Mike's First Fuck


Published on Apr 24, 2003



Disclaimer: This is a true story about adults, for adults, and by an adult. It is not intended for nor should it be read by neither anyone under the age of 18 years old nor by anyone living or viewing it in a community were such materials are illegal.

Mike's First Fuck

Looking back, I guess I have always known that I was gay even though as a child I didn't know what "gay" was. I have always been attracted to other guys. However, due to pressures from society and family, I suppressed my thoughts and desires. I, like other young males, had been taught that "real" men only looked at girls. Guys who looked at other guys were not "normal," and no one wanted to be abnormal. No one wanted to be outside "normal" society, shunned by family and friends, and ridiculed by society.

As a young male, I never acted upon my thoughts. When I was in fourth grade, I remember ogling over a cute sixth grade boy who had taken his shirt off at recess, but I did nothing. When I was in high school, I remember dreaming of the naked guys I discretely gazed at in the gym locker room, but I did nothing. When I was in college, I remember lusting over the hot men I'd see on campus and in the bars, but I did nothing.

Rather than acting on my desires, I conformed to society. I occasionally dated girls and even fucked some of them, believing that male-female sex would eliminate my hidden passions. The desires persisted and the dates were rare.

Don was one of the guys I desired from afar. We played in band together and hung out in a group together. The group was mixed with guys and girls and all were, or at least seemed to be, straight. Don was the exception. He was about a year younger than me, five-foot, eight-inches tall, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a very slim built. I later learned that some might call him a twink. Don was a bit flamboyant. Friends often whispered that Don might be gay, and it didn't help the rumors when he became a hairstylist. Whenever anyone quietly asked him, he danced around the answer, leaving everyone with suspicions. Because I didn't know whether or not Don was gay, I was afraid to express myself to him for fear that he might truly not be gay and that I would be exposed. I need a confidant, but didn't know where to go.

Things changed soon after college graduation. Don came out of the proverbial closet to his family, after his parents confronted him. He decided to come out with everyone, especially our group of friends. The reaction was a good sign. No one in the group ridiculed him or shunned him in any way. The attitude seemed to be, "We always knew deep down that Don was gay, so there's no big deal." It was business as usual.

The only major difference was we would see Don openly with other guys. We learned that Roy had been his secret boyfriend for quite some time. Roy was about six foot tall, thin, light brown hair, brown eyes, not very handsome, and as far from "straight" acting as one could get. They were practically living together at each other's homes with their parents' approval, which surprised may of us.

I decided that it was finally time for me to stop hiding and take some action too. I was using Don as my guide. I hoped that our friends would accept me being gay as they had Don, but only time would tell. I decided to start with privately confiding in Don. I called him up and asked him if we could meet. I need to talk to him privately. Rather than going to the regular "straight" bars we frequented with our friends, he asked me to join him at one of the gay bars he went to.

Don and I met outside the bar at the pre-arranged time. He could tell I was a bit nervous, thinking it only had to do with our meeting place. I told him the bar was fine. I was actually excited, because I had never been to a place where I could truly be myself. We got drinks at the bar and found a quiet place to talk.

After some small talk about jobs, friends and family, Don asked "So, Mike, why are we here? Or should I ask why are you here?"

I stumbled over my words, "Well, I need to talk to someone, and I believe you are the safest person to talk to."

"What do you mean `safe'?"

"I mean I trust you not to say anything to anyone about what I want to tell you."

"Okay. You have my word. Whatever you secret is, its safe with me. Now shoot."

"Don, I believe I'm gay, or at least I think I'm gay. Well, I'm not sure because I've never done anything with anyone," I rambled. I began to shake. I had finally done it. I had finally told someone my most hidden desires.

I froze and looked at Don, waiting for him to speak. He reached out and held my shaking hands, saying, "Relax. I know exactly what you're feeling and thinking right now. As long as this is your secret, I'm not going to say anything to anyone. We're friends, and you know I'll do anything you need me to do to help you through this."

Whew! That was a relief. I had stopped shaking, and we began to talk about my deepest desires. A huge weight was lifted from my chest as we shared our experiences. He told me about his first time, subsequent fucks, and his family's reaction. I was able to openly tell him about jacking off to gay porn that I had discretely bought or rented, and how I had "tested the waters" buy using dildos to feel what it was like to suck cock and be fucked in the ass. We talked for several hours. When we finally had to leave I felt so much better about myself and my future. I was no longer scared to be who I was.

When we parted Don told me to call him, so we could get together again without our large group of friends. I called him the very next day and invited him to come over Friday night for some pizza and beer. My parents were away for a couple weeks, so I had the house to myself. He said he would bring some great porno tapes that he thought I might like.

I was excited when the doorbell rang about six o'clock. When I answered it, my heart dropped. Don was there with a box of porn in hand, but Roy was right behind him. "Hey guys! Come on in," I greeted.

"Mike, I hope you don't mind. I thought it'd be okay if Roy came too."

"Roy's welcome anytime," I said, lying through my teeth. I had hopes for the evening, and they didn't include Roy.

We watched regular TV while we ate the pizza. Once we were done, and were still drinking beer, Don reached into the box of videos. "This is a great one. These guys are really hot," he said.

I sat in the lazyboy while Don and Roy sat on the couch. I felt like the odd man out, but as the video played, my excitement began to rise. I glanced over at Don and Roy. They were both sprouting tent poles in their jeans, and they were gently rubbing their own crotches. "What do you guys usually do when you watch porn?" I asked.

"Usually jack off, and sometimes more," Roy answered with a laugh.

Don laughed, "Usually more, I'd say."

"Oh, well don't let me stop you. I usually jack off too," I told them.

They smiled at each other. "Why not?" said Roy rhetorically.

Don and Roy both unzipped their pants and released their hardons, stroking slowly with the movie. Roy was about my size. He had a seven-inch, slim, cut cock. Don on the hand seemed huge. He sprouted a nine-inch thick cut cock. Mine was also seven-inches cut, but slightly thicker than Roy's. I couldn't take my eyes off of them.

Don pulled his pants off the rest of the way and then his shirt. He was completely naked on my couch. Roy and I followed his lead, and were nude within seconds. However, I was still in the chair and they were together on the couch.

My excitement grew more when Don reached over and grabbed Roy's dick. He began to stroke his cock slowly. Roy reached over and did the same to Don. The sight was incredible.

Roy moved off the couch and knelled in front of Don. I watched in amazement as he engulfed Don's huge prick, sucking on the head and then moving up and down the shaft slowly. With his free hand Roy played with Don's balls. It wasn't until then that I noticed Don was completely shaved except for a little fuzz above his dick. His balls and ass were as smooth as a baby's bottom. I looked at Roy, and he was trimmed the same.

Roy stopped sucking Don's cock and repositioned Don on the couch more on his back, giving him greater access to his ass. I continued to jack myself off as Roy began to rim Don's asshole, licking up and down his crack and occasionally flicking his tongue over Don's balls. Both Don and Roy kept glancing over at me to see my reaction and what I as doing.

The movie became background noise. I couldn't take the real action in front of me any longer. I moved from the chair to the couch, sitting next to Don on his left. I sat there stroking my cock, giving it a close comparison to Don's massive meat. Then it happened my dreams started to take shape. Don reached over and moved my hand, jacking my cock for me. The feeling was electrifying.

I looked into his eyes. "Can I?" asking for permission to touch him too.

"Uh huh," he moaned with Roy's tongue in his ass.

I grasped his hard cock and moved my hand up and down. The feeling was so weird. I was amazed how the outer skin moved up and down the rock hard center of his shaft. Mine was probably the same, but it felt unique doing it to someone else. The mutual jack off was wonderful, but I wanted more.

This time without asking permission I took the plunge. I leaned over and flicked my tongue over the head of Don's cock while I continued to stroke him. He stopped jacking me and leaned back. I looked at him as he watched me lick the sides of his shaft. I glanced down at Roy who was still rimming Don. The close up of Roy tongue darting in and out of Don's ass was unbelievable. Then Roy reached up and grabbed the back of my head, pushing me down on Don's cock. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and went all the way. I shocked my self when my lips met the base of Don's dick. I couldn't believe it, but I had just deep throated a nine-inch cock on my first try. That sent me into a daze. I began to suck wildly on Don's dick. Moving up and down his shaft and flicking my tongue around his helmet whenever I reached the top.

Roy stopped licking Don's asshole and moved between my legs. He began sucking my cock, taking it down his throat. The sensation was mind-blowing.

After several minutes of sucking his cock, Don moved me off of his cock and leaned me back on the couch. He moved Roy away from my cock. I wasn't sure what he was doing when he stood. I quickly realized what was coming when he sat back down on my lap facing away from me, using me like a chair. As he lowered himself, he positioned my rock hard cock straight up. My cock slid right into Don's ass without any effort. I thought to myself that he must have been fucked a lot to have such an open asshole.

Don moved up and down my shaft, tightening his grip on the upbeat. I watched my cock move in and out of another guy's ass for the first time. As I watched my disappearing and reappearing cock, I could see Roy move into Don's crotch. He began to suck on his dick as he tickled my balls, pushing me ever closer to the edge.

I heard Don tell Roy, "Move." He then looked back at me and said, "Let's move onto the floor."

I followed him, keeping my cock in his ass as we moved into a doggy position. I couldn't take it any longer. Being in control, I now began to really pump Don's ass. Roy moved to the side and stroked his cock as he watched me fuck his boyfriend. It didn't take long when I sensed that I was about to cum. I must have watched too many pornos, because I pulled out of Don's ass and stroked my cum onto Don's back. My sperm squirted all over from his neck to his butt cheeks. I jerked the last of my cum from my limp dick, and instinctively smeared my jizz on Don's back.

Don laid his cum soaked back on my carpeted floor, but I didn't mind. He began to stroke his cock. I looked at his meat. I wanted to please him as he had just pleased me. I leaned over between his legs and began to suck his cock. Again I was able to deep throat his manhood all the way to his shaved balls.

As I sucked Don big dick, my ass was in the air pointing in Roy's direction. I later learned that Roy took this as an open invitation. I suddenly felt something warm and wet on my asshole. I looked back and saw Roy face buried in my ass. He was rimming me for the first time. The sensation energized me. I went back to sucking Don's meat for all that I was worth.

I soon felt another sensation -- Roy's finger. He was slowly finger fucking me, feeling how loose my asshole was. After years of dildos and other items, my ass was pretty inviting. However, not being in control of what was going in and out of my ass made me tense a bit. Roy pulled his finger out. I looked back, knowing what was to come next. Roy mounted me doggie style just as I had fucked Don. Because of my grip, Roy barely got his cockhead in. "Dude, relax already," he told me. As I relaxed, Roy's cock slid right in.

As he pumped his rock hard cock in my ass, I stopped sucking on Don's dick. I concentrated on the movement between my cheeks. I also realized that my already spent dick was no longer limp. It was hard again.

Roy pumped harder and faster in my ass. In and out, stopping momentarily with each stroke sending tingles through my body. After a few minutes of fucking, Roy exploded inside me. I could feel his hot jizz hit my bowels. He fucked me a few more strokes, and then stopped resting his softening dick in me.

"My turn," Don said as he moved behind me. I was so exhausted from this first fuck that I collapsed on the floor. "Oh, don't quite now, Mike. You fucked me. Now it's my turn," Don said. "Roll on you back," he instructed.

Don lifted my legs up, providing him direct access to my ass. "Roy's cum should lube you enough for me," he told me.

I watched as he placed the tip of his manhood to my manhole. Then with one push he was all the in. I yelped in pain. His cock was so fat I thought he had split me wide open. He rested a moment until the pain subsided. "Mike, you okay now?" he asked caringly.

"Yea, I think so, but go slow, okay?"

Don started to move his big dick in and out on me. He was right that Roy cum had lubed me for his meat. The pain was soon replaced with pleasure. As I began to meet Don's thrusts, he picked up his pace. Within seemingly seconds Don was pounding my asshole like a jackhammer.

As Don fucked my ass, Roy grabbed my rock hard cock and began to stroke. He scooted himself closer to me and placed his revived dick inches from my mouth. I was like a dog in heat. I grabbed Roy's cock and engulfed it. The taste and smell of my own ass was still on him, but it made me even hornier. I sucked Roy like a wild man, as his boyfriend continued to pound my ass.

Suddenly, I could feel Don's cock grow in my bowels. He exploded deep inside me. The heat of his cum was incredible. Like Roy, Don continued to pump my ass until he delivered every drop of cum in my ass from his spent cock. It created a domino affect, causing me to explode a second time as Roy jacked me, spewing seamen all over my chest and stomach. I could feel Roy smear it all over my body. He moaned and then shot a second load in my mouth. I swallowed all he gave and continued to suck his cock dry.

I collapsed onto the floor. Don laid on top of me with his dick still inside. Roy laid beside me. "Did you have fun? Was it what you thought it would be?" Don whispered into my ear.

"Oh, yeah. That was incredible. I wish I had started fucking years ago." I answered

"We thought you'd enjoy this," Roy said with a smile.

I realized then that I had been set up. Although I had intended to seduce Don, Roy and Don planned to seduce me. Either way it didn't matter. My dreams came true.

The end.

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