Mike and Me

By Mike

Published on Apr 15, 2005


Well, what a week! I woke up Thursday morning a little sore in the ass department, but thinking about my experience the night before was making me hard again. I stumbled out of bed and headed to the shower, where I enjoyed a nice leisurely shower soaping my dick over and over until I was at the brink of exploding. I got out and dried off and grabbed a bite to eat before putting on my clothes. My dick never went soft as I sat there, naked, enjoying my breakfast and thinking about the past three days. After cleaning up my breakfast dishes I went to my bedroom and lay down on my bed and slow worked my dick until I came. The cum pooled on my stomach and I rolled over and scooped up as much as I could in my hand and brought it to my mouth, licking my hand clean. I cleaned myself up and dressed for work and off I went.

About 10:30 that morning I received a call from Jill inviting me for dinner. I quickly accepted (a bit too quickly) and I felt my dick begin to swell. The day dragged on and I thought five would never come. At the end of the day, I rushed home to change, grabbed a bottle of wine and headed over to Don and Jill's. Jill answered the door and greeted me with a kiss and a hand rubbing my crotch. My dick jumped at the attention as she invited me in. She took the bottle of wine and said that Don wasn't home yet, but we could certainly entertain ourselves until he got there.

She poured us each a glass of wine and we sat down on the couch. She was wearing a pair of short shorts and tight fitting t shirt with no bra. She sat cross-legged on the couch, facing me. I couldn't help but admire her breasts and I alternately gazed at her crotch, barely covered by the material of the shorts and her breasts. "Are you purposefully trying to drive me crazy?" I asked. She smiled and said, "Yes." I reached over to touch her breast, but she stopped me and said, "You'll just have to wait." My dick was straining against my pants and she reached over and rubbed the outline of my dick with her hand and said to my dick, "You'll have to wait too, big guy." I could feel a wet spot growing on my underwear.

"We wanted to invite you over to debrief your entry into the bisexual world," Jill said. She went on to talk about how those first experiences can really rock one's universe. I asked her to tell me about her first experience and she smiled at me and began to tell me all about it.

"As you know, I went to college on a full athletic scholarship for my running." (Jill had been the star of the high school track team and was heavily recruited by several schools.) She continued, "They saw Olympic potential in me, so I was assigned a personal trainer the day I arrived. My trainer was a junior, who was a very good runner, but not quite strong enough to make the Olympic team. She was a little smaller than me with a very cute smile.

"I had been warned by many people before I went to college to beware of the female athletes, many of whom were reportedly lesbian. I dismissed the thought as hogwash, but found myself wondering about my trainer. Her named was Susie. She had small breasts, short hair, about 5"3" and maybe 100lbs soaking wet. She was in great shape and turned many heads on campus. Her knowledge of running was incredible and soon we became fast friends. We ran each and every day, sometimes slow and easy, other days hard and fast. I found myself enjoying running behind her, watching her cute little ass wiggle as she ran.

"After we ran she would command me to get on the training table, working out any tight spots in my legs before sending me to the showers. I was like putty in her hands and I soon began to fantasize about her sexual preferences. After about a month of this, I hatched a plan to see if she was interested in more than my running ability. I pretended to strain a ham-string and came limping to a stop halfway through our workout. She became very professional and very concerned with my well-being. "If anything happens to you," she said, "My name will be mud!"

(I found myself visualizing all of this while Jill talked. My dick ached for some stretching room and I saw a very tiny wet spot begin to show itself on Jill's crotch. She remained sitting cross-legged on the couch and I could see her nipples getting hard as she told her story. Absentmindedly, my hand fell to my lap. The weight of my hand made my dick jump in anticipation. Jill seemed not to notice and continued her story.)

"We went into the training facility and she put me up on the table and removed my running shorts. Her hands expertly went to my upper thigh, pressing carefully while asking me a series of questions. It was all I could do to keep my body from trembling as her hands worked themselves closer and closer to my pussy. I told her where it hurt and she briefly stopped and her head snapped up and she looked intensely into my eyes for a quick second and then she returned her gaze to her probing hands while continuing to ask me questions.

"For an instant, I thought I had been found out. My heart quickened and I felt myself beginning to get wet. My body started to quiver a bit as Susie's hands worked their way to my crotch. I gasped a bit as the back of her hand touched the fabric of my panties and she seemed to press against my crotch with the back of her hand while her fingers worked on my inner thigh. Involuntarily, I lifted my hips to press against the back of her hand and she stopped. I froze as she turned to face me and she said, "You're not hurt, are you?" The tears began to well up in my eyes, fearing I had ruined everything and then she said with a smile, "If you wanted more than running instructions, all you had to do was ask." She reached up and cupped my face and kissed me lightly on the forehead and told me to relax.

Her hands then went to work, caressing my head, my breasts and my legs until I thought I was in heaven. All the while my pussy aches to be touched, but she carefully avoided it. My whole body was tingling and my crotch was sopping wet. I was sure she could see my wetness and wondered why she wasn't touching me there. Finally, she placed her hand on my crotch and just pressed down, moving her hand in a gentle circular motion that caused me to gasp. I pressed my hips up to increase the pressure and I felt one of her fingers move forward between my pussy lips.

(Jill's wet spot was clearly visible now between her legs. My dick was hard as could be and then Jill commented about my wet spot, asking me if I was enjoying her story. I looked down and sure enough, a wet spot about the size of a quarter appeared on my pants. I smiled and said I was enjoying it as much as she was and directed my glance toward her wet spot. She looked down and smiled, running a finger over her wet spot and moaning slightly. About that time, Don came home and asked what we were up to. Jill spread her legs and showed Don her wet spot and then pointed to mine and he smiled. "I was just telling him about my adventures with Susie." Don refilled our wine glasses and sat down in a chair and said, "Please continue.")

"As Susie applied steady pressure on my crotch, she lowered herself to my breasts and began sucking one nipple. In seconds, the most intense orgasm ripped through my body and I cried out with pleasure. Susie stopped and told me to get dressed. My body was as limp as a rag doll as I obeyed her. She changed as well with very little communication between us. When we were ready to go, she told me to come with her. Silently I followed her. We got into her car and we drove to her apartment. I was a little nervous but as soon as we got inside, she turned to me smiling and said, "We will have more privacy here. My roommate just moved out with her boyfriend so we will not be interrupted." She gave me a hug and lightly kissed me on the lips and said, "Let's take a shower and get cleaned up."

"She helped me out of my clothes and then quickly stripped down herself. Her body was totally beautiful with just a small tuff of hair above her otherwise naked pussy. She took me by the hand and led me to the shower, which was barely big enough for the two of us. We squeezed in and soon the hot water was cascading down upon us. She reached for the soap and began washing my body, totally turning me on. My arms naturally opened to embrace her as our wet, soapy bodies meshed in the shower. My hands found her ass and I caressed her backside as our breasts pressed together. She looked into my eyes and smiled at me and gently pressed her lips to mine. The passion was making me weak in the knees.

"We finished showering and dried off and she took me to her bed. She lay me down and continued to caress my body and this time she did not neglect my crotch. Her mouth on my pussy was the most intense feeling I had ever had up to that point in my life. After bringing me through a series of orgasms, she curled beside me and kissed me again.

"I wanted to touch her, to taste her, to do to her what she did to me. My hands found their way to her body as I rolled over toward her and I began to lick and suck on her breasts. She sighed heavily as she surrendered to my advancements. I worked my way down her tummy and found myself staring into her moist pussy. Her hands were on my head, gently moving me closer to her honey pot. I inhaled deeply her scent, and then started kissing her swollen lips. She moaned with pleasure as I progressed to short licks, then long licks as tasted her sweetness. I closed my mouth on her clit and she began bucking against my face, using her hands to keep me in place. She came hard in a series of convulsions that shook her body before collapsing in apparent exhaustion on the bed.

"I looked up at her and smiled. She had a look of total satisfaction on her face. Eyes closed, she let out a few moans and sighs. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and saw me staring at her. She motioned me to curl up beside her so I complied. She held me in her arms and we drifted off to sleep."

As Jill completed her story, I was beside myself with sexual energy. Her wet spot had grown. My wet spot had grown. At some point, Don had unzipped his pants and was slowly stroking his dick. Jill smiled and said, "Well, I see you liked my story." She stood and pealed off her shorts and panties and tossed them to Don. He caught them and placed the wet spot of her panties in his mouth, sucking the juices and inhaling the smells. Jill knelt before me and unzipped my pants and pulled them off. Then she reached for my underwear, the front of which was also soaked, and pealed them off, freeing my now throbbing dick. She held the underwear to her mouth and sucked them a bit and then tossed them to Don, who alternated between his wife's panties and mine.

She unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off and then took her top off and we were naked on the couch. Don quickly followed suit and then said, "Okay, what do you want to do next?" I was ready for some hot fucking and sucking, but Jill had other ideas. "Don, it is your turn. Tell Michael about your first bisexual experience. Don looked at me with a smile and asked, "Do you want to hear it?" I said, "FUCK YES!!"


Next: Chapter 5

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