Mikes Coming of Age

By Rob Aaron

Published on May 8, 2014



"Mike's Coming of Age" is a bi-story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

By Rob Aaron Copyright May 7, 2014.

Feel free to mail comments to robaaron@gmail.com

Mike's Coming of Age 6

Rob: Ok. I will be on Skype tomorrow. By the way, are Mike and Jill together right now?

Jayce: Yes. I think so. If not, he should be getting there any minute now.

Rob: Ok. Thanks again for telling me this Jayce. I do think it is a mess, but the only one that stands to be hurt right now is Mike. Do you know what Jill plans to tell him or if she plans to tell him anything at all?


Sunday morning Rob had still not heard from Mike or Jayce. He was getting hard just thinking about what might have happened. By the way, Rob is 44 years old and unlike most men, has kept in very good shape. He exercises every day and watching how much he eats. He is 6 feet tall, weights 175 pounds and has a 7 inch uncut dick.

As soon as rob got back from him morning jog, he could see that he had a few Skype messages. When he sat down, he could see that the messages were from both Mike and Jayce. This should be an interesting chat session.

Rob: Hi Jayce. How are you today?

Jayce: Hey Rob. I just woke up and hoped you would be online. Things are getting a little more strange with Jill. I think she is going to tell him about what we did on Friday. I am scared that he will freak out.

Rob: Jayce, I am sure it will be fine. Have you seen Jill since Friday?

Jayce: No, but she wants me to come over later today. Let me go shower and I will be right back.

Rob: OK. C ya.

Rob: Hi Mike. How are you today?

Mike: I am sore. Lol. Totally completely happy and glad that I am sore. Can I tell you all about it?

Rob: Mike, of course you can. I admit that some of what you tell me is pretty hot. I hope that does not bother you, but I thought you should know.

Mike: Rob, that is actually pretty cool. Is it strange that I get hard when I tell you what we did? I mean, I guess I get excited just telling somebody. Almost like it is a rush to tell the story. Almost as much as when we did the stuff.

Rob: Mike, I guess it is kind of like being an exhibitionist. Some people get a thrill out of watching others do stuff, or being seen themselves. Like in person or on cam. I know one guy that likes to tease people at the beach. He does not ever show his dick, but tries to show off the sexiness of his body. That is a thrill for him.

Mike: Yea. I totally understand that. Well I lost the bet with Jill. I had a total of 8 nude pictures of peole. I do not know how she did it, but she had 14 guys. Every single picture showed their face and their dicks.

Rob: Did it look like she was sneaking the pictures or could you tell?

Mike: Oh no, Every single one of the guys was totally hard. I mean, they were posed. They totally knew that their pictueres were being taken. Rob. One of them was so young that he did not even have any pubes.

Rob: Mike, I have never asked you, but what do you look like?

Mike: I will send you a pic if you won't share it with anyone.

Rob: Ok.

Mike: Did you get it?

Rob: Mike, you know that you can't send me nude pictures? At your age, it is against the law. But damn, you have a great looking body and dick. Lol. I can tell you are a little hard yourself. How big is your dick? I can tell you are cut.

Mike: I am just over 6 inches. I wish it was bigger.

Rob: You are 16 so you might get a little bigger, but you are probably about as big as you will be. So tell me about what happened Friday.

Mike: OK. Just let me type for a little bit. Then I will let you ask questions. If I don't just say it all at once, I will never get it right.

Rob: Ok, Start whenever you are ready.

Mike: Ok, here goes. When I got to Jill's she started kissing me almost before I got in the door. She is usually more quiet than that so I could tell she was really horny. The deal we made was we would each show a picture and take off a piece of clothing. Well, I figured if she had over 8 pictures I would lose. One shirt, two undershirt, three shoe, four shoe, five sock, six sock, seven pants, and eight underwear. I could make it that far before she could show a ninth picture and I would have to say I lost. Since I had 8 pictures, then she would have to go one shoe, two shoe, three sock, four sock, five shirt, six pants, seven bra, and eight underwear before she was naked. If she had less than 8, I won. Well, all I can say is that I lost.

She had me standing there totally naked and put on a blindfold and a gag. It was kind of exciting just knowing that she could do anything. Dude, she was totally amazing. The very first thing she did was run her fingers all over my body. She had some kind of oil so every place she touched, she rubbed in the oil so that I was slippery. I got a great massage. I lost and yet, it felt like I was winning. It was awesome. Then she started with some new stuff that was way different. She made me lay down on my back. She actually got on top of me and rubbed her pussy all over my face. She was actually dripping she was so turned on. I had the gag in, so I could not do much other then just feel it rub across me. Needless to say, I was totally hard. Then she turned me over onto my stomach. She used the oil to rub all around my ass. I know she was taking pictures because I could see the flash. I could not see exactly what she was taking pictures of, but I could guess.

It finally got different when she rubbed oil along my ass. She teased my hole with her finger. It was different, but totally exciting. Eventually, she rubbed her finger tip on my hole and pressed just a little bit. Rob, I hate to admit it, but my hole was quivering. I didn't know what she was thinking then, but it was exciting. She finally pushed in to the first knuckle. She kept pushing in and out until I actually moaned. I didn't want to, but I was totally turned on. Anyway, she kep on until her finger was all the way in. After that she used two fingers and finally three before she pulled her fingers out. For about three or four minutes, I could not tell what she was doing. She was totally silent. I think she was trying to build up the nerve for what she did next.

Rob, she actually started rimming me. She used her tongue to f*ck me in the ass. I never touched my dick, but came right there. It felt totally incredible. I know she could tell that I had cummed, but she never stopped. After rimming me for a few minutes, she stopped and stuck a dildo in my ass. It went all the way in. She did not try to go in slow, she just pushed it right in. She turned me over on my stomach and could see I was hard again. I had cum on the tip of my dick, but there was nothing I could do to hide. it. She put a condom on me and before I knew it, she climbed right on top of my dick and sat right on it. She just rubbed back and forth on top of me. I didn't have to move or anything and was totally in her control. She definitely had an orgasm before I got close again. I don't know how long she did it, but eventually, I came again.

After I did cum again, she pulled out the dildo. I guess she went to the bathroom to clean up because she was gone for a few minutes again. When she got back, she whispered that I could not ask any questions. I nodded my head that I agreed and she took off my blindfold and gag. Rob, she was totally beautiful. By that point, I was getting soft and she reached down and pulled off the condom. She actually licked the remains off my dick before she said that the hour was up. She said that I needed to put my clothes on and go home. She would see me late Sunday night, but had some things to do with her family during the day. It was strange, but I felt kind of used. Not complaining, because it was so much fun, but it was just strange. Ok, you can ask questions now if you want.

Rob: Mike, the first question I can think of is did you have fun.

Mike: Oh yea. I never expected anything like it, but I definitely enjoyed it all.

Rob: Do you think you will be doing more of the same thing soon?

Mike: I really don't know. I can't tell if this was a one time thing or if we have just added something new to our relationship.

Rob: What do you think about the pictures?

Mike: Rob, I don't even want to think about that. I think I know how she got them.

Rob: What are you thinking?

Mike: I think Jill did things for them as a favor to get them to let her take their picture.

Rob: Like what kind of favors?

Mike: Umm. That is what I don't want to think about, but I think she did sexual things for them. I can't think of anything else that would convince so many to agree to get nude and let her take their pictures. I kind of makes me mad.

Rob: Mike, what if she is doing sexual things with others? Is it any different than what you and Jayce have done?

Mike: I don't know. I really don't know.

To be Continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 7

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