Milai University

By Philani Madondo

Published on Nov 29, 2014


Milai University

Story contains material that may not be an interest to straight people. The audience must be well interpreted and over 18 or in other countries 21 to be able to read this story


STORY CONTAINS GAY SEX Milai University First Day Sunday 21h51

M.U is located in the south of danvile USA. Its 5000 acres high and its the first university in Danvile to receive an award from the G.F.T.U (Government of teachers union)in 2007 for having 12 students who passed with straight A's in all their subjects. Its known for its diversed languages and cultures. In the campus they are a total of 35 floors combined,they are 3 sectors in the university,the first sector is for ACC/BUS/ECO which has eleven floors,in each floor they are a total of 20 rooms on which three students share one room,the second sector has 12 floors and its the same as the first sector,its for MATLIT/ECO/BUS the third sector has 12 floors and a total of 25 rooms in one floor 3 students share a room,its for HIS/BUS/GEO

The university have extra programs to teach for learners that are not busy in the weekends. The statistics show that 20%(out of hundred) of black students are enrolled in this program They include*chess,football,volleyball,art paint,karate & Spray Painting Class (SPC)

They are 36 halls for bloom students,110 rooms to teach the brim level and pumel level they are 68+ teachers in the university

The brim are learners who have been to the school 1-2years,the pumel are those who have been to school for 3-4years then the bloom are the graduates who have been to the school for 5years. All this stages go with levels

Student Hall

Its the first day of school and students are going high and low making new friends or just talking to their old friends and catching up. The festive holidays are over and now its time for students to focus on their school work


"Students settle down please. Welcome back i hope you all had a great breather during your festive holidays but they are now over and its time for you to focus on your work,last year was a bad year because many of our student didnt do well in their exams so because of that we will try to do more to help this year. Now comes the part you all hate,this years pass rate is 70%"

Students start to shout saying things like"They are crazy,what the fuck etc "Students remember this is a university not a kindergarten we want you to be the best you can. They are new students in M.U so treat them with respect,all new students must stay behind to register.get their hall passes and schedules thank you students you may go to your classes excluding the newbies"

The students countinued were they leftof. The brims(newbies)waited in the hall as the principal said,a nice well dressed lady sat on a chair and started to call out names"Please listen to your name if i call your name please come to will be receiving your Hall pass ticket,schedule and room keys to your room. So please can i have Jack,Josh & Keeny"they went to her and she gave then their schedules and hall passes"You guys are sharing a room your Dorm number is DR01 your on the first sector,floor 1 and boys welcome to Milai University"

"Hi the names Josh but my friends call me jay"

"Oy the names jack an m keeny"

"Nice to meet you,so i guess we are roomates"said josh shaking their hands

"Yep roomates"

They got to their room and found 3beds,3wardrobes,3tables and 2blankets in each bed. They started to unpack their clothes and put them in the wardrobe.josh unpacked his laptop and charged it with his phone,he putted magazines,books and pastered Nicki Minaj's posters all over his side of the bed"Damn men you sure like the girl"Keeny said while looking at the posters"I dont like her i love her,i mean she's the best in the game an her body damn thats all im saying"Josh said while unpacking his sneakers and chino shorts"Well im done unpacking and ama see you dudes later,im going to hunt for some pussy"Jack said going out the door"Did you even check your schedule for tomorrow?"said kenny"Ill check it when i come back later"jack said and immediately closed the door"Already looking for pussy on the first day"Keeny said unpacking his laptop,he switched it on and read his e-m@il's from home"Looks like they miss you already"josh said while looking"You have no idea. We are so close in my family,its me my paps and my two brothers,my mother passed away in a car accident"He said while looking down"Im so sorry i didnt know"josh said sounding sincere"Nah its okay all good,so where do you come from?"kenny said looking at josh"Well i come from a town called Michigan and i live with my two crazy sister i also live with my ma,pa and granpa and we have a farm"josh said while taking out a pic of his family and the barn yard"Wow i now see why you say your sister's are crazy,what the hell are they wearing on their heads?"kenny said pointing at the pic"They made crowns out of grass and sheep fur after seeing the movie The Chronicles of Narnia"Josh said while laughing"Dont blame them its a great movie well i dont have pics so....."he said"Nah its okay,sounds like you and your family are tight"Said josh while making his bed getting ready to sleep"Yeah family is what we have. So are you here because of a scholarship or are you paying?"Said kenny already under the covers"My dads paying,he said if i fail he will kill me,im not that smart but i know a few things that can shock a teacher"josh said while in his boxers" here because of a scholarship,so you can say that im smart"kenny said"Oww thats good so you will help me with school work right?"said josh"Ill try"said kenny

"Men im tired its been a long day and i need my beauty sleep so ill see you tomorrow early in the morning"josh said while getting in bed"Yeah im setting the clock for 5 is that alright"said kenny"Its ok.Goodnight bra"said josh"Goodnight"Said kenny


"Sorry thats my laptop i got an e-m@il"said josh getting out of bed and going to his laptop,he opened the PC and punched in his security code and went to his mail box,it was an email from kelly,his girlfriend from back home it read:

Hy Babe

Its lyk u hv gone for years and its just hav been one day. I sooo miss you right now i wish u wer here with me holding me,kissing me and making love to me. Please call me when you get the chance. I luv u and i miss you. Good nyt and Sweet dreams

Yours Forever


"They is only one person that can bring a smile to a mens face and its a girl"Said kenny not knowing what he's saying is 100% correct"Yep its my GF from back home she just made my day damn i miss her"Josh said while getting back to bed"Why dont you call her?"said kenny"Tomorrow im tired"josh said getting back to sleep


"Wake up men josh,kenny wake up"said jack drunk as hell"What the fuck jack....get off me your drunk and you smell"said kenny"What is it jack its 12am in the morning,we have school in a couple of hours"said josh wiping sleep off his eyes

"Im no longer a virgin"Said jack jumping up and down

"Are you telling me that you were a virgin...geez your 18years old and you were a virgin thats just weird. Go to sleep men"said kenny going back to sleep"Stop being rude kenny,jack congrats men very happy for you"Said josh going back to sleep"Thanks josh for being kind as for you kenny thanks for being yourself"jack said while getting into his bed


"Ahhh....fuck its 5 already"said josh switching off the alarm"kenny,jack wake up niggas its 5 we have to shower"said josh getting out of bed and collecting his toiletries and a towl"Damn i have a headache and i didnt sleep at all"said jack collecting his toiletries"Its because you came late and you were drunk ow and that you slept for 2hours"said kenny going out of the room and josh with jack following behind.

They went into the showers and nobody was there"I think many people were at that party lastnight"said josh,taking out his boxers and stepping in the shower"Yep...jack did you even look at your schedule?"said kenny adjusting his water temperature"Ill look at it when we go back to our room its just the headache is killing me"said jack while sitting down under the spray of water"Ill check if i have any pain killers in my wardrobe

They finished bathing then went to their rooms to finish dressing,when they finished josh went to the public phone and dialed kelly's phone numbers

josh-hy babe its josh

kelly-hy my love how are you

j-im good babe but i miss

k-i miss you too babe cant stop thinking about you

j-me too babe ill try to keep in contact with you everyday

k-k baby hows the university

j-so far so good.babe they is someone who wants to use the phone so ill call you at lunch

k-promise me

j-i promise babe bye i love you

k-love you more babe have a great day

j-thanks babe ok then later


He hanged up the phone and went back to his dorm room,with a hard-on yep thats why last night he didnt want to call her because everytime he calls kelly he gets a hard on

"Your laptop made the same ring it made lastnight,i think you have a e-m@il"said kenny combing his hair. Josh punched in his security code then went to check his was from his mother


Hy my boy. We miss you so much,we hope your fine. We will send you money at the end of the month. Remember you must pass and make us proud. Your sisters miss you they keep on asking when are you coming back. Your uncle is visiting us and he's using your room dont worry we told him that he must not touch anythin that isnt his. We love you.

Oww yeah Ur dog had puppies 6 beatiful puppies



Goodmorning students. All brim level students are requested to gather in the student hall at 07h30 thank you."Well its 7 so we have 30minutes to go get breakfast,jack are you coming with us?"said josh pocketing his wallet"Nah go without me,im just going to nap a little"Said jack

They went to the cafeteria to get breakfast,they qued in the line that was there"Hi can i have eggs,toast,sausages and coffee please"Said josh taking out a hundred dollar bill"I have never seen you here before,are you new?"said the cafeteria lady"Yep. Can i have the same food he's having please"said kenny"Ok. Well everybody calls me sugarplum,its nice to meet the both of you"she said while giving them their trays with food"Thanks well im josh and this here is my buddy kenny"said josh introducing themselves"Well its nice to meet you and might i say you are both looking nice"said SugarPlum winking"Thanks mam"said kenny blushing"Owww no please call me sugar plum"she said"Ok then but to me SugarPlum is long so ill call you SP is that alright"said kenny"Ow i like it thanks"Said SP"later SP"said kenny. They found a table then they sat down to eat,while they were talking the whole cafeteria stands and makes noise(mostly girls)"Whats the noise all about"said kenny. Josh stands up to see and he sees what he didnt want to see MAX"OMG!Max"said josh clearly shocked. While max is shaking hands and kissing lady's on the chick,he turns and sees Josh and his world just stops"Josh"he says clearly shocked

Max's Flashback

When max was 13 he used to suck josh's dick when they were 15 max wanted josh to fuck him so he did. It was so painful but he liked josh and he wanted to show josh that he was willing to do anything for him. 2 days later after they had sex. Josh came to max's house to tell him that he was going to bording school,max's heart was heartbroken

End of Flashback

Now he sees josh here...its about to go wild. He looks up and says"Thank You"The men upstairs trully exists,because this is what he always prayed for since josh left.

Thanks For Reading

Watch out for Chapter 2

By Philani Madondo

Please dont copy right my work. Ask for my permission please

My email address is and im on Facebook

Next: Chapter 2

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