Mike and Michael

By paul allen

Published on Aug 29, 2017


For all of you waiting patiently for Mike and Michael to get on with it well it starts with this chapter. Good reading all this is the fourth chapter establishing the story. If you followed the story to this point then thank you oh so very much. I hope you've enjoyed it so far. After you read don't forget to support Nifty with a donation.

If you're enjoying the story take a moment to drop me a line at allenpaul570@gmail.com. Your thoughts and words are the only payment we authors ever receive... Thanks in advance.

Mike and Michael - Chapter 4 (c)Michael Whale 2017

So many sensations all at once nearly overwhelmed Mike.

The soft firmness of the man's lips, his light undefined yet heady scent, the soft caress of the fingers around his head and Michael's escaping warm gasp. All sent Mike's head into an unconstrained spiral. Without hesitation Mike's hands came up, slipping under his jacket finding Michael's sides. His thumbs resting on the ribs slightly below his nipples and his fingers stretched out grasping, embracing and attempting to pull Michael's body towards his. Michael's body felt toned and taut under Mike's touch. The breadth of his rib cage barely let Mike's finger tips make the turn toward Michael's spine.

Michael's lips parted and in the slow passion of exploring a new lover Mike kept pace. At first it was parted lip against parted lip but their tongues inevitably touched. Their desires swelled and with tilted heads each tried to pull the other closer. Mike's hands caressed up Michael's side his thumbs searching for the telltale bumps of his male nipples while his fingers flexed trying to nudge Michael towards him. A pure sensual heat radiated from him as Mike found the treasure he sought.

The cotton of Michael's shirt offered a smooth unresisting surface for Mike's thumbs as they stroked over and around the tip of his tightening areola. Almost as quick as they came together the two of them backed away. Each one looked the other over with lazy lidded, heavy wanton eyes.

Michael traced the angles and lines of Mike's face. Registering the set of his brows, the texture of his skin, the passion glowing from his hazel eyes, the line of his nose and the flushed fullness of his lips.

Mike loved how sexy he felt under Michael's sultry, hungry gaze. Michael's tongue wet his lips and Mike shuddered at how his whole being reacted to that sensual movement and the glistening hint of moisture it left behind. Unknown to him his heightened desire was written all over his face punctuated by a lustful, languid smile. Michael desperately wanted to explore Mike more intimately and in a heavy velvet voice laced with promise Michael prompted...

"Maybe we should go to your room."

They rose together, hand in hand, and with a quick check to see who was looking their way. Fortunately they remained unnoticed. Feeling a bit reckless Michael leaned into Mike and brushed his lips in a quick light kiss. Then before anyone glanced their way they made a run for the elevator with Michael leading as Mike grabbed the painting.

The doors to the elevator closed and with abandon the two men came together. Mike pinned Michael to the elevator wall with a push of his palm and let his fingers languidly spread over the muscular swell of Michael's peck. He registered the hard nub of his nipple poking into the palm of his hand finding it deliciously arousing. Smiling the two men's lips met in a heated passionate kiss. Taking advantage of the few seconds they had before the elevator reached Mike's floor he managed to run his hand down Michael's chest, across his tummy and over the prominent bulge of his hardened cock.

A telltale ding gave the two of them just enough time to break apart before the elevator doors opened. Still flushed Mike and Michael spun to face the front of the elevator as the doors opened with a whoosh. It was a good thing because standing there waiting for the elevator was a distinguished gentleman with what at first glance looked like his son.

Mike had seen the older fellow before as they passed along the hotel hallway but the younger guy was new and as it turned out very good-looking. The four of them exchanged pleasantries as they traded places. Out of the corner of his eye Mike caught the businessman give him a knowing wink. A bit startled by the sudden attention he turned to look at the mixed age pair and saw the older man nudge his young buddy. With a nod of his head the mature member of the pair direct his young friends attention towards Mike's crotch.

With a blush he knew they had noticed how his erection bulged his pants outward and as the doors closed he realized the two of them were grinning like fools at his predicament. If that wasn't bad enough he turned around only to see Michael in full giggle. Michael had watched the whole scene unfold much to his merriment.

Adding his giggles to Michael's the two men broke into full laughs as they threw an arm around the other's waist and side-by-side they worked their way down the hall with their joyful guffaws echoing off the walls. Pulling the card key from his pocket Mike slipped it into the slot and with a green led they walked into his room.

The door closed and just as Mike was about to ask Michael if he wanted a drink Michael launched himself into Mike's arms smothering him with kisses. As quick as the giggles had started they were now quelled and replaced with a rising molten passion. Michael focused every bit of his built-up desire for this man in his assault.

Michael's insistent lips kissed every bit of Mike they could reach, his ears, his eye lids, his cheeks, neck and then most deliciously his lips. Mike melted under the attack enjoying every scintillating peck. Michael loosened the collar of Mike's shirt tracing his kisses over his chin and across his Adam's apple to the spot where his neck met the clavicle. Michael's tongue dipped into the little dent tasting Mike's body for the first time. His desire was rocketed as he caught a whiff of Mike's personal scent, masculine, heady and yet with delicate hints of vanilla and natural musk.

Mike's body swooned and he moaned aloud as he felt Michael's warm breath and moist tongue touch his skin. Desperate for more he reached up to release the remaining buttons of his shirt in a frantic need to urge Michael to taste more, to do more and of course to move lower. However, Michael would have none of his help and batted his hands away. Grinning to himself, with a whimsical idea full of mischief, he caught first one wrist then the other. Bringing Mike's captive wrists up and over his head he backed the man against a wall. Michael's weight pressed into Mike's chest and as their lips met he invaded Mike's mouth with his tongue while his hands forced his lover's imprisoned hands against the wall above his head and released them. Almost immediately Mike began to drop them toward Michael but expecting this Michael grabbed them again, broke the kiss, and pulled back far enough for Mike to see him shaking his head. He was to keep his hands there!

Mike's head spun from Michael's dizzying assault and sensed his cock hardening further as he realized what Michael was commanding. He was to leave his arms over his head with his wrists touching the wall making him a passive object of Michael's interest. It was wildly wicked and completely out of Mike's comfort zone. Mike liked to be the one to control of his sexual adventures and now the roles were to be reversed. And, he loved it! With an almost imperceptible nod Mike signaled his acceptance of the unspoken demand.

Smiling more broadly Michael thrilled at how easily Mike's lusty need made him surrender. He was going to savor every wiggle, moan and frustrated gasp as he explored his new lover with agonizing slowness. Taking a step backward he took a moment of enjoy his handy work. He tried not to show Mike how much this turned him on and cut off the full grin he felt inside.

Mike's eyes searched Michael's face trying to guess what he was thinking and felt lost, off center and out of sync when he noticed an impish little smirk on Michael's face. Mike's system had another jolt when he came to realize that smirk was caused by his all too easy capitulation to Michael pinning his wrists to the wall. He had never been or felt so willingly passive in his life and found that struck a strange new cord inside of his body. A cord that vibrated bright and rich in libidinous sensual pleasure. Mike kept hoping that Michael would reach out and touch him, kiss him oh do anything other than just leave him standing there with his cock trapped. This new kink had him more aroused and frustrated than any other time in his life. While his mind screamed 'don't just stand there looking at me like a fool! Do something!' his blood boiled making his hard member seem incandescently proud. Out of nowhere he heard his own voice disconnected and distant voicing a plaintive begging plea.

"Please, please, please..."

Nothing more just those three words but Michael remained in place with that infernal half smile stuck on his face. So many things zoomed through Mike's head... 'Oh why wasn't this man touching him? What would Michael do or even scarier what would he make him do? Mike knew there was nothing this man would ask that in his present state he could refuse. Mike's gave free rein to his own discomfort and salacious daydreams. With exquisite abandon Mike realized that Michael was the man he wanted to follow, as a partner, down any depraved path they could devise.

Finally and almost in slow motion Michael moved closer to Mike. Reaching up he ran the back of his fingers over Mike's ear lobe, the side of his neck and across the line of his jaw delighting in how Mike leaned into his contact. Letting that light touch tingle between them, Michael drew his hand lower finally slipping under Mike's shirt. That motion was arrested by one of the buttons to Mike's shirt and with impish slowness Michael released it. Carefully spreading Mike's shirt open button-by-button he explored Mike's newly exposed flesh with sensually languid caresses. In this way Michael learned the geography Mike's body in an unhurried arousal. Every little gasp or moan escaping from Mike's lips signaled an erogenous spot while a jump or giggle told him of ticklish or sensual areas and, as Mike squirmed, Michael took his own delicious time exploring.

With Mike's shirt completely open he took another moment to step back and appraise his handy work. Mike stood there obedient, his wrists, against the wall albeit they had drifted to where they had come to rest on top of his head. His face looked very flushed, his breathing hot and subdued. His suit jacket and shirt hung open obscuring his breasts but nicely framing what flesh lay exposed. Michael admired the smooth transition of Mike's tummy as it met his belt line and as a delectable shiver coursed through him. He reached towards Mike's belt.

The crazy part of this was that Michael had yet to remove even one article of clothing. As he reflected on that he inhaled the heady sexual aroma in the room feeling how it added fuel to his own seared insides. His cock trying to rise lay tangled and trapped making the ribald nature of this moment even more twisted. He almost reached down to adjust himself but decided to leave it in torment right where it was and instead began to undo Mike's belt.

With excruciating slowness he unbuckled it and then loop by loop pulled it from around his waist. Letting it fall to the floor with an audible thump he tested the looseness of Mike's still buckled pants by trying to tug them over his hips.

Mike felt so very sexy, desired and defenseless with his arms forced above his head as Michael worked to expose him. Shameless images of him being made to stand there naked for Mike's prurient purposes had him hard, no beyond hard. His cock seemed stretched beyond all reason and he loved it. When Michael began to pull at his slacks without releasing the button or zipper he knew they would never slip over his hips. Even if they did his erection would hook the beltline seam of his trousers preventing them from falling. And yet Michael still tried to coax them lower.

Michael kept trying to tease the pants off the man even after he realized he'd never do it. He could see the outline of Mike's cock swing one way then the other as he tugged. It was too exciting. Reaching up he lightly tickled his fingers over Mike's bare midriff.

Mike's body involuntarily shrank from his sensual tormenters touch but it had nowhere to go. So he bit his lip, stifling a breathy gasp, as the tickle served to frustrate and arouse him even further.

The sound of Mike's truncated whimper shouted to the level of his arousal and realizing how turned on Mike was Michael felt his own level of lust rise higher. Hungry fingers worked the button to Mike's pants registering every incidental contact with Mike's erection. Intentionally he traced the trapped hot rod with the baby finger of his right hand as he lowered the zipper of Mike's pants.

For what seemed like forever Mike had been mentally willing Michael to touch his cock. In his desperation even the insulated stroke of Michael's little finger caused Mike's knees to weaken. Mike's droop stopped instantly as Michael's voice added an "Uh, uh" to the quiet room.

Breaking into a broad, twisted sexual grimace at how out of control Mike seemed to be, Michael managed to get the slacks off of Mike's hips. As they dropped Michael took a second to pull Mike's socks and shoes off making sure the pants quickly followed.

In porn after porn Michael had seen men kissing or attempting to suck a lovers cock through their underwear. Never until now did he find that exciting. However when Mike's pants fell and he saw the swelled outline of Mike's cock under the thin fabric he could control his desire to put his mouth on it. Its resilient firmness and searing heat passed right through that mixed cotton fabric. Every exquisite bit of Mike's cock shown on the thin material as a distinct outline making it impossible to ignore. With hands and mouth Michael explored.

Under the not so subtle urging of Michael's hands Mike was made to spread his legs wide apart.

Mike tried to keep as still as possible under Michael's attentions but he could not keep from writhing. Super sensitive to every touch, kiss and taste Mike wanted more direct contact. In his silence Mike's demanding screams echoed within his head. His loudest scream was for Michael to strip him, to leave him naked and assailable. Crazy images kept searing through his mind and one vision reappeared again and again. And, that image was Michael doing this to him in front of other lusting men. Stripping him for all of their eyes to devour. Seeing multiple men showing pent up lust for him in the full hardness of their own cocks.

He never reflected on how this thought conflicted with his desire for a close intimate relationship with the man he was coming to know better. Such a wild thought worked within the imagined structure of their beginning relationship. This was, another, something for them to do together. With that though foremost he pressed his hips against Michael's roaming lips.

The expanding precum stain fueled Michael's arousal as it signaled the heightened level of Mike's hungered urgency. It was always better for Michael when he knew his partner wanted this as much or more than he did and Michael loved how men showed their desire in the signs of precum and erections. That was why sex with men was so insanely scintillating. No games, no hidden questions it was pure, honest movement, arousal and glorious wet powerful release.

Unable to contain himself any longer Michael had to see Mike's cock! Evil mischief made him slip his fingers under the elastic of Mike's white underwear and pull down. We all know the unforgiving pull as the waistband of our shorts traps our cocks. How we bend and succumb to the insistent stretch, as our erection is wonderfully mistreated. Mike's cock so comfortably pressed tight against his body became a hot, thick, male tent pole as it was tugged downward. Michael shuddered as the root of Mike's cock became visible. It rose from a mixed, stately, nestled bed of dark pubic hair with a few grayer hairs highlighting the maturity of this elegant man.

Mike's cock still trapped came in to view centimeter by centimeter. The firm veined shaft so beautiful, hard and shiny from its lengthened state made Michael's body tingle. Poor Mike did all he could to keep his hands above his head as his penis was pulled and teased. Looking down at his lover Mike felt his cock give an involuntary twitch at Michael's intense focus on his slowly revealed sex.

Feeling like a ram in heat Mike arched his back and thrust his hips despite how it increased the tension of his bending cock. In fact he relished how much it spotlighted the attention on his own cock and balls. It made him feel exquisitely nasty and male. Michael too reacted to the way Mike's cock fought the bend oh so strong and hard.

With most of his shaft exposed Mike waited anxiously to witness Michael's reaction when it was freed. Michael had begun to run one finger down the length of Mike's shaft tracing the wiggling route of one vein then another. Once the tip met the elastic waistband it nudged Mike's shaft downward and then he pried the wet tip of his dick free. The bound energy in his bent cock shot it into his stomach with a very satisfying heavy thump made all that much better by Michael's breathy.


Stunned by how just freeing his buddies cock rocketed his own lust Michael quickly pulled Mike's shorts free leaving him mostly naked. He looked over his rutting ready friend and traced the lines of his body. His body was still partially covered by that loose hanging coat and shirt... In a fluid motion he pulled them off too. Standing and backing away Michael fill his eyes with Mike's naked, erect form. He already knew from their chats that neither of them was a dedicated bottom and as he drank in the shear sexiness of his buddy he knew one of them was going to get fucked. Michael standing there looking at Mike began to undress himself.

Next: Chapter 5

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