Mike and Michael

By paul allen

Published on Aug 28, 2017


Good reading all this is the third short chapter establishing the story. As such it only hints at the intimacy to come. The more erotic parts of the story begin in the next chapter. If you followed the story to this point then thank you oh so very much. I hope you've enjoyed it so far. After you read don't forget to support Nifty with a donation.

If you're enjoying the story take a moment to drop me a line at allenpaul570@gmail.com. Your thoughts and words are the only payment we authors ever receive... Thanks in advance.

Mike and Michael - Chapter 3 (c)Michael Whale 2017

Michael watched Mike retreat lost in his own confusion. He was shocked, a bit stunned and instantly on guard. Mike was so very genuine in his shame that he was actually cute. More than cute he was wonderfully endearing. Reactions completely in character with the guy Michael had come to know online.

Seeing Mike leave so overwhelmed left Michael felling devastated. This was the man he had grown closer to that any other on the planet and when he caught Mike's eyes welling up Michael's misplaced anger vanished. How could he do this to a friend let alone someone so very special? His eyes too began to fill in sympathy as his mind raced trying to figure a way out of the pile of crap he was standing in. Catching Amy off in a corner he made a beeline to her.

Mean while, Mike angrier at himself than he had ever been chastised his foolish actions as he waved his arm for a cab. A grown man should have known better. Eyes burning he climbed back into a cab for the journey back to his hotel.

Michael spent those seconds grilling Amy to find out the shipping address for Mike's painting but the phone number associated with the receipt went to a recording telling him they were closed and to call back during normal business hours. Mike's cell phone went unanswered and racking his mind Michael just couldn't figure how to rectify his error in a timely fashion. Just when he was ready to give up hope Amy remembered that Mike had mentioned the Luciern Hotel.

Miles away Mike exited the cab, stoop shouldered, and feeling completely diminished. He detested the thought of going up to his empty, lonely room and instead he took the elevator to the second floor bar. A good stiff Scotch sounded like the perfect way to blot out the evening's ugly memories. He was going to get drunk. Luck was with him as the last unoccupied seat was a plush two person couch in a secluded corner of the bar facing the windows. He nestled down into its relaxing overstuffed embrace. Ordered a single malt Laphroaig, adding, "make it a double". Waiting for his drink Mike was lost in thought and he idly watched the comings and goings on the street a level below him.

The hubbub of New York was a huge part of its charm and when his drink arrived he silently toasted the city. Mike took one good sip savoring its heady smoky flavor and enjoying the burn as it ran down his throat. It had been a long day and one recently filled with disappointment. The distinct wood burned aroma of this fine scotch drifted up as he took a second sip finally feeling the relaxing nature of the alcohol. Holding up the cut crystal glass filled with the dark amber liquid he marveled at how the light sparked citrine gold within it depths. So engrossed in the dance of light and color he almost missed the figure rushing towards the door with the unwieldy package.

It wasn't possible but sure enough it was Michael carrying an item hastily wrapped in brown butcher paper. From the size and shape it was clear as to its contents and Michael's determined walk showed that he was clearly on a mission. 'Oh damn,' Mike though guessing this was going to be an ugly scene and decided to get it over with quickly. Heading to the elevator he rushed to head off Michael before he could make it passed the reception desk.

With a ding the elevator slowed, jerked and when the doors slid open Mike found himself face to face with Michael.

"Looking for me?" Mike asked as Michael blinked in stunned, sudden surprise.

"Aaaa... well... I thought... Ummm..." The normally glib Michael kept tripping over his words trying to find a way to start the conversation and was failing spectacularly.

The elevator doors tried to close but Mike pushed them back in temper. With a surrendering whooshed, they retreated and remained open. Cruelly, Mike waited in silence for Michael's brain to catch up with his mouth. Seconds passed before Michael managed in little more than a whisper.

"Can we talk."

Michael's request was so tender and subdued that it dissipated most of Mike's petulance. Lacking the heart to abuse the poor fellow Mike shrugged his shoulders saying...

"I have an abandoned drink in the bar. Is that an okay place to talk or do you want something more private?"

"The bar will work."

Mike nodded and stepped aside so Michael could join him. They remain totally silent for the short ride. Moments later the two of them were sitting in the bar side by side on the small couch. A second drink was ordered for Michael and the wrapped painting sat between them forming a forbidding barrier.

Michael just didn't know where to begin having behaved so badly. His emotions ran edgingly close to the surface as he vividly remembered Mike's eyes filled with tears. His need to apologize for his behavior overpowering but each time he tried to speak his throat tightened. Finally, managing only a weak squeak he said.

"I'm sorry Mike."

The seconds of silence that followed these little words seemed to last forever. When it became clear that Mike wasn't going to make this easy Michael continued.

"It's just that your sudden appearance shocked and scared me. I've never felt this attracted to anyone and that also scared me. I don't have a good history with relationships and suddenly there you were, real, warm and here. I know how weak that sounds but I couldn't run so I guess instead I became an asshole. Then when I saw how my words and actions had hurt you I realized how important you were. I'm so ashamed of how poorly I've treated you. I truly am sorry... Please tell me you understand."

As their energy levels waned both men lost themselves in the seas of their own calming emotions

Michael lifted his gaze ever so slowly finally looking deep into Mike's eyes for the first time ever... Hazel, his eyes were hazel, flecked with liquid pools of green and gold Michael found his whole being drawn into their fathoms. Unable to pull his vision from Mike's he reached out and tenderly took one of Mike's hands. Keenly aware of it's soft warmth and guided it to the package between them. Baring his soul he confessed...

"You're the lover I was planning to give this to. It looks like serendipity meant for you to have this... one way or another. I painted it for you before we ever met."

The words echoed within Mike's heart. Touched more than he had ever been he looked to the window of the bar to their reflection and drank in Michael's every movement. The gentle shift of his head, the way Michael's eyes ran over his face. Then in a disjointed, sensual mist Mike watched as Michael's other hand came up reached towards his cheek and then the reflection became more than real as he felt the contact. Mike melted into the warmth of touch and uncontrolled he leaned into Michael's exploring fingers.

Mike shifted his gaze to Michael's face and their eyes locked hard and fierce. Michael's fingers brushed against Mike's beard, caressing as they tingled towards his ear. They continued until Michael cupped Mike's head in his hand. His fingers wrapping around the back of his neck and with the lightness of a feather they drew Mike's face closer to his own.

Mike's eyes snapped back to the window once again so he could give the bar a quick once over to see if they were being watched. A wicked little twinge stirred as the 'being watched' thought passed over him. While his exhibitionist side was titillated it wasn't prudent to be too open about displays of affection.

He was relieved to see no one looking towards their secluded little spot. Closing the gap Mike tilted his head to meet Michael's while reaching out and resting a hand on Michael's thigh. Mike loved the warm, firm feel of Michael's upper leg amazed by how this simple touch aroused him. His insides had been unruly all night and now he felt the eager sensual turmoil deep within only to be multiplied a hundred fold when their lips met.

Next: Chapter 4

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