Mike and Michael

By paul allen

Published on Aug 28, 2017


Good reading all this is the second chapter of many and it further sets the tone for the chapters to come so don't expect any action... yet. That will come soon. Enjoy the story and don't forget to support Nifty with a donation. Along the path if you enjoy the story drop me a line at allenpaul570@gmail.com. Thanks in advance.

Mike and Michael - Chapter 2 (c)Michael Whale 2017

The lights of the city passed by in jewel bright colors only half seen as Mike sat back and thought of Michael. Would he still be the same kindred sprit he had come to know? Hell, were the pictures he sent even of himself? Such are the misgivings we share in this internet age and with each question his riotous insides flipped yet again. The cab's sudden swerve to the curb brought Mike back into the 'now'. With a glance at the meter an exchange of a couple bills Mike popped the door open and took the first few steps into a new affair.

The Art District was bustling with people and galleries. Each storefront window stood bright and alive composing stories written in motion and bright colors. Gals and guys in fine array swam in, out and around vast collections of curiously vivid paintings, sculptures and objets d'art. Exactly like the multicolored tropical fish tanks in a pet store. The only thing missing was the small treasure chest whose lid would bob up and down under the never-ending escape of air bubbles.

This little art community hummed with a warm creative chaos and Mike took to it immediately. Glancing up at a doorway Mike caught the number and guessed he was about five doorways from his destination. Each step made him tingle and it wasn't the number on the entrance that told him that he had found the gallery instead he recognized the paintings. More specifically he smiled seeing the painting he had bought online prominently displayed with a boldly visible 'SOLD' tag.

The little store was packed and animated. Beautiful people mingled everywhere; hands around wine glasses, with a formal serving staff winding through the crowd balancing silver platters adorned with elegant Hors d'oeuvres. Plucking up his courage Mike stepped over the threshold and past his point of no return. For better or worse he was now committed. Looking about he felt great about what he had chosen to wear. In the hotel he had felt a bit over dressed but now looking at the finely coiffure women and smartly clad men he felt he belonged.

His looked exactly like who he was, an accomplished, hard working, successful businessman. His indulgences were a softly colored blue shirt and a favorite scarf woven in a native Sante Fe pattern. He let the scarf drape over his shoulders and hang down loose and free. The shirt and scarf were just the right amount of color to offset his suit. A quick check of his reflection in the window added to his confidence.

A cute boy holding a tray of wine glasses looked up, smiled at him and took the few steps his way.

"Would you care for a glass of wine? The white is a Napa dry Pinot Gris with subtle hints of white nectarine. The red is a Willamette Valley Cabernet from Oregon. It too is dry with earthy highlights giving off flavors of black currants and lavender."

With a thanks Mike took the red and had to suppress a smile as he watched the server's bottom walk away. Slightly distracted by the good-looking waiter he almost missed an overly, friendly, smiling woman approaching. This had to be the gallery owner. Sure enough...

"Welcome to our show. This is your first time here isn't it? I usually remember an aficionado as distinguished as yourself."

Wow she was laying it on thick! With a salesman's ease she slipped her arm around his and lead him deeper into the gallery.

"Here let me acquaint you with this fine artist's work. No doubt you've already noticed the stark power and contrasts of his paintings. The importance and depth of his work just demanded that he be given his own showing."

Mike felt her press her boob into his arm. Was this part of her sales technique or could she actually be flirting with him? If she thought her boob would interest him the she'd missed her mark by miles. What Mike wanted pressed against him wasn't a woman's soft boob. Breaking a growing awkward silence Mike looked into her eyes adding.

"Actually I'm aware of this artist's work. The painting displayed in the front window is the one I purchased online."

"Oh my, you must be Mike! You're in town? I thought you lived in California?"

"I am and I do" He responded trying to answer both questions at once.

"I'm here on business staying at the Luciern for a few days."

"Come, then you must meet the artist. Let the two of us give you a double welcome and double thanks. And, may I be the first to congratulate you on you fine taste."

This woman had her shit together to be able to recall his name and with a charming glance he said.

"Thank you and I'm sorry but I can't recall your name."

"Amy Ross and I'm glad to meet you in person." She said as she extended her hand.

"I can't tell you how excited the artist was to find out one of his paintings had sold before the opening! He's thrilled that you added that painting to your collection. A little disappointed too because it's one of his most prized paintings"

With a few clandestine glances and a hushed voice she added.

"I tell you a secret. Before you purchased it he was planning to give it to a lover after the show."

Mike's heart sank at those words. Michael had never mentioned that he had a lover and now Mike felt like he was intruding. His pace slowed but under the Amy's pull he was forcefully tugged towards the back of the gallery. His heart pounded in his chest. In less that three steps he saw him.

Michael was all that Mike had expected and hoped for. Good looking, well taken care of, trim, healthy and sporting a come closer smile which he seemed to be sharing with those all about him. Mike's eyes darted from face to face as he tried to guess which one of them would be Michael's "lover".

"Michael, Michael!" Amy called out. "You must meet Mike! He's the one that purchased your "Soaring".

Mike's world seemed to implode as Michael looked up and froze in obvious recognition. With a quick glance at Amy, Michael extended his hand too formally and said too coolly.

"You're too kind and I hope you know I put a little piece of me into each of my works. So please take care of 'Soaring' and give it a good home. I almost gave it to a love I thought I knew."

Awkward doesn't begin to explain the tension that was building between the two men.

"Please walk with me and I'll share some of my feelings as I painted it."

Turning to the small group around him he said.

"You'll have to excuse me..."

With a wink he added.... "A paying customer after all."

The chill in his delivery of those words was clear. Mike nearly bolted away from the impending catastrophe. Instead he told himself... You got yourself into this so toughen up and take what you've earned. What the hell do you expect anyway? Showing up unannounced like some childish, mad stalker you must have been out of your mind.

Mike began to stumble through a hushed, hurried apology.

"I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't have done this but I had business here in New York and I couldn't say anything because I didn't think I'd have any free time to meet you. I could only imagine the level of your hurt if I told you I was in town during your show and yet couldn't come to it. Again, I'm sorry and Amy just told me you we going to give that painting to a lover. So for acting a fool please let me give it to you so you can give it to the man you love. I'm so sorry for intruding. I'll leave as quickly as etiquette allows."

"Stop saying you're sorry! And, yes, seeing you out of context, here, now, and to find out you bought my paintings is a lot to handle all at once. It does seem a bit like stalkerish behavior. I'll have Amy arrange a refund for you."

"I don't want or deserve a refund. I've been a fool please take the painting and give it to your loved one as planned. At least that way I can feel as if I've paid for my stupid behavior."

With a quick shake of hands Mike turned and bolted away embarrassed by the situation and his sudden escaping tears. He couldn't make it to the curb fast enough.

Next: Chapter 3

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