Milai University

By Philani Madondo

Published on Dec 3, 2014


Milai University 2

Story contains material that may not be an interest to straight people. The audience must be well interpreted and over 18 or in other countries 21 to be able to read this story


STORY CONTAINS GAY SEX Milai University 2 Memories that faded

Monday 07h25

Josh packs his books and prepares to leave"What are you doing and where are you going?"said kenny also packing his stuff"No man you can stay its just i forgot to finish a homework"josh said"Dude its the first day of school we have not yet received any homework"Said kenny looking straight to josh's eyes"Ok fine im lying"said josh"Dah tell me something i dont know. Well whats wrong?"kenny said with a concerned look on his face"Dude ill tell you later,we must go its almost 07h30"said josh looking at his wrist watch"Ok but later you have to tell me. Deal"said kenny"Deal"josh said

Student Hall

All brim level students have already gathered in the hall awaiting the intercom to speak but it didnt say a thing they were suprised when they saw a very well dressed gentlemen in his forties enter the hall and climb the stage

*Good morning students and welcome to Milai University. My name is Mr Tator the principal of this school. Well i take it your used to me talking on the intercom,you will be hearing me more on the intercom. The reason i called you here is that i wanted to tell you about the house's that are available for students who are interested in them. The students will be able to stay comfortable in a one room reserved for them and not for sharing,they will be able to learn and have privacy because the room comes with a full furnished bathroom but they are conditions,the first one is called The Tremors house its for the learnes who are very good in sports,the second one is called The Oltarians house its for learners who are strong believers in god and are very good in art,the third one is called The Ominicatous many people prefer to call it(Cato House)its for people who are very smart in maths,economics and accounting. Each house has its own benefits that you gain when your part of the house. They are booklets provided so you can know more about the house you want to enter. Thank you for coming and enjoy your stay owww sorry i almost forgot if you are not interested in any of the house you can stay in your dorm room with your roomies no problem. Lessons start at 8 thank you"the principal went out with some few students following him"Im alright were i am"said josh checking the time"Me too"Said kenny"lets go and check on jack he must get ready 10minutes left before the first lesson starts"

They went to there dorm room to find jack ready and checking his schedule"Well....well....well if it isnt the Party Master. You look better than yesterday,are you feeling ok?"said kenny"Im getting there but otherwise im good. So which house are you knuckle heads going into?"said jack"Were you at the meeting?"said josh"Nah i listened to the school radio,i heard everything"said jack fixing his belt"Wow they is a school radio,i didnt know"said josh"Me neither but i heard some guys talking about it so i searched it till i found it. Its called Milai Waves"said jack


"Shit we are going to be late thats the bell"said josh taking his back pack and books"My first period is accounting so ill see you later"said josh getting out the door

Josh ran as fast as his legs would take him,he couldnt believe he was late on the first day,what an impression to the teacher that will be teaching him accounting. He looked at his schedule and looked at the door,the schedule says R10F5 and the door says R10F5 so it means that he is at the right door. He opened the door.....

"Ahhh....Mr Oneil so glad you can join us. Please take a sit. As i was saying my name is Enest but you must call me Ms Enest,ill be teaching you accounting and maths. So i have a total of 25 textbooks and all in all you are fifty so you must share,one book two people please people find a partner"Ms Enest said while taking the plastic out of the new wrapped books"Hi,can i sit here"said a guy to josh,but josh was a million miles away"Hellow anybody home"said the guy waving his hands infront of josh's eyes"Owww...hi...hi sorry im a mile away"said josh"I was asking if i could sit"said the guy pointing at the chair next to josh"Yeah...yeah ofcourse"said josh"Thanks,im Matt by the way. I thought you will say no,im new so i dont have friends"said matt shaking josh's hand"Im new too,dont you have roomates if so dont you talk"said josh"We dont talk because im always busy with school work"said matt opening his backpack and taking out a notepad"Men its the first day and you were already busy with school work"said josh confused"Yep. I always prepare"said matt

Ms Enest gave josh and matt a texbook"Okay class please turn to page120 Activity3 Question 1. Mr Oneil can you please read for us"she said. Josh stood up and read"Please name 9 journals that the accounting subject deals with?"said josh then sat down"Anyone who knows the answer. Yes Mr Olinski"said the lecture pointing at matt"They are as follows Cash receipt journal,cash payment journal,petty cash journal,debtors journal,creditors journal,debtors allowance journal,creditors allowance journal,salaries and wages journal and the General journal"said matt then he sat down. Josh was like wow,this kid is smart"Thank you Mr Olinski. That is correct. Can anyone tell me on his/her own defination what is a Source document?. Yes Mr Oneil"said the lecture"In my own explanation i think its a voucher which is authorised by a senior staff member"said josh"Your correct Mr Oneil thank you"said the lecture"Ladies and gentlemen for your after class work(ACW)I want you to write me Steps in preparing the balance sheet and notes the steps must not go over 7. Thank you,your dismissed

Josh looked at his schedule it said it was Business studies and the class room is number R06F2,he found it then he entered atleast this time he is early. A nice dressed lady entered the class,looked like she was on her thirties"Good morning class im Miss Onita and ill be teaching you business,i hope we can work together to be able to pass right?"she said. Well shes hyper active. The lecture kept on talking but josh was thinking about max,so many questions were in his mind that he started to fall asleep....1hour later"Thank you very much for your participation. Your ACW will be sent to you via email."


Josh went out of the class and went to the cafeteria to buy something to eat. In M.U they are 15 minute breaks so that students can eat or socialise,students call it the"Refresher". Josh went to jack and kenny they were sitting in the same desk they were sitting in the morning."Im so fucked. I slept while the business lecture was teaching,i woke up when she was finished and handing us ACW"said josh drinking his soda"Funny how they call homeworks ACW anyway why dont you ask the pepz you were in class with"said kenny munching away on his lettuce and avocado sandwich"I didnt even pay attention to the pepz that were in my class"said josh....while the three boys were talking"The famous one"Max entered with 2 boys on his sides namely Fin and Tony,he went straight to josh's table"Whats up"he said greeting jack and kenny"Oy"said kenny" My name is Max this here is fin and this is tony,they are my friends"said max introducing his gang"Josh can i speak with you?"said max"Nah"said josh not even looking at him"Please men it will only take 5minutes"said max"Nah men i have nothing to say to you"said josh"Please josh i need to speak with you"said max"I said No God Damnit,are you deaf leave me alone"Said josh getting up and getting out of the cafeteria. Josh went to his dorm room immediately when he closed the door,kenny and jack entered"What was that all about"said jack to josh"Guys please just leave"said josh"Uhmm we live here"said jack"Then shut the fuck up"said josh getting out of the room


Josh went out of the room running to a clear place ground where it seems like they will be extending the school. Josh sat down on a rock and started to cry,so many things that he did started to come back...he had sex with max,used to kiss max,used to tell him he loves him,used to tell him he was his foreverhe thought to himself but then he dismissed the idea,he thought to himself that they were young,confused and fooling around as kids do. josh thought."Uhmmm hi"said a voice behind josh"Hi"said josh turning around and was amazed at the beauty infront of his eyes"Uhmmm i brought you this. I saw that you were sleeping in Business so i wrote you notes on what we did i thought you might need it for the ACW"Said the guy"Im Oscar"said oscar,stretching his hand for a shake"Im max...fuck shit im cody...fuck i mean im josh"said josh love struck"So ok then see you in business"said oscar leaving"Ok...see you then"said josh looking at his butt



Josh attended all the periods and the last one was Life orientation(PET). Josh went to his dorm room to collect his toiletries,he arrived but josh and kenny have not yet arrived so he took his toiletries and went to the showers,the shower was empty exept for"Oscar"said josh staring at oscar's big cream ass" are you?"said oscar turning his head to greet josh"Im good you?"said josh still staring at oscar's"Im good,just washing up for the welcome party of the brims are you coming"said oscar now getting out the shower"Nah dont think so im not in a party mood today"said josh taking out his trousers,boxers and his t-shirt"Wow"said oscar eyes wide"What"asked josh"your dick is big damn how many inches is it?"oscar said"Now or when its hard"said josh getting in the shower"hard and now"said oscar ripping of his towl to put on body lotion"Well when its not hard as in now its 6inches and when its hard its 9inches"said josh proudly"wow your lucky mine is only 6inches when hard,i dont know when its flat"said oscar"Well atleast you have have a feature that makes everyone turn"said josh"whats that?"said oscar combing his hair on the mirror"Your ass"said josh looking at it"Really is it that big"said oscar chuckling"Hell yeah,if you were a girl i wouldnt mind fucking it"said josh"Oww a girl is they something wrong in fucking a dude"said oscar"No i didnt say that,well they are boys who prefer ass sooo i like ass in a women not in a dude"said josh trying to explain but failing"Okay i get it"said oscar. Awkward silence was in the room,josh countinued to shower and oscar finished off his hair"Dude you have a great ass and your good looking and by the look on the notes you gave me your smart so i wouldnt mind dating you if you didnt have that infront of you"said josh pointing at Oscar's dick"ok then what would you say if i didnt show my dick to you and never ever mention it"said oscar"Men i dont know maybe ill go out with you but really i dont know"said josh getting out the shower and switching it off"Have you ever fucked a guy?"said oscar. Josh was shocked where the hell did that question come from,he wanted to say no but then he said"Yeah,you?"said josh"Nah,i have only thought about getting fucked,i googled it and it sounds like it hurts"said oscar putting on his white briefs"Yeah it hurts if that person fucking you is raugh"said josh putting on his body lotion"Were you not raugh on the guy you fucked"said oscar"nah he was a virgin so i had to be slow"said josh putting on his boxers"If i said to you fuck me would you"asked oscar"You must do this with someone special,not some guy you find,remember its the same as the girl the person who breaks you will be in you forever you will never forget him"said josh. He took his dirty clothes and packed them in his bag,he was already done"Dude see you tommorow in class cheers"said josh preparing to leave"I want you to fuck me"said oscar unexpectedly"No men i cant,im not gay"said josh"I dont mean like make love i mean to fuck and its done"said oscar"Men i cant sorry"said josh getting out of the showers. He soo wanted to fuck him but he wanted to prove to himself that he wasnt gay

Dorm Room 20h36

Josh went inside and found jack bare naked in bed lying on his face. Jack didnt have a big butt but it was ok,not big not small just ok. Josh putted his dirty clothes on the laundry basket and went to his PC to check for emails,only 1 from Kelly


U said u wil cal but you didnt,i waited 4 ur call until i gave up. Are you seeing someone there because if you are then ill fucken cheat dnt think its only you that cn do it. I called u so many times and dont gve me an excuse of u hve been buzy. I told ur mom so u wil talk to her cause i knw you wil fucken lie and gve me lame excuses


Well that went well. Josh checked his phone indeed kelly did phone. Josh looked around for something to do and saw jack still lying there and wanted to mess with him so he took his body lotion and squeezed an even amount to his hand and putted it in jack's asshole,he slid a finger inside and jack's sphincter closed on his finger it was so tight that he thought it was going to slice his finger....he countinued to slid his finger for about 3minutes then he took it out. He unfastened his trouser and took out his boxers,his cock was standing straight 9inches of muscel,he got in the bed and opened jack's ass...he pointed the head in the hole and started to push in slowly,the sphincter locked instantly but he kept on pushing slowly until the head popped in"Ahhh fuck it hurts take it out please ahhh fuck take it out its too big"said jack. Josh was suprised he thought jack was asleep so josh pulled it out and stayed on jack's back......after 5minutes of silence josh aimed his dick in jack's hole and pushed in slowlyand the head popped in again,this time it went a lil easy than before,he pushed and pushed untill all 9inches were inside. When jack felt josh's pubes on his butt chicks he knew it was all inside"Please go slow it still hurt's a lil bit"said jack elevating his ass so that josh can be able to fuck it. Josh started slow pumping so that he can make it enjoyable for jack but when time went on he started to be a lil fast"Ahhh fuck ahhh"moaned jack,he was starting to feel pleasure he didnt know what was josh hitting but it made him feel the dick and also feel good. Josh started to fuck faster,he didnt hear any complain so he fucked hard and faster,sounds of flesh hitting each other could be heard in the room. Josh was going crazy in that ass,he was fucking him like it was his last day on earth"Ahhh fuck yesss ahhhh fuck ahhhh fuck me harder fuck me ahhh"moaned jack,elevating his ass so it can be a good aim. Josh pumped 3 pumps then pulled out"Whats wrong"asked jack,worried that josh would say he wants to stop"Lie on your back"said josh. Jack obeyed and did exactly that. Jack countinued were he left off,he slid his dick inside and this time it didnt resist it slid faster than before. Josh fucked him for a full hour and now going to 30minutes in the middle of the intercourse they heard kenny's voice outside,they both looked at each other and jumped,josh pulled out his dick and putted his trouser's as fast as he could and jack got in bed and pretended like he was sleeping. The door opened"Hy"said kenny getting in and closing the door"Hi. Uhmmm kenny sorry about what happened ealier i was not ok so im very sorry"said josh"its ok men. So whats wrong with him,why is he sleeping?"said kenny"Dont know when i got here he was sleeping. Maybe he's sick or he has a pain somewhere in his body"said josh smilling

Thanks for Reading Watch out for part 3

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