Milai University

By Philani Madondo

Published on Mar 9, 2015


Milai University 3

Story contains material that may not be an interest to straight people. The audience must be well interpreted and over 18 or in other countries 21to be able to read this story


STORY CONTAINS GAY SEX Milai University Deep Desire Tuesday 07h15


Josh and kenny entered the cafeteria to grab some breakfast"I didnt want to ask you yesterday because you were....uhmmm not ok so can i ask you"said kenny"Sure"."How do you know max exactly"said kenny"We were neighbours why?"said josh"Then why did you act that way when he greeted you"said kenny"We fought when we were in 4th grade so maybe he wanted to apologise,i dont know"said josh clearly knowing what max wanted to say to him"ok men was just asking. Whats your first period"said kenny changing the subject"Business.....fuck the ACW i forgot about it,dude ill see you later"said josh grabing his backpack and sprinting out of the cafeteria

He is running in the hallway and he triped and fell that lead him to push someone and that someone fell"Im so sorry,are you ok?"said josh helping her stand up"Yep im fine"said the girl"Uhmm im in a rush so ill see you around. Sorry again"said josh sprinting towards his dorm room and opening his PC,Yep it was there 1 New E-mail from M.U.D for B.S,he thought

Cafeteria(Jack & Kenny)

Jack entered the cafeteria hoping to find josh but he was suprised to see kenny sitting alone"Morning"said jack sitting down"morning"said kenny eating"Where is josh?"said jack"he forgot to do an ACW so he went out to do it,So what was wrong with you lastnight"said kenny"Nothing,why?"said jack eating an apple"You were asleep when i arrived so josh said maybe your not feeling wellhe thought"No it was just a headache"said jack"You should get a checkup for this headaches,you cant have headaches day after day"said kenny showing concern for jack"OMG you care about me"said jack pretending to cry"Im serious"said kenny"Ok fine,i will"said jack looking at his wrist watch"its 07h26 so ill see you later"said jack standing"Think about what i said"said kenny. Jack stood up and went out,kenny noticed that jack was limping but he didnt take it seriously. He too went out of the cafeteria

"So they are roomates but it seems that kenny is the head of the clan mhmmmm interesting i thought that josh was the head so i was wrong. We must pay a visit to kenny in the showers tonight"said Scott to Fin & Tony

Period 1 Business

Josh entered the class with his PC and he sat downhe thought he was the only one. Miss Onita entered the class"Owww my why did everyone....owww i forgot to give you the e-mail address on which when you finish the ACW you must send it on"she said,she took a chalk and wrote it on chalkboard"its WWW.M.U.D.510BUS@MAIL.COM,write it down please,so tomorrow i want that work all ACW's must be sent to me before 6am after 6am i dont mark them. Well ladies and gentlemen today we are not learning we are discussing,so pair yourselves in two"said the lecture"Hi"said Oscar(you remember him the one josh met at the open field)"Hey"said josh"how are you"said oscar"im good you"said josh"im good thanks"said oscar"Your first project in the university,you must be excited. We are going to talk about Socio Economic Issues we as a class are going to talk about Inequality,poverty,piracy,counterfeiting,bootlegging,gambling,violence and crime and how all these issues affect businesses,im giving you 7days to finish this project meaning i want it thursday,both of you must pick one issue and discuss this issue,i want pictures and this must be presented in a poster and you are going to present your research infront of the class. The project is out of 80"said Miss Onita"So what are we choosing"said oscar"Violence you"said josh"Good choice because i know many people will choose crime"said oscar writing it in his notepad"So we must meet to start the project"said josh"Yeah well here's my phone number you can call me"said oscar"Owww ok here's mine"said josh giving oscar his digits"Uhmmm josh about lastnight in the showers.....


Josh went out the class asfast as he could,he cant deal with oscar now,he went to the snack machine and bought a packet of peanuts. He felt a light hand tap him in the shoulder then he turned"Hi"said the girl"Hey,how are you?"said josh"Im good. Im Samantha"said the girl"Im josh,sorry again for falling on you""Its ok. Uhmmm do you want to grab a coffe sometime when your free"said samantha"sure why not"said josh"ok well heres my number call me when your free,bye"said samantha going"cheers"said josh looking at the phone numbers


Josh entered and went to sit with kenny and jack"Hy fellas"said josh"oy,your in a happy mood might i ask who brought that smile in your face"said kenny"im just happy is that a crime"said josh finishing of his peanuts"ok then if you say so...ill be right back i need a soda"said kenny standing up"what is she to you"said jack with a serious face"what"said josh"who is that girl you were talking to in the hallway"said jack"that's none of your business"said josh not paying attention to jack"its my fucken business,now tell me"said jack pissed"what the fuck,i said its none of your business,anyway why do you want to know"said josh"i want to know if that bitch wants to steal my men"said jack"are you crazy im not your men"said josh,shocked to hear those words"Your my men,my property so dont fucken tell me shit that your not,is that bitch trying to get in your pants"said jack"whats wrong with you,are you like crazy,im not your men get that in that skull of yours"said josh getting up and getting ready to go"Im going to tell everyone what we did"said jack. Josh stopped and sat down"You dont have any proof"said josh"owww really"said jack taking out his phone to show him the video"do you think a guy can sleep naked facing down,i knew you wouldnt pass the opportunity of taking me,from the first day i knew you loved me"said jack touching josh's thigh,josh removed jack's hand from his thigh"what do you want jack"said josh"i want you josh only you"said jack....."Can you believe a line for soda"said kenny sitting down"Uhmmm see you later kenny"said josh sprinting out of the cafeteria"Whats up with him"said kenny pointing at josh"I have no idea"said jack

Second Period

Josh went to English class. He couldnt believe that jack would do such a thing to him,so much for friends...."Morning students yesterday i was upsent so sorry for that. Im Mr Flin and ill be teaching you English. Take one book each and turn to page 50 Activity 9,question 1 to 5"said the lecture"for you ACW turn to page 30 read untill 38 then summarise it into 250 words. Your dismissed



Josh attended all periods and listened to every lecture he even took notes. He went to his dorm room to relax but relax was thrown out the window when he opened the door and see jack"Hy baby,welcome home"jack said,he took josh's backpack and putted it down. He lead josh to his table where they was bread,eggs,fried tomatoes,sausages and orange juice"Baby here's dinner"said jack. Josh was speechless,he wanted to say no but he couldnt say it. He just sat down and ate his dinner



Kenny arrived early in his dorm room so he decided to shower early. He went to the showers and he didnt find anyone in them. He started to undress and went inside the shower a few minutes passed then he had a laugh coming from the next shower head"Well...well...if it isnt the head of the group kenny"scott said looking at kenny like a full fried chicken"Uhmmm do i know you?cause your face is familiar its like i have seen you somewhere"said kenny drying his face"Well you will know us". Fin came and smacked kenny in the head with a metal pipe that knocked kenny unconcious. They took him out of the showers,they pulled him untill they arrived at their destination(Their Dorm Room)

Down Underneath The School

They are small television like screens a total of 4000 and their speakers are so tiny they are a marble size,the screens show each and everything that is happening in the school. A men sitting down is watching each and everything,he's name is Melvin and he is 68years,he has been down under the school for 40years watching everything that is done by teenagers. He was fascinated so he decided to build the room with all the cameras and micro phones. A few years back they was a rumour that spreaded saying that they was a person who watched each and everyone,their actions were bizzare,some believed he was a pervert,but the rumours died of,even now at the university they are those who know of the rumours he has been nicknamed -CARETAKER-


Next: Chapter 4

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