Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Aug 5, 2000


Well, Chapter 11 is finally out, and I want to apologize for taking so long to get this posted. I was out of town last weekend, and had to stay for a couple days longer than I had intended to. Also, I was closely watching the political convention that just concluded. (I am a political science major, so obviously it interests me greatly!) I won't say whether or not I enjoyed the convention, because my political views are probably different than most people that will be reading this! :)

As always, this work is not intended to imply anything about the orientation of any person, place, or thing mentioned within said story. I do not know the orientation of any celebrity mentioned; only the hope that my suspicions are correct. If you are younger than the legal age required to view such material, may I suggest that you don't read this story, as you obviously are too young to understand such things, and it will scar you for life. (I know sarcasm is difficult to detect in the written word, so just assume that I am being sarcastic in this situation)

And now, on with the show...

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 11

I sat in my condo, waiting anxiously for Nick to arrive. I wasn't sure what kind of mood he would be in; whether he would be in a positive, upbeat mood, or a more somber one. Either way, I would be prepared to support him, giving him the shoulder that he needed to lean on.

He arrived a short while later, and I wasn't quite sure how to greet him, so I let him make the first move. As I opened the door, he practically leapt into my arms to greet me. I laughed, and closed the door as we went into the living room.

Being the impatient person I am, I wasn't going to wait to hear how things went between them, so I asked how things went.

"Pretty good. I think we decided that he isn't all that attracted to you after all." Nick answered, sitting down beside me on the couch.

"Is that so? I'm not good enough for him anymore?" I asked, joking.

"Well, you are, but I made it clear that you weren't available."

"What did you do that for? Now I'll never have a chance with him," I said with mock disappointment. Nick then punched me in the arm for my transgression.

"Ah, so that's what you are into," I observed. "I don't know if I like that or not."

"Don't knock it until you try it," Nick laughed. "Okay, so I haven't tried it, but I am sure it has its positive aspects."

"Well, once you dump me, maybe you will get lucky and find someone with similar interests."

"I sure hope so," Nick said, smiling as he ducked to avoid the impending slap.

I was relieved that he was in a good mood, as I didn't feel like taking the whole evening to cheer him up. Granted, I would have done it in a heartbeat if necessary, but I could think of a lot better ways to spend our time together.

"Nick, when do you have to be in Chicago?" I asked.

"Well, not for a few weeks. Why?"

"Because I would really like to take you to meet my roommates, and they would like to meet you. I thought we could arrange something since my apartment is only a few hours from Chicago."

"Do your roommates know about me?"

"One of them does. I called him today. The other one has no clue, but I was planning on surprising him. He's been badgering me for years to find someone, and I wanted him to be told in person. He will be quite surprised when he finds out you have fallen for me. He does know that I fell for you a long time ago."

"Oh? You had a thing for me before we met?"

"Of course. That's why I met you. I had spies find out where you would be vacationing, and then I planned my life around it," I said, joking.

"Lovely. You are a stalker. Perhaps I should go," Nick said, starting to stand up before sitting back down, laughing.

"So, do you think we can work something out?" I asked.

"Well, I don't have to be in Chicago for about three weeks, so I could just ride with back with you, if you want. That way, I might get a chance to meet your parents since they are on the way," Nick offered.

I thought that sounded like a wonderful idea, and the thought of road tripping with Nick was quite appealing. "That would be wonderful, if that's what you want to do."

"Of course that's what I want to do, Cam. I think it could be a lot of fun. We could stop a few places along the way to do some sightseeing, among other things."

It was the 'other things' that intrigued me the most. I wanted to know what he was referring to, but that would have to wait. "Well, I will tell you that there aren't a lot of things to do between Denver and Omaha, but I am sure we can find something interesting to occupy our time," I answered, looking at Nick who was smiling widely.

I wanted nothing more than to be with him at that moment, and I was going to show him just how much I wanted him. I leaned in, and found his lips with mine. He graciously accepted the advance, and soon his tongue began searching for mine. He leaned in toward me, and pushed me down onto the couch, with our lips still locked.

I wasn't sure how far we would be taking this, but I was certainly going to enjoy the ride. Nick reached down and pulled my shirt out of my shorts, exposing my stomach as he continued to explore my mouth. I leaned up so he could finish taking off my shirt, lifting my arms over my head as he pulled the shirt off, throwing it on the floor, then laying back down on my chest.

We continued to make out, but I suddenly realized that Nick was overdressed for the occasion, so I began to tug at the jersey he was wearing, slowly moving it up his torso, exposing his abs, and soon his nipples as he sat up. I followed suit, sitting up to pull the jersey over his head.

I then took the initiative, breaking the kiss, moving my mouth downward, over his Adam's apple, and slowly down his chest, lightly kissing every inch of his body as I moved to his left nipple. I moved my tongue over the bud of his nipple slowly, circling around it before enclosing my mouth around it, sucking gently, evoking moans from Nick. I continued to suck as my hands explored Nick's chest, mapping it out for future reference.

As I moved over to his right nipple to repeat the process, the phone rang. My instincts were to ignore it, but it rang numerous times, and it became quite distracting. Nick pulled back, indicating that I should answer it, and reluctantly, I got up and walked over to the phone. As I turned toward Nick as I picked it up, I noticed the look on his face, which was a mix between disappointment and relief. I recognized it because I felt exactly the same way, and my expression was probably similar.

"Hello?" I said after pressing the talk button, not sounding as cordial as I could have.

"Cameron? Did I call at a bad time?" My father asked.

"No, Dad, you didn't," I lied as I looked to Nick.

"Well, I just wanted to call and see how things were going, and to see if you were going to stop and see us for a while on your way back to Iowa City. I got the number from the caller ID on your mother's cell phone. I hope that is alright with you."

"That's no problem, Dad. Actually, I was planning on stopping. I will have someone with me that I want you guys to meet," I said, winking at Nick, who smiled at me.

"Ah, yes. The boy toy that I have been hearing about. Your mother told me about him, and she seemed very excited. She will be glad to hear that you are stopping by, so she can perform her usual ritual of questioning him," he said, laughing.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I am sure that he will have no problem getting through the confirmation process," I said, chuckling.

"There you go, talking like a politician again. You do realize that any career in politics would be seriously jeopardized by making this public, especially considering the political party you affiliate with," Dad reminded me.

"I know Dad, but anyone can find out about me if they really wanted to, and I am willing to take that chance. I don't want to hide anything from anyone," I said, as Nick got a confused look on his face.

"I know you have thought all of this through, Cam, so I won't lecture you any more for now. When will you be arriving here?"

"Not quite sure yet, but we will try to let you know ahead of time. We still have some time here, and then we are going to take our time heading in that direction. I will call you when I know more."

"Okay, son. Just be careful out there, and be sure to tell your 'friend' hello when you get off the phone," Dad said. He somehow always seemed to know what was going on even though he was over 600 miles away.

"How did you...oh, never mind. You always know. Anyway, I will talk to you in a few days," I said, still amazed at my father's powers.

"I can read your voice, Cameron. I know that you aren't really paying attention to me, so something, or someone must be distracting you. Anyway, keep in touch, kiddo. Love you."

"I love you too, Dad," I said, hanging up the phone. Nick wasn't looking at me, and I think he was trying to avoid eavesdropping on the conversation, but the confused look on his face gave him away.

"What's troubling you?" I asked Nick as I walked over to him.

"It sounded like your father and you were talking about a career as a politician, but I thought you were going into broadcasting. Which is it?"

Young Nick's powers of perception continued to impress me. "You are right. I do want to get into broadcasting, but I have always wanted to become a politician as well. I have always assumed that I would be a broadcaster until the time was right to enter politics, when I had enough money, and enough name recognition to have a chance to win."

That seemed to clear up a lot of confusion, and neither of us seemed too interested in continuing the conversation. However, after talking to my dad, I wasn't exactly in the mood to continue what we had previously started.

"My dad says hi, by the way."

"Did he know that I was here?"

"He did, and don't ask me how. It's just his way."

"Do you think he knew what we were doing?" Nick asked, blushing slightly.

"I certainly hope not, but he did mention something about being careful, so anything's possible. It kind of spoils the mood, though."

"That's kind of what I was thinking," Nick replied.

I sat down in the chair. Actually, it was closer to falling into the chair, as I was disappointed that we wouldn't be continuing our 'exploration'. Nick was slightly upset as well, but tried not to show it.

I felt like I needed a cold shower, and my mind wandered, painting a vivid picture of Nick and I in the shower. I was tempted to ask him to join me, but I didn't know if that would be appropriate. I decided to throw caution to the wind, to see how he reacted to the idea.

"I think I am going to take a shower." That got Nick's attention, and his head bolted up to look at me. "You can join me, if you like," I added.

Nick sat there for a minute to contemplate the idea before answering. "You think we should?"

"That's up to you, Nick. It's just a shower after all. I wasn't planning on trying anything. I wouldn't take advantage of such a sweet, innocent boy," I said, grinning.

"Hey, now! I am not as innocent as you think," he responded, defending himself.

"Oh? I think I would like to hear about this," I said, moving in closer.

"Oh, you know what I mean. I don't have any fascinating stories to share, but I am not as pure as you may think."

"I know, Nick. I know. I was just hoping to hear something really juicy."

"Well, maybe you will if you play your cards right," Nick hinted.

"Oooh, cards. I like playing cards. Perhaps a game of strip poker is in order."

Nick smiled. "Maybe some other time. I believe we already have a date in the bathroom."

I smiled, and stood up as he did. I took his hand, and led him into my room.

We walked into the bedroom, and then into the bathroom. I turned on the water to get it warm, and then looked back at Nick, who looked completely clueless. Neither of us had any idea what to do next. Both of us were already shirtless, but we would obviously have to shed the rest of our clothing to get in the shower.

Nick leaned on the counter, and reached down to remove his sandals, throwing them out into the bedroom. He then began to unbutton his shorts when I stopped him, placing his hands to his sides. I then reached for the button, unfastening it, to remove the shorts. I slid them down slowly, revealing his boxers as his shorts fell silently to the floor.

Next, it was my turn, and Nick returned the favor, slowly lowering my shorts down, until both of us were clad only in our underwear. I reached over to the shower to check the temperature of the water, which was perfect.

We both hesitated, not wanting to make the next move.

"It's not too late to back out," I said, looking into his eyes. He looked over to the shower, and I saw a look of confidence spread over his face. He shook his head to indicate that he wasn't changing his mind, so I leaned into him, kissing him lightly as I put my hands on his shoulders, lowering them slowly down his sides, my fingers slipping under his waistband, lowering his boxer-briefs as my hands continued their journey downward.

A moment later, he was without any clothing, and I stood back up straight to get a good look at all of him. It was a truly magnificent sight. He looked a bit embarrassed, but he definitely had nothing to be ashamed of. I smiled, and motioned him toward me, mouthing the words 'your turn' to him.

He obliged, lowering my boxers down, then taking a moment to look over the merchandise. He and I were about the same size, and he looked quite satisfied as he 'inspected' me. I couldn't believe that we were actually doing this, and just shook my head and smiled, before stepping into the shower, with Nick following me. The water hit me first, and began to run down my chest as I turned around to face Nick.

He smiled at me as he watched the water find the path of least resistance down my body. I suddenly felt the urge to be closer to him, and I pulled him into me, kissing him passionately as the water ran over us as we moved under the stream of water, soaking our hair, and running down our faces as we discovered each other all over again.

We held each other for quite some time, and we barely noticed that the water was getting a bit colder. That fact was the least important thing in the world to us at the moment, and I felt strangely confident, knowing that we had revealed ourselves to each other, and that moment felt more sensual than any sexual activity possibly could have made me feel. There would be no more secrets between us, and I felt like I had opened up to him like I had never done with anyone ever before.

We explored each other a while longer, never approaching each other's member, because it wasn't necessary to do so. This shower had nothing to do with getting clean, but had everything to do with tearing down boundaries, and revealing our feelings toward each other.

Soon after, I began to shiver slightly, and I finally noticed how cold the water had gotten. Apparently, the hot water heater didn't have a very large capacity, and I was shivering quite a bit when I reached down to turn off the water. Nick took over, pulling back the shower door, and walking out of the shower, his arm around me.

He saw that there were two white bathrobes hanging on the wall, and he grabbed them, first putting one on me, and then on himself. He then put his arms around me from the back, rubbing his hands on my arms in an attempt to warm me up.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked.

"I'm fine, Nick. Just a bit cold, and a bit overwhelmed."

"I know what you mean, Cam." That is all we said, and Nick put his head on my shoulder, kissing the side of my head before leaning into mine.

After I had warmed up a bit, I stopped shivering, and we left the bathroom, and went out to the living room. I walked over to the window, to look out over the lake and at the mountains in the distance. I was deep in thought, contemplating what had just happened, and asking myself if I was ready to make the kind of commitment to the relationship that I already knew I had made. I wasn't going to let Nick out of my life, no matter what.

Nick came up behind me, reaching around to put his arms around me, putting his hands on my stomach, rubbing my stomach slightly as we took in the view.

"These mountains have been good to us," I said, not looking back toward Nick. "I owe them a lot."

"As do I," he responded. "Cam, did you feel the same things I felt just a few minutes ago?" I think he already knew the answer, but he had to ask anyway, and I was glad he did, so it could be confirmed.

"I don't know exactly what it was that we felt, but you weren't the only one. I felt an energy between us that I can't even begin to describe. I felt things I didn't know were possible."

"You aren't the only one," Nick said quietly, and that was all that needed to be said. We stood there for some time, and I began to feel sleepy as calmness overcame me.

"I think I need some rest. Join me?" I said, turning around to face him.

I only needed to look at him for a second to receive my answer. He led me into the bedroom, and he went to lie down on the bed, he pulled me into him, embracing me. It was his turn to hold me, and I gladly let him, burying my face into his chest as his robe fell to his sides. I was hypnotized by the rhythm of his breathing, and the sound of his heartbeat was the only lullaby I would need as I drifted off to sleep.

Well, that's it for Chapter 11. I hope it was worth the wait. I know this chapter is shorter than the previous few, but I wanted to get something out as soon as I could so my story isn't forgotten about at such an important time ;-)

Please e-mail me with comments, suggestions, or for no particular reason at all! (

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 12

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