Mike and Richie

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Nov 17, 2010



chapter 5

by Donny Mumford

I'm laying in bed this morning thinking about yesterday's monumental change in my life. I've never even considered putting another boy's dick in my mouth before last night, and now I'm looking forward to doing it again. That's a surprising fact; what isn't surprising, but is very puzzling, is Mike's insistence that he only participates in our gay behavior as a favor to me. Is it possible he actually believes that? I'm willing to play along if it means more intimate behavior with Mike, but it can't be mentally healthy to twist things around in his mind like that. As for me, I've no regrets or guilty feelings this morning, although I'm not at all sure I could do it for someone other than Mike. Time will tell about that. I roll over onto Mike's side of the bed and then, listening closely, can just barely hear Mike's motorbike starting-up. He's got work this morning so, as usual, he pushed his bike to the next block before firing that baby up. With those big bad mufflers he's worried he'd disturb my dad. That's nice of Mike, but I gotta smile thinking about the people he is disturbing down there at the end of the block. It's five minutes after four in the morning and that's the middle of the night for some. Tomato farm work starts early I won't see him again until the middle of the afternoon, but I'm good with that. It's funny, but after last night I've got a new sense of calm about me; it's like Mike and me are a secret team now. I've never felt like I had someone on my side like this before. There's also a sense of excitement too; can you be calmly excited? Ha! I don't know, these are new feelings for me; good new feelings!

Even this early in the day our bedroom is warm so I'm glad for the breeze from the window fan. Mike's body had blocked most of the breeze during the night; the first night we've ever slept together. I asked if we could and that allowed Mike to pretend he was only doing it as a favor to me, but I know better. It was also me who insisted he take the outside section of the bed; I wanted him to be as comfortable as possible so he'll sleep with me again tonight. I think he wants to but it's just gotta be handled properly so Mike can save face. Anyway, Mike's arms were around me when I fell asleep and I'll take the feel of his body over the feel of a breeze every time, if I'm forced to choose. Feeling both would be nice too. Just before he left this morning he poked his head into the bedroom and, seeing my eyes were open, he puts a startled expression on his face like, 'who's that in my bed?' I gave him my best smile and he flashed me the one finger salute along with a cool smirking smile; then he was gone. I thought to myself, "A wild child's smile!" Jeez, what a kewl smile! It gave me the beginnings of a stiffy which I've massaged into a hard boner. Last night was not only the first night Mike and I slept together, it's the first time in my life I've shared a bed with anyone. I had a little mongrel dog when I was eight or nine who slept with me, and that was nice, but I'd choose Mike over the dog every time, if I'm forced to choose between them. Sleeping with both of them would be nice too... ha ha. I'm in such a good mood! For the tenth time since waking up I'm thinking back to yesterday afternoon when Mike let me suck his cock and later on when he let me suck it for the second time. That's the way Mike puts it, "I'm going to let you suck my cock, Richie." Like he's doing me a favor, and if I'm honest about it, in a way he is, I guess. I really liked doing it both times and just thinking about it right now gets my boner about as hard as a metal pipe; if I continue thinking about Mike's cock in my mouth I'm betting this pipe's gonna start dripping.

It's official, yesterday was the most amazing day in my life; I can barely believe it happened. I've only known Mike a short while and my entire outlook on life has changed. I see things so much differently then I did before meeting him. For one thing I'm experiencing happiness, and for another I look forward to each day, which hasn't happened in years. The biggest change, obviously, is me being gay for Mike. Visualizing him in my head brings back the details of our oral sex and thinking about that while stroking my boned-up cock gets me firing a hot stream of creamy teen spunk into the sweat sock I keep between the edge of the mattress and the wall for this purpose. Oh my god, that felt good. When the after affects of my wack-off fade, I set the alarm for 9:00a.m. and get ready for some more sleep. I need to be up at nine to do my chores, but for right now, inhaling Mike's sexy scent from his pillow, I doze off with a smile on my face. The first day of me being Mike's personal cocksucker plays itself out much like the days before I had that new role. When Mike showed up I looked for a change in his behavior toward me, but didn't see any, and after awhile I began to have this weird feeling that maybe I dreamed sucking Mike's cock, but no... I know better! Mike didn't show up on the boardwalk, said 'hi' to me as usual and then went into a funny routine of mock insults for a couple of the boys who'd applied for jobs at the tomato farm only to lose out to a couple of girls, then he gave some neck hugs to a couple of other guys, and all in all it was a pretty normal day on the boardwalk for Mike and his so-called gang, and me. Mike got us laughing as usual, and today Tony is hysterically funny too; he lisped out his latest efforts at getting laid; we all were just about peeing our pants from laughing by the time he finished. Tony's clueless, going, "What?" at each of our outbursts of laughter. He's a true original, I'll say that. He's not trying to be funny, he just is. We got yelled at a couple of times by the boardwalk cops for harassing the tourist, we smoked too many cigarettes, ate pizza slices, and drank birch beer and fresh squeezed lemonade like always. Around 5:30 Mike says to me, "Let's get going, numbnuts. I'm tired as hell; that farm work is a bitch." And off we go on his motorbike. All the guys know Mike's staying at my house so we're now open about me riding home with him every night. It's a ten minute ride which sure does beat my forty minute walk. As we ride along I'm thinking about that horrific thunder and lightning storm Mike and me got caught in a mere twenty-four hours ago, and how much my life has changed since then. That magnificent rainbow after the storm I consider our rainbow. No rain or rainbow today though, just a broiling hot sun. We picked up some Chinese take-out for our dinner, and then went straight to the house. Mike squeezes my shoulder on the way up the porch steps, and says, "Well Richie, guess what I've been thinking about all day." Being thickheaded I don't realize what he's referring to at first, and ask, "What's that, Mike?" He laughs, and after we drop the food on the kitchen table, he leads me into the bedroom, saying, "I looked around for a girlfriend but couldn't find one, so you're it again today, buddy." Of course! Now I know what he's talking about and it makes me both a little nervous and a lot excited.

Mike's looking at me just standing here fidgeting; I don't know why I'm just standing here. He waits a few seconds, then says, "What are you waiting for? Get undressed!" and I do that dumb frowning thing for a few seconds, which results in a bunch of my hair ending up in Mike's fist. "Ow!" He isn't particularly angry as he talks, more like he's explaining to a slow learner how something's done. Letting go of my hair, he says, "When I say to do something, you need to react much quicker, Richie! Understand?" I mumble, "Oh yeah. I do, I guess. Um, I mean, I will," and quickly get out of my clothes, remembering he'd told me last night he likes his personal cocksucker completely naked when sucking; I sorta thought he was kidding. Mike and I are both hot and sweaty from working and playing in 90+ degree temperatures so I figure we'll take showers before doing anything, but no. Mike crooks his finger at me indicating I should come over to him. When I do, he says, "Get on your knees and pull my shorts and boxers down, Richie, do I need to tell you every step?" I mutter, "I guess not." He's being gentle about it, not telling me to do this like a hardass or something so, no big deal, but I'm not a mind reader. When I drag his boxer shorts down Mike's semi-erect cock bounces up and down a few times, it's looking bigger than I remember it being. Mike sits on the edge of our bed then and I sit back on my ankles, he says, "I'm tired, but I'm also horny from thinking about this all day. Go ahead, Richie!" I'm still a little taken aback because of our grungy condition, but I don't want to upset Mike by hesitating so, the hell with it; I get up on my knees again and take his damp cock in my hand. Mike puts a hand on the top of my head and, playing with my hair a little, says, "Ya think ya might get started sometime today, Richie." I smile at him, and he did his smirk/smile back at me, the one I think is so hot, and I put his sweaty cock right in my mouth and tongue it and suck on it and rub it all around the inside of the soft parts of my warm, wet, slippery mouth. It tastes just about like his clean cock tastes, a little more salty perhaps. Mike puts his other hand on my head now and, with a sigh, says, "Good... real good, Richie. That's a good boy."

With that encouragement fortifying my confidence, I intensify my efforts and in short order Mike's cock is about as hard as a cock can get. It wasn't long before he had my head firmly in both hands forcing his boner into my throat. Again, it's scary at first, but I quickly adapt to it as he begins fucking my face fast and hard, getting me mightily sexually aroused in the process. Each thrust pushes my nose into his damp pubes, and my chin onto his swinging, sweaty balls. Mike has a strong body smell today, not gross BO although not the pleasant sexy natural smell of his clean body either, but still quite a sexy aroma which shortly begins turning me on even more than the other. His eyes and mouth are soon tightly closed as sensations created by my tongue and lips, and the sucking and tightness in my throat, are having desired affects. Mike spreads his feet, planting them firmly on the floor, then lifts his ass off the bed to drive that great boner down my throat while pulling my head onto his boner at the same time. It's a little bit of a rough ride for me and I hold around his legs; a rough ride, but a very erotic one. When I feel my balls tighten up against my belly I let go of Mike's legs and begin stroking my boner; it only takes about a dozen strokes to bring on my orgasm; a long, hard stream of cum splashes against the sideboard of the bed and that's followed by lesser shots, all between Mike's legs. In my mind I'm squealing with pleasure, but can't make much of a real sound with my throat stuffed full of Mike's cock. By now he's grunting and moaning with each slams of his crotch into my face; then, just as my climax has reduced to mere dibbles, Mike floods my throat with thick, warm, sticky, creamy, teen cum. I'd prepared myself in my mind not to inhale cum up my nose this time, but the volume is simply too much and I'm soon blowing sprays of Mike's cum out both my nostrils just like I did the first time. Not a pleasant feeling, one I'll learn to avoid with a little more experience, hopefully. Vigorously blowing the spunk from my nose clears my sinuses so I can breath through my nose again, but cum is splattered here and there on Mike's legs before I'm done. The last of the sinus cum blows into a big cum bubble that pops all around my nose and mouth. After that I can breathe regularly again.

Mike bucks his hips back, pulling his cock up from my throat,and mouth; then, pulling my hair one last time, he frantically grabs his cock and begins stroking it with his tight fist, squeezing every last drop of cum up and out from his nuts. I get some of it on my face and hair like the first time we did this. As a matter of fact, it all happens pretty much like it happened the first time. Mike slows down his stroking as taking big inhales and exhales, his heartbeat settles down, and finally he says, in a breathless voice, "Fuck! That was awesome, Richie!" I swell with pride. Mike adds, "I was horned-up all day thinking about your cockscuking skills yesterday; your sweet mouth around my cock while I fucked your cute face. You you didn't disappoint just now either! That was a blast!" I didn't heard all he said 'cause the comment about my "sweet lips" and "cute face" have me smiling from ear to ear, surprised but happy... did he really say those things? It's the greatest feeling finding out someone you think the world of likes you too. I bet he doesn't even realize he said those things out loud. Mike pulls on my hair to get me to sit up next to him on the bed and then gives me a long wet kiss on my lips, mumbling, "You were really good, Richie... thanks. You get off okay yourself, did ya?" I say, "Oh yeah, it was great," with my lips against his and then he sucked and licked in some of his own cum from around my mouth. The feel of his tongue is the sexiest thing in the world. Mike sucks my tongue and we French kiss for a while. Prior to yesterday I'd never even imagined kissing another boy, not in my wildest imagination, and yet it seemed to come naturally to me; maybe it comes naturally to everybody. I sure like doing it with Mike! So many surprises for me in the last twenty-four hours, and what fantastic new feelings of pleasure and excitement I'd been experiencing along with those surprises. Mike fondles my head and hair and hugs me tight to him; this is my reward for "doing him good" according to Mike, but he must like doing it too; no one can fake something so intimate this convincingly.

After a while we just lay together on the bed, my head on Mike's shoulder. Mike breaks the silence, "I can read your mind, Richie. Right now you're hoping I'll suggest we take a shower together, aren't you?" I go, "How'd you know that?" although I hadn't been thinking about a shower at all. I was thinking how great it would be if we could lay together like this forever. Mike says, "I knew it. Now you're fantasizing us lathering soap on each other's bodies and you want me to soap up your little dick and balls for you, don't ya?" I go, "You're amazing!" His dick and balls are not little and neither are mind; they're pretty much the same size; mine are maybe slightly smaller. He goes, "I know how you gay boys think, Richie!" Just when he had me excited about taking a shower together, he dashes my hopes, "Well, you can forget about that dream; I'm not taking a chance your father comes home and catches us in a fucking shower together!" He apparently wasn't worried about dad coming home and catching me doing oral sex, but I play along and go, "Oh damn! Another of my fantasies busted." We lay there for another ten minutes or so without talking then Mike squeezes my side quickly and goes in to take his shower. He shows me all this affection and still somehow fools himself into believing he's not at least bi for me? I know, I know, I'm beating a dead horse here, but it's baffling to me! I'm not gonna push it though, this is too fantastic as it is! While contemplating that, I get off the bed and clean my cum off the side of the bed, then pick up our clothes and neaten up the bedroom. Truth is, although I hadn't thought about taking a shower with Mike before he brought it up, it does seem like a neat idea and hopefully we can do it sometime. I take my shower when Mike's done his, and then we ate our dinner, went outside for a cigarette, and then Mike went to bed; he's been up since four this morning.

I stay outside on the porch where it's a little bit cooler and light another cigarette, thinking about things. Obviously I'm queer, I guess there's no getting around that. Kissing, hugging, and blowing another boy might be construed as clues that I'm indeed queer, but it's just that it's hard to believe I didn't have an inkling about being gay before meeting Mike, and it's weird how easily and quickly I accepted the fact... freaky! Or is it.? Did I suspect I was leaning towards homosexuality before this? Damn, maybe I did. Thinking hard about the friends I've had in my short life I realize there are a couple of them, well two to be exact, that I had a special bond with. I met the first one when living with my mother in our Delaware apartment. This boy, Mark, was two years older than me so I guess he'd have been 13 at the time. From the first day I met him I thought about him all the time. I don't remember wanting to suck his cock though, or even having that thought. I was ten or eleven so I must have heard about 'blow jobs' by that age. All I remember is wanting to be with Mark wherever he was; as in hangin' out together. He lived in the apartment across the hall from me. I followed him around for months; he always treated me like I was special. Now that I think about it, he liked to wrestle with me a lot; that's a memory I'd long forgotten although I don't think Mark was interested in showing me wrestling 'hold' like Mike says he is. Quite often Mark, who was bigger and stronger than me, would let me win and I'd sit on top of him pinning his arms to the ground, one of my hands on each of his outstretched wrists with my crotch near his chin. Holy shit, that's right! Yeah, and he'd hump up and grind his crotch into my bum in a half-hearted attempt to dislodge me. His face would get flush, his eyes shiny, and he'd take short quick breaths. Yeah, he was definitely sporting early boners too; I felt them through his pants. And, hell, I had a delicious, though mysterious buzzing in my crotch and quite often a hard little nail in my pants. At the time I didn't think it a sexual connection, it was just an off-shoot of wrestling, or something like that. I can't believe I haven't thought of that until now. Hmmm? That boy moved away after only six months; before he left he hugged me and we cried silently for a couple of minutes. At the time I thought we were just best friends saying goodbye. Jesus! This is the first time I've thought of him in a couple of years... that's soooo weird!

The other special friend was a kid who sat next to me on the school bus; this was when I was in ninth grade. He was very nice looking, and very bossy to me too, but I liked being with him too. Thinking back on it I'm almost certain this is the first boy I ever acknowledged, in my mind, as being nice looking. I wasn't cool enough to hang out with him regularly apparently as we never did anything together except sit next to each other on the bus. Well, while sitting together we did something almost every day; we had what we called 'nut buster' fights. We'd grab at each others balls to see who got lucky and had the best handful of nuts for squeezing and who, therefore, could make the other guy 'give'. It was like a contest. Kids in the back of the bus, on the long back seat did it too; it wasn't just the two of us. Many times after one or the other of us gave up, the winner would keep holding the losers nuts in his fist for the whole ride. He'd look into the losers face and grin, then squeeze at different times and laugh at the loser's discomfort. Ya know. I think I lost on purpose at times; how strange to just realize that now. There was always a lot of thigh and ass grabbing too, and we both had stiffies almost all the time we were doing the nuts busting thing. Haven't thought about that in two years now; have I been blocking it from my mind? God, back then I couldn't wait for the bus to get to our stop so me and Rob could start 'nut busting'. At the time it was a fun game and just part of the experimenting boys did with their developing bodies. Then, way before Rob, I'd also done a few circle jerks with my eleven year old buds for one summer. So, yeah... I guess there were some clues I'd be susceptible to gay behavior, but as a kid ya just think you're doing what comes naturally and you assume everyone else is doing the same thing. On the other hand, I never had thoughts of sucking any of the boys cocks, I'm positive of that! Oh it's all too confusing, I can't figure it out. What difference does it make anyway? I've accepted what I am at this point in my life and that's quite an accomplishment in and of itself.

Maybe I'm not even thinking straight 'cause I'm tired; so, give it up, I go inside and quietly enter my bedroom where Mike is sleeping soundly. Undressing is easy; all I do is pull off my t-shirt, drop my shorts, and step out of my sandals, then into the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. Tip toeing to the foot of the bed I climb in and slowly squeeze in between Mike and the wall. Ahhh, the wonderfully sexy feel and smell of him surrounds me; I can hardly believe how my life has changed, and so fast too. I gently bounce around a little bit so my back is positioned against the wall and I'm on my right side, facing Mike. He's partially on his left side hugging the pillow, but there's still a little bit of pillow sticking out for my head to rest on. Our noses are a half inch apart and his breaths tickles my chin as I stare, with only the light from the moon, at his perfect face. My latest boner gets very hard and I put my arm over Mike's side, just 'cause I need to touch him, and give his body a little squeeze. The feelings I have for him are very strong, very intense, and my attachment to Mike is almost to a scary degree. I think I love him. Of course, I've never been in love so I can't be sure. Then something obvious, that I never think about, pops into my head: Not only have I never been in love, I've never been loved either, not by anyone. Not by mother, father, or anyone else. Shit, what an odd thought. This is new territory; it's the first time I've ever articulated that realization to myself. No ones ever loved me. Wait, maybe I had a 'puppy love' at one time or another; especially for my two young friends of some years ago. But so what if I did, back then I didn't realize it a form of love, so does that even count? I don't know, but I do know there's been no 'real' love in my life; I'm positive about that. Odd that it doesn't bother me more, and sadly, I'm just about positive Mike doesn't love me either.

Sometimes I'm not sure he even likes me. Hmmm, then how to explain the times he seemingly can't kiss or hug me enough? Mysteries upon mysteries, and no answers.

Just before I fall asleep I compromise about the 'love' issue; Mike's attraction to me, whatever it is, is the closest I've come to experiencing anything approaching 'love' so I'm grateful for it, of course, and I'm going to call it love until something better comes along. My sleep is a peaceful one, sleeping next to Mike is a gift, a special prize for the lack of love in my life, perhaps.

When my alarm goes off next morning Mike is still right there next to me so, obviously no farm work for him today! He opens his eyes as I rustle about on the bed and I smile at him. Mike does something with his eyes that makes my dick move and I lay my head on his shoulder, he puts his arm over me and we lay like that without talking. When we hear my old man go into the bathroom we know he'll be there for at least a half hour. Our safe time to play a little. For something new, Mike climbs onto my chest with his cock hanging through the fly of his boxers and I sucked it till it's real hard, wet, and slippery. He lifts up off my chest, his knees tight against my chest, then pulls his private parts out through the leg of his boxer shorts so I can tongue his balls and lick down under, close to his hole. Straining my neck, I lap up around to the top of his nut sack and when Mike starts gulping and his hips start humping I know he'll force his cock down my throat for another rough face fuck, me laying on my back in bed this time. His pubes are up my nose and his balls banging my chin as he shoots a huge load down my throat and in my mouth. That sets off my balls and they transfer spunk up to my boner, cum shoots straight up in the air until gravity catches it and pulls it back to 'splat' on my thighs and knees. More cum oozes over my fist as I stroke my throbbing boner. Mike's busy filling my mouth with his follow-up load of creamy, boy cum. Some of it runs down my chin to my neck, but I manage to keep it out of my sinuses this time. Lots and lots of cum this morning; not surprising really... after all, we're both just sixteen years old. He's sitting on my chest looking down in my eyes with that "wild-child smile" of his, the one that thrills me. He seems pleased with me, but sadly no kissing or hugging this morning. My dad's shower's off so playtime is over for now. Mike hops to the floor and grabs my T shirt that's lying there to wipes his crotch, before getting dressed. I use the same T shirt to wipe as much cum off me as possible, throw on some clothes and then Mike and I stand next to each other brushing our teeth in the kitchen sink. Time is running out so we ride Mike's motorbike to the convenience store for the old man's coffee and the other stuff I get for him every morning.

Over the next couple of weeks we get into a routine where I suck Mike's cock at least once in the evening, sometimes twice plus every morning he doesn't work. When circumstances permit, I suck him off in the afternoon or mid-morning too. We're both into it big time and the familiarity of it only increases my enjoyment; my climaxes are awesome! Mike gives me his so-called reward in the form of kisses and hugs whenever time and circumstances allow. He continues to insist he only does the affectionate and very hot make-outs because he's researched what gays like and it's his way of saying 'thanks' for my energetic cocksucking. It's so absurd as to be laughable, but as I've said before, I don't really care how he rationalizes his participation as long as it continues. Aside from the sex we do together Mike's still a boy of mystery. On the mornings he doesn't work on the tomato farm, I suck him off and then he often rides off on his motorbike to do things with his brother. I'm not sure what those things are, but I get the impression they aren't entirely legal. Part of the reason I say that is because of what the painters on the boardwalk asked about his brother and his father still being in jail, the rest of the reason is because Mike won't correct my first impression. His father is definitely out of the picture; Mike's implied that much, but without a single detail. So, he goes off to do stuff with his brother, who I've never met, and I do my chores. Then most afternoons we meet up on the boards with some of the guys. In this fashion three weeks flies by so fast it amazes me, but I'm happy and this is the best time of my life. I absolutely love being around Mike and the few times he isn't around the other guys have warmed up to me so I feel like I belong. I'm even getting along better with Mac and I've always felt really tight with Tony, so it's all good from my point of view.

One day Mike tells me he doesn't have work on the farm tomorrow, but he still needs to get up early. His brother is picking him up; they have a job to do together and he won't be back tonight... that worries me although I don't know why it should. Knowing better than to nag Mike, I still ask what kind of job would keep him out all night, and Mike gets angry with me for the first time in a week or so, "It's none of your god damned business and who the fuck do you think you are giving me the third degree?" He smacked up the back of my head making me stumble into the kitchen table, "You're getting awful pushy for a cocksucker! Since when do I have to explain my life to you, ya little cunt?" Mike was too pissed off for it to be all about me asking a simple question. I figure it has to be something else because he's seemed distant all day, like he's worried or nervous, or maybe scared about something. That makes me feel real uncomfortable but I don't want to add to his stress so I look him in the eyes and say I'm sorry for nagging him. He looks away mumbling for me to forget about it. He tells me he has a lot on his mind at the moment, and then he takes a deep breath, and quietly says, "Sorry I smacked your head, Richie... I shouldn't have done that." I shrug and he wraps me up in his arms and kisses the side of my forehead and holds the kiss there for about thirty seconds. Moving his lips down near my ear, he again says he's sorry, but this time he isn't specific about what he's sorry about. We drop the subject and next morning, real early, his brother blows the horn of his old pickup truck, he gives two fast, "Toot toots!" and Mike jumps out of bed, quickly gets dressed, and is gone. I hop out of bed when the front door closes and scurry into the family room trying to get a look at the brother, but the cab of the truck is in shadows so I can't see his face. No way can he be as good looking as Mike anyway. Back to bed for me.

The rest of that day goes okay; I did my chores then hung out with the guys until the five of us walked down the boardwalk to our favorite miniature golf course to continue our tournament. I'm way out of the running for first place after eight rounds of golf, so no way am I going to win. I don't care about winning the damn thing anyway, it's fun just being in the contest with the guys. Later, the guys all decided to do a turn on the Double Shot, the death defying thrill ride that I've still never been on. They call me a 'pussy', but I won't get on that ride and instead walk home. During the long walk I think only about Mike fighting off this bad feeling I have; nothing specific, I'm just apprehensive about something I can't put my finger on. So, the day without Mike played out okay, but this first night without him, after so many nights in a row with him, isn't looking too promising. Eating dinner alone was bad too and without him in bed I can't sleep. I really miss sucking him off too; it's shocking and scary how much I miss him. How can this be when I used to be alone often before meeting Mike. Now I can't make it through a single night without him? It's like a physical need I have to see, feel, touch, and just be with him. I ache for him and I'm sick with both desire and worry for him: what's he doing with his brother he can't speak about. Forcing myself to stop being negative I try appreciating my good fortune of having Mike's in my life when all of a sudden it hits me, never mind being without Mike tonight, pretty soon Mike will move back into the renovated condo with his mother and brother... and his own bedroom! I'll be without him every night for the rest of my life.

Realizing this and acknowledging it was like getting hit over the head with a big 'DUH!' I guess I'd been blocking the thought of not having Mike with me. Oh my God, these past weeks have been the best weeks of my life. I didn't want to think of him not being here with me, but I need to get real here; what we have together won't stop just because he's not living here anymore, it's become too important to both of us, even if he can't admit it. Okay, I'm feeling a little better after some sensible conclusions. Then it occurs to me I used to jerk off two three times a day before Mike moved in, so why not a trip down memory lane. I rustle around getting the sweat sock out between the mattress and the wall, then lay on Mike's side of the bed and form a picture of his cute face in my mind while jerking off, then, near climax, I think about how his cock and cum tastes. What a nice climax I have, but I have tears in my eyes too so I'm apparently not totally over my dark forlorn mood. Eventually I fall asleep and next morning, done with my chores around the house, what else, I walk the forty minutes to the boardwalk. Today things look brighter because Mike will be back some time this afternoon and I'm excited about that, although I do try acting cool about it around the guys, like it's no big thing Mike will be back in a few more hours. We'd all be lost without Mike, but most won't admit it. His so-called gang would drift apart without him, but most guys don't like thinking of themselves as followers, or admit to themselves they have a hero worship thing going for another guy. I can admit both things to myself, but I'd never come out and say it to the guys, not even to Tony.

I'd been on the boardwalk listening for the sound of a motorbike at least three hours before I hear what I hope is Mike's motorbike. Casually drifting over to the rail on the street side of the boardwalk I check it out and sure enough, here comes Mike riding up the street. My heartbeat quickens as I saunter back to the guys, trying to act casual. I mention, "Hey, that might be Mike's motorbike, did ya hear it?" They look at me shaking their heads, then argue about to do next when up on the boards Mike swaggers with his big, smart-ass smile. He yells across to us, "Yo, did you girls miss me?" There were four of us and with a chuckle we all drift right over to him like he's a magnet. We all try to tell him at the same time how we didn't even know he was gone, but each of us knows in his heart that our world is in balance now that Mike's here. Everything is just funnier and cooler when he's with us. He looks good and I get a wicked hard boner from just staring at him, my hands go in my pocket as my eyers travel down to Mike's crotch and extra saliva forms in my mouth. He catches me looking at him out of the corner of his eye and laughs out loud. None of the other guys know what he's laughing about, but I do. I also know I need to sit down to hide my erection, I plop myself on the bench and stare down at the boards. I don't dare stare at Mike or I might spunk in my pants; I should have jerked-off this morning! I swear his smile and laugh almost have me cuming in my pants again.

I thought of that fat girl, Carol, from weeks ago hoping that would get my boner to go down. Wow, does Mike have a power over me, and does it ever feel good that he does! He finished bullshitting with the guys and things settled down a little so he comes over to where I'm sitting and massages my shoulder, asking, "What's wrong, Richie? Don't you feel okay or something? Why don't ya stand up and get some fresh air in your lungs?" Mike says this with a laugh in his voice 'cause he knows the affect he has on me, and he knows if I stand up my boner will tent out the lap of my shorts. I mumble, "I'm good... no problems." He chuckles and the more he rubs my shoulders and the back of my neck the closer and closer I get to cuming in my pants. It's torture, but sublime torture. I don't want him to stop, but he soon gets bored with our private joke and stops, then bums a cigarette from Marty and tells a couple of dirty jokes his brother told him, and that gets us all laughing. By now I have myself under control, although there is a small wet spot on the front of my cargo shorts. No one comments on it and in five minutes it dries up in the hot air. I guess whatever he and his brother did last night and this morning worked out well because Mike is in a spectacular mood. A little later he treats everyone to pizza and sodas. I found myself staring at him again; he catches my eye a few times and smirks back at me knowing how much I like him. I'm enthralled with Mike's, while thinking how it's sick of me it is to be so needy for him, but I am.

That night Mike is very sweet to me and admits he'd missed me too. It's crazy how great that makes me feel. He has me all tangled up in his arms and legs on my bed and I'm loving his aroma and the feel of his body. My old man has gone out for the night so, as usual, I'm completely naked while Mike's wearing boxer shorts. He's being very affectionate tonight and my boner hadn't gone down for a half hour. Mike's kissing the side of my face and I'm almost in a trance of pleasure, when out of the blue he stops, and says, "I know very well what you're been praying for, Richie. You've got you're hopes all set for it and I'll bet you're willing to beg me to take pity on you and fuck you're boy cunt for you. Am I right, Richie? You want me to take your cherry, don't you? Don't lie to me or I'll get pissed off. Richie, you better tell me the truth about this." I was taken completely by surprise again. "Ah, Mike... you mean cornhole me?" I know gay guys fuck each other in the ass of course, but I never really had it in my head that we were that gay. Of course we are, and I'm good with admitting it to myself, but strangely I've never given a thought to Mike fucking my bum until he brought it up just now; it's the first time he's ever mentioned it too . I have no idea why guys in the neighborhood call ass fucking, 'cornholing'., but whatever you called it, I've not been hoping and praying Mike would do it to me. His cock is much too big to stick up there, but, what to say to Mike about that? I can't think how to respond although he isn't at a loss for words, "Are you going to piss me off and ruin our reunion night by lying about not wanting me to fuck your boy pussy? Tell me you're not going to do that, Richie, because I'm getting a feeling you are." Mike is getting that angry tone to his voice too, which isn't a good thing. I better not disappoint him, "Okay, Mike, ya got me. I confess, I really do want to feel that fat cock up inside me." Mike sounds pleased when he says,"Ah ha! That's just what I'd expect a fag like you to ask for, Richie. And, I know you're hoping I'll break your cherry, right? Say that too." So I add, "and break my cherry." Obviously these are all Mike's desires; things he wants to do to me, but would rather think it's what I want. Last night, without Mike, brought home to me that I need him in my life, but I don't think he needs me nearly as much in his. He needs me a little, or maybe some, but not nearly as much as I need him. Hell, I love him. I'm in love with him. I'll do anything for him and I don't think there's anything wrong with me feeling that way. Just the same, the idea of Mike fucking my ass scares me shitless; no pun intended.

He already has a boner sticking out the fly of his boxer shorts, and he's stroking it. The idea of fucking me apparently has him aroused. In a pleasant voice, he says, "OK Richie, I'll take care of it for you 'cause you mean a lot to me; you're my best bud and I need to help you out." My hearts pounding but he sounds sincere with me even though he's not being sincere with himself. I go along with his charade, and say, "Thanks, Mike. You mean a lot to me too." Mike goes, "You could have asked me sooner if you wanted it so badly, but that's water under the bridge now. Here's what you need to do: first, get that tube of greaseless Vaseline from the bathroom, then come on back to suck on my cock for a little bit, and a little later I'll fuck your boy pussy for you until you're squealing like a school girl. Sound good, Richie?" I try to say something, but the words stick in my throat and squeaks out as a whine, "Mike, I'm real nervous about this, and now I feel like I have to take a crap!" He smiles, rubs my hair, and says, "Well, take one then." I try to do a crap in the toilet, but apparently it was a false alarm, it's all in my head. Back to Mike in the bedroom I go, carrying the tube of Vaseline, resigned to my fate. He's in a good mood, smiling sweetly, "Give me that, Richie. Get on your knees and suck me off; get my dick good and hard and wet and slippery, Richie, 'cause it's going up your bum hole real soon." I get down on my knees without saying a word; my hearts beating fast because I'm excited to suck Mike's cock for one thing, but mostly it's beating fast 'cause I'm scared of the anal sex. His cock's already pretty hard; over the next three or four minutes I get it harder and wet with slippery saliva. I missed this last night so I get a boner almost as soon as I get my lips around the head of that awesome penis. After a bit Mike's impatient to fuck me, and goes, "Wow, that's real good, Richie, but how 'bout you lay on the bed now, on your side facing the wall. When I do that he climbs up on the bed and I soon feel his finger at my hole, a minute later my anus is covered with Vaseline and Mike's pushing his finger inside me to get the inside slippery. On it's own, my sphincter muscle closes tightly on Mike's finger, but relaxes quickly 'cause it feels good when he rubs around in there. Jeez, I hope I wiped myself really well after going to the bathroom this morning! I wish I could shower before this, but I don't feel right suggesting anything at this point. I'm committed to doing what Mike wants... I trust him.

"How's that feel Richie?" "Feels good, Mike!" He pushes a couple of inches further in and wiggles it around, saying, "I did some research about bum fucking because I just knew you'd start nagging me to do it for you and this is a recommended first step; lube makes everything go smoother." He's sort of fucking my hole with his finger now, "How's that?" That feels okay too and my whole body relaxes, maybe this will be alright. I say, "It's cool, no problems." Mike's giving my rectum a nice massage, he says, "I've never done this before and I've only had sex with one girl, the regular way, ya know? So I don't claim to be an expert, but I will say, her pussy was tighter than your asshole so you got nothing to worry about. Here goes another finger!" The second finger is not feeling great, but after about a minute it's feeling better than just the one finger and I'm even more optimistic now that this is going to be as good as the oral sex, maybe better; it's starting to be fun, and a little hot too. Mike lets out a long exhale, then chuckles, and says, "Geez, Richie, I can't wait much longer, you got a wicked cute ass here. Cuter than Pattie's, I'll tell you that! Let's just hope you don't walk as funny as she did after I fucked her though." He chuckles, and adds, "That was suppose to be funny, dude." I try to laugh then, but find I'm still nervous about this, then I feel the swollen head of Mike's boner right on my hole, he does another long exhale, and mumbles, "Oh man, I can't wait to do this!" He's rubbing my shoulders, calming me dow. Quietly he says, "Richie, as I push in, you exert pressure like you're doing a dump." I want to feel him inside me by now, so I did what he said when Mike pushed forward, and in it went. Fuck! Did that hurt. I yell, "Pull it out! Quick! Something tore inside me, you're too big! It hurts like fire." He stayed steady, going, "Easy! Easy, Richie. Relax, nothing ripped. It feels awesome!" I want to please Mike so badly, I stay completely still and hold my breath until I can feel my face turn hot and red; then I blow out short burst of air waiting for the burning pain to subside. Mike grunts, a question, "Feeling a little better? I sure hope so, Richie, because it feels so fucking awesome!" Mike saying that made me feel good, and I say, "It's getting better, Mike. It's like my rectum's opening to accommodate you're dick, but don't do any more for now. Okay, Mike". He says, "Okay," and pushes his boner in at least four more inches; stars burst in my vision as the pain increases, but I persevere because something tells me the hurt is a passing thing, something tells me this is gonna end up feeling better than anything I've ever felt before... and sure enough, after a while it stops hurting me. I'm proud of myself for being able to do this for Mike, and now maybe it's gonna start feeling awesome for me too. His crotch is against my buttocks, the soft hair of his rather small pubic bush tickle, and as he pulls back slowly there isn't any pain now at all, just a tightness and a fullness back there that feels good. Mike pushes back in slowly, then withdraws and pushes in a little faster, it's going smoother now and Mike does a number of quicker thrusts and I begin feeling this incredible sensation inside my rectum, and around the lips of my anus. When Mike's boner rubs over a spot a few inches up my ass I bite my lip at the wonderful, indescribable sensation there, and moan, "Ahhh..." as my cock stiffens. Mike has a steady thrusting going on now, he's making quiet grunting sounds, it's, "Ah!" with every drive up inside me. I'm pushing my ass back into his thrusts, saliva drools from my mouth as my tongue circles my lips with the fabulous feeling in my ass. The new wonderful sensations are especially noticeable when Mikes swollen cock's head passes over one special spot, both going in and pulling out. Soon my boner's so hard it hurts, the skin's so tight it might split open if it gets any harder. "Ooh..Ooh, Mike, that feels so good right there....right when you push past there, it makes me feel like I'm going to cum!" He grunts with the effort of pumping my hole and the incredible sensations have me desperately pushing back with my ass and "Oh"ing and "Ahh"ing like mad; literally squirming with pleasure.

Now sweat has formed between Mike's crotch and my buttocks so that each time the two meet there's first this awesome feeling of his boner being driven inside me, and then the wet, "Splat!" sound as his crotch slaps into my ass, it's, "Ahh, yeah," splat!, "Ahh! Oh, yeah," splat! "Ohh my god, yes!" splat! One right after the other, Mike's loud breathing's in the background is the only other sounds in the room... this is so hot! I swear I'm almost delirious with all the sexy pleasures I'm feeling, not only in my ass but all around my rock hard boner too, and it's getting ready to erupt. And then it does... I squeal, a little bit like the girl Mike predicted, as I shoot off a long string of cum that splashes against the wall next to the bed. It's only a little squeal because I almost pass out. Then I go, "Agggrrr... Ohh, fuck! Oh my god!"as another shot of cum fires against the wall in front of me, I'm reaching down to stroke myself, only then realizing I just had my first spontaneous orgasm. And then my ass fills-up with slippery, juicy, sloppy, creamy cum from Mike's balls, and it's a totally new and exciting and wonderful sensation. The very idea of Mike's spunk up my ass has be wildly stroking my boner as Mike makes sounds like he's hyperventilating. He smacks his crotch against my ass for thirty seconds after I'd felt that huge cum shot inside me, then he slows down and finally stops altogether. Neither of us speak, we breathe-in all the oxygen we can get at and lay on the bed sweating; both on our sides, Mike's cock still up my ass. It's perfection. Mike gets composed first and is very sweet, very nice to me, complimented me on the way I handled my first fuck, then he adds, "It's my first time doing a guy, like I said, so I'm kinda proud of myself too." I mumble, "You're fantastic, Mike! I, I, um... thanks." Jesus! I almost told him I love him; that wouldn't go over too good I'll bet... it'd ruin his illusion, his rationalizing-away of his gay behavior with me. He rubs my shoulders again, and says, "You know Richie, because I took your cherry....well, now your boy-cunt belongs to me. When a boy fucks another boy up the ass he sorta owns the other's manhood. So I own yours, but in return you get to have me fuck you now and again, so it ain't all bad" I take an exaggerated deep breath, and say, "Really, Mike, you don't believe that nonsense do ya? Isn't it enough that we both really enjoyed the fuck without all that other mumbo jumbo?" He's strangely silent, so I uncharacteristically add, "And I'm sorry, but why do you always need to act so dominate with me? Why can't we be two friends who've just had a wonderfully mutually satisfying sexy act together?" I asked all that while still facing the wall, and with Mike's cock still inside me. It had softened considerably by the end of my questions. Cum slowly drools out of my hole, seeping around his softening cock. Mike is quiet as he slowly pulls out of me and I feel very empty back there now. Watery cum rolls from my asshole down onto my thigh. Putting his hand on my shoulder Mike pulls me gently over on my back and looks at me with an expression on his face I haven't seen before. Cum's still drooling out of my ass, wetting the sheet under me and then it becomes just cold and wet as I wait for Mike's reaction. He appears to be sorting things out in his head, and then his expression relaxes and he uses a light tone of voice to say, "Richie! Don't be so sensitive; I was just goofing around with you saying those things. I thought you'd know that. That's the second joke of mine in a row that's bombed." His fingers run through my hair, "And of course you're right, Richie, that was a fabulous experience and you're right again we are the best of friends ever. Very special friends now, wouldn't ya say?" I look at his beautiful face and smiled a small smile, then I go, "Hey, I knew you were kidding, didn't ya know I was?" We'd let each other off of awkward situations, he leans down, our faces come together and we have a nice loving make-out, and, once again, I can't imagine what Richie tells himself when we're doing it.

After that first time, Mike's now been fucking me at least once a day, and I suck him off whenever we can't fuck, for whatever reason. It's become more like two fuck buddies giving each other a lot of pleasure then Mike doing me a favor; of course this fuck buddy is in love with the other one, but why complicate a great situation unnecessarily, so I keep that to myself. I asked my old man if Mike could extend his stay, and he said, "Sure, as long as he wants......you guys are no trouble at all." The old man hasn't smacked me across the face once since Mike moved in. Actually, I'm beginning to believe my father actually likes me a little bit. Something's changed with him too, he seems to be keeping himself spruced-up more then he used to. Good for him; maybe a lady friend is in the picture. I like this new version of a father better than the other version. I like this new version of sex too!

to be continued.....

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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