Mikes Coming of Age

By Rob Aaron

Published on Apr 19, 2014



"Mike's Coming of Age" is a bi-story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

By Rob Aaron Copywright April 18, 2014.

Feel free to mail comments to robaaron@gmail.com

Mike's Coming of Age 4

Rob: Do they know you took their pictues?

Mike: No. None of them know. Well, Jayce does, but not why I took it.

Rob: What do you get if you win the bet?

Continued . . . . .

Mike: Jill agreed to wear a gag and a blindfold for one hour if I win. I can do anything that I want to her for a whole hour. If I lose, I have to wear the gag and blindfold though.

Rob: I sounds like you both could have fun. No matter who wins. What do you plan to do if you win?

Mike: I know exactly what I am going to do. As soon as she puts on the gag and blindfold, I am going to slowly take off all her clothes. I have never really seen her totally naked in the light. Every time we fool around, it is dark so I only have seen the outline of her body. She is totally hot in a bathing suit so I can't wait.

Rob: What do you think she will do if you lose?

Mike: I don't know, but I am sure I will have to get naked. We are definitely at the point that we are ready to do more. I know she will tickle me some. I hate that. I can't control myself at all. Especially the bottoms of my feet.

Rob: Lol. I can't wait to hear about it.

Mike: Thanks Rob. I will probably not get on Skype until Saturday. I think I will be busy tomorrow night.

Rob: C Ya later.

A little while later, Jayce comes back on Skype.

Jayce: Hey Rob.

Rob: Hay Jayce. I was hoping you would come back on tonight. What do you have planed for the weekend?

Jayce: This is a big secret, but Jill asked me to come over to her house tomorrow after school. She has a surprise for Mike, but doesn't want him to know about it.

Rob: What is the surprise?

Jayce: She said they are going to have sex for the first time. She is a little nervous about it and wants to talk to me about it before he comes over. I am supposed to go to her house at 5:00. She said Mike isn't coming over until about 8:00 so we should have a couple hours to talk before I leave. She did tell me not to drive though just in case he were to come early and see my car.

Rob: Ok. How old is Jill by the way. I don't think I know her.

Jayce: She just turned 16. I remember because she is trying to learn how to drive. She is terrible. Lol.

Rob: Umm, Jayce. Do you think it is odd that a girl would want to talk to a guy about having sex? I would have thought she would want to talk to another girl.

Jayce: Oh, I see what you mean. It is totally different with Jill though. I have known her for a few years. I used to go out with her older sister Sara and we just all three hung out together a lot. It used to piss me off because Sara would not even let me kiss her if Jill was around. Anyway, Jill and I got to be good friends. I know that she purposely left a few times so that we would have some alone time. One time she asked if we wanted to have some cookies? She walked to the grocery store and brought some home. When she left, I know she looked at me and was just saying that she made up a reason to leave. It was so cool.

Rob: Did anything happen while Jill was gone?

Jayce: Yes, Sara gave me a great blowjob. Sara is the first girl I ever had do that and would swallow it. Right after we finished, Jill got back home. If it had taken another minute, she would have walked right in and seen us.

Rob: What do Sara and Jill look like?

Jayce: Both are thin. Sara is tall. Maybe 5 feet 6 inches. She has blonde hair and pretty good sized tits. Jill is more of a brunette and is shorter than Sara. Maybe about 5 feet tall.

Rob: They both sound very pretty. Jayce, do you think that what you and Mike are doing is fair to Jill? I mean, you are messing around and she does not know it.

Jayce: I know. I don't like keeping secrets, but it would not be fair to Mike for me to tell her. I think Mike needs to do that.

Rob: I think you are right.

..... Friday night .....

Jayce: Rob are you on tonight?

Rob: Hey Jayce. I didn't expect to chat with you until tomorrow. How did today go?

Jayce: OMG. I am in a lot of trouble with Mike. I don't know what to do about it.

Rob: Tell me what is wrong. Maybe I can help.

Jayce: Well you know Jill was asking me about sex stuff right?

Rob: Yes.

Jayce: Well she didn't just want to talk abou it.

Rob: What?

Jayce: I went to her house this afternoon like she asked. And when I got there, she told me to come on into her room. She said she would go grab us something to drink and would be right back. I had never been in her room, but didn't think it was anything unusual, but when she came back up, she closed the door. That was a little odd.

Rob: Jayce, I was trying to hint to you last night that I thought it was strange. How bad is it?

Jayce: When she closed the door, she started unbuttoning her shirt. Before I could stop her, she took it off. She wasn't wearing a bra so you know I got to see it all. She is totally hot. I had not noticed that she has grown up. She looks like Sara, but not quite as big.

Rob: What did you do?

Jayce: I told her that this was not a good idea, because she was dating Mike. She just asked me to be quiet for ten minutes. She even said "Please". I didn't know what to do, but I said ok.

Rob: Ok. Tell me the whole story.

Jayce: She reached out and took my hands. Very gently, she brought them up to her tits. She rubbed my finger tips very lightly on her nipples. They were totally hard. I don't know what I was thinking, but I started rubbing more and more. She finally moved her hands to my chest and reached up under my shirt. I love when a girl does that so I just kind of let her keep going. She pulled me closer to her and started kissing me. OMG, she knows how to kiss. Her tongue was about to invade my throat. I swear I was getting dizzy from it.

Rob: Did you try to stop her?

Jayce: Rob, I just couldn't. She is smoking hot. Anyway, after she kissed me a bit, she kind of pushed me back to her bed. Before I knew it, I was laying on my back. She reached down and unbuckled my belt. I know I should not have, but I let her keep going. Before she even unzipped my pants, I was leaking pre-cum. Well, you know that I couldn't stop, so I guess somehow she took my pants off before I realized it. I was totally horny so I guess it just took over. I got her to stand up in front of me. I reached over and unzipped her pants. She did not even hesitate to take them off.

Rob: Ok. Please tell me that at some point you stopped before it went way too far.

Jayce: Ummm. No, I didn't. That is why I am in trouble with Mike.

Continued ......

Next: Chapter 5

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