Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Aug 10, 2000


Well, yet another chapter in MHM is in the books, and for those of you who are waiting for 'the big event,' your wait is over. I want to thank all of those who wrote following Chapter 12...the response was quite favorable, and appreciated. I realize that even though I didn't want to sound like I was begging for e-mail, that is how it sounded, and I apologize for that. That being said, I love getting e-mail, so feel free to write if you have comments and suggestions ;-)

This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the characters within, real or fictitious. If you are not old enough to be here, you probably shouldn't be, but that's your business!

On with the show...

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 13

I awoke the next morning to find myself alone in the bed. It was about 8 AM, so I didn't expect Nick to be up since we had slept in every morning we had been together.

I stretched as I stood up, and put on a pair of shorts before I went out to find him. I found him in the hot tub, on the phone. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but he smiled at me, and motioned me over to join him. I didn't know if Nick was wearing anything in the hot tub, but I didn't want to get these shorts wet. I shed the shorts before stepping in, which distracted Nick for a moment, as he seemed to lose track of the phone conversation.

"Uh, anyway, I...uh, think I should go, now. I will call you later." A pause, "I love you too. Bye."

"Another love interest, Nicky?" I inquired.

"Gross! I was talking to my mother, thank you very much. She called our condo, and Bri gave her this number. Needless to say, I had some explaining to do," he said, causing me to laugh.

"I didn't even hear the phone ring. I must have been tired."

"You didn't even move, so I didn't want to wake you up by talking," Nick said.

"Aw, that's so sweet. So, what did you tell her?" I said, moving closer to him, and moving in front of one of the jets.

"Well, I told her the truth. That I met someone on the street the other night, and we have been having sex like rabbits ever since."

"Naturally." I said with a straight face.

"Actually, I told her that I met someone, and that I hadn't planned on staying here, but you hurt your ankle, and I wanted to make sure that you were okay. She thought that was nice of me. But now..."

"Now what?"

"Now she wants to meet you," Nick said, smiling.

"I take it that you talked about me for some time?"

"Yeah. She called here an hour ago. She forgot that there is a two time zone difference between there and here."

"So, she took the news that you are involved well?"

"She was thrilled about it. Believe it or not, she actually likes the fact that you are a bit older than me, because she was worried I would meet a 17 year old that would blow my cover, and tell the world about me."

"Interesting. So, when is she going to stop by to meet me?" I said, joking.

"Well, her flight lands in Denver tomorrow afternoon," Nick replied seriously.

"Uh, you're not really serious, are you?"

He looked at me with a hurt look, before bursting out laughing. I joined in, more relieved than amused.

"You think you are the only one who can joke around?" Nick said.

"Of course not, but I didn't think you would be able to pull it off, so I thought you might actually be serious."

"Underestimating me again, are we?"

"It won't happen again," I said, leaning in for a kiss.

"By the way, thanks for the show," Nick said, raising his eyebrows.

"Anytime. Care to reciprocate?"

"I guess I could," Nick said, before reaching down and pulling his trunks out of the water. "We're even now."

I had guessed incorrectly, but it was a moot point. I was tempted to take him right there, but I wanted our first time to be special, and I doubted he was in the mood right after talking to his mother. I began thinking about when and where our first time would be, because I was finally realizing that I was ready. I just hoped that Nick felt the same way.

We sat in the Jacuzzi until the jets turned off, and I could get a better view of Nick under the water. I smiled and looked downward, noticing that the water had a less than positive effect on both of us, but decided not to say anything.

"I should probably call Bri, to see what he is doing," Nick commented.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea. We should spend some time with him today. However, I want you all to myself tonight," I said, causing Nick to look up at me with a surprised look.

"You mean?"

"Maybe, if you think we are ready."

"I've been thinking about that, Cam. If we really love each other as much as we say we do, then why should we wait any longer?"

"Well, it will definitely change things between us. I just don't want to ruin a good thing," I said, playing devil's advocate.

"I know this may sound like I am rationalizing, but if we wait too long, the anticipation will be so great that no matter how good it is, we will be disappointed."

"You're right. You are rationalizing. However, I see your point. Let's just see what happens tonight. For now, we should get out of here so we can talk to Bri. You first," I said seductively.

"I don't think there will be much to see at the moment," he said, looking down.

"I don't mind, stud. I know what you have."

With that, he stood up slowly, walking very deliberately to give me a chance to look for as long as possible. Apparently, Nick could be quite the tease. He turned at the last minute, racing for his room to put clothes on. I laughed, and got out, picking up my shorts as I went to my bedroom to dry off.

We were both fully dressed when we returned to the living area, and I picked up the phone to dial Brian. I wanted to reopen the line of communication, as I didn't really know what he thought of me after Nick and Brian's conversation yesterday.

"Hello?" Brian answered.

"Hey, Bri, it's Cam. How are you this fine morning?"

"Just lovely, and you?" He didn't seem to be upset at all, which was good news.

"Nick and I would like to request the pleasure of your company this morning, if that is agreeable to you."

"I would be honored, Cameron," he said, keeping the charade going.

"Indeed. Anyway, Bri...we want to go do something, the three of us, so why don't you come over here, and we will figure out what that something is?"

"Sounds good, Cam. I will be there shortly."

"Good. See you then."

I hung up the phone, and saw Nick looking at me. "So, he isn't too upset?"

"Doesn't sound like it. I hope he has no hard feelings, both figuratively and literally," I said, laughing.

"That was bad, Cam," Nick said, trying to stifle a laugh.

"True, but I never guaranteed that I would always be good," I said, winking.

"I guess that's true. Being bad could come in handy, I suppose," Nick said, thinking about the possibilities.

"Brian should be here soon, so we should probably be good, considering his current situation."

"Agreed, but that doesn't mean that I am going to stay ten paces away from you whenever he is around."

"I don't expect you to, Nick, and I wouldn't let you, but we need to be careful," I said, and Nick nodded in agreement.

Brian arrived a short while later, and I greeted him with a hug. I didn't know if it was a good idea or not, but I felt I needed to let him know that I still cared about him. He seemed to appreciate the gesture, and he followed me into the living room.

Nick jumped up and greeted Brian in similar fashion. "How are you doing, B?"

"I'm fine, Nick. I just have some thinking I still need to do, but I am not going to let it interfere with our vacation, since we have to be back on the job in a couple weeks in Chicago."

"Speaking of Chicago..." Nick started.

"Nick, are you sure you want to discuss this now?" I asked.

"Why not?"

"Well, go ahead then," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Brian, I think I am going to leave with Cameron when we leave here, and he will drive me to Chicago since it is only a few hours from where he lives. His parents are also on the way, and I want to meet them and his roommates."

Brian looked a little disappointed as he spoke, "Well, it will be a lonely flight back, but I know better than to stand in your way when you get an idea in that head of yours, so that's fine with me."

"Are you sure, Brian? I can pick him up in Chicago for a few days if you don't want to travel alone," I said, earning me a dirty look from Nick.

"It's okay, Cam. I am sure Nick won't mind missing out on an airplane ride, and the some of the group will be there when I arrive anyway. It's really not a big deal."

Nick clenched his fist in the air, signaling victory, causing Brian and I to laugh.

"Is he always like this?" I asked.

"Pretty much, yeah. You'll get used to it eventually," Brian said. I was happy to hear Brian say that. I took it as an indication that he thought we would be together for a long time, a sentiment that I shared.

"Well, Nick and I were talking about going on a hike up in the mountains yesterday. Would you like to do that, or did you have something else in mind?"

"That sounds good to me. I am easy to get along with."

"Yeah, right," Nick said under his breath.

"Do I have to separate the two of you?" I asked.

"I am more worried about keeping you two apart," Brian countered.

"Anyway..." I said, ignoring Brian, "I saw the building where the trails start when I was exploring the other day, so follow me," I said, as I headed for the door. It didn't take long to get there, and soon we were off on a self-guided tour. Brian was in charge of the map, so we didn't get completely lost. We were given a small book that would help us identify various plants and animals, telling us which ones to avoid.

We had walked a mile or two without speaking a lot, so I decided to break the silence.

"So, what are you guys going to be doing over the next few months?"

"Well, as soon as the album comes out, all hell is going to break loose. We'll be all over the talk show circuit to promote the album, appearing at awards shows, and on MTV of course. After all, we have a lot of work ahead of us if we are to reclaim the title of the number one boy band," he said sarcastically before continuing, "Then, we will go out on tour for God knows how long,"

"In other words, we will be busy 24 hours a day for the next six months," Nick added, putting it into laymen's terms.

"That should make things interesting," I said, almost under my breath.

"Don't worry about 'us' Cam. Things will be crazy, but we will manage.

I think we are strong enough to survive this."

"I know that Nick, but our relationship isn't exactly one I just want to 'survive.' I want it to thrive, and that will be very difficult when we could be half a world apart."

"You're not coming with us on tour?" Brian asked. "I guess I assumed that you would be, at least for a while."

"No, Cameron is not going with us. He has to finish school, and I don't want to interfere with that," Nick said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"He's right. I only have a year of school left, and if I don't finish it now, I may never get around to it."

"Well, I am glad that you are going to finish school, but I was looking forward to having you on tour with us. It is always nice to have someone else around," Brian said.

"Always nice?" I asked. "I wouldn't be the first significant other to go on tour with you guys?"

"Well, over the years we have had a lot of people touring with us, or we would have went crazy by now," Brian responded. "All of us have had friends and family with us at one time or another."

"I see. Anyone traveling with you that I should know about, dear?" I asked Nick.

"Well, there are just too many to recall. I think I have all of their names written down somewhere...let's see...there was a John, and a Pete, and a Miguel, and..." Nick answered.

"Shut up, Nick. You've made your point," I said, moving away from him.

"You haven't seen my point yet," Nick countered.

"Au contraire, sweetheart. I've seen all I need to see," I said, teasing Nick.

"I really don't need to hear this," Brian said, covering his ears.

"Oh, don't worry Brian. He only saw it in the shower, and in the hot tub, and..." Nick added.

"AAAHH! Quiet!" Brian yelled. "I don't want to know about it!"

"Don't worry about it, Brian. We haven't done anything...yet," I said, getting Nick's attention. He smiled back at me when Brian wasn't looking.

"Well, I don't need to be the first to know when you do, okay?" Brian pleaded.

"Okay. I'll put you fifth on the 'to call' list," I said.

"Who are the first four?" Nick asked.

"Well, let's see, first both us will have to call our parents, that counts as two. Then, I think the New York Times and CNN are next on the list..." I said as seriously as I could muster.

"Oh, that's it, Cam," Nick said as he ran up to me, throwing me on the ground. He got on top of me, holding me down.

"You like to play rough, do you?" I asked between fits of laughter.

"Well, when the occasion rises..." Nick said.

"There you go with things rising again," I noticed.

"Oh, man. Tell me you guys aren't going to do it right here on the trail," Brian asked, embarrassed to be watching.

"I don't think so, Bri. I really don't feel like getting a rash from those weeds right over there," I said, pointing to the patch of poisonous weeds to my right.

Nick looked over at the weeds for a minute, shivering as he contemplated that. "Okay, so that would be a bad idea," he said as he stood up, offering his hand to me, pulling me to my feet.

After that, we continued along the trail, engaging in more conversation, and I really enjoyed getting to know Brian better. The longer I was with them, the more I wanted to forget about school, and just travel around with them, but I knew that I couldn't do that. We would be able to be together all the time someday, and I was willing to wait all my life for that.

We were on the trail for several hours, stopping at various points along the way to admire the view, and to talk to each other face to face. It was mid-afternoon by the time we found our way back to civilization, thanks to Brian's exemplary map-reading skills.

No one was in the mood to go back to the condo, so we walked around the main area of the village, doing some shopping and sightseeing. Fortunately, the crowds were quite small, so the chance of them being recognized was small. As we were walking around, I noticed how the two of them always seemed to be looking around, anticipating a mob of crazy fans at every corner. They tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, but it wasn't really working. By acting the way they were, they may have actually been drawing more attention to themselves than they would otherwise garner.

"You know, I think you stand out more when you are constantly on the lookout for fans all the time. Just act normal...well, as normal as you two can be."

They took my advice, and soon we were just walking around like any normal twenty-somethings would. We got some food from a vendor, and sat down at a picnic table next to the lake. I think all of us got lost in our thoughts, as we sat there for nearly an hour, not saying a single word before we finally snapped out of it.

Brian mentioned that he was tired, and thought he would go back to the condo for the rest of the day. Nick mentioned that he had to get some more clothes from their condo if he was going to be staying over there anymore, so he decided to go with him. Here was the opportunity I had been waiting for. I wanted Nick to be away for a bit so I could surprise him when he returned.

"Nick, why don't you go with Brian for now, and pack up a few things. I have a couple errands I need to run, and I need to go shopping for some food, so I will just call you when I get back to my place."

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you shop?" Nick inquired.

"Don't worry about it. Go with Bri, and get some rest," I said, winking at Nick. It took him a minute, but I think he caught my meaning when he started smiling. I just nodded slightly, which only made his smile wider. Fortunately, Brian wasn't looking, or we would have been found out immediately.

He agreed, and we said our goodbyes, and I was on my way. I had several things that I needed to get, so I took off in the other direction to get started.

A couple hours later, I had everything I needed, and I headed back to the condo. I had a lot of things to do, so I began scurrying around to make sure everything was perfect. I began making dinner, and while it was cooking, I set everything else up, so it would be ready when he arrived.

Once I felt everything was right, I called Nick.


"Hey, Nicky. I am back, so you can come over anytime," I said.

"Okay. Anything I need to bring?"

"Just yourself. Oh, and why don't you dress up a bit, if you don't mind."

"Okay," Nick said, sounding confused. "I will be there in a few minutes, then."

"Can't wait," I replied. As soon as we were off the phone, I ran into the bedroom to change. I put on some dress pants, and a black button up shirt with a tie. I fixed my hair, and then walked back out into the living room, awaiting Nick.

A moment later, I heard him knock, and I opened the door to find Nick standing there with a single rose. He too had put on a tie, and looked fabulous. As he walked in, he handed me the rose, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You look incredible, Nick. Great minds think alike," I said, messing with his tie.

"They do indeed." Nick then noticed the candles on the table, and all the candles placed all over the condo. They only light on was a small light above the kitchen sink, which I turned off as I grabbed the bottle of wine and put the rose into a vase, bringing both out to the table.

"This is incredible, Cameron. You really are amazing," he said, as I pulled the chair out for him to sit.

"We're just getting started," I said, putting my hands on his shoulders for a moment before sitting down beside him. Once seated, he put his left hand up on the table, and I put mine on his. He whispered 'I love you' to me, and I just smiled as we began to eat.

We ate in relative silence, not needing words to communicate what we were feeling. After we had finished eating, and after we had finished a couple glasses of wine, I stood up, and offered Nick my hand. He took it, and followed me into the living room.

I reached for the remote on the big screen, and turned on the CD player. I had bought a CD, and romantic jazz music began pouring out the speakers.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"It would be my pleasure," he answered, moving in closer.

We moved together, and looked into each other's eyes as we began to dance. Nick then placed his head on my shoulder, and we held each other tightly as we moved to the music. We danced through almost the whole CD, and as one of the last songs began, Nick backed off for a moment, to look at me before grabbing my tie, pulling me into him as we began to kiss.

I opened my mouth to taste him, and so he could do the same. Our kiss became more passionate, as my hands found his back. I moved them up until one was behind Nick's head. As I played with his hair, I pushed his head toward me, wanting him even closer to me.

Nick reached around to my neck, loosening my tie as we continued our kiss, and I felt it being pulled around my neck as he took it off, dropping it to the floor. Next, he began unbuttoning my shirt slowly, deliberately, savoring each moment.

Soon, my shirt was unbuttoned, and I felt him pulling at my shirt, releasing it from my pants. He then broke the kiss, stepping back to push my shirt over my shoulders, guiding it down my arms before letting it fall to the floor. He brought a single finger up to my mouth, where I began sucking on it. He then moved his finger down my chin, and my neck, tracing a line down my chest before reaching my belt buckle. He slowly unfastened the belt, and then my pants.

As he began to reach for the zipper, I stopped him, putting his hands down as I pulled off his tie, unbuttoning his shirt in the same fashion, exposing his chest a little at a time. I pulled him into a kiss as I pushed the shirt over his shoulders. The warmth of his chest against mine was almost enough to take me over the edge, but I was able to restrain myself.

I could have stayed like this forever, but I knew that we were both ready to take the next step, so I moved back, taking his hand and leading him into the bedroom, where I had more candles burning. I led him over to the bed, and sat him down at the foot of it. I got down on my knees, and pulled off his shoes and socks, throwing them away as I did so. I gently massaged his feel for a moment before reaching up to his pants to unbutton them. He leaned back, and soon I was sliding his pants off him, to reveal a pair of black boxer briefs.

I stood up and leaned into him, pulling him up onto the bed, with me on top of him. We kissed for a moment before I rolled over to his left side. I then began sucking on his neck, working my way over to his ear, sucking gently on the lobe, before moving back down his neck, and down his chest. When I reached his left nipple, I started darting my tongue across it, causing Nick to moan, and causing me to move even faster before I gently began sucking on it. I worked my way over to the other nipple, sucking on it as well.

I looked up at Nick before I went further down his chest. His eyes were closed, with a look of satisfaction on his face. I started back down his chest, and kissed every inch of him as I approached his abs and his belly button. I darted my tongue into his belly button, tickling him, and bringing a smile to his face.

Soon, I was at the waistband of his boxers, and I put one finger under the waistband, moving it around before slowly pulling down. I then took both hands and pulled down on the sides to expose his erect penis. I pulled the boxers completely off, and tossed them off the bed. Again, using only one finger, I traced my finger up the shaft on the bottom, coming up over the top, and down the other side, sending shivers up Nick's spine.

'It's now or never,' I thought to myself as I opened my mouth, placing it around the head. Nick moaned more loudly now, and I began circling around the head with my tongue, as my mouth remained enclosed around him. I then pushed down slowly, taking as much of him in my mouth of possible. I nearly reached the base before Nick started squirming, forcing me to come back up. I then tried again, slowly. This time, I was able to reach the base with no problem, and I continued this motion, my tongue moving along the shaft as I continued to suck.

Nick was moaning even louder, and this only encouraged me to continue. I went down on him again, and again, before pulling off, and licking around the shaft from the outside. I then moved down to each ball, taking them into my mouth. I thought Nick would lose it right then and there, so I backed off, and returned to playing with his dick a while longer.

Nick decided that it was his turn to return the favor, and he sat up, motioning for me to lie down. He then got on top of me, pulling down my pants and boxers at the same time. I was near the edge of the bed, so he got down on the floor on his knees, and began playing with my head, before engulfing my member. I was overwhelmed, and nearly lost my load right there again. I looked down at Nick, and millions of feelings flooded into my brain all at the same time. I was just beginning to comprehend the significance of this moment, and what it meant to our relationship at the same time as waves of pleasure were overcoming me.

He continued to move up and down me, and soon I felt like I was ready to explode. I warned Nick, and he obliged by getting back on the bed, exploring my chest. He then moved in for another kiss.

"I want you inside me, Cam," he whispered.

"Are you...are you sure?" I asked, surprised.

He simply nodded his head. I was prepared for this, but I didn't think it would happen tonight. I reached into the nightstand, and pulled out a condom. He took it from me, and using his mouth, he put it on me, making me even harder. He reached for some lube, and gently put it on me before lying back down, looking at me, giving me the go ahead.

I took a pillow and propped it up behind his head before moving down in front of him. As I came closer, he repositioned his legs, as I moved in. I put my dick up against him, and he nodded once again. I began pushing slowly, and Nick winced with pain, but urged me on when I started to pull back.

"No, Cam. I want this," he pleaded.

I began pushing again, and I felt myself sliding in. Nick let out a yell, but looked right into my eyes as I pushed in further. Once the initial pain had subsided a bit, I began to pull out, and push back in. Slowly, I began thrusting into him with a bit more force, and the look of pain was replaced by a look of sheer joy, as he began moaning and yelling. I leaned in to kiss him as I continued moving in and out, and this kiss was completely different than any other we had shared. It wasn't an affectionate kiss, but a kiss full of lust and desire.

"I'm getting close, Nick," I panted as I pulled out, removing the condom. I then moved over to his side, taking him back in my mouth. I knew he was close, but I continued. Soon, I could feel him tighten up, and soon waves of cum were exploding in my mouth. I tried to take in as much of it as I could, but I couldn't get it all as some spilled out onto his chest. I used my hand to finish the job, getting every last drop out of him.

Nick was in a bit of shock after his orgasm, but soon opened his eyes, and looked over to me. "My turn to finish the job," he said, as he took me in his mouth, moving up and down me. It didn't take long before I was ready to cum, and I tensed up, and I began shooting while he was still on me. He took every drop, and lingered there for a moment, taking it all in, before crawling up to me, collapsing on my chest.

"Thank you," he whispered a moment later.

"No, Nick. Thank you."

"That was..." Nick started to say as he looked up at me.

I took a finger, and placed it over his mouth. "Shhh." I said as I shook my head slightly. I didn't want words to ruin what I was feeling at that exact moment.

He continued to lie in my arms, and just before he drifted off to sleep, he whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied. As I said it, I knew that it was the understatement of the year, and those words didn't seem to do justice to the all of the feelings and emotions that I was experiencing. I didn't want these feelings to ever end, and as much as I wanted to lie there and enjoy them, sleep overcame me shortly thereafter.

That's it for Chapter 13...this segment was very difficult to write, so I hope it turned out okay. I apologize if there are any errors or typos, as I finished this at 2:15 AM, and mistakes could have easily slipped by.

Let me know what you think at

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 14

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