Mikey and Me

By jack.straight

Published on Dec 17, 2018


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The rain fell all night, tapping on the fly.

Normally, when you're dry, that sound is like sleep medicine. Tonight, I was awake, my thoughts a meditation against the steady tapping.

Mikey, sleeping curled under my arm, looked like a puppy. He moved slightly, gently, never waking, the faint traces of a smile on his face.

I dropped into fits of deep sleep, with dreams so heavy that they lasted two weeks, and hours awake when I wrestled with our situation.

Coming into this trip, I already loved Mikey--as a brother. As the boyfriend of his beautiful sister. Whom I'd been dating for five years. Whom I was thinking I would ask to marry me.

Now Mikey had bewitched me.

As I thought about him, I nestled against his perfect, collegiate body--muscular and sinewy, soft and firm, masculine and beautiful--and I thought about how to handle this situation. This situation that we had created.

I love Nikki. That might be hard to believe coming from a guy who's been nailing her brother on repeat. But it was true; she'd been great to me. Kind, sexy, sweet, hot.

But now I had this new feeling for a young man... a young man who had captivated me, my mind, my balls, my guts, my heart. His body, his smile, his smell. Everything about him. Something like this is hypnotic. It's all-consuming.

It's falling in love when you're already in love.


I woke up from my last sleep cycle around 5:30am. The rocks glowed with a dark blue--the sun was starting to rise. I wouldn't sleep.

I looked at Mikey, thought some more about him.

The rain took a break.


I stood in damp mulch in front of the camp stove, bareass-naked except for my hiking shoes. I stared at the sky. The clouds were heavy, low, and grey.

As I poured the coffee, I heard the sound of a nylon sleeping bag twisting on the polyester floor in the tent. Mikey was up. I brought two cups.

Mike sat on top of his bag in white briefs and a sweatshirt.

"Rain's been pouring all night. Wet as hell out there. The way the clouds look, it might just be getting started."

Mike sipped his too-hot coffee, brushed the sleep out of his eyes.

"We've only got five or six miles to Bennington." Nikki would pick us up there tomorrow. "I was thinking maybe we hike that tomorrow, wait it out here for the day. Maybe find something fun to do."

Mikey tried to conceal his excitement, but the sparkle in his eye gave him away.

He knew exactly what I was really trying to say:

Let's fuck each other's brains out today, all day long.


What the fuck else were we going to do? I'd put up a reasonable effort yesterday, I think, and what good did that do? One stone-sober, super-passionate, hyper-conscious fuck later and we were in a worse situation than before.

I could forward a theory if I wanted: we were getting the last of our fucks out, finishing up one horny episode while we were both deprived of anyone else's company.

But I knew by then that was not what was happening. We were just in love. I wanted to make him feel good, I wanted to watch him making me feel good.

We would fuck like mythical creatures. I think I came five times that day; Mikey may have cum more. And you can't even measure the pleasure of an experience like that in those terms, really.

We spent the whole day with our naked bodies connected to each other's, touching each other even when we weren't having sex, staring into each other's eyes and telling secrets. Connecting. Breathing.

Making the situation so much worse.


"Something fun, huh?" Mike looked at me, allowing a devious little smile to show. "Got any ideas?"

I laughed. Even though I was excited to reach out and grab his balls, pull him into me, make out with him, press myself against his well-rested, tight little body, I was still too embarrassed to say it out loud.

"What did you have in mind? Cards? Cribbage? Or how about `I Spy?'" Mike enjoyed my lazy euphemism.

"Yeah, we're gonna play `I Spy,' you little shit. I spy a young man who's about to get what he deserves..."

"Oh yeah? That sounds promising," Mikey purred.

I moved into his space. He set his coffee down in the corner, laid down on top of his bag. I rolled my thigh in between his legs. He was already getting hard. I ran my hand up and down his muscular thighs, feeling the electricity of his skin as I ran my fingers through his leg hair.

We lay side by side, stared into each other's eyes.

Has he always been this cute?

I stroked his body, trying to keep it cool, not start hard-fucking him before we'd even finished our coffee. I ducked down, stuck my nose under his dick and smelled his balls. Smelled like Mikey, plus some muskiness.

"How does that smell?"

"Incredible, Mike." I popped his underwear up and over his boner. I slid it down over his feet, brought it up to his face. "Smell it."

He closed his eyes and took a deep inhale of his own underwear. "Mmmm... that does smell pretty good." He stared me back, dared to ask. "Let me smell yours."

I pulled my own sweaty black briefs over my meaty legs. I'd had these things on for a couple of days. I took a quick sniff to make sure they weren't too gross to pass to Mike. He yanked them out of my hands, put them up to his nose and breathed deeply. "Ohhhh... yeah..."

We looked in each other's eyes again. We'd crossed a line, if there were any left to cross. We were dirty boys.

He smelled my ballsweat deeply again. "Can I keep these, after the trip?"

"Only if I can keep yours, bro." I didn't mean to use that nickname--bro. I'd been calling him that for years, my ersatz little brother. Now it reminded us that there's someone else in the equation that made him my "bro"--his sister Nikki.

I knew one way to put it out of our minds. I slid my hand up the inside of his thigh, tugged on his tight ballsack. I rolled his nuts around, squeezed them gently. Then I rode my hand up his penis. He sighed heavily.

He reached for my dick. We kept our eye contact up as we gently stroked each other.

While we stroked each other we had a confessional.

"Did you ever fantasize about other guys?" he asked.

"A couple times, here and there. It was always about a friend of mine, Matthew."

"The soccer player?"

"Yeah, that's the one. How on earth did you remember that?"

"You showed me a picture of him once. And I... I have a thing for soccer players."

That turned me on. Maybe because it was the same reason Mikey turned me on--like a soccer player, he was proportioned like a fit man, with muscular legs and a round, taut ass.

I stroked his dick even more sensually, lubricated by precum.

"What did you fantasize you did with Matthew?"

"Oh, nothing too specific."

Mikey rolled his eyes and laughed. Whatever I am--gay, or bi-, or just-into-one-man-for-one-week, I was terrible at it, and it was the most obvious thing in the tent.

"Nothing too specific, huh?"

"Fine, OK. We'd wrestle. Naked."

"OK, good! We're getting somewhere. And would you get off?"



"Yeah. Really hard."

Mikey moaned again and stroked my dick, now harder than titanium.

"OK, your turn, Mike: how long have you been fantasizing about me?"

"Since the day I met you." That was candid.

"Really? Wow. What happened?"

"We had dinner out with your parents, then afterward the three of us went out for drinks. You were so nice to me--you kept making jokes, kept me in the conversation. We all just had a really good time... like we'd been friends already for years."

"And did you jerk off that night thinking about me?"

"Oh yeah."

"What did you dream we'd do?"

"I dreamt that I would walk in on you alone, naked, and hard in my sister's room. I'd reach down to your dick, offer to help you out. It... builds from there... and the part when I always get off is when I'm sitting in your lap facing you with your dick up my ass. Kissing you and rubbing my dick on your abs while I'm bouncing up and down on you."

"Yeah, you like that? That sound good to you?" I stroked his dick more sensually, felt it reaching its maximum pressure.

"Yeah, it sounds amazing."

"Say it out loud. Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me with your big, fat dick. I want to ride it until you cum inside."

"You want me to make your dreams come true?"


We were both getting worked up. I could feel his dick ready to pulse. I grabbed his underwear again, stuck it under my nose, and breathed his scent in as deeply as possible. He followed my lead, stuck my briefs under his nose.

We stroked each other's impossibly hard cocks, stared at each other with animal lust. Both of our dicks were wet and glistening with precum.

It hit me first, I think, or maybe it hit us both simultaneously. You know when you're having sex, really good sex? And you think it's impossible to cum as hard as you are about to cum, but then you cum that hard anyway? That.

My dick jerked and twitched in his hand. My high-pressure cum, built up from a night of staring at this beautiful boy, rocketed through Mikey's fist, splattered up on my face.

I lost my vision for a second, blinded by my orgasm. I had to regain focus. I needed to make Mikey feel as good as he'd made me feel.

It was already happening. Mikey's body was convulsing almost violently. A load of cum stretched down his chest, to his stomach, to his thighs, down my forearm.

He lay back, his eyes closed from the intensity of processing that much pleasure. I absentmindedly ate his cum off my forearm. I'd never tasted another guy's cum. It tasted sweet. I licked his body from thigh, to stomach, to chest. I ate his whole load.

We made out a bit, his cum the central flavor in our mouths. Mikey fell into the same reverie, licking my cum off of my rough, unshaven face. The flavors of both of our loads mixed as we made out roughly, passionately.

Dirty boys, indeed...

...with the rest of the day to explore our fantasies.

If you liked the story, send me a note at jack.straight@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 5

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