Mikes Coming of Age

By Rob Aaron

Published on Apr 17, 2014




"Mike's Coming of Age" is a bi-story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

By Rob Aaron Copywright April 17, 2014.

Feel free to mail comments to robaaron@gmail.com Mike's Coming of Age 3

AUTHORS NOTE: Based on some great feedback, I am going to use proper punctuation such as capital letters, commas, etc. My intent was to make the story look like a Skype conversation, but it seems that the style was distracting. I will aso start each person's comments with their name so that it is clear who is talking.


Continued . . . .

Rob: Ok, but he has to know my rules. I never tell anyone what we talk about. and I never lie. Even if he does not like my answers. OK?

Jayce: Yes. Ok, Here he is now. He wants to ask something about Jill

Rob: Who is Jill?

To be continued..... Let me know if I should continue or not.

Rob: Jayce? Are you there?

Mike: Hey, Rob. This is Mike. Jayce went downstairs so I could talk to you. Is it ok if we talk now?

Rob: Of course Mike, I just didn't know that you were with Jayce today. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Mike: Well, let's see. I play soccer, will turn 16 next month. I have really long hair. And make all A's in school. Oh yeah, and I guess I have been fooling around with Jayce for about a week now. Did he tell you all about that?

Rob: Mike, Whatever you and Jayce tell me, I will not share with anyone. That includes each other. Even if you both say it is ok, I won't do it. That way, I can't accidentally repeat something you don't really want anyone to know. Ok?

Mike: Ok, that's fine with me.

Rob: Great. So tell me about the "fooling around" you are doing. I think that is what you really want to talk about right?

Mike: Yea. I think so. Ok, here goes. Last week was Jayce's birthday. We did not plan on doing anything, but it just kind of happened. I am totally straight or at least thougth I was before this weekend. I am not sure about it still, but it was a lot of fun. We did everything that we could think of. What else do you want to know about it?

Rob: What part did you like the best?

Mike: Ummm. He let me cum in his mouth. And then he kissed me and I could taste it a little bit. That was so hot.

Rob: Do you both do exactly the same things to each other?

Mike: We did at first, but he likes to f*ck me a lot. I did it one time, but it is kind of gross.

Rob: Why is it gross to you?

Mike: Well, just the thought of where my dick was going it is just not fun.

Rob: Ok, Mike, one thing to remember with all of this is that it is supposed to be fun. If you don't like something he does, then tell him. If you don't want to do something he wants you to do, then tell him that too. Ok?

Mike: Ok.

Rob: I think that will keep you both from being pressured into things that you don't like.

Mike: Thanks.

Rob: Of course. Ok, but I think you really want to ask me about something else right?

Mike: Yes. I have a girlfriend. We have not had sex yet, but have been talking about it. Should I tell her about what Jayce and I are doing?

Rob: Mike, I don't think you will like my answer, but my opinion is that you should always tell the truth about things. Especially if it involves another person. BUT. I would not tell her until you think about the consequences. Like will she tell anyone else? Do you care if other people know? Does Jayce care if anyone else knows? Things like that.

Mike: Oh. I didn't think about her telling other people. That would be real bad. I won't tell her about it.

Rob: But Mike, I have to say, I don't think you should do anything more advanced with her when you are keeping secrets. It is a hard balance you have to figure out.

Mike: That is going to be hard to do though. We are going out tomorrow night.

Rob: Ok, I share what I thought you should do. What have you done with her so far?

Mike: Oh man, she has really cool boobs. They are not huge, but point straight out. She let's me finger her almost every day now. When I do, her nipples get real hard.

Rob: Have you done more than finger her?

Mike: A little bit. She was sucking me one time and I turned so that I could eat her out at the same time. I had to take a shower before Mom got home because it got a little messy. She had two orgasms while I was doing that.

Rob: Lol. Ok. I think it sounds like you did it right then.

Mike: Yea. But she won't let me cum in her mouth. Jayce is the only one who will let me do that.

Rob: Some people don't like the taste of cum. Just like I said before with Jayce, only do things that you both like. That way everyone stays happy.

Mike: I want to have sex with Jill and Jayce at the same time. I know she likes him.

Rob: How do you know that?

Mike: Umm. You promise you won't tell Jayce anything I say right?

Rob: I promise.

Mike: Well, she asked me to get pictures of him. You know. Nude pictures.

Rob: You have to tell me more about that. Why?

Mike: We are making bets on how many pictures of other people we can get within one week. Tomorrow at 9:00 PM is the deadline.

Rob: How many different people do you have?

Mike: Right now, I have 7 guys and 1 girl.

Rob: Holy crap Mike. How did you do that?

Mike: The guys are on the soccer team. I took pictures in the loccer room. The girl is my sister.

Rob: Do they know you took their pictues?

Mike: No. None of them know. Well, Jayce does, but not why I took it.

Rob: What do you get if you win the bet?

Continued . . . . .

Next: Chapter 4

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