. I rang the doorbell, and then opened the door.

"Hello? Anybody here?"

My question was answered when I heard two sets of footsteps running down the stairs, leaping into my arms.

"Uncle Cam!" my nephews yelled.

"Hey, guys! How are you?"

"Good," they both replied in unison.

"I'd like you two to meet someone," I said, putting them back down on the floor. "This is my friend Nick."

"Hi, Nick," they both said.

"Hi there," Nick responded.

"Nick, this is Austin," I said, putting my hand on the older nephew, "...and this is Aaron."

"Hi guys. I have a little brother named Aaron," he told them.

They looked up at Nick for a moment, and then back to me. "Uncle Cam, you have to come see my room!" Austin said. "We just put up a lot of new Hawkeye stuff!"

"Way to go!" I said. "I'll come up and look at it later, but I wanted to say hi to your mom and dad first, okay?"

They nodded, and took off for the living room. Nick and I walked into the house, finding my brother in the den, working on the computer. I knocked on the doorframe, getting his attention.

"Hey, Cameron! I didn't think you would be here yet," my brother said, coming over to give me a hug. "I'm glad that you took the time to actually come visit your family," he said sarcastically.

"Well, what can I say? I have a busy schedule. I'd like to introduce someone to you. Nick, this is my brother, Andrew. Andrew, this is Nick."

"Nice to meet you, Nick. Call me Andy, though," my brother said as he shook Nick's hand. "So, you are the one that has to put up with my brother?" he asked.

"Something like that. He isn't so bad, most of the time," Nick responded.

"Well, wait till you get to know him better," Andy said, laughing. "Does Laura know you are here yet?" my brother asked, referring to his wife and my sister-in-law.

"Not yet. I just saw you first, so I came in."

"Well, let's go find her, then," Andy said, walking out toward the kitchen. Laura was there, looking at the mail when she noticed me.

"Cam!" Laura exclaimed. "Long time, no see," she said as she too pulled me into a hug.

"It has been too long," I said. I was about to introduce Nick when Andy beat me to the punch.

"Honey, this is Nick, Cameron's boyfriend," he said, smiling at Nick, who looked a little surprised.

"Nice to meet you, Nick. You look awfully familiar to I know you from somewhere?" Laura asked.

"Well, I am sure you have seen me around. I am a performer."

"That's it! You're one of the Backstreet Boys, aren't you?" she asked excitedly.

Nick nodded, surprising my brother. "Wow, you are world famous, and the best you can do is my brother?" Andy asked.

"I happen to think I did a pretty good job finding Cameron," Nick said, defending me.

"I agree with you, Nick," Laura added. "So, can you guys stay for dinner?"

"Well, we haven't seen Mom and Dad yet, so we should probably go down there for now, but we will come visit you later," I said.

"If Mom and Dad drive you nuts, you can always stay here," Andy offered.

"We'll keep that in mind," I said, looking down at my watch. "Well, one of them should be home by now, so I guess we will go back down to the house. I'll go tell the boys we are leaving."

I walked into the living room, telling them that I would be back up later to visit them, and they proceeded to give me a hug, and then they both gave Nick a hug too, which made him feel good. Both Andy and Laura also gave Nick a hug, and I could tell that Nick was getting more comfortable around all of them as well.

We said our goodbyes, and we headed back toward the main house. I could tell that Nick was growing increasingly nervous, and I didn't know exactly why. When we got in the car, he told me how much he liked my brother's family, but I think he was so concerned about making a good impression with my parents that he was making himself even more nervous.

"Nick, relax. My parents will love you, as much as I do...well, not as much as I do, but you know what I mean," I commented, drawing a weak grin out of Nick.

Both of my parents' vehicles were in the garage, which Nick noticed right away. I got out of the Navigator, and went over to Nick's door, opening it. I took his hands in mine, and as he stood up, I put my forehead on his.

"What are you so worried about?"

"I just don't want your parents to dislike me, because I love you, and don't want there to be any problems with you and your parents. Your dad is already worried that being with me might hinder a career in politics, so I don't want him to see me in a negative light."

"Nick, I love you with all of my heart, and I am not letting you go, no matter what. I would do anything to spend my life with you, and my father is not going to change that. He knows that I am capable of making my own decisions, and that I have thought this through thoroughly. He has good taste, so you will be fine."

Nick relaxed ever so slightly, and we held hands as we walked to the front doors, stepping inside to introduce them to the love of my life.

That's it for chapter 16...I am really sorry that it took so long to get this chapter out, but life has been crazy. Hopefully, the next chapter will be out much sooner...thanks for your understanding!

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Next: Chapter 17

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