Mikey and Me

By jack.straight

Published on Dec 22, 2018


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OK, one more episode from our montage.

Like I said, we fucked each other's brains out that rainy day. It was the first--and as of the moment I write this, the only--time we had no fear of getting caught, no guilt about betraying my girlfriend, his sister... no feelings but passion, lust, and love.

If you ever get the chance--to feel like that AND have the opportunity to act on it--take it.

I tell this one because it was especially memorable for me. You always remember your first, is that what they say? Well, I remember this...


Mike and I were in the tent. It was about 1pm. The day was stretching on and on. We didn't have our phones, our laptops... just books, the guitar, and a deck of playing cards.

We were both reading--I was churning through "Moneyball," Mikey had "Beowulf" for school. It was totally quiet--just the sounds of light rain steadily falling and pages turning.

Mike and I were lounging in basically the same outfit: I had my long underwear top on over black briefs; Mikey had on white briefs and a long sleeve Yellowstone Nat'l Park tee shirt. Royal blue. God he looked amazing.

We would take turns every few minutes ogling the other one--looking at his body, his face. Twice our eyes met during one of these spells. We both knew what we were doing, meeting with hungry eyes like that.

Still, we read.

At some point, I set my feet near his. He tapped the top of mine with his. They intertwined. We read some more.

The warmth in our feet felt so good that we slid our calves together, now braiding our legs at the knees.

We knew better than to press our dicks together. That would certainly end reading time. "Beowulf" is not going to read itself.

We read for awhile longer. I'd say my mind was 80% on my book and 20% on Mikey, but Mikey was gaining. I had a couple of bad ideas... things that I wanted to do.

They distracted me. The more I thought about them, the more I wanted to do them. They were so foreign to me that I could barely even think them.

I couldn't distract Mikey--he had schoolwork to do.

I pretended to read.

Mikey put his bookmark in, set his book down. He rested his head on his arm and stared up at me.

I pretended I could keep reading. For maybe 8-10 seconds.

I nonchalantly set my book on my chest. He was still staring. "What?"

"What yourself?"

"Can't a man read a book?" I was actually trying to be funny, so it did not hurt my feelings when Mikey laughed.

"I can tell you're thinking about something. Something sexy?"

"Oh yeah, how do you know that?"

"Because you've got a huge fucking boner in your pants."

I looked down. Sure enough, I was at full mast... with a wet spot to boot.

"Nice detective work. Now don't you have reading to do?"

"What were you thinking about? I think you have to tell me."

Mikey was persuasive. Or I was very easily willing to be persuaded by Mikey. One of the two. Maybe both.

"Alright... fuck. I, uh..." I hesitated. I couldn't believe I was about to say this. "Mikey... can I give you a blowjob?"

Mike lit up so fast. He actually laughed. I think out of joy? And the sheer comedy of it... that I would think to ask. One doesn't get a lot of straight (-ish...) guys asking if they can blow you in one's life.

I'd never sucked a guy's cock before. Obviously I'd now fucked a guy--a few times... gulp--and I'd let Mikey suck me. But this felt like a bridge to somewhere beyond where I'd been.

Part of me, I think, believed that, if I didn't suck his dick or get fucked by him, that I was still totally straight. Yeah, really. Now I was not in position... figuratively OR literally... to get fucked by him.

But I wanted to bring him pleasure. I wanted to make him feel like a prince of this mountaintop in Vermont.

"You sound so confident, Chris!" Mike laughed. "But fuck yeah, you can definitely give me a blowjob!"

I smiled, big time. Next came an awkward silence. How does one begin to give a blowjob?

As I pondered this question, silently and without moving a muscle, Mike began to wonder too. "So... how do you want to do this, man?"

"Oh! Oh yeah. Um... OK. I want to do it outside."


There was this one tree at the edge of our campsite. For whatever reason, it's the spot where I'd fantasized I would give Mikey a blowjob--my first ever blowjob.

A blowjob. I was about to give a guy a blowjob. Suck his dick. To make him feel good. To get him to cum, in my mouth. What on earth had happened to me this week?

"OK, stand up. Against that tree." The tree leaned away from our site, down the hill, maybe 5 or 10 degrees. "Naked. I want you naked." Mikey began to strip off his underwear and his shirt. He reached for his hiking shoes. "Not those. Leave those on."

"Now: lean back against the tree."

This was it: my fantasy, realized. Beautiful, Mikey, floppy brown hair, his trim, naked, athletic body glistening wet in the misting rain, the tree nuzzling his two round buttcheeks, his head tipped back, eyes closed, his dick pointing upwards with anticipation.

Now it was showtime.

I leaned over and slid the tip of his dick into my mouth straightaway. If you're going to do it, do it. I'd say "carpe dickum," but that would be a stupid joke.

The taste, the initial taste. It was sort of sweet? Mikey had some precum going. It coated the inside of my mouth... gave it a slightly slimy, almost a lubricated feel.

I'm standing there tipped over sideways, my mouth at an angle on his cock. I move my head up and down, taking, what, three or so inches into my mouth? It's good, but... something's wrong. It could be better.

I popped Mikey's cock out of my mouth, massaged it with my hand and sought feedback. "How am I doin', Mikey?"

"You're doing great!" I should have known that he would not be honest with me. If there is anything wrong with this kid it's that he is too nice.

"Is there anything else I can do? Do it better, I mean?"

"Well, you might..." Mikey hesitated. Hard to give feedback to your big bro.


"You might get on your knees."

The classic blowjob position. Why hadn't I thought of that?

I dropped to my knees, the wet mulch cushioning my weight. I slid my hands onto Mikey's hairy blond thighs and caught his dick in my mouth.

This is better.

From here, I could see his whole package. Right in front of me. I had not paid much attention to his dick even since we'd started fucking around. I mean, before that, I hadn't paid it any attention at all. But since we'd started fooling around, I'd basically only noticed when it had cum.

His dick, when hard was about six inches long, maybe a little longer, say six-and-a-half. It was fat, just like mine. Circumcised.

His balls hung below his dick, covered in a set of light brown hair. His nuts were pulled up towards his body now in the slight cold of the day, but they were big and round.

From where I was I could smell his scent. It smelled just like his underwear, only... more organic. More Mikey. I stuck my face in his crotch, nuzzled his junk, rubbed my face in it. I could sense Mikey above me looking down, probably wondering what the fuck I was doing.

I didn't know, really... just instinct, I guess.

Now it was time. I needed to make Mikey feel good. I squeezed his thighs gently. I looked him up in the eyes, and fished for his dick with my mouth.

I landed the head on my open lips. I sunk his dick maybe four inches into my mouth. Yes, this was much easier. I kept my sight on him, watching him for signs of pleasure--my only goal.

What a sight--this beautiful young man with his fit ass pressed up against a tree, taking pleasure from another (OK, fine...) handsome man.

He sighed, tossed his head back against the tree. Mike moaned. "Ohhh... wow. That's better. Jesus." The blowjob I was giving was working.

I began to suck him hard and fast. I wanted to give Mikey the best head he'd ever had in his life. Suck him better than anyone else, guy or girl, had ever sucked him before.

One great thing about sex with men? They get competitive--even about giving blowjobs.

I remembered the things I'd seen in the hottest blowjob scenes in the best pornos I'd seen--the ones that got me off hard. The girls apply suction, milking his dick with tension from their mouths. They roll it around, twisting their heads from side to side. They play delicately with his balls.

So I applied suction, milking his dick with tension from my mouth.

I rolled it around, twisting my head from side to side.

I played delicately with his balls.

All of it seemed to have an effect on Mikey. He was moaning pretty steadily. I noticed his hands gripping the side of the tree behind him, as if he was worried he might fall over.

I doubled-down. I pressed my mouth onto his cock fast and tight... like he was fucking my mouth. I moaned and hummed onto his dick--I know from personal experience how good that feels. I ran my finger up the back of his ballsack, up his shivering taint.

"Fuck... I'm gonna cum soon, Chris..."

I think he meant it as a warning. There's no way he expected me to take it in my mouth--to suck and swallow.

But here's what I learned back in the wise days of eighth grade: spit' means like,' swallow' means love.' And you know how I felt about Mike.

His dick, taut like the skin of a drum, swelled even bigger in my mouth. I pumped away at it steadily. I would not be denied.

Mikey pushed his back against the tree, rode his ass up it two inches.

"Chris... I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum."

His dick pulsed like a bolt of lightning. The tip erupted in my mouth with a shot of warm, salty, sweet jizz. I kept thrusting on his dick like he was fucking a pussy. His cock pulsed again, shot a second hot load bigger than the first.

I was committed to getting all of his hot cum into my mouth.

Easier said than done, maybe. I tugged on his balls as he shot a third, a fourth load. I stroked his cock with my mouth. I could feel the weight of the load in my mouth starting to push against the inside of my lips. I did my best to swallow. I kept pulsing rhythmically on his dick. I licked up the shaft as he dropped a fifth, a sixth load into my mouth.

I gave up--I couldn't keep it all in. Cum exploded from my lips, surrounded the sides of his dick. My mouth was a wet mess. Still, I thrust down on him.

Mikey whimpered at the decrescendo of his orgasm. I took that cue to slow down a bit. I know from my own experience it can be a bit much to get stimulation at the end of a blowjob. I lightened up my tension and speed. The firmness of Mike's dick lessened as I worked it softly with my tongue.

I swallowed what cum I could. I cleaned his cock with my mouth, swallowed that cum, precum, and saliva.

I looked up. Mikey was still on his tiptoes, his eyes closed, his mouth pursed tightly in exquisite pleasure. Finally, he exhaled.

"Goddamn... that was... amazing."

"Yeah, it was?" I was stoked.

He opened his eyes and gazed down on me. He came down to even footing. I looked at him from my knees in admiration.

He laughed genially. "Your face is a total mess." I reached up with my hand and found what he was referring to: at least a half-load of cum in a ring around my mouth. I squeegeed it with my finger into my mouth and sucked my finger dry.

"How was it? Was it the best blowjob ever? What can I do better?"

Mikey laughed at me. "Only you would ask for notes about giving a blowjob. You did awesome! That was incredible!"

"You'll tell me if I can do better... next time."

As I said that, Mike stepped away from the tree, away from right in front of me. I wobbled to my feet, brushed the dirt and leaves from my bare knees.

Next time. What does `next time' mean for me and Mikey? When will that be? There's the rest of today, then tomorrow Nikki picks us up. Then what happens?

We both knew the questions. We did not know the answers.

We chose to ignore both for now--for today.

If you liked the story, send me a note at jack.straight@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 7

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