Mikes Coming of Age

By Rob Aaron

Published on Apr 23, 2014



"Mike's Coming of Age" is a bi-story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

By Rob Aaron Copywright April 23, 2014.

Feel free to mail comments to robaaron@gmail.com

Mike's Coming of Age 5

Rob: Ok. Please tell me that at some point you stopped before it went way too far.

Jayce: Ummm. No, I didn't. That is why I am in trouble with Mike.

Continued ......

Rob: Ok. Go ahead and tell me everything that you did. Maybe it is not so bad.

Jayce: Ok. Well she let me unzip her pants and she stepped right out of them. I was so hard that I thought I would cum just looking at her. I knew that she was coming over to make out so as soon as she got close, I pulled her in and rolled on top. We were griding together before I knew it. I know I was dripping tons of pre-cum. I lifted up off of her and pulled off her underwear. Dude, she had shaved all her pubes off. That was so hot. So I slid down and started eating her out. She was definitely horny as hell. She was wet everywhere too. Rob, she tasted great. I know that she had an orgasm just from my tongue action.

After about 20 minutes of eating her out, I moved back up her body. She kept her legs spread open and basically invited me to fuck her. I knew Mike said that they had not had sex yet, so I really didn't want to be her first. I don't know what came over me, but I guess it was because I was horny. I turned her over face down and started fingering her in the ass. I almost could not get my finger to slide in even with a lot of lube on it. Finally after just the tip rubbing around her hole and pressing down, it went in up to the second knuckle. Dude, I don't know what I did but hope I can remember it, but she basically freaked out. She started bucking up and down and forcing me finger in and out. The harder I pushed, the wilder she got. It was easy to get the second finger in and finally a third. She was dripping pussy juices so much that I could feel the wet spot on the bed. That just got me even more horny so I went for it. I lined my dick up with her ass and as soon as I got the tip to touch, she pulled me in. I tried to go slow, but she didn't want any part of that. She just kept pressing back until I was all the way in.

I have had sex a few times before, but nothing ever like that. I almost did not have to pull in and out. She was bucking so wild, that she was doing most of the work. I wanted to do it for hours, but I bet I didn't last more the three for four minutes before I started cumming. I do know that when I finally stopped cumming I stayed hard. I pulled out and lay down on my back. I was totally exhausted. I must have closed my eyes because the next thing I knew, I heard her door open.

I thought it might be Mike coming in, but it was her coming back from the bathroom. I almost panicked until I realized it was her. When we made contact, she just smiled.

Rob: Jayce, did you use a condom?

Jayce: No. I didn't have any with me. Remember I was not planning to do anything. It just kind of happened. I guess she went to the bathroom to clean up. I didn't really know what was going to happen next, but she reached up and put her fingers across my lips. That was her way of telling me not to say anything. I nodded my head so that she would know I understood what she wanted. After I did that, she pushed me over so that I was laying on my stomach. She climbed on my back and started massaging my neck and shoulders. It really felt good. Little by little, she moved further down my back until she was almost at my ass. When she got there, I felt her get up off the bed and stand on the floor. I started to turn over, but she pressed her hand on my back to indicate that she was not done and I was to stay on my stomach. So I did what she wanted. She moved down to my feet and started massaging them. Dude, I don't know if you ever had someone do that, but it feels great.

Jayce: Anyway, she started with my feet and started moving back up my legs. I don't think my dick ever went soft the whole time. As she was moving back up my legs, she slid up the bed between my legs. As she moved further and further up, I had to spread my legs so that she could keep moving up. I guess I didn't realize what was happening until she reached my ass. It was at that point that I realized that my legs were wide open and she had easy access to my ass. I got a little nervous, but didn't have long to wonder what she was going to do. I heard her open a bottle top and felt a few drops of liquid on my ass. I guess she brought back some oil from the bathrooom and I didn't see it. Well anyway, she used the oil on my ass cheeks and down into the crack. Even without seeing it, I thought I had a good idea what she was going to do then. I thought she was planning to finger my ass just like I had done hers. But I was wrong again. So far this day had not gone anything like what I was expecting.

Rob: Yea Jayce, I think you misread all the signals or just completely missed them.

Jayce: Yes. Well anyway, she had put oil on my ass and the next thing I know, she has one hand on the left cheek and the other hand on the right cheek and started pulling them slightly apart. I know she could see right into my hole. Dude, the next thing I knew, she was sticking her tongue in my ass. I had heard about rimming before, but had never even in my fantasies thought I would get it done to me. All I can say is that I did cum again while she was doing that. It felt amazing. After I cummed for the second time, that pretty much ended the sex stuff between us.

The only thing she said at the end was "Jayce, I really like Mike and don't want to break up with him. But you are totally amazing and I want to keep fooling around again. Tonight, I made a bet with Mike that I am going to win. He thinks he is going to win, but he is not. I know that he was planning to fck me if he won, but what he doesn't know is that I plan to do the same. No matter who wins, we are going to have sex tonight. I want to have sex with him, but not because I want him. I want to have sex with him so that you will be willing to fck me too. I wanted to do it with you tonight, but I could tell that you were not going to go that far. Does that make any sense?"

Jayce: Rob, I didn't really know what to say. Think about it, she wants to have sex with another guy just do that I will be willing to have sex with her. If any other girl said something like that, I would think they were a slut. But I kind of get what Jill means. It is strange, but totally sexy for some reason.

Rob: Jayce, I don't even know where to begin with this one. Can you let me think about it tonight and get back to you tomorrow? This is a lot to take in at one time.

Jayce: Ok. I guess what I am asking from you Rob is advice on what I should do.

Rob: Ok. I will be on Skype tomorrow. By the way, are Mike and Jill together right now?

Jayce: Yes. I think so. If not, he should be getting there any minute now.

Rob: Ok. Thanks again for telling me this Jayce. I do think it is a mess, but the only one that stands to be hurt right now is Mike. Do you know what Jill plans to tell him or if she plans to tell him anything at all?

to be continued.....

Next: Chapter 6

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