Milai University

By Philani Madondo

Published on Mar 14, 2015


Milai University 5

Story contains material that may not be an interest to straight people. The audience must be well interpreted and over 18 or in other countries 21 to be able to read this story


STORY CONTAINS GAY SEX Milai University Forever Yours

Dorm Rooms 22h38 Thursday

Scott and Fin took out a rope so they could tie Kenny up the chair. Kenny didnt move even a finger and he was still knocked out"We wait till he wakes up then we can do what we said we will"said Scott smilling from ear to ear

Morning Cafeteria

Since last night Josh is still puzzled on what happened,one minute they were eating the next minute he wakes up naked and in Jack's bed,he was shocked,he didnt even want to wake Jack to ask him he just took his things and went to the shower even in the showers he kept on thinking about last night thinking that maybe he will remember but nothing"Dude are you ok?"some guy who was also showering next to him asked"What...yeah...yeah men im good. Thanks"He said getting back to showering. His mind had million things but what he wanted to know was,what happened lastnight. He looked around to see,he just realised now that they were only two people in the shower him and the guy next to him, first time looking at that guy he had a great body and a nice ass,his 9inch snake started to awaken but he turned around so the guy couldnt see it"looks like he is hungry"said the guy pointing at Josh's cock"Yeah long time since he has eaten some of that"Josh said he too pointing at the guys butt"I dont roll like that"said the guy with a plain face"even if i said i wanted a hand job for $50?"Josh said,he dont know were this confidence is coming from but he likes it. The guy froze,Josh could see it that the guy was in deep thinking....but after a few minutes he said"I want to see the money first". Josh went to his trouser's and took out his wallet,he took out a 50 dollar bill and gave it to the guy,the guy immediately took hold of Josh's dick and started stroking it,at first Josh coukd here by the shaking of the hand that it was the first time the guy was touching a dick that wasnt his but as time went on the guy started to stroke faster" getting close"the guy started stroking fast,Josh was so close that he couldnt hold it"Ahhh...fuck im...cumming ahhh fuck yes ah"he cummed like he has never done before,the cum was so intense that he was weak on his knees. The guy took his trousers"No one must hear about this"the guy said you could see that he was afraid of this coming out"Understood"said Josh putting on his trousers" number in case you...uhmmm help"he said giving Josh a paper"sure thing. Your name is?"asked Josh"Jacob"..."Nice to meet you Jacob"Josh said shaking his hand. They went out of the shower like nothing happened


Jack never thought in a million years that he would find love but atlast he did,he was excited so much that he couldnt stop smilling,he's smile was thrown out the window when he saw Samantha(the girl Josh pushed and fell). Jack didnt exactly like her,he thought that Samantha wanted to take Josh away from him,he felt like Samantha was competition and he had to take care of competition. Since he first saw her with Josh he did a little investigation he has not found anything that serious but he believes soon he will find some news that will his jaws drop


1st Period English

Josh did his work and he sent it to Mr Flin yesterday"GoodMorning students i hope you all sent your ACW's to me yesterday. Today we will be reading a book called WHY THINGS FALL APART By Rac Wemert,the book basically talks about life of a teenager,negative things that have happened to him and it even touches on his sexuality its a great book. Please turn to page 1 read the plot,setting,theme,discription etc and answer the questions that follow. You must understand that Monday we are going to write a Informal test about the book make sure you read it....

Intercom:GoodMorning students as the school has told you about the pass mark of the school this year,we want all of you to pass so as its a Saturday tommorow school proceeds as it does everyday meaning no sleeping late Thank you

They were people who felt like crying. Josh was one of them"Start reading please the Principal has spoken, nothing you can say about it". Josh wanted to do so much for the weekend but not anymore


Josh went out of the classroom feeling down,he bought a snack and went to the cafeteria to just chill,he didnt expect to see Jacob so he just nodded and Jacob returned the nod,Josh sat down and checked his phone for any messages they were 12 new messages and 15 missed calls from Kelly"is this seat taken"said Samantha"not at all please sit,how have you been?"said Josh putting away his phone"ive been very good and you?"said Samantha"same to me. So are you dating anyone at the moment"said Josh"Nah im not. Why?"said Samantha"I wanted to take you out maybe to eat somewhere so that i can properly say im sorry but they is a problem tomorrow its school for me so i wanted to take you out tomorrow so i cant"said Josh"oww yeah i too will be in classes so we cant but maybe next time"she said standing"yeah next time i see your on your way so will talk soon"Josh said"Yeah,see you around"


2nd Period Economics

Josh sat down,this time he was not late"GoodMorning student my name is Mr Ola and ill be teaching you Economics,the first basic of economics is that you must know what is Economics and what it deals with,they are many descriptions of economics but the one that i personally like is the one that say's Economics is a study of how individuals,businesses and the Government choose to use scarce resources to satisfy their numerous needs in a manner that is efficient and Equitable,i hope you wrote it down. Please all of you stand up and take a textbook,turn to page 2 it talks about Macro Economics read it and answer the questions that follow"said Mr Ola"For your ACW turn to page six just read the text and will answer the questions tomorrow here in class


3rd Period PET (L.O)

Josh went to the gym room,he hates gym. Ever since he was in high school he hated it. They were students in the gym but the teacher wasnt there so they was noise"Hi"said a voice behind him"owww hey Oscar"said Josh turning around"if i have offended you in anyway then im sorry ynu have been avoiding me for the past few days,if what i said in the shower shocked you then im sorry that i said it,i though maybe we were on the same page that maybe you were gay because they is no straight guy i know that can have sex with a dude,if you dont want to talk to me just say it and i will leave you alone,but know that im sorry"said Oscar,he was speaking so fast that he was out of breath when he finished talking"Firstly you dont know nothing about me dont come to me and put a tag on me like im some kind of animal,im not mad at you or anything its just that im not gay and you should have asked me how i feel about fucking a guy,you dont know anything about the guy what if he was straight,what if i payed him to do it,what if it was a truth or dare,what if it was a bet so dont ever say shit you dont know"


3rd Period Mathematical Literacy

Josh was a lil bit of angry,he didnt believe that Oscar would come to him and tell him what he just did. He sat down and kept quiet he had a million things in his mind"GoodMorning students im sure you already know me for those who forgot im Ms Enest ill be teaching you Maths lit im also teaching you accounting so it means ill be seeing you two hours in a day. Today its friday so periods are going for 15 minutes so for your ACW it will be sent to you today,please take a text book and turn to page 13,Conversion and Time please read and look at the egxamples when your done do Activity1 all the questions must be answered"


Josh went out of the class feeling tired,he just wanted to go to sleep,he looked at his wristwatch and it said 12:16pm....

Intercom: Afternoon learners today's lessons are done,you are free to go to your dorm rooms and rest remember tomorrow is a normal school day. Thank you.

Its like he read Josh's mindhe thought. He went to his dorm room expecting to see kenny but nothing they was no one in the room,he started thinking<i didnt see Kenny at all yesterday and he didnt sleep here lastnight and today still no sign from him,where is he?>. He took out his phone and phoned hin it went straight to voicemail,he started to get worried,kenny would never do something like this,but he thought that maybe Kenny found a girl and he is shacking up with her


He opened his phone to check the message he just received


Hey,can we meet tonight at the showers maybe around 10

Received at- 12:58pm

Josh laughed,he couldnt believe that the guy wants a go again and then he says he doesnt roll that way

Secret Governance of Women(S.G.W)

Is located in Danville North in the USA. Its an organisation that deals with theft,con artists,fraud,piracy and counterfeiting in 1982 it was shut down by the govenment but it was re-opened in 1990,it was kept secret from the government,even now nobody knows about it. Andrea Mcdefie has been working for the S.G.W for 25years he has been undercover for 12years in disguise at Milai University pretending to be the cafeteria lady known as "Sugar Plum". He was putted on an assignment to research about the principal Mr Tator,he is believed that he was responsible for the shut down of S.G.W in 1982,she is still investigating

Dorm Rooms 03:20pm

Kenny was still tied in the chair and now he was awake"what do you want from me"said Kenny"we have been watching you and we believe you are the leader of Josh and Jack"said Scott"are you mad,what the hell are you talking about"said Kenny"we have been watching you and you are the leader,they listen to you,so dont tell me bullshit,now listen your friend Josh has been sleeping with our friend Max,we do not like that"Scott said"Wait...wait...wait...hold up are you telling me that Josh is gay. Nah thats not possible thats just ridiculous"said Kenny laughing"Oww you didnt know sorry but its just the way it is. If you want us to let you go you have to help us"said Scott"Help you with what?"said Kenny"We want you to sleep with Josh and videotape it for us you must understand that we want you to fuck him hard"said Scott"What!you have got to be crazy...

Dorm Room

Jack opened the door and saw that Josh was sleeping,he went to his phone and searched for Samantha in the contacts list,he found her and he sent her a message saying


Hi,can we meet at the sports ground right now its very important Please

Sent at-06:15

He took the phone back at the side table where Josh left it,he changed his clothes then he went on his way. He arrived and he found Samantha waiting"Listen and listen good Josh is mine get that into that head of yours,he is gay he likes men he doesnt love he is just using you so he can a taste of that pussy of yours,hes my men,my bf,my soulmate my everything nobody is going to ruin what we have not even you,bitch watch yourself if i see you with him they is going to be trouble"Jack said then he went away,he didnt care if he hurted her lil feeling Josh was his and nobody else's


Josh was waiting there and it has past 10 minutes,he was about to go when Jacob came in"sorry i had to send an ACW"he said"you called me what is this about"said Josh,in no play mood"Uhmm...i wanted to ask if i could do what i did to you yesterday,i need $300 so i can pay for my textbooks"he said"you know i pay you 50 dollars,so how are you going to get that kind of money,dont think what we are doing is going to be a regular thing,i have people who do this to me and do better than what your doing"said Josh"What do they do?"he asked"they give up their asses and i fuck them easy $500"Josh said"wow 500 dollars thats a lot of money"Jacob said"yeah it is. You know what take this,i think it will be enough"Josh said. He handed Jacob $450"oww men thank you so much thank you...thank you...thank you"Jocob was on the verge of tears"Its ok men,just do what you said you wanted to do with that money. Cheers"

Saturday Dorm Room

Josh woke up feeling fresh and ready to face the day. Jack was already up"Morning"said Jack"Morning,has he come back?"said Josh getting out of bed"Who?"said Jack"Kenny"said Josh"Nah. Where has he gone"asked Jack"cant believe that you havent seen that Kenny has not been here for the past couple of day,all you care about is sex"said Josh taking his toiletries and of to the showers

Dorm Rooms

Scott was worried about what happened lastnight,he was worried that Kenny might say no,Kenny looked like he wasnt thrilled about the idea he thought that maybe Kenny would be worried but lastnight it seemed like he wasnt worried. He was starting to think twice about what they are doing to Kenny,i mean its a matter of time before his friends report him missing to the principal and if that happens police will check all the dorm rooms and if they find him they will be in big trouble,he went to Kenny's phone and saw that he had 15 missed calls ten from his mother and five from Josh,he went to Kenny and untired him"Take,go and never come back here but know that your friend Josh is in trouble Fin and Tony will do something i didnt hear exactly what they said but tell your friend that he must watch himself"Kenny took his phone and ran as fast as he could he didnt believe that he was free but most importantly he had to warn Josh

School Hall

Students were all assembled in the hall,the principal said they must assemble there

Intercom-GoodMorning again student,we have a problem,the person who is responsible for opening your classroom doors is sick and he is at the hospital,we tried to send someone to fetch the keys but they were nowhere to be found so we contacted his doctor and his doctor said he cant speak or do nothing so he wont be able to tell us where he puts the keys im sorry to say they is no school today.

You should have seen the students they were so happy that they was no school. Josh was ontop of the world,he was thinking of calling Samantha and tell her the good news but first he had to change. He opened his dorm room door to find Kenny eating"Dude,where the hell have you been i was starting to get worried"said Josh getting inside and giving him a gangster hug"Men you wont believe me if i tell you"said Kenny"nah men talk where were you?"said Josh sitting down"I was kidnapped by Max's friends Scott,Fin and Tony...

Down Underneath The School

The Caretaker sat down and watched his tv set and saw everything that has been happening from the moment Jack putted sleeping pills in Josh's orange juice and when the 3 idiats kidnapped Kenny not seeing that Jack was watching them,the Caretaker had the footage but he didnt know what to do with it,he thought


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