Mike and Martin

By Mike Austin

Published on Oct 28, 2021


Mike and Martin by Mike Austin



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It was after midnight when I decided to turn in. As I headed to my room, Chris came in the back French Doors from the patio and his guest suite, rubbing his now shirtless furry upper torso. "Is the sleepy bear hungry" I posed? And Chris nodded yes and moved to the kitchen. "How about some scrambled eggs, light yet nourishing" I offered and Chris again nodded yes; as I instructed him to drop some bread for toast and began fixing the eggs. He sat head in his hands, silent as I buttered the toast and plated the 4 eggs and served the troubled man seated at the bar. I poured a glass of milk and then one for me and sat Chris' before him, then took up a barstool opposite him at the island. "We'll figure a way through this chaos buddy, just take one step at a time" I offered. Chris downed the toast, eggs and milk in a flash and I asked if he wanted more? He shook his head no; turned to look out at the patio and remained silent. I gave him his own quiet time, stood and giving him a hug, told him the house was his for as long as he needed it and that I was only a room away if he needed to talk, then bid him a good night. I knew I'd never experience this trouble and just wanted to be there for my friend; a man I respected. It was now Sunday and I'd had a long 36 hours filled with topsy turvy emotions and just needed my own rest/deep sleep.

Before falling asleep, I tried to imagine Chris' problem and a solution; before finding myself jacking off. When I woke Sunday morning, I found Chris curled up on the den sofa snoring deeply. I didn't want to wake him so just put on the coffee then returned to my room to shower and dress, hoping that by the time I was done, Chris and the coffee might be ready too. It worked and as I came back to the kitchen, I saw Chris standing at the French Doors, cup of coffee in hand and the outline of his torso framed by those same French Doors. He turned, gave me a salute with his coffee mug, as I filled my own and we stood in silence staring at each other. Crossing the room, I reached him and gave another major hug which he embraced eagerly. Even stressed as he was, the bulge in his crotch was substantial; though I denied myself any actions there. "How do pancakes sound for breakfast bud" I inquired? His face lit up and a big grin and nod of approval told all. He helped with the plates and table as I prepped the batter and got Mom's big cast iron skillet ready. In no time we were devouring pancakes, me four and Chris five; washing them down with milk. I'd soon urge Chris to get cleaned up and we'd sort through his luggage and files, and get him settled in. Chris' cell rang and I gathered it was Rico, reaching out? Chris stepped from the room onto the patio. Mine rang and it was Martin, calling for an update. I was courteous but abrupt and told him that we'd just finished breakfast and were going to get him settled into my place for the time being. Martin remarked that he and Rico had talked about the three moving into Martin's place as the remodel was about done or would be done by the end of next week. "WHAT" I yelled into the phone? Martin tried to settle me down, but I was pissed off and just hung up. Chris re-entered the den and sort of waving his cell up, declared Rico and Martin's idea about moving into Martin's place when it was done. He continued, "it will save money and Rico's studio is too small for two people anyway". Frustrated, I remarked, "whatever you want man, but you need to face other facts too and while saving some bucks will help, you're welcome here for as long as you need and sort out your family situation". Chris joined me for a coffee refill and gave me a thank you hug, that lingered, then we sat back at the island and he agreed to getting settled into the room for the time being, stood, then walked across the patio to the guest room and his chore.

A week and half later, Martin had taken off for moving day, which included Rico's few pieces of furniture as they got settled into 1109 Hardcastle Ct. I was in San Diego again at the client's, but got a full on recap from Chris. I was flying back Saturday, but made no plans to visit the new place next door. I just needed to decompress. Turning onto my street, I saw Juan's truck and heard his lawn equipment roaring at full blast. I flashed back to the head job I'd delivered him, then saw Chris' truck in the driveway next door as I pulled in. Emptying my luggage and getting laundry going, I stood reflecting on this entire situation and was eager to get Chris' status, but had no plan to pry. The side door opened slowly. It was Chris. After a tense hug, he began by welcoming me home as I led us to the kitchen where I already had a pot of coffee brewing. He relayed that his wife and he had agreed to divorce and try to make it amicable, though he knew he was going to lose the house and it would be costly. They'd agreed to him paying for a single attorney since he wasn't contesting anything and basically just wanted it all to be over and settled, so he could get on with his life and his soon-to-be ex, could do so as well. The target goal was to finalize everything before year-end and settle their final tax filing, giving a fresh start for the New Year. The attorney felt that date was realistic giving the mutual agreements set forth. After the recap and we finished our coffees, the dryer buzzer went off and it was a sign to end the meeting and gave Chris an easy excuse to go back to 1109 and me to move on with my mail, etc. I watched the man leave and wonder "what if".......?

I'd had several repeats in San Diego, including a cop who was an outstanding topman. Now back home though, I wanted sex to drown my emotions about the matter next door, and headed to the ABS for relief. I recognized a few vehicles. There were only a few guys in booths and no one in the hallway, which I found odd. The first booth I checked out was a regular feeder. My routine GH finger swipe, got the Feeder's attention. He turned to the hole and fed me his dick. I swallowed and lapped and sucked, then deepthroated him just as he shot his wad. Balls drained, he zipped up and left. Before I could stand up, another guy stepped into the booth while groping his crotch. I remained in position, hovering anxiously on the other side of the wall. He didn't disappoint. I guessed him to be 40ish, Latin, fat uncut dick and furry crotch, low hanging balls. He flopped the semi-hard dick at the gloryhole and teased me like I crave. I licked my tongue through the hole to stroke his slick dickhead. That was all the incentive he needed and fed that awesome dick through the hole and into my hungry mouth. He leaned against the wall as I swallowed him and the wall squeaked a bit from his weight against it, the dick continued to grow in my mouth. He slowly began to fuck my mouth, another craving of mine, then abruptly pulled back from the hole. Then he motioned for me to join him in his booth. As I stood to leave my both for his, I heard the latch ease open and I stepped inside. The stud had grey hair at the temples and that awesome cock jutting from his fly. In no time I relocked the door and dropped to a squat before my Feeder and devoured his dick. He clamped my head and skullfucked me breathing heavily, until he shoved in and held my head still, then dumped his load down my throat. My throat muscles finished him off. I stood, he zipped up and we both left the booth. The two loads helped quell my anxiety and need. I headed back home for a shower and that waiting stack of mail. Seated at my desk, I heard the edger and the mower sounds outside. I looked and found Juan and his nephew working on my yard. Both were shirtless on this overly warm Fall day. The nephew must have been working out and showed off his upper torso and pumped pecs and biceps and enticing treasure trail. I'm not usually into young, but that stud was so fucking hot!!! I wondered about their Thanksgiving and if there were other hot men like Juan and his nephew in their family??? What a scene; bottoming for their family of studs, I mused!!!!!

Chris shared that on December 5, he and his wife would sign the final divorce decree and the attorney would submit it to the court. As there was no contest, they'd not have to get a court docket date and appear and the judge would just sign off on the decree and the clerk would mail the final papers. It all would be done, perhaps even before Christmas. In fact the Christmas holidays came and went, the divorce was settled and Martin had invited me for a New Year's Eve party which I declined. The bond we'd made seemed to be gone. I'd renewed my connection with liquor store clerk Jeremy however, who came by almost every night after work. Soon after the first, Jeremy and I got a bit more serious and I invited him to move in with me, saving him the expense of his apartment. He accepted and made the move-in happen as of the end of January. I loved that long dick and he was pretty content with my mouth and ass, so we both won....... I arranged my next client trip to San Diego to coincide with Jeremy's Spring break and he joined me there; having never been before. We had a great time and several group scenes....

Jeremy had been a voice of reason and urged me to renew my friendship with Martin. One back from the Spring Break/Client Trip, I had a small party and invited Martin, Chris and Rico as well as a few others over for an Early Rite of Spring festival where costumes were encouraged. Jeremy dressed as Pan, I as a Roman Senator, Martin came as Apollo, Chris as Mars, Rico was Ganymede, and the 5 others dressed as Greeks or Romans. At the end of it, two joined Chris, Rico and Martin at his place. Jeremy and I invited another guest to stay which he did. While the party ended at 1, our private partying didn't end until 4 and when we woke Sunday morning we were all still fatigued from post-party sex. The party did the trick though and re-established my friendship with Martin. That was many years ago now. Jeremy and I are still together and enjoy group scenes on a pretty regular basis. There's a new guy Jeroh, at the liquor store, Arab and sexy as fuck. Dark hairy torso, huge dick and non-stop breeder and feeder. He enjoys 3 ways with me and Jeremy, as do we. He may join us as a housemate? Martin scored Juan a few years ago and he joins the Martin, Chris and Rico action about once a week to every 10 days. The ABS closed last week and with it a long history of great sex, good people, did I mention HOT SEX??? Lives change and real estate must as well. I think a Goodwill store is opening in the former ABS lease space. Such irony!!!!!!

Thanks for reading my story.....

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