Mike Lives to Service Jay

By moc.loa@coDogacihCykniK

Published on Mar 27, 2007


As young as 13 I knew what I liked. I didn't know what it meant but I knew I liked it. My mom inherited at house from a family friend. It was a disaster, years of clutter all over the place. We would go over to the house after school and on weekends. While my mom would work in the never ending junk in the basement, I would be up in the bedrooms going through drawers, throwing old clothes in bags, sifting through the never ending clutter. I would come across all types of weird stuff (well weird to a 13-year-old), porno magazines, picture books of nudist camps and one afternoon I found a rubber penis.

I knew I wasn't supposed to keep the fake cock but I was so curious. I got up and went to the bathroom. Once inside I pulled down my pants and underwear and compared the 6 inches of hard rubber to my rather small flaccid penis. I knew instinctively that piece of rubber was more masculine than me. I had the

sudden urge to make this manly symbol part of me. First it went to my mouth. I kissed the large flared head then licked up and down the thick shaft. It was too big for my mouth to stretch around it. There had to be another way to make this part of me. I placed it next to my now hard penis, as if I had two dicks coming from between my legs. It must have been at least double the size in width and length of my small boy cock. God how I wish mine could have been that big.

There had to be another way to get this beautiful veiny piece of rubber in me ... Ah hah, what about my butt? I had seen what sometimes came out of my butt. Surely I could get this thing up it, right? I dropped the lid on the toilet seat and set the large phallus in the center of it. Thankfully it had a large

set of balls as the base so it was stabilized on the flat surface. I started to squat down pulling my butt cheeks apart. I could feel the fake cock rub on my crack, sending shivers down up my spine. I wanted it inside me.

Little did I know that it was near impossible to get a penis, real or fake, up your asshole without lube. Add to the fact that my butt was tight and small. Thankfully I was in a bathroom, there had to be something to get it slick enough to overcome the resistance of my little butthole. Opening the linen closet I immediately found the Vaseline. I dropped to my knees and scooped out a large amount of goo from the jar. I grasped the shaft and made it shine. This just seemed natural, being on my knees and working the cock as if it were attached to an older man, maybe my 20 something gym teacher, or perhaps that long haired blonde guy my mom worked with.

After stroking it for a good 3 minutes I decided it was time again to try and get this now well greased cock up my butt. I couldn't resist how it now slid

with great ease along my butt crack. But each time it passed my butthole I got a special sensation that could no longer be ignored. I positioned the head at my little hole and started to sit, determined to get my cheeks on the lid of the toilet. I hurt but felt so good as the large head pushed through my sphincter. I soon felt my hole clamp down as it completely engulfed the whole head. God it felt good. Now it was time to feel those big rubber balls against my little hairless balls. That's when I got ambitious and made my fatal mistake. I simply sat down in a rush to feel it all the way inside me.

I thought I was going to split in half. My once hard dick was now so small it was almost going into my body. The pain in my ass was too much to take but I

was so startled I couldn't get back up. I just sat there and let the my breath come back to me. Even though it was painful I was quite proud that I was able to make this "man" part of me. Maybe I could be made more of a man if I could take something so obviously masculine into me. Sort of an "injection" of testosterone to somehow make my little dick grow big and hard like the thing I now had in my butt.

I was snapped back to reality when I heard a knock at the door. "Hurry up, Mike, I gotta pee!" Why doesn't this stupid house have more than one bathroom? "Ok Mom I'll be out in a minute." Now I had to get this thing out of me. I stood up and tugged at the balls and felt it start to slide out of me. God if

felt kinda good again. Then the head slipped out. Suddenly I felt empty and wanted it back in me. Unfortunately there was no time. Then I looked at it. It was dirty and I was now grossed out by it. I had to get it out of the bathroom, but how with mom standing on the other side of the door? I wiped it off and wrapped it in toilet paper. I dumped some of the bathroom trash on the floor and placed it in the can I then filled the garbage back up. I wiped my butt of the extra Vaseline and washed my hands, a quick spray of the air freshener and all would be back to normal.

Little did I know when I walked out of that bathroom it would be another 4 years before I had something in my butt again. I had planned to return to the bathroom before we left to retrieve the dildo but when my mom exited the bathroom she had in her hand the overflowing bag of garbage from the bath trash can. There went my hopes of exploring my ass again with my new found toy.

That was the start of my obsession with masculinity and my hopes at least serving a real man if I could not be one myself.

After we finished cleaning out the house my mom sold it and used the money to buy a new house to live in. Moving really sucks, especially when you are slightly chubby boy who has a hard time making friends. I was really quite upset

because I was leaving my two best friends. Ben and Paul were brothers and lived 5 houses away from me. They were around my age but they had an older brother, Jay, who was 4 years older than me. Ben, Paul and I would play for hours, Nintendo, hide and seek, legos. You name it we did it. As you can imagine I

thought my life was over when we moved away from Ben and Paul. My mom, knowing how much I enjoyed hanging with them made sure I was able to spend lots of time with them during the summer and on weekends during the school year.

Even though we didn't live near each other and going to school without them sucked, I loved spending the weekend at Ben and Paul's house. I would get dropped off on Friday night and stay until Sunday morning. We would set up shop in there living room. Making tents out of sheets, sleeping in sleeping bags. Even though I loved hanging with Ben and Paul I really like staying at there house as apposed to them coming to mine. See when I stayed at Ben and Paul's place, there brother Jay would be around.

Jay was really hot, he had this kind of swimmer's jock body. Really lean, had muscles but didn't look like `roid rage. Beautiful dirty blond hair. He would often be out with his friends, but it was always a real treat when I would

be at home. Jay didn't often talk to Ben, Paul and I but when he did he was always real cool. At night Jay would walk around the house in his little bikini briefs. For some reason I always loved the blue ones. They were so tight, showing off his rather large package and cupping his ass cheeks. Sometimes at 2 or 3 in the morning Jay would come out of his room and play some Nintendo with us.

Everything about Jay was masculine. He would sit on the couch while we were on the floor. Looking at him from the glow of the television. Him leaning forward, controller in his hands, too busy focusing on the game to notice that I was starring at him. His legs would always be spread open as if to give his huge cock the room it needed. His bare feet planted securely on the floor, gazing at the way the arch is high off the wood floor. When he wasn't playing he would lay on the couch, his head resting on the hand, his arm flexed on the arm of the couch. That would always show off his sexy armpit, talk about masculine. Like his arm his knee would be flexed again giving his manly cock the space it commanded. Beautiful.

Sometimes Jay would be with his friends, those were the time that the teasing would begin. Showing his dominance to his friends, letting them know who was boss of us young teens. I think I was around 15 when Jay said "if any of you

guys are little faggots, just let my know, I'll fuck your ass!" God that almost made me pass out. Jay had no idea how much I wanted to be his little faggot. I loved the way he said it. He was so confident in his sexuality and manliness that he could fuck a faggot and would mean nothing about him, just that the faggot was a little hole to blow his cocksnot into.

By this time I was jacking off 2-3 times a day. Now my fantasies would focus only on Jay and his alpha male persona. I kept thinking about his dick going up my ass, remembering how painfully erotic it was to have that dildo up my ass a few years earlier. I wish I could be like Jay, just one of the guys. Even though I was only 15 I was bigger than jay was at 19. I was already 6'1" still a little chubby but stretching out nicely. Still I knew that there was one place that 5'10" stud was bigger than me. At full erection my dick was only 5 inches at best. Balls still small, but at least I had pubic hair. I didn't know exactly how big Jay was but I knew his balls were big and soft his dick looked to be the size of mine hard.

Soon enough my fantasies were not enough. I started getting sneaky when I would go to Ben and Paul's house. Jay would always take a shower before he would

go out for the evening. After his shower I would go to the bathroom. Usually I would find his clothes he had taken off before his shower. I like to pay special attention to his under garments. I would pick up his long white tube sock and smell it. Push it against my nose and take in his delicious scent. By this time my dick was raging hard and needed to get off fast. I would pick up his underwear and put it over my head so I could smell his dick scent while my hand were free to pull my cock. I would pull his sock over my cock and start stroking. Feeling the still warm fuzzy cotton on my dick drove me crazy. Cock smell hitting my nose. I would get too out of control with all this masculinity all over my body. To control the moaning, I would pick up his other sock and roll it into a ball and stuff it into my mouth. It would only be a few minutes before I would blow a load into his sock. Even to this day, for a guy with small genitals, I can blow a big load and shoot really far. After my j/o session with Jay's clothes I would have to do some damage control. I certainly couldn't put his cum filled and saliva moistened socks into the pile. I would do the only thing that I could think of. I pulled my shoes and socks off and throw them into the pile of dirty clothes. I knew he wouldn't examine the socks, why would he? I would then place his socks onto my feet. That would almost make me need to play with my toy size dick again. Feeling my foot in his sock with a creamy goo in between my toes.....oh god.

One evening, when I was almost 18, after Jay showered, I headed towards the bathroom for a quick fix. I opened the door and was surprised to see Jay standing over the toilet with his big soft dick in his hand and a steady stream of pee coming out. I was mesmerized I couldn't take my eyes of his manhood. This was not lost on Jay either. As I was starring at his dick he was starring at me. The urine stopped and he started pulling his cock into a semi erect state. He cleared his throat and said "come in and shut the door!" I was so scared I wanted to do just that, but was afraid. The man of my many fantasies telling me to come into the bathroom while he was naked and getting hard. He then got more stern and said "get your fucking faggot ass in here Mike!" I did.

Once in the bathroom with the door locked Jay asked,

"Why do you come into this bathroom after every time I come out of the shower? And why do I always find socks other than my own after you have been over? "

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. All while this is was going on, Jay kept pulling his now hard dick.

"What the fuck do you do in here? Tell me now, before I beat the shit out of you!"

I was afraid but my little dick was rock hard and wanting to please this awesome man. I would do whatever he wanted. That's when I picked up the dirty sock from the pile of clothes to my left and started sniffing it.

"I fucking figured as much, but just because you sniff my dirty socks doesn't mean you couldn't put them right back when you were done. What else you doing with them?"

No turning back now, right? I continued to roll up the sock in a ball and put it in my mouth. I then grabbed his little red bikini briefs and pulled them over my head. That's when the laughing began.

"You really are a fucking faggot. I can't believe you would put a dirty sock in your mouth. I think you should be using that mouth on the real thing, not wasting it on a sock!"

Jay sat down on the toilet and told me to drop to my knees. Once down where I should be, Jay pulled the underwear off my head and the sock out of my mouth.

"I'm sure you would prefer if this was dirty, but it will have to do."

With that he picked up his foot and started putting it to my face. Rubbing his size 11 all over my mouth.

"Open up and start licking faggot!"

I did as I was told, hoping I would bring some pleasure to this stud I've admired from a far for so long. I licked down the sole of his foot, sucked every

toe into my mouth. He then dropped his foot from the air and told me to start on the tops. I got on all fours and started licking like I was a dog and he was my master.

"Don't forget the other foot faggot!"

Obediently I went to work on his right foot. He picked it up a bit for me to have access to his sole. Oh god I was in heaven and wanted nothing more than to start wanking my dick.

"You like the real thing faggot? Let's see how much you like it. Drop your pants and lets see what your dick is saying."

I was now really embarrassed. Here this hot jock was with at least a 7 inch long super thick cock and egg sized balls wanting to see my dick. I thought he

was laughing before, surely he would laugh himself to death.

"Do you ever want to taste these feet again? Get your ass out of those clothes! NOW!"

I did as told, and boy I was right. He took one look at my little dick poking halfway up to my belly button.

"What the fuck is that? I've seen chicks with bigger clits than that thing. No wonder you get off on me, I'm a real man, you are a little pussy boy."

I was so ashamed, and wanted to leave now and never come back. But Jay new what to do to get me back in the groove. I lifted his left food and started playing with my dick and balls. I could feel my saliva on his foot rubbing my little boy genitals.

"Get back on the floor and jack off your little clit. I want to see if you can produce cum from those little balls! Or should I call them external ovaries?"

I dropped to the floor and start pulling at my dick. Jay picked up his underwear and started rubbing them all over my face.

"Yeah you like that don't you? When u cum, I want you to in this." he handed me a little bathroom Dixie cup.

It was only another minute or two until I was shaking, breaking out into a fresh sweat. My little balls were trying to become ovaries they were pulled so close to my body. I had the cup in my left hand stroking my dick with my right while licking Jay's red undies. Then it all came together and I started shooting. It felt like buckets. I must have filled that little cup at least half

way. Then I was done, embarrassed again.

"Hand me the cup Michelle!"

I did as I was told. He took the cup and looked at it. "Not a bad load for a faggot. Seems a shame for it to go to waste. I got an idea!"

With that Jay took the cup and poured the creamy contents onto his feet. I knew what was coming next and was very grossed out by it.

"You like dirty feet, faggot, well there you go. They are all dirty with your faggot cum. You better get it all off me or I'll kick your ass!"

What else was I going to do? I had no choice. This was a real man I was just a nearly full grown man with an oversized clit between my legs. I couldn't defy this beautiful 21-year-old alpha male, nor did I really want to. I dropped again on all fours and started licking the sticky goo off his stunning feet.

"You shot your load, now it's time for me to shoot my load" Jay said. "Get up here and get to sucking you faggot."

I had seen Jay in this position before, legs spread, knees out wide feet planted on the floor. The only difference was that this time we were in the bathroom and he didn't have that thin underwear material between his huge cock and my eyes.

I couldn't believe I was going to get the chance to put this huge manly veiny cock into my mouth. Like I tried some 5 years earlier with that dildo. My mouth watered. I was inexperienced but I had enthusiasm. I opened my mouth and gave it a wet French kiss. I could still taste some of the urine that clung to his piss hole. I was in love.

"That's it faggot. Respect that cock, give it a big kiss, push that tongue into the hole. Oh yeah just like that."

With those words of encouragement I tried to go further. I was now actively sucking the head and about 2 inches of shaft. It was amazing my mouth was so full. Jay was petting my head while gently pushing himself further down my mouth. Then I started to gag, Jay didn't seem to mind much and kept pushing his cock further down my mouth.

"You fucking puke on my dick faggot and you'll be eating it off me, you understand?" I tried hard but couldn't get it all down. Jay was getting frustrated with my inexperience.

"Forget it, you'll learn in time how to take my cock down your throat. For now just get to worshiping my big balls and jack me off, bitch."

It was hard to get at his balls because he was sitting on the toilet seat. He spread his feet a little further and gave me better access. I then went to town tonguing his huge hairy balls while I stroked off his big beautiful dick.

He really like this and was moaning loudly. He leaned back a little more and put his legs on my shoulders. This was the ultimate view for me. I could now see his little pink hole peaking below his balls.

"It's ok faggot, take a lick at that hole if you like. Make me feel real good bitch, that's what you were put on this earth for... god knows it wasn't for


I did as told. It tasted like soap, he was moaning more now. I was still jacking him off. I pulled back and could see the hairs around his hole where wet with my saliva.

"Get you mouth on my dickhead bitch, I want to cum in your mouth."

I pulled his dick back a bit and put the head in my mouth. I started jacking the shaft faster while sucking the head like it was a baby's bottle.

"Oh yeah faggot here it comes, ugggh! Hold in your mouth faggot."

He started jerking on the bowl and I felt his shaft spasm. Then it came. A delicious salty burst of warm cum hit the back of my throat. He kept cumming and I resisted the urge to swallow. After four spirts he pulled back and started to shoot all over my face. It went everywhere, in my hair, on my cheeks. Then he stopped. His dick began to wilt as I just stayed there mouth open full of cum.

"Look up at me faggot. I want to take a peek at my baby makers in your mouth. "

I looked into his eyes. He looked disgusted. "I can't believe you are a fucking faggot. I thought I told you I would fuck your ass if you were a faggot. That was over 2 years ago. 2 fucking years that I could have been tapping that

throat and asshole. You are going to pay for that!"

Then he cleared his throat and spit directly into my mouth. Adding to the already gooey mess fermenting. "Swallow me bitch" jay said.

It took a couple of gulps before I got it all his man seed down. He look down at me and said "I see your clit is hard again, but I'm already late for my date. Tonight I want you to stay up and wait for me. When I get home we will continue this and start your punishment."

Next: Chapter 2

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