Mike Lives to Service Jay

By moc.loa@coDogacihCykniK

Published on Mar 28, 2007


Thank you to all that have emailed me. This is my first story, I'm glad you enjoy are enjoying it.

Now we continue on with our story.

Before Jay left he picked up his saliva coated red bikini briefs and used them to wipe his excess cum off my face. He then told me to get dressed and to place his briefs inside my underwear so my little dick could swim in his manly

load. He then instructed me to put on his dirty socks for the rest of the evening. He knew exactly what he was doing to me, making me like a bitch in heat ready to serve again.

"Don't even think about fucking touching your puny little cock while I'm gone boy. You better have your pussy all cleaned out for me by the time I get home too. If you dirty my dick with one hole I'll make you clean it with another, got that bitch?"

I knew what he was talking about, I remember seeing the results of an unclean "pussy" many years ago on that dildo. The problem was how do I clean out my pussy? "What do I use to clean my pussy Jay? I have never done anything like

that before?"

"Just figure it out faggot! Just make sure it's clean for my big dick. Oh and that reminds me, I like my pussy to be clean shaven, so while I'm gone make

sure all your asshole hairs and all the pubes around your clit get removed! I 'll even help you with this task Mike, here is the shaving cream and some razors. Remember no getting off while I'm gone."

With that Jay rapped a towel around his 32 inch waist and walked out of the bathroom. I couldn't believe what just happened. Only in my wildest of fantasies would I ever think that Jay would fuck me. Now I was standing in the bathroom with a can of shaving cream, some razors and a direct order from my god to clean my hole and shave myself smooth in preparation for the fucking of a lifetime.

I decided to start the process now, no time like the present right? I jumped in the shower. I squirted some shaving cream in my hand and started lathering up my groin. I cannot believe I was removing the one part of my body that I felt was masculine. But Jay had given me an order and I was determined to please him. I started the razor scraping down crotch, around my still hard dick, down my balls. Swipe after swipe I would see cream disappear and in its place a now hairless piece of skin. I grabbed the handheld shower head and washed the excess lather off. My dick actually looked a little bigger this way, but made me feel like I was 12 again.

Now shaving your ass is pretty tricky, especially if you have never done so before. But with patience and determination I guess you can do anything, right? Again the handheld shower washed my now hairless ass. I had one thing left to do, but how to do it?

It was then that I looked at the shower head in my hand. What if I unscrewed the head from the hose? I could then put the hose up my butt and get it real clean. I turned off the water and took off the shower head. It was time again to place an inanimate up my butt. I rubbed the hose up and down my ass crack which sent those chills up my spine. It was much easier the slip this wet little hose up my ass than that dildo years ago. I then turned the water back on. I could feel my bowels start to fill with warm water. It felt good only for an instant, then the cramping set in. Oh god I quickly turned off the water and slipped the hose out of my quivering asshole. I clamped my cheeks together and jumped out of the shower. I hopped onto the toilet and let it release. I decided that I should repeat this process until the water ran clear from my pussy.

After 4 more "cleansings" I was fully cleaned out. I looked at Jay's red briefs still wet with his gobs of white cum. I couldn't resist, I picked up the briefs and started to suck the cum from the fabric. It tasted so wonderful, I

had only wished there had been more. I looked down at my hairless cock, still standing at attention, just begging to be touched.

As I started to get dressed I noticed there was a jockstrap hanging from the door handle. I picked it up and there was a little note with it. "Mike I want you to wear these instead of your underwear. Be sure to keep the cup in place, I want to keep your clit under wraps."

He must have placed the jock there while I was in the shower. Looking at the jockstrap it was evident that they were very used and very dirty. I brought up the dirty jock to my face and took in a deep smell. Definitely could smell sweat, piss and hints of cum. I thought I was going to cum spontaneously just

from the funk I was inhaling.

Being a little on the chubby side, when I placed the jock on it was tight. Even with my small package, it felt as if my dick was going to break in this space. It seemed too small for even Jay! My little dick was bent and hard inside the cup. I guess maybe this was part of my punishment. On the bright side, it would hide my boner from Ben and Paul. I finished getting dressed, I placed his socks on my feet and stuffed his briefs in one pocket and mine in another.

Throughout the rest of the evening with Ben and Paul, I couldn't help but sneak off every now and then to smash Jay's now crispy red briefs into my face. It was like a I had invented my own Viagra. I could see the cup gently pushing against my jeans as my cock tried to straighten out.

It was now 3:30 in the morning and Ben and Paul were asleep but I was awake and waiting for Jay to show up. I heard a car pull up to the house. I looked out the window and it was him. He was carrying a black plastic bag. He looked a little drunk. I decided to get up and head towards his room. Once inside I waited for Jay to come in.

Jay had definitely had a few drinks, I could smell the beer on him. He looked at me and said strip. I took my shirt off and then dropped my pants.

"That's far enough Mike, keep the socks and Ben's jock on."

I knew the jock was too small to hold Jay's big penis. Although I would rather had been wearing Jay's dirty jock, I must say Ben was very cute too. He was maybe a 1 ½ years younger than me but was definitely much like his older brother Jay.

"Come over on the bed and get up on all fours, I want to take a look at your pussy and see if it's up to my standards." I did as I was told. Once in position I felt Jay's hands on my butt cheeks pulling them apart.

"It looks nice and smooth. Did you clean it out?"

"Yes Jay" I said. "I used the hose from the handheld shower to clean it out. "

"When did u clean it out?" Jay asked.

"When you left" I replied.

Whack, whack, whack. I felt his hands slapping my chubby as cheeks. Tears were collecting in my eyes as the pain seared through my ass. "You stupid fuck, that was like 6 hours ago faggot! Do you still think it's clean? Now I got to

clean you out, or do you want to take the chances of having to clean my dick of your shit with your mouth?"

"Oh no, Jay. Please, please clean me out. I'm so sorry, I didn't even think about all the time that passed. Please clean me out."

"Ok faggot, I'll help you with the clean out."

Jay walked away and started looking for something. I stayed still on all fours with my ass high in the air framed by the straps of Ben's dirty tight jock. I didn't dare to look and see what he was doing. After a few moments he was back. I felt him get on the bed. He got up on top of me and I felt his semi hard dick sliding against my asshole. Obviously he went to put some lube on his big cock. It wasn't hard, but not soft either. I then felt his spongy dick head at my hole pushing against my boy twat. Oh what a feeling to be mounted by Jay. My hole gave in and his head popped into my chute. I thought I was going to pass out, it felt so wonderful. Sure it was a little painful but I knew I was meant to bring this man pleasure.

Jay didn't move, just letting his dickhead rest in my ass. Then I felt it. I gush of warm fluid. Oh my god he was pissing in my ass. He leaned forward and

whispered in my ear.

"I'm giving you a piss enema faggot. If you get a single drop on my bed you will very sorry. Just keep your hole tight. That's it clamp down on my dick."

He must have been holding it for a while because it seemed to never end. I again felt the cramping of my bowels as the piss distended them. I was getting nervous because my ass felt like it was going to explode and he wasn't stopping. Finally expansion ended and he held his now empty cock up my ass.

"Ok faggot, I'm going to pull my dick out. Make sure you keep your pussy clenched." With a pop his dick was gone and my asshole was quivering about to break loose. "Now get on the floor on your knees. I told you your mouth would have to clean my dick." Oh god, "please Jay, I have to let this out, I can't hold it, I think I'm going to explode."

"You got to clean my dick first faggot. Your world is my dick….that is all that matters. I don't care what you spill, your mouth will be cleaning it up."

Then he smacked my ass hard. I thought I was going to loose control right then. "Get on the floor before I pull out a belt and give your ass a real punishment."

I resigned myself to the helpless position I was in. I got onto the floor and Jay sat at the edge of the bed. "Clean it" Jay said. I picked up his dick and looked at it. It was not dirty as I excepted, thank god. I started licking

the head. It tasted like piss but anything was better than shit residue, right? I got a little more eager and started put the head in my mouth and started to suck it clean. As hard as I tried I couldn't stop feeling as if I was going to make a mess all over the floor. No matter how much I tried to please Jay.

Luckily Jay finally said "ok faggot, get your ass in the bathroom and get back in this room." With that I got up and headed towards my pants, clenching my

ass tightly. "what do you think you're doing faggot? Did I tell you to get dressed?"

"Please Jay, I can't go out in the hall like this. What if someone sees me?"

"I don't give a fuck what they see, just do what I say, get your ass in that bathroom before I change my mind!"

Reluctantly I waddled to the door and opened it. The pain in my guts won over and I walked out towards the bathroom. I made it without notice. It felt so good to sit on the toilet and let go of all of Jay's piss. It felt so strange to be basically pissing out of my asshole. Once complete I headed back towards Jay's bedroom. Once inside I closed the door and waited for instructions.

"All clean now faggot?"

"Yes Sir" I replied.

"Good. Now time for some fun. Get back on the bed, but this time on your back. I bought you a couple of presents, well presents for me, I'm not sure how much you'll like them."

Jay went and grabbed the black bag I saw earlier. He pulled out this chain thing. I have never seen something like it before.

"These are nipple clamps. I like to suck on my girls titties while my dick is planted up there pussies. I like it the way there pussies tighten when I suck hard on them. I don't know if your nipples are sensitive, so I figured I would go ahead and make them sensitive." Jay picked up one end of the clamp and placed it on my right nipple. Pain instantly began to sear into my body. "Oh god, Jay, please take it off" I said.

"I can see you need to be kept quiet again." Jay then slipped off his sock and balled it up and pushed it into my mouth. At least I could bite on it to help with the pain. He then picked up the other side of the chain and placed the other nipple clamp on the left tit.

"Oh I forget, we don't need these" Jay said as he removed the right clamp. Instantly the blood started to rush back to my nipple and I thought I would pass out. I looked on to see Jay pulling off the little black rubber protectors at the end of the clamp. What was revealed was an alligator clamp with little metal teeth. "This way the sensitization will occur that much faster."

I thought these were painful before, now they were literally biting into my flesh. I was crying and sobbing through the sock gag. "What's the matter faggot? Don't like you nipples being tenderized? I told you that you were to be punished for not coming to me sooner with your faggot ways. Don't worry baby I' ll suck on them and make them feel better later. But for now we need to move on."

With that Jay told me to get back on all fours. As I started to move into position my the pain in my nipples increased. You see the chain that attached the clamps together also had a little weight in the center suspended by another

chain. Once I was in the desired spot. I looked down to see my little boy titties being stretched down by the weight. It felt as though my nipples were going to rip right off my chest.

"You know what else I really like Mike?" Of course I couldn't answer because his now very wet dirty sock was stuffed in my mouth. "I like it when my friends and I all gang bang the same chick. I like it when I get to go last because her asshole or pussy is so raw that she feels every single thrust of my big fucking dick. I like the way her eyes roll into the back of her head from the intense pain and pleasure she is getting from being stuffed like a pig. I like the way a tender hole spasms around my dick with each pulse of blood that passes through my big shaft. Unfortunately my buddies were headed over to their girlfriends houses so they couldn't help me with the transformation of you asshole into a loose tender pussy."

"Not to worry Mike, because while I was out getting your tittie tenderizers I also picked up some things that will make you pussy the way I like it. Say hello to your new best friend." Jay pulled out a very large dildo from the black bag. It look to be about the size of a Lysol can. There was absolutely no way I could take that thing anywhere. Maybe I could take it if I was a woman who just gave birth.

"What's the matter Mike, think you'll have a problem taking it? Don't worry

I've got a little something that will help you loosen up a bit for this. I know I shouldn't be so nice, but what the hell I'm a caring guy." I looked at him with a pained expression on my face, he had an evil looking grin on his. He set the rubber dick down on the bed next to my head and walked towards his closet. When he came back to the bed he had with him a couple of bottle of


"I have these bottles left over from a party I had a couple of weeks ago. I don't really like Southern Comfort or Sambuca. But I think they will work nicely in making you more relaxed, both mentally and physically." Jay couldn't expect me to drink alcohol, I had never anything more than a Corona, and that was only tolerable because of the lime and salt. Now I was supposed to drink some gross Sambuca?

Little did I know that Jay didn't expect me to drink them. He picked up the first bottle and unscrewed the cap. He then reached for the lube and slapped some on the neck of the bottle. "Ready for you final cleaning? Here it comes."

Jay then slipped the bottle into my asshole and tilted the bottle up. Talk about burn. Southern Comfort burns going down when you drink it. Imagine what it feels like to have it coating your delicate colon.

"Squeeze tight faggot." I felt another pop and my asshole was void of the bottle. Soon the Sambuca bottle replaced the first bottle. Again the burn intensified. Both bottles were more than half gone when we started but I still felt full. "Keep holding, I want to marinate your asshole a bit." I started to feel a little buzz. I guess the alcohol was being absorbed through my intestines. Leisurely Jay spanked my ass as several minutes passed by. I was beginning to feel a little light headed but sensation in my asshole and nipples were starting to feel good. My dick was rock hard and pushing against the jock.

"You about ready to make the trip back to the bathroom?" Jay asked. "Before you go, let me make another piss deposit in your pussy pot." This time he didn 't lube up his dickhead before pushing past my tightly clenched butthole. Thankfully there was some left from the bottles of booze. I again began to feel

very uncomfortable as the alcohol and piss mixed together and my bowels began to distend. "There you go fuckwad. Now go release, it's time to make your asshole a pussy."

I carefully got out of bed and headed for the door. With every step the weight bounched and tugged at my titties. I had to squeeze my cheeks together with my hands to keep the seal of my asshole from giving in. As I got to the bedroom door I took a deep breath and opened. I was too physically uncomfortable to really care if someone saw me make a dash across the hall.

Although Jay's urine diluted the alcohol, it didn't really lessen the burning sensation my asshole felt as the alcohol passed through it. As I leaned forward on the bowl I watched the weight and chain sway like a pendulum between my knees. I tried to concentrate on that as to take my mind off the horrible burning sensation between my buttcheeks. Though my body was going through an intense amount of pain I wasn't crying. Maybe all Jay was doing for me was actually good. Maybe he was helping me become more of a man myself. Or maybe it

was just the alcohol numbing my brain. Who knows.

I got up and cleaned myself up and headed back toward Jay's bedroom. Back to where that humungous fake dong lay ready to enter my basically virgin ass.

Next: Chapter 3

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