Mikes First Balloon

Published on Oct 12, 1997



Mike's First Balloon by Baloonboy

I went to college at one of those technical schools. Although there were several located across the US, I chose to go to the one in Phoenix because I knew that it was hot there all year around and the guys would all be tan and close to naked.

One day I was in a computer lab when I saw a new guy come into class. He was about 20, tall with light sandy hair. He had eyes that defied description. They were a cold blue, the kind that give you a chill up your spine when he looks at you. Of course I had to make sure that I selected a lab station next to his. I introduced myself and welcomed him into the class. His name was Mike and he had just transfered in from another school. Over the course of the next few months Mike and I became close friends. He was straight or at least that is what his story was. I got the feeling that he was at the very least, very comfortable with his sexuality whatever it was and I let him know that I was gay. He was ok with it and he never missed an opertunity to tease me about it.

There was a park at the top of a mountain at the southern edge of Phoenix called South Mountain Park. It was a long winding drive up to the top of the mountain to a spot where there was a small adobe type building. People would drive up there on hot summer nights and sit and drink and watch the twinkling lights below like diamonds laid out on a velvet cloth. Mike and I used to go up there on a regular basis and chill out after a heavy week of classes. One night, we had climbed up to our ususal spot on the roof of the adobe hut and were smoking a joint and passing casual conversation when we heard a hissing sound. I immeadiately knew the unmistakeable signature of the hiss. It was a balloon being inflated. We looked over the edge of the building and below us was a group of four or five guys all giggling and cutting up. In the hands of the tallest guy, I saw a slowly swelling sphere. He would jostle it around and it had the characteristic bounce and wobble of a latex balloon. It was about 9 inches big and growing as the hissing continued. Mike said "Look, thoes guys are blowing up helium balloons". I heard what he said, but I didn't see a helium tank and the way the guys were giggling, I didn't think the balloon was being filled with helium. I used to know a guy who showed me how to get high off of Nitrous Oxide, the stuff that the dentist uses on you to put you to sleep. I told Mike about how you can go to the head shop and buy Nitrous in these little cartridges called Whippets and how you could take a dispenser, stretch a balloon over the nozzel, insert a cartridge into the dispenser and screw it closed puncturing the cartridge and releasing the Nitrous into the balloon. Once the balloon was filled, you could inhale the Lauging Gas from the balloon and get high that way. Mike was really interested in this new revelation and I immediately saw an opertunity with Mike that gave me an instant erection.

The next day after school, I made my way to the local Head Shop and bought a couple of boxes of Whippets, a dispenser and several 16 inch balloons. I have to admit that I had a swollen cock in my pants just buying the stuff knowing what I had planned with it.

That weekend, Mike and I were swimming in the apartment complex pool. It was a typical Phoenix night, clear skies, about 80 degrees. Mike had rolled us a real nice joint and we were laying by the pool sharing it. Mike really looked fantastic in the soft glow of pool light. He had a smooth chest with light blond hair that made a trail down his firm, rippled abs. The water glistened off his hair and made small beads over his muscular shoulders and chest. I decided to put my plan into action. "Hey Mike" I said as I passed the last of the joint to him, "remember last weekend up at south mountain park?" He said "uh huh". I said "well, you know what I told you about thoes guys and the balloons?" His eyes lit up a little and he said "Yeah..." I was starting to get a little thick in the shorts anticipating what I might be doing in a few minutes, "I've got a surprise", I told him. He got an evil grin and said "what?" I told him that I had gotten some of the Nitrous that I had told him about and thought he might want to try it. Since we were already buzzed, I knew that his answer was going to be yes. My heart began to pound and I knew it wasn't just from the joint. "Where is it?" he asked. I told him that I had it back inside the apartment, in my room. He said "Let's go try some".

As we made our way back to my apartment from the pool, I was really trying hard to fight the rising urge that was swelling in my swim trunks. We went in and straight into my room where I had all the stuff conviently placed for easy retrieval. Mike wanted to see what the Nitrous cartridges looked like so I gave him a box. He said "how are we going to do them?" I said "I have some balloons that we can use" and I reached into the closet and grabbed my stash of balloons that I always have with me. I thought for a second about how I thought I would never show this stash to anybody, but now it was going to be perfectly allright. I opened the bag of new 16" jewl tone balloons that I had bought at the head shop. Mike saw all the balloons I had and asked how come I had so many balloons. I struggled to find a reasonable answer and told him that I liked to do the Nitrous alot and alot of the balloons I bought didnt fit the dispenser because they were to small or too large and I just never threw them away. He nodded and looking at the Nitrous stuff laid out on the bed, said "So how does all of this stuff work?" I gave him a blue balloon and told him to take the dispenser and stretch the neck of the balloon over the dispenser nozzle while I got out a couple of nitrous cartridges. Mike took the balloon and stretched it out a couple of times and agresively snaped the balloon on to the nozzle. The way he did it made me wonder if he hadn't had a lot of experience with balloons before. I slid in a cartridge and slowly screwed it into the dispenser throat. Then, suddenly, there was the familiar hsssssssssssssss and the balloon sprang to life. The balloon wasnt the only thing springing to life. I held the balloon as it slowly inflated. I kept looking at Mike who was almost in a trance watching the balloon swell in my hands. I was glancing at his crotch which was nestled in the damp nylon trunks that he wore in the pool. I was hoping to see some kind of reaction in his crotch that was the same as was happening in mine. We were both sitting on the bed which hid my growing hard on and would have also masked his. The smell of the latex began to become noticeable in the room as the balloon continued to grow. Mike reached over and began to squeeze the balloon checking its firmness. "It's kind of cold" he said. "Yeah," I said, " it's because of the expanding gas. It gets freezing cold. Thats why you have to use a balloon to inhale from". The balloon was about 8 inches big and beginning to take shape. The gas flow began to slow and it was time for the second cartridge. Problem was, the box was over on the table where I had left it. Being as I had a half inflated balloon in my hands and a fully inflated cock in my trunks, I didnt dare go get the next cartridge. I asked mike to go grab the box. He started but quickly hesitated. He stammered a little and said "why do we need another cartirdge?" I told him that there wasn't enough in the balloon for us to both get high on and we had to fill the balloon completely. Mike looked at the box and quickly moved towards the table reaching as far as he could to get the box. Thats when I saw it. He had a very noticable hard on of his own in those trunks of his. Thats why he hesitated to get the box from the table. My heart raced and I got a little light headed. I never let on that I saw his condition. He gave me the box of nitrous as he sat back down again. I expertly pinched off the neck of the balloon and screwed in another cartridge just to the point of penetration. I stopped and gave the balloon to Mike and said "here.. you try". Mike gave a twist to the cartridge and the gas began to rush into the growing sphere. It slowly began to grow bigger and tighter as we both watched. I decided to be bold and let Mike see what I was hiding. I got up and went to the table to get the rest of the balloons. My hard on was obvious. Mike grinned and said "it looks like the balloon isnt the only thing swelling in this room" I played it cool and said "yeah, I can't help it. There is just something about a balloon and the feel, smell and sound as it swells that has always been erotic for me." Mike nodded and said "Thats kewl, it's made me kind of hard too". I grinned and said "no kiddin.. I kinda noticed.." Mike laughed "I didn't hide it so well did I.." The balloon was really getting full. The neck was swelling down to the lip. It was evident that Mike was worried that it would go off with a hell of a bang. I really liked watching this gorgeous straight boy with a hardon feeling helpless from the swelling balloon. The note of panic was becomming evident in his voice. I walked over and stood infront of him and in a sarcastic voice said "whats the matter... is the studly straight boy afraid of the big, bad, balloon???" His eyes narrowed for a second then an evil grin came across his face. He shoved the rock hard balloon under my rigid cock and calmly said "I'm not if you're not...". I lost my breath. My mind was going 90 mph, in circles. I let out a slight moan as he manipulated my cock with the torturously taught balloon, I could feel the swelling of the balloon as the gas still filled it and it squeaked in protest. Here was this blond stud, the object of my fantasies and the fantasy was becomming reality. It was like I was dreaming. Just then, the gas began to stop. This cartridge was empty. I took the balloon from his hands, removed it from the dispenser and pinched the lip closed. I held it down and squeezed it tight against my cock a couple of times and said "it's really hard". Mike laughed and said "No shit.. So's mine". We both laughed. Mike said "I guess neither one of has gotten off in a while huh?" I said "speak for your self straight boy.. I got laid last night", it wasnt true, but it was high time I got to tease him about being straight as much as he teased me about being gay. Mike just shook his head and smiled. I thought for a second then said "ya know, Mike, the most awesome wad I have ever shot has been when I have been gassed. You should fill a balloon and have your girlfriend do you while you suck the gas" Mike said "you know I don't have any girlfriends" I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Mike. Mike got another one of his grins and then said "I guess you will just have to do.." I looked (fake) shocked and said "So, you think I am just going to do you.. just like that?" Mike laughed and said "Dude.. You know you have always wanted to!" I said "boy, have I!". Mike said "but dude, you know I can't suck you, right?" I said "it's kewl Mike, I know". Just then, Mike grabbed one of the other balloons that I had brought over and said "I have an idea.. this way we can both get off.." With that he took the balloon put it on the dispenser and loaded a cartridge into it screwing it in just to penetration. He told me to stand in front of him. I was VERY curious to see what he had in mind. Before he said anything else, he reached out and grabbed the inside leg of my trunks and slipped the balloon in under my cock all the way up to the dispenser then released my trunks. My eyes must have been as wide as a football field! He puled down his trunks and revealed the item of my fantasies. He had a beautifull cock and balls he was about 6 inches, cut and had bulging ball sacs. He really hadn't been laid in a while, it showed. He took the nitrous balloon from me and rubbed it across his cock a couple of times. His cock oozed a single, glistening, clear drop of his juice. He took a deep breath of the nitrous from the balloon and reached forward and twisted the dispenser cartridge handing from my trunks. I heard the SSssss begin and felt the balloon jump to life swelling against my cock and balls. He said "this should take care of you while you take care of me" and he laid back across the bed with his leggs hanging off the edge in front of me, his pole twitching in front of my face. I got on my knees and straddled his leggs and feet and slipped his begging cock through my lips, tasting his salty manhood. I could hear Mike breathing deep the nitrous from the rock hard balloon and could hear squeaking of the taught rubber in his hands as he sucked it down. I could feel the balloon in my own trunks filling the space against my now throbbing cock. Mike raised his feet to grind the growing balloon into my crotch. It protested loudly. It was getting bigger.. too big. Mike, holding his balloon in his mouth and breathing from it, reached down and grabbed both of my hands. He must have sensed that I was going to try to releive the pressure from my balloon so as not to let the balloon bust against my cock. I was helpless.. He had a complete grip on both of my hands. His cock was down my throat and the balloon in my trunks was out of control.. I could tell the gas was having an effect on Mike, his breathing became deep, his back arched up to rythmically slide his cock in and out of my throat. I began moving my own hips to try to relieve some of the growing pressure in my trunks. Every movement I made forced out some pre-cum onto the balloon and made my cock squirm around on its ever tightening surface. I began to feel my own explosion swelling up quickly from deep in my balls. My head was filled with the feeling of my balloon, the taste of Mikes cock, the sound of the hissing from the nitrous dispenser and the sweet smell of Mikes moist cock and balls mixed with the irresistable smell of tortured rubber. Mikes cock began to throb. I knew he was close. I was close. I began to suck his cock like I have never sucked before, I went crazy on it. I felt the neck of my balloon pop out of the leg cuff of my trunks and stretch down the length of my leg. It was all too much.. I grunted loudly and exploded into the captive balloon in my trinks, squirting load after load of hot juice between the balloon and my rock hard stomach. Just as I did, Mike let go of my hands and grabbed onto his balloon with both hands and began blowing fast and hard into his balloon it was swollen against his face as he suddenly flooded my mouth with buckets of hot steamy jiz. I had to gag as I couldnt take it all. Mike arched one last time and let loose a lung full into his tortured balloon.. KABLAM! He grabbed my head and pumped my mouth furiously pumping in every last drop of his sweet cum. He raised his leggs and lifted me into the air a little suspended on the balloon in my trunks. It was too much for the rubber toy to take it busted with a muffled bang and I felt the sting of it as I gave out a gag'd cry.

I crawled up next to Mike on My bed and laid down beside him on the broken pieces of balloon. We were both exhausted but unbelieveably satisfied. He looked over at me, smiled and said "thanks bud, they were right when they said that only a man can give a really great blowjob.. that was the best I ever had." I looked back at him and said "your idea with the balloon in my trunks was the best I can remember too.." I laid my arm across his chest and we slept until morning.

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