Milai University

By Philani Madondo

Published on Mar 10, 2015


Milai University 4

Story contains material that may not be an interest to straight people. The audience must be well interpreted and over 18 or in other countries 21 to be able to read this story



Milai University


....Remember its a Summary so its going to be short dont be mad....

Hi,my name is P.Mad. Well chapter 4 is basically a summary of chapter 1 untill 3. This is my first story,i was always on nifty wanting,searching and reading stories but on all the stories i read,i didnt exactly find what i was fascinated by,i like college stories with lots and lots of sex not any sex-Gay Sex-i love stories that have straight guys who get tricked into sleeping with gay peeps. I always loved writting but not writing explicit content. Milai University is my baby i dont just write it i vision it,i want it to be as real as it is,so i try. I pray and hope your reading it cause its going to get hot in the next chapters

My Point of View

The main characters are Josh,Scott and Max remember Kenny and Jack are Josh's roomates dont get it twisted. They are three houses in the university many people dont understand when i say houses,they are like groups that a pupil can choose to enter,houses provide you with a place(room)that is yours,a bathroom that is yours some have parties some dont,some are serious about school some are not but all in all they provide you with a great reputation. The Tremors house is the one that has the most people joining they often try to close down the 2 other houses. The story is about Josh and generally what hes going through,hes 18 and handsome he meet challenges while in the university challenges like hes sexuality,love,school,friends and enemies while on the enemy topic lets see the enemies well firstly im putting Scott in the number 1 position man this guy hates Josh,secondly Fin and lastly Tony yep the enemies. Josh is the guy that everyone ignores,people dont get used to him he's like that,Jack is a character i created he's based on a true human,i had this friend in high school damn that guy could talk for hours so i basically made Jack based on him.

Chapter 1 was basically a introduction to the characters and the university in,chap1 is very interesting because we meet the characters and their roles its just great,Josh is confused about he's sexuality dont forget that he has a GF named Kelly back home so that means his straight but that leaves a question mark to everyone,when you read the story at first you will realise that many things change for eg. Many people didnt know that Josh has had sexual intercourse with The famous one Max,again you didnt know that Jack was Gay-yep he is- he didnt do that stunt in chap 2 for fun mhmmm(Big Brothes Voice). The morning came and they found theirselfs chit chatting with the cafeteria lady called Sugar Plum(SP).....spoiler alert...Sugar Plum is a Spy....

Immediately when they sat down they had people screaming mostly girls,they stood up to see what was the noise all about,Josh couldnt believe his eyes he was looking at Max.....

Max and Josh grew up together,they were best friends,now and then they would play truth or dare and one day Josh dared Max to suck his cock(remember they were 15)so Max stood up and did it Max couldnt believe it he was shocked he thought that maybe Max will say no but he didnt,a couple of days passed without both of them seeing each other so when they finally they were not as before,they were not their selves but Max wanted something from him so he called him"Hi,Max can you please come to my house. I need to talk to you". Max hurried out of the house going straight to Josh,he knocked and Josh opened


Josh-hey. Come in please

Max-thanks. I got your call

Josh-Yeah about that. I wanted to ask you something


Josh-Uhmm...can you...uhmm be able to experiment something

Max-Yeah ofcourse. Whats that

Josh-I want to fuck you


Josh-Its ok if you dont want to i understand

Max-I didnt say that....

Well he accepted and Josh fucked him hard,raugh and without mercy. When Max heard that Josh has gone to boarding school his heart was broken. Max saw Josh and was like OWWW MY GOD thats what he has been praying for since Josh left and now he's here its about to go down...

Chapter 2

Chap 2 is a story changer thats were the story starts. Josh packed his stuff and went out of the cafeteria without giving Kenny a valid reason. Brim students were called in the hall so that they can explain the houses to them. They went to their room to check on Jack(sorry i didnt mention it in the summary of chap 1. Jack went to a party were he lost his virginity so he came back sick and woke up sick)he was fine oww yeah they is a school radio called Milai waves. The bell rang and they went there separate ways. Josh was late for Accounting what a impression to the teacher. He made a friend named Matt. 2nd period Business he fell asleep so he didnt here nothing. Went to the cafeteria remember the (refresher). Max came to Josh to talk to him but he declined Max kept on asking and that made Josh mad so he went out to his dorm room,kenny and Jack followed and they made things worse

Josh went out of his room and went outside into an open field,many things were going through his mind,he was asking himself if he was gay but nah he dismissed that thought and said if anyone is gay its Max hes the one who gets fucked and hes the one who sucks cock. He heard a voice behind him thats when he met Oscar . Josh attended all his periods and went to the showers to bath suprisingly he met Oscar there they talked and the topic went to the gay topic they talked and it went sideways when Oscar wanted to Josh to fuck hin Josh said No he wasnt gay and left but in his he so wanted to do a number on him. Josh went inside his dorm room and found jack bare naked....thats were he fucked him hard. Kenny came back but he didnt catch them..

Chapter 3

Chap 3 makes me so excited dont know why. Josh forgot the ACW for business. He was running and he triped and fell ontop of a girl or was it he fell then pushed that girl lol. Jack talked to kenny and both went their separate ways. Someone was watching and that someone is Scott with Fin and Tony. Jack went to business,today they were discussing and they had to pair in 2 Oscar came. Oscar wanted to talk about what happened between them in the showers but that was crushed when the bell rang lol Josh was so happy. He met the girl she pushed when she fell,they exchanged numbers. Jack asked him questions about samantha but Josh quickly put him in his place. He went to English and they gave them work. He attended all classes and took notes when he found Jack with food. Would you say no to Brown bread,eggs,fried tomatoes,sausages and Orange juice. Kenny was in the showers and Scott visited him,they smacked him with a metal pipe he passed out so they took him. The caretaker is a old men staying underground the school,he knows everythiog that happens in the school. This is not the last time you hear about him


Dont stop reading. Things are going to turn up in the next chapters. I promise. Thanks for reading


Next: Chapter 5

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